九年级英语下册 Module 6 Eating together Unit 1 When’s the school-leavers’day教案 (新版)外研版.doc

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九年级英语下册 Module 6 Eating together Unit 1 When’s the school-leavers’day教案 (新版)外研版.doc_第1页
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Module 6 Eating togetherUnit 1 When is the school-leavers party? 教材分析Module 6的主要内容为通过对中西方饮食文化的介绍来复习被动语态,重点学习heat up, be similar to, help yourself等短语的用法。从全书来看,本模块承接上册书对被动语态的学习和运用,内容有层次的展开,学生容易接受。 教学目标【知识目标】1.Words: invitation, calendar, balloon, paint, heat, knife ,fork, spoon, cheeseburger, Italian.2. Expressions: heat up.【能力目标】能听懂和阅读关于介绍学校毕业生聚会的语言材料,能通过相关词汇和图片描述聚会的情况;能编写关于毕业聚会的对话。【情感目标】能够积极参加同学之间的庆祝活动;能够与同伴积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践;能分享同学之间共同庆祝的快乐。 教学重难点【教学重点】短语heat up和 be invited to do sth.的使用。【教学难点】固定短语和时态辨析。 课前准备1.课前准备:调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等; 2.教具学具:光盘、大卡片等。 教学过程Step1. Words1.Show pictures related to the difficult words and phrases to facilitate students perception.2.Teach the new words and phrases with an accurate explanation.3.Teacher ask questions to students and students answer them with the new words and phrases to enhance their own memory.4.Show the Chinese meanings to let student answer English correspondents.5.Encourage students to make up English sentences in the given sentence patterns.Step2. Talking1.Let students make a discussion about the issues below.When is your school-leavers party?What would you like to do on that day?If you are asked to prepare a traditional dish from your home country, what will you prepare?2.Let students talk about whether they know how to write an invitation?Step3. Learning1. Listen to the dialogue carefully.2. Teacher scans the conversation and highlight the important and difficult parts.3. Role-play the conversation.4. Listen and plete the notes.5. Listen and plete the notes.6. plete the paragraph with the words in the box.7.Learn everyday expressions. Get students to make dialogues with others.8. Work in pairs. Make plans for a party.Step4. WritingWork with another pair. Talk about the party plan, and say what plans have been made. Then write down the plan.Step5. Language points1. invite v. 邀请invitation n. 邀请;邀请函letters of invitation 邀请信written invitation 书面邀请函accept an invitation接受邀请sent sb. an invitation 向某人发出邀请receive / get an invitation 收到请帖2. prepare v. 准备根据句 可知:prepare sth. 意为“准备某物”,所准备的东西就是后面的宾语。根据句 可知:prepare for sth. 意为“为做准备”,指为后面的宾语做准备,所准备的东西并不是后面的宾语。根据句可知:prepare to do sth. 意为“准备做某事”。 prepare 与prepare for 通常用于进行时态。注:prepare 的名词是preparation (准备;准备工作)3. dish的意思是“烹制好的菜肴;一道菜;食品”。do / wash the dishes 表示“清洗餐具(包括盘子、杯子、碗等)”。4. heat up 加热;(使)变热5. with在这里的意思是“用”。反义短语: be different fromwith的意思还有:1) 和一起2) 有,具有3) 因为He jumped up with joy.4) 随着With the last words, she turned away.5) 表行为方式或伴随情况 Dont talk with your mouse full.含介词with的短语有:fill with be filled with get along with6. 这里no good 表示“不适合”。A. no good doing sth. 做某事没用It s no good talking to him-he never listens.B. no good for sth. 不适合某物/某事This medicine is no good for headache.C. no good to sb. 对某人没好处或没帮忙A car is no good to me since I cant drive.7. What about ?通常用来征求意见,提出建议或询问消息。用来征求意见,提出建议等的句式还有许多。Shall we / I do sth? Why not do sth? Would you like do sth?Step6. PracticeTranslate the phrases and sentences from Chinese into English.无


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