2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lesson 9My Friend教案3 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lesson 9My Friend教案3 冀教版1.掌握Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh. 2.学生能够运用和认识:she, he, friend, This is_. 二、教学重难点: 1教学重点: 字母Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh. 2教学难点: Gg的读音 三、教具学具:词汇卡片,教室内的物体,字母表,录音机 四、教学过程: (一)Class opening and review: 1.Greeting 2.Play a game: “Stop! Go!” 3.Lets sing a song: A B C SONG. (二)New concepts: 1.Lets learn the new letters: Ee Ff Gg Hh(出示字母卡片) T:Look at the blackboard. Read after me:Ee(板书,用手领着学生书写) T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音) T: Who can tell me how to remember this letter? T:谁能用手指或身体来表示出Ee 出示字母Ff T:Look at the blackboard. Read after me Ff(板书,用手领着学生书写) T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音) T: Who can tell me how to remember this letter? T:谁能用手指或身体来表示出Ff 字母Gg Hh和上面的教法一样,但要注意Gg的读音以免和后面的Jj混了 T: Play a game: “Guess” Where is the letter “e”? 出示单词卡片eraser fish girl hand让学生放到相应的地方。 手拿eraser领读,强调字母e在单词中的读音。 T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音) Whats meaning? 出示鱼的画图:领读,强调字母f在单词中的读音。 T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音) Whats meaning? Who can remember any words that start with letter “f”? girl hand和上面的教法一样,但要注意字母g h在单词中的读音。 T: Listen and draw. (在学生画的同时也在黑板上画Jenny,引出第二部分。) 2. T: Jenny is my friend. (板书friend)She is a girl. (板书She) Read after me: friend she Whats meaning? T: His name is Danny. He is a boy. He is my friend. (手拿手偶) (板书He) Read after me: he Whats meaning? T: Who can introduce your friend? T: This time introduce your friend to the others. T: Ask the students to the front. T:(在对话完成后问)Is this a boy/girl? T: Yes/No. This is a boy/girl. (板书This is _.) T: Lets listen Jenny how to introduce her friend? (引出第二部分。) 3.Ask the students to listen. Make up the dialogue. 1)教师指导。 Hi/Hello. How are you? Fine,thanks. This is my friend/teacher. Whats your/his/her name? My/His/Her name is _. _ (name),this is _(name). Nice to meet you. 2)让各组学生自愿表演刚才所练习的会话。 3)学生评判哪组学生所设计的会话最切合动画场景,并且表演得最出色。 (三)Class Closing. 1Sing a song. 2Homework: Do the activity books. 附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 2 Period 1-2教案 上海新世纪版教育目标:1.通过“找妈妈”的故事激发学生对母亲的爱和喜欢小动物的感情。2. 培养学生保护动物的意识。知识目标:基础目标:1Words and expressionsFrom Wonderland From FarmlandFrom Grand TheatreswanMr. Dog*sing*horse Miss Swanfly*roostersmartspeak*henlook forpigbaby*cow sheep*duckpet pet 宠物2Sentence patternsFrom FarmlandFrom Grand TheatreAre you ?I want my mother. Are you my mother?Yes, I am. No, I am not.No, I am a swan.3. 1.根据课文内容回答Questions and Answers 中的问题,并根据实际情况回答On your own中的问题。4.Music Box 掌握字母c和d在单词中的发音。字母c在单词中有两种发音:/k/和/s/。一般来说,c后跟字母e, i, y时发/s/,其他情况下则发/k/;字母d在单词中发/d/。通过朗读更多的含有字母c,d的单词,让学生体会它们在单词中的发音。5.Disneyland这是一首优美的小诗“天鹅”,与Grand Theatre的动物主题有关。教师可以在引出课文的同时带领学生吟诵小诗,也可以在课文教完后教学,让学生在诵读过程中欣赏小诗,体会天鹅的优雅、美丽。Difficult Points了解英语和汉语在表示动物叫声的词汇的差异。发展目标:1.让学生分组围绕课文内容进行短剧表演。2.鼓励学生运用已有的语言知识,编写以Looking for Mother为主题的小故事。能力目标:本课的Grand Theatre是一个小短剧,要求学生自由结合排练后尽心法表情感、策略和文化等有关目标:在排练过程体验母爱的伟大,体验同学之间的友情教学资源:Students book 3A P8P 14 Cassette 3A Unit 2Students workbook 3A P7P12 Word and picture cards 3A Unit 2Teaching Transparencies 3A Unit 2 Animals masks教学时间:5课时(每课3540分钟)课时安排:建议本单元安排5教时。第一课时:Wonderland & Language Lab第二课时:Farmland第三课时:Grand Theatre & Language Lab第四课时:Language Lab & Music Box第五课时:Disneyland Lesson Plan ( 1 )ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarming-upSong: Old Mc Donald had a farmSing the song in chorus.通过英语歌曲营造良好的氛围,同时为新课的引入打下铺垫。While task procedures Task1:Guessing gameTask 2Find out the most popular animal.1. Show some riddles and try to tell the answer.Eg: It is clever. It likes to eat bones. It is our good friend. It can be a pet. What is it?(a dog)I am small. I have two feet. I have two wings, but I cant fly. I like to swim in the water. I can sing: Quack, quack. Who am I?2. Learn the new word “duck”.3. Introduce the other words in the same way.1. Q: Whats your favourite animal? Why?*Before asking the question, the teacher may provide some adjectives such as smart, lovely, cute, friendly.2. Get the answer by counting the number.通过猜谜语引入有关动物的单词活跃了课堂气氛也提高了学生的学习兴趣,在阅读谜语的同时也有大量的语言输入。通过统计最受欢迎的动物这样的活动,学生能用学到的语言表达自己的情感。Post-task activities 1. Finish Part 2 of Language Lab2. Try to recite some of the words.Spell the new wordsEncourage the students to recite some of the words.通过朗读和拼读能在课堂中尽自己的努力背诵出其中部分单词。Lesson Plan ( 2 )ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarming-up:1.Song: Old Mac Donald had a farm2. Review the words about the farm animals.Sing the song in chorus.Show the lyrics of the song and ask the students to fill in the blanks of the animals.通过英语歌曲营造良好的氛围,同时为新课的引入打下铺垫。While task procedures Task 1Free talk Task 2Make a dialogue1.Ask some questions such as: Are you Tom? Are you ten? Are you in Class 4? Are you happy now?2. Learn the sentence pattern “ Are you? Yes, I am. No, I am not.1. Set the scenes and provide some models to the students.Eg: In the classroomMary: Are you new here?Mike: Yes, I am.Mary: Are you in Class Two?Tom:No, Im in Class Three.Mary:This is Class Two.Tom:Sorry.2. Act out the dialogue.3. Repose the dialogue and act out.通过自由谈话引出新授句型。通过创设情景,让语言材料在真实的环境下得到使用。Post-task activities Learn the dialogues on the course book.1. Listen to the tape and repeat the sentences.2. Act out the dialogues.学习课文内容,进一步了解所学句型的功能。

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