浙江省2019届中考英语总复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题(十四)连词和状语从句试题 (新版)外研版.doc

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浙江省2019届中考英语总复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题(十四)连词和状语从句试题 (新版)外研版.doc_第1页
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浙江省2019届中考英语总复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题(十四)连词和状语从句试题 (新版)外研版.doc_第2页
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浙江省2019届中考英语总复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题(十四)连词和状语从句试题 (新版)外研版.doc_第3页
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语法专题(十四)连词和状语从句 语法综合演练.用适当的连词填空1.What have you learnt after three years study in China, Maria?I was taught knowledge good manners.2.“A white elephant” means something that is useless, it may cost a lot of money.3. we are careful, we cant do our work well. 4.Bus No. 26 was going along Zhonghua Road the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. 5. my sister I do well in our lessons. My mother is very proud of us.6. we want to arrive at ten, I dont think its necessary to start so early.7.Its not always safe to pay over the Internet, you should be careful.8.Hold your dream, you might regret some day.9.Give me a chance, Ill prove it to you.10.I hear Susan will go to Xinjiang alone.Thats true. her father her mother will go with her.11.I didnt realize he was a famous scientist you told me.12.Our teachers have been with us for nearly three years we came to junior high school. We should thank them for what they have done for us.13.Chen Wei isnt at school today he is taking a robot petition in Shanghai.14.It rained heavily the hiking to Tai Chi Lake was canceled.15. you live, I will find you at once.根据汉语意思完成句子1.许多人喜欢读报以便于能知道世界上正在发生的事情。Many people like reading newspapers they can learn whats happening in the world.2.我一收到你的来信就会打电话给你。I call you up I hear from you.3.我不知道你是否下周日去(参加)玛丽的聚会,如果你去,我也去。I dont know if you to Marys party next Sunday. If you go, .4.自从彼得来到中国,就一直住在杭州。Peter in Hangzhou he came to China.5.不论你是谁,都不准违反校规。 you are, you mustnt break the school rules.6.你和他都没有收到去英语晚会的邀请函。 you he an invitation to the English party.7.厉害了,我的国不仅帮助我们更多地了解我们的国家,而且让我们为祖国感到自豪。Amazing China helps us learn more about our country, makes us proud of her. 8.除非你在九月三日前更换你的护照,否则你将不得不放弃去美国的旅行。Youll have to the trip to America you have your passport changed before September 3.9.无论你遇到什么困难,你都应尽全力克服。 problems you meet, you should make an to deal with them.10.别发出噪音,因为有人在看书。 any noise someone is reading.xx日照 语法填空When doing Christmas shopping, Joy came across(偶遇) Nick, the least popular student in school because he wore strange clothes and had a face only a mother could love.After dinner, Joys family went 1. church for the Christmas Eve service. A man with Bible(圣经)read a story about Jesus, who came 2.(help)people on Earth. Joys thoughts kept turning back to Nick. It must be terrible to be lonely on Christmas Day with his parents dead. 3.(tear) started to run down her cheeks but she brushed them away. That night, while everyone else 4.(sleep)like a baby, Joy was thinking ways to help Nick. As soon as she heard her parents get up, she 5.(quick) jumped out of bed. She told 6. about Nick. Then she asked, “Shall we invite him over today?” “Sure,” said her mother who was always happy 7. guests came. Her father smiled. When Joy called Nick two hours later, he was deeply 8.(move). He joined them for dinner. To Joys surprise, she enjoyed spending time with him. Joy came to understand sharing Christmas cheer is the 9.(great) joy to Nick, even to 10. whole world.参考答案【语法综合演练】.1.not only; but also2.although/though3.Unless4.when5.Both; and6.If7.so8.or9.and10.Neither; nor11.until12.since13.because14.so; that15.Wherever.1.so that2.will; as soon as3.will go; so will I4.has lived; since5.No matter who6.Neither; nor; has received7.not only; but also8.give up; unless9.Whatever; effort10.Dont make; because.1.to2.to help3.Tears4.was sleeping5.quickly6.them7.when8.moved9.greatest10.the


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