福建省厦门市2019年中考英语总复习 第12课时 八下 Units 9-10练习.doc

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福建省厦门市2019年中考英语总复习 第12课时 八下 Units 9-10练习.doc_第3页
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第12课时 八年级下册Units 910.选择填空1(xx河南郑州外国语中学模拟改编)Dear children, this is unusual exam. exam is very important to you. Wish you good results.Aan; The Ba; The Can; An 2(2019预测)In China it is a custom to give kids lucky money during the Spring Festival.Aespecially Bluckily Csimply3How long can a person a shared bike for free in Heze?For an hour.Aget Bkeep Cborrow 4Bell the telephone which is still being used today.Ainvented Bdiscovered Cfound 5(xx湖南湘西土家族苗族自治州中考)Can you tell me ?Sure. He lives on Center Street.AWhere does he liveBWhere he liveCWhere he lives6(xx重庆模拟改编)Try to spend more time talking with your parents, they may understand you well.Aor Bbut Cand7I have to my room. Its really a mess.Alook after Btake in Cclear out 8(xx山东菏泽东明二模)A number of visitors Heze many times because of her beautiful flowers.Ahas been to Bhave gone Chave been to9(2019原创) have you been studying English?Since last year. AHow far BHow soon CHow long 10I have never been to Disneyland. How about you? .AMe, too BSo do I CMe, neither.完形填空(xx安徽桐城四模改编)There once were two poor men who found two large bags of cotton in the mountains. They felt 1 . The cotton was valuable, so they decided to take it home.On their way home, one of the men 2 that there was a box of cloth beside the road. He 3 with his friend whether to take the cloth instead of the cotton. His friend said if they chose the cloth, all 4 previous(先前的) work would be of no meaning. But he thought the cloth was more valuable, 5 he put down the cotton and carried the cloth on his back.Later, he found two boxes of gold. He 6 the cloth at once and carried the gold while his friend was still carrying the cotton. Then a heavy 7 came all of a sudden. Both of them were wet. What was worse, the cotton took in a lot of water and became very 8 . The man with the cotton had to 9 the cotton behind and went back home emptyhanded.We should make the right 10 in face of every chance in our life. We should open our minds to accept new things and shouldnt be stubborn(固执的)1A.excited Bcalm Ctired2A.forgot Bnoticed Cmade3A.discussed Bfought Cmoved4A.your Bher Ctheir5A.and Bor Cso6A.looked up Bpicked up Cthrew away7A.wind Brain Cearthquake8A.heavy Blight Csmooth9A.cut Bsell Cleave10A.advantage Bchoice Cuse .阅读理解(2019预测)Alyssa Carson is a 14yearold girl. She es from Louisiana, the USA. Alyssa Carson wants to bee the first person to visit Mars! As a space fan, she has taken part in the Space Camp in Alabama twelve times. Alyssa Carson is the first person to take part in all three NASA(美国国家航空航天局) Space Camps in the world. This 14yearold girl has been training to be an astronaut for nine years and decided to bee the first person to land on Mars. The Louisiana teenager speaks Spanish, French and Chinese.Why does Alyssa want to visit Mars? “Its a place that no one has been to before. I want to take that first step,” Alyssa said. She calls herself the Mars Generation. NASA believes that the little girl will make it. Her code name in NASA is “Blueberry” and she may be on a Mars mission(访问团) in 2033 if all goes well. Alyssas father thinks that if she does go on a mission on Mars, he may never see her again. But for Alyssa, it is something that she has dreamed about since she was five years old.She told the BBC that she wants to encourage other children to achieve their dreams. She said, “I dont want one failure on the way to stop me from going to Mars.”1Alyssa Carson es from according to the passage.AFrance BAmericaCRussia DMars2The passage says that Alyssa can speak languages.Atwo Bthree Cfour Dfive3We learn from the passage that Alyssas dream is to .Abee the first person to visit Mars Bjoin in the fourth NASA space camp Cwish children to realize their dreams Dtake good care of her father at home4Which of the following statements is TRUE?AAlyssa has been an astronaut for 9 years. BMars is a place nobody has been to so far. CAlyssas father has not seen her for long.DAlyssa may be on a Mars mission at present.5The best title of the passage may be “ ”AA Visit to Mars BThe Space CampCThe First Step DA Girls Dream.情景交际根据情景提示,完成下列各题。1(2019原创)你的旧外套太短了,你想买一件新的,可以这样说: .2(2019原创)假如你是售货员,你想询问顾客穿多大号的鞋子,可以这样问: ?3(2019原创)你想知道什么时候穿制服,可以这样问:Can you tell me ?4(2019原创)你想知道飞机几点起飞,可以这样问: ?5(2019原创)你想赞Lucy的衣服好看,可以这样说: !.短文填空阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。(xx福建漳州质检)We all use it every day. There is one in nearly every home. 1. is it? The toilet(厕所). A person will spend three years in the toilet in his 2. her life, the World Health Organization said. Its a big part of our everyday life. Many countries have worked hard to improve their toilets. To make toilets 3. (clean) and better, the Chinese government carried out a “toilet revolution(革命)” across the country stating in xx. Over the last three years, the government spent 20 billion yuan building or renovating(翻修) 68, 000 toilets in tourist 4. (area)In Germany, there 5. (be) often two rolls of toilet paper in public toilets. They 6. /seldm/ run out of their toilet paper. Their tanks are often built into their walls. This 7. (save) a lot of space.In 8. , public toilets are not only clean, but also have impressive technology. For example, when the weather is 9. , the toilet seats will be heated.In Australian, the government provides a national public toilet 10. It shows the locations of over 16,000 public toilet across the country. It also tells people things about the toilets, such as when they are open for use.书面表达(2019预测)福建茶文化节Fujian Tea Culture Festival 时间:7.37.5 地点:武夷山 内容:品茶、观看茶艺表演、参观茶山注意事项:1必须包含所提示的信息,可适当发挥,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范;3请勿在文中使用真实的姓名、校名及提示信息以外的地名。Dear Jenny,Im glad youre interested in tea. Now I have good news for you. I hope youd e and experience Chinese tea culture.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua参考答案.15 AABAC610 CCCCC.15 ABACC610 CBACB.BCABD.1.My old coat is so small that I want to buy a new one2What size are your shoes3when you wear your uniforms4What time will the plane take off5How beautiful your clothes is/What beautiful clothes you wear.1.What2.or3.cleaner4.areas5.are6seldom7.saves8.Japan9.cold10.map.Dear Jenny,Im glad youre interested in tea. Now I have good news for you. Fujian Tea Culture Festival will be held in Mount Wuyi from July 3 to 5 this year. Id like to invite you to the festival, where you can taste all kinds of tea, enjoy tea art shows and visit mountains.China has a long history of tea planting. Tea has bee a green, healthy and popular drink in our daily life. People would serve you with tea when you visit their homes. Im sure youd have lots of fun here.I hope youd e and experience Chinese tea culture.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua

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