2019-2020年高考英语一轮总复习 Module11 Unit1 Careers and skills同步训练 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮总复习 Module11 Unit1 Careers and skills同步训练 新人教版.单项填空(5 min.)1. A polite gesture can _ other job applicants when you are interviewed. A. give the edge overB. take the edge offC. hold the edge inD. be at the cutting edge of2. My brother is an actor. He _ in several films so far. A. appears B. appeared C. has appeared D. is appearing 3. Wearing a pair of shorts and a vest is definitely not _ when youre going for an interview! A. respectable B. changeable C. admirable D. acceptable 4. _ is now widely accepted that a gap year is more than just a year away from studying. A. It B. As C. That D. What 5. Im telephoning _ your advertisement in 21st Century for an English editor.A. in reply to B. in response toC. respond to D. in reply for6. Every time he had the chance, he would talk about the great difficulty he had _ in the new country. A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. settle 7. The world _ never needed mutual understanding, mutual toleration and mutual cooperation as much as it _ today. A. have; is B. had; has C. had; will D. has; does 8. As is known to us all, _, the situation will get worse. A. not if dealt carefully with B. if not dealt carefully with C. if dealt not carefully with D. not if carefully dealt with 9. Does Jim do his new job well? _ his old job. How stupid! I fear theres no hope for him. A. No better than B. Not better than C. Not so well as D. No as well as 10. _, I have to focus my attention on study this week.A. However playing is amusing B. No matter amusing playing is C. However amusing playing is D. No matter how playing is amusing . 阅读理解(8 min.)The man who invented CocaCola was not a native Atlanta, but on the day of his funeral every drugstore in town shut up the shop in honor of him. He was John Styth Pemberton, born in 1833 in Knoxville, Georgia, eighty miles away. Pemberton was a chemist, sometimes known as doctor, who, during the Civil War, became an officer and led a cavalry troop. He settled in Atlanta in 1869, and soon began making such patent medicines as Triplex Liver Pills and Globe of Flower Cough Syrup.In 1885, he registered a trademark for something called French Wine CocaIdeal Nerve and Tonic Stimulant. A few months later, he formed the Pemberton Chemical pany, and hired an accountant named Frank M. Robinson, who had not only a good head for figures, but, attached to it, so unique a nose that he could judge the ingredients of a batch of syrup merely by sniffing it. In 1886 a year in which, as contemporary CocaCola officials like to point out, the English writer Conan Doyle made Sherlock Holmes known publicly and France found the truth about the Statue of Liberty Pemberton invented a syrup that he called CocaCola. It was a change of his French Wine Coca. He had taken out the wine and added a bit of caffeine, and, when the end product tasted awful, had thrown in some cola nut oil and a few other oils, mixing the mixture in a threelegged iron pot in his back yard and swishing it around with an oar. He distributed it to soda fountains in used beer bottles, and Robinson, with his elegant accounts script, instantly designed a label, on which “CocaCola” was written in the style which is still employed. Pemberton looked upon his mixture less as a drink than as a headache cure.One morning in 1886, a man suffering from a headache dragged himself into an Atlanta drugstore and asked for a bottle of CocaCola. According to usual practice, druggists should pour a teaspoonful of syrup into a glass of water, but at that time, the man on duty was too lazy to walk to the freshwater tap. Instead, he mixed the syrup with some soda water, which was closer at hand. After drinking it, the suffering customer cheered up almost at once, and word quickly spread that the best CocaCola was a fizzy (冒泡泡的)one. 1. According to the passage, which of the following about Pemberton is WRONG?A. He was highly respected by Atlantans because of his great contribution. B. Medicines like Triplex Liver Pills and Globe of Flower Cough Syrup are his patent products. C. During the Civil War, he was an officer of a cavalry troop, a chemist and a doctor.D. CocaCola which is very popular now was invented by him.2. Why do contemporary CocaCola officials especially like to mention the year 1886?A. Because Conan Doyle contributed to Pembertons CocaCola invention.B. Because France sent the Statue of Liberty to America and Pemberton loved it.C. Because they are still proud of Pembertons invention.D. Because Pemberton made more money for the pany this year than in any other year.3. What does the passage tell us about Frank M. Robinson?A. He helped his boss and began making patent medicines together with his boss in 1869. B. He had a special nose with an acute sense of smell and especially was good at drawing.C. When he found the end product tasted awful, he threw in some cola nut oil and other oils.D. He designed a label “CocaCola” for the CocaCola pany with his elegant handwriting.4. How did Pemberton change French Wine Coca formula to make it taste delicious?A. He mixed it with several oils instead of water. B. He put some beer into the mixture.C. He added more coffee into the mixture than before. D. He added some cola nut oil and a few other oils.5. According to the passage, what was CocaCola intended for at first?A. It was intended for the children as a soft drink. B. It was intended for a substitute for French Wine Coca.C. It was intended for a cure for the mon headache. D. It was intended for the need of the war.阅读填空(10 min.)Many students eat their breakfast on the way to school or in the dining room? But some of them dont really know how to eat well when eating out.Here is some important advice. The first is to eat less fast food. The most obvious harm of eating fast food is weight gaining because of too much fat. Young people and adults are at risk of diseases related to weight.Too much fast food can drag you down. French fries, for example, were recently found to contain much more acryl amide (丙烯酰胺) than other food. This may cause cancer. Actually, deep fried food all contains acryl amide. So dont eat it too often.Soda is another thing you should watch out for. Cokes and other sodas contain a lot of sugar and can slow down a persons calcium absorption (钙吸收), so its best to drink as little soda as possible.Food in the dining room may not be as tasty as fast food, but its actually easier to make healthy choices. Human bodies need variety. You can have a meal that balances lean proteins, vitamins and plex carbohydrates (碳水化合物). In other words, a meal with fish or meat, vegetables and some bread or rice will provide you with most nutrients that the body needs.Some snacks, on the other hand, will help keep you going until the next big meal. It is natural for teenagers, especially boys, to feel hungry during school time. Dont forget to take some food, like whole grain biscuits or lowfat milk in your school bag.Title: 1. _AdviceFood2. _3. _KindEat lessfast foodFrench fries and other4. _Dont eat5. _Cause weightEat lessacryl amide6. _Unhealthy food7. _SodasLots of sugarSlow down 8. _Unhealthy foodEat in thedining roomFish or meat, vegetables and some bread and riceLean proteins, vitamins and plex carbohydratesProvide most nutrients the body needs9. _10. _Wholegrain biscuits or lowfat milkNot mentionedKeep you going until the next big mealHealthy food.写作(25 min.)观察下面的图画,根据图画的内容写一篇短文,说明你和你的爸爸对暑假的不同看法。1. 短文必须包括图画的主要内容,可以适当增减细节,使内容连贯。2. 词数不少于120词。生词:拐骗 (kidnap vt.)_Module 11Unit 1Unit 2.1. A句意:在面试时,礼貌的姿势能比其他求职者有胜算。2. C句意:我的哥哥是个演员。到目前为止他已经演过几部电影了。时间状语so far一般与现在完成时连用,故C正确。3. D句意:穿短裤和背心去面试是肯定无法接受的。respectable 值得尊敬的;changeable 易变的;admirable 值得赞扬的,令人尊敬的;acceptable 可接受的。 4. A句意:现在人们普遍承认休学实践年远远不止是一年不学习。it 作形式主语,真正的主语为that引导的从句。5. Bin response to 作为的回应。6. B句意: 每次只要有机会,他都会谈起他在那个新的国度里安家所遇到的困难。have difficulty (in) doing sth. “做某事有困难”。 7. D句意:这个世界从没有像今天这样需要相互理解、相互宽容和相互合作。第一空用现在完成时表示过去情况对目前状况的影响,第二空考查省略这一特殊用法。承前省略needs,而用助动词does来代替作从句谓语。8. B句意:众所周知,如果不好好处理的话,情形会变得更糟的。if引导的条件状语从句,省略了和主句相同的主语the situation, 又因deal with和主语有被动关系,故用dealt with, 其否定形式not dealt with。 9. A句意:吉姆的新工作如何?也不好。真蠢!恐怕他没什么希望了。no 比较级 than“两者都不”;not 比较级 than “前者不及后者”。10. C句意:不管玩是多么的有意思,这周我都得把注意力放在学习上。注意从句的语序。.1. C事实细节题。他是一名药剂师,有时也被当作医生,但那是在内战以后,内战中他只是一名军官,不符合题意。2. C推理判断题。 彭博顿在1886年发明可口可乐糖浆,永远是公司员工的骄傲。3. D事实细节题。倒数第二段罗宾逊用他那簿记员优雅的笔迹为它设计了一个标志可口可乐,他设计的字体至今仍在沿用。4. D事实细节题。由倒数第三段可知,在配制该产品时,味道不好,他又加入了一些可乐果精油,使其变得好喝起来。而且该产品被称为可口可乐,可见可乐果在其中有着相当重要的作用。5. C事实细节题。倒数第二段最后一句写到:彭博顿不认为他的发明是一种饮料,他一直认为这是一种治疗头痛用的药物。.1. Advice on breakfast综合全文内容再根据第一段和第二段第一句可判断。 2. Contents综合纵列内容再结合第三段French fries, for example, were recently found to contain much more acryl amide (丙烯酰胺) than other food.可判断。 3. Effect综合相应纵列内容可判断。4. deep fried food根据第三段Actually, deep fried food all contains acryl amide. So dont eat it too often.可判断。 5. too much fat根据第二段The most obvious harm of eating fast food is weight gaining because of too much fat.可判断。 6. Cause cancer根据第三段French fries, for example, were recently found to contain much more acryl amide (丙烯酰胺) than other food. This may cause cancer.可判断。7. Drink less soda根据第四段so its best to drink as little soda as possible可判断。8. calcium absorption根据第四段Cokes and other sodas contain a lot of sugar and can slow down a persons calcium absorption可判断。9. Healthy food根据第五段but its actually easier to make healthy choices可判断。10. Take some snacks根据最后一段内容可判断。.The summer holiday which Im looking forward to is ing. What great fun it is to go fishing! Playing football is one of my hobbies. I can climb high mountains or ride my bicycle. Sometimes I can play chess with my father. How interesting my holiday will be! But my father is always afraid I will be hurt by a truck, fall into the water, or fall off a tree. He is also afraid I will fight against others or be kidnapped by bad men. But if Im careful and polite enough, how could these things happen? Whats more, I think it is impossible for parents to keep their children in a cage like birds for safety. I must try my best to persuade my father.

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