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Unit 10Ive had this bike for three years.第1课时分层训练Section A1 1a2d .用所给单词的适当形式填空1They had a yard _ (sell) on a sunny morning.2The old photo can bring me some good _(memory)3Bill is the _(make) of the model plane.4My parents said that they no longer _ (check) my homework.5I have _(have) this bread maker since I was 15 years old.6Why not buy them beautiful _ (scarf)?.根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺的单词1Look! The boys are cleaning the _(院子)2Her voice sounds _(甜的)I like her songs.3He chose that sofa at last, because it was the _(最柔软的) one in the shop.4The book cost me 5 dollars and 50 _(美分)5When you finish your homework, please _(检查) it carefully.根据汉语意思完成句子1你应该把这些东西捐赠给有需要的人。You should _ these things _ to people _ _2我已经长大了,所以不再需要它了。Ive grown up, so I _ need it _3这辆自行车辛迪已经买了五年了。Cindy _ _ the bike for five years.4他们成为朋友五年了。They have been friends _ five years _5我买这条红围巾几个月了。I have _ this red scarf for _ _ _ months.单项填空()1.When did you buy this bike?I _ it when I was 11 years old. I have _ it since three years ago.Abought; bought Bbought; had Chad; bought Dbought; have()2._ have you been in Beijing?For two days.AHow many BHow often CHow soon DHow long()3.I want to keep these old things because they can _ some wonderful memories. Agive back Bbring back Ctake off Dput off ()4.I have learned English _ I was seven years old. Asince Bfor Cwhen Dwhile ()5.He has _ for half an hour and now he is reading in bed.Awoken up Bbeen awake Cwoke up Dbeen awake up.补全对话A: Hi, Jim! Youve just e back from holidays, havent you?B: Hi, Peter! Youre right. 1._A: 2._? The USA?B: No, we went to Perth, Australia.A: Oh, 3._, but I have read lots of books about it.B: I think you will fall in love with it if you go there.A: Great. 4._?B: First, we visited a farm. I saw kangaroos(袋鼠) and sheep there. Then we took a plane to the Gold Coast. That was really fun. There were amusement parks and the beach was great. We had a great time there.A: Good! 5._, because on that birthday, my cousin gave me a toy kangaroo. I love it very much.B: So you want to see real kangaroos, dont you?A: Yes, I do. Thats my dream.AWhat did you do thereBI have looked forward to going there since my eleventh birthdayCI came back last Monday morningDIve never been thereEWhere did you go.xx安顺完形填空A woman was waiting for her plane at an airport.She bought a bag of cookies, found a place to _1_ and took out her _2_. She started to read and _3_ noticed that a man, sitting beside her, took a cookie _4_ her bag. She just _5_ not to see this. So she ate the cookies quickly and at the same time watched how the shameless _6_ was stealing her cookies. She thought to herself, “If I wasnt such a(n) _7_ person, I would hit him in the eye.”_8_ only one cookie was left, she looked with interest and _9_ what he would do. He smiled, took the _10_ cookie and broke it in half. She thought, “This guy is so impolite; he didnt even show any _11_!”After her flight was called, the woman _12_ her baggage(行李) and headed to the gate. She took her seat in the _13_, and started to look for her book, which was almost plete. As she reached her baggage, she gasped(喘气) with _14_, as there was an unopened bag of cookies. A terrible thought crossed her mind, “If my cookie bag is here, the other one was his and he just tried to _15_” She realized that she was the impolite one, but it was too late to say sorry to him.()1.A.stand Bsit Clie Dwalk()2.A.book Bphone Cticket Dwallet()3.A.proudly Bhardly Creally Dsuddenly()4.A.on Bat Cfrom Dto()5.A.tried Bpreferred Choped Dmeant()6.A.pilot Bworker Cthief Dwaiter()7.A.right Bnice Cspecial Dold()8.A.When BWhere CWhat DHow()9.A.planned Basked Cfound Dwondered()10.A.big Bfirst Csmall Dlast()11.A.interest Bthanks Ccourage Dpleasure()12.A.posted Bopened Ccollected Dforgot()13.A.hall Bairport Cplane Dcar()14.A.surprise Bhappiness Csadness Dpain()15.A.save Btake Csell Dshare.任务型阅读Here is a passage based on Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.Hucks life changed after Mrs. Douglas took him to her home. He suffered(受折磨) for three weeks and then he ran away. Mrs. Douglas and all the other people in the village tried to find him.Early on the third morning Tom Sawyer found Huck. He was lying behind an old building outside the village. His hair was a mess. He was wearing his old clothes.Tom asked him to go back to Mrs. Douglas. But Huck put on a sad face right away.He said, “Dont talk about it, Tom. It is not for me. I cant live with her. I must get up at the same time every morning. I must wash. I must sleep on a clean bed. I must wear those good and clean clothes. I must wear shoes.”“We all live like that, Huck.”“Tom, Im different. I cant live like that. Tom, being rich is not good. I like these old clothes. I like this place to sleep. This is what I want.”“Oh, Huck, if you try longer, you will like it.”“No, Tom. I wont be rich, and I wont live in a house. I like the forest and the river, and a place like this for sleeping. But now we are rich and Ive lost my joy in life.”“Listen, Huck. Being rich wont change that. But if you want to join me and the other boys, you must live like us. All the boys in Tom Sawyers club must have good manners(礼仪)”“I will return to Mrs. Douglas. I will try for another month.”“I agree, Huck. e with me now. And I promise to ask Mrs. Douglas to change a little, Huck.”任务一:判断正(T)误(F)。()1.Huck felt that he lived a life with no fun, so he ran away.任务二:根据短文内容,回答下列问题。2Where did Tom find Huck?_3Would Huck return to the village with Tom?_任务三:选择最佳答案。()4.Which of the following about Mrs. Douglas is TRUE?AShe lived a hard life.BShe loved being alone.CShe had bad manners.DShe was strict with Huck.详解详析课内基础自测.1.sale2.memories3.maker4checked5.had6.scarfs/scarves.1.yard2.sweet3.softest4.cents5check.1.give; away; in need2.dont; anymore3has had4.since; ago5had; a couple of课后巩固提升.1.Bbuy是短暂性动词,不能和时间段连用;和时间段连用时,要用延续性动词have,故选B。2D答语是一段时间,故用how long提问。3B4.A5Bwake是短暂性动词,与时间段连用时,要换成表示状态的be awake,故选B。.15CEDAB.1.B根据上段“A woman was waiting for her plane at an airport.”可知她在等飞机,所以要找个地方坐,故选B。2A联系下句“She started to read”可知她取出的是书,所以选A。3Dproudly意为“骄傲地”;hardly意为“几乎不”;really意为“实际上,真正地,事实上”;suddenly意为“意外地,突然地”。那位妇女在看书,所以“注意到坐在她旁边的一个人从她的袋子里拿了一块饼干”是意外发现的,所以选D。4Ctakefrom意为“从拿走”。5Atry not to do sth.意为“努力不要做某事”,符合句意。6Cpilot意为“飞行员”;worker意为“工人”;thief意为“小偷”;waiter意为“服务员”。根据stealing可知选C。7Bright意为“对的,右面的”;nice意为“好的”;special意为“特殊的”;old意为“旧的,老的”。联系后句“I would hit him in the eye”可知选B。8A此句意为“当只剩一块饼干时,她充满兴趣地看着”。故选A。9Dplan意为“计划”;ask意为“问”;find意为“发现”;wonder意为“想知道”,结合语境可知选D。10D根据“only one cookie was left”可知只剩最后一块了,故选D。11Binterest意为“兴趣”; thank意为“感谢”; courage意为“勇气”; pleasure意为“快乐”。联系上句“This guy is so impolite”可知选B。12C根据句意“她收好行李准备登机”可知选C。13C联系上句“After her flight was called, the woman _12_her baggage and headed to the gate.”可知她登机了,所以选C。14A根据下句“as there was an unopened bag of cookies”可知她惊呆了,所以选A。15Dsave意为“节省,保存,储蓄,挽救”;take意为“带走,拿走”;sell意为“卖,出售”;share意为“分享”。根据上文可知选D。.1.T2Behind an old building outside the village.3Yes, he would.4D


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