七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like(第4课时)Section B(2a-3b)课堂练习 人教新目标版.doc

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七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like(第4课时)Section B(2a-3b)课堂练习 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like(第4课时)Section B(2a-3b)课堂练习 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like(第4课时)Section B(2a-3b)课堂练习 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 9What does he look like?第4课时Section B(2a3b)1艺术家 n_artist_2放 v_put_3每个;各自 adj& pron_each_4方式;路线 n_way_5描述 v_describe_6不同地 adv_differently_7又一;另一 adj& pron_another_8结尾;尽头 n_end_9真正的;真实的 adj_real_10最后_in_the_end_重点词汇1artist n艺术家artist是由“名词art后缀ist”构成的,ist表示某一职业。如:sciencescientist科学家;pianopianist钢琴家;violinviolinist小提琴家。2each adj& pron每个;各自(1)作形容词时修饰可数名词单数。(2)作代词时可单独作主语,也可接“of可数名词复数(或代词)”作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。若用作同位语时,放在主语的后面,谓语动词用复数形式。如:Each of them has a new book.他们每人有一本新书。They each want to get the ball.他们每个人都想得到那个球。【拓展】each和every的用法辨析:each作形容词时,指两者或两者以上中的“每一个”,侧重个体。作代词时,可作主语或宾语,其后可接介词ofevery只作形容词,指三者或三者以上范围中的“每一个”,侧重总体,不能单独使用3.way n方式;路线(1)way意为“方式;方法”时,前面常加介词in,若way前有this, that等限定词时,介词in可省略,但如果放在句首,介词in则不可省略。文中的句子“Many people dont always see things the same way”中就省略了in,完整的应是in the same way。(2)way的相关短语:by the way 顺便说一下in the way 挡路on the way 在路上4another adj& pron另一;又一泛指三者或三者以上同类事物中的“另一个”。another后可接“基数词可数名词复数”,意为“再有几个,还有几个”,相当于“基数词more可数名词复数”。如:another five hoursfive more hours【拓展】oneanother, onethe other和one another的用法辨析:(1)oneanother表示不定数目中的“一个”与“另一个”。(2)onethe other表示两者中的“一个”与“另一个”。(3)one another 互相,相当于each other。5in the end 最后;终于它是介词短语,作状语,相当于at last或finally,其反义短语为at first。 end在此处用作名词,意为“结尾/尽头”。at the end of 在的尽头/末尾。如:He tried various jobs and in the end became an artist.他尝试过各种各样的工作,最后当上了艺术家。重点句型They tell him what the criminal looks like.他们告诉他罪犯长什么样。what the criminal looks like在句中作tell的直接宾语,是宾语从句。特殊疑问句作宾语从句时,宾语从句的引导词就是它的特殊疑问词。宾语从句用陈述句语序。如:He asks me where Tina es from.他问我蒂娜来自哪儿。I dont know what club she is in.我不知道她参加的是什么俱乐部。.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1_Each_(每个) student in our class has a new desk.2Im sorry you cant _put_(放) your bike here.3The girl is very cool.She often wears _jeans_(牛仔裤)4The people here are very friendly, and there is no _crime_(犯罪活动)5Can you _describe_(描述) what your sister looks like?.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1Its not just a piece of news.Its a _real_(really) story in Beijing.2Different people see things _differently_(different)3The boy wants to be an _artist_(art) like his father.4Please work out the problem in different _ways_(way)5I need to meet him in front of the school gate _first_(one).根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1最后,我们在图书馆找到了李老师。_In_ _the_ _end_, we find Mr.Li in the library.2他们把这则海报刊登在了报纸上。They _put_ the poster _in_ _newspapers_3你能告诉我你的新朋友长什么样吗?Can you tell me _what_ your new friend _looks_ _like_?4他的父亲擅长给动物画像。His father _is_ _good_ _at_ _drawing_ _pictures_ _of_ animals.5首先,你必须完成你的家庭作业。_First_ _of_ _all_, you must finish your homework.单项选择。(B)1.The summer vacation is ing, so we _ to Hong Kong for vacation.Ais going Bare goingCgoes Dgo(A)2.We can get information _ newspapers and _ television.Ain; on Bin; inCon; in Don; on(D)3.Tom is shortsighted(近视的), so he always _ glasses.Awear Bis wearingCto wear Dwears(B)4._, she goes to watch the new movie with her friend.AAt the end BIn the endCAt the end of DIn the end of(C)5.Im afraid I cant take a walk with you today, Jack.Maybe _ day.What a pity(遗憾)!Aother Bthe otherCanother Dothers.阅读理解。Hello! Im Lucy.We have three new teachers this term.But I like my English teacher best.Her name is Linda Smith.Miss Smith is very beautiful.She has big blue eyes, a straight nose and a small mouth.Her hair is long and blonde.She is not tall or short.She likes wearing white skirts.She looks like an angel(天使)Miss Smiths favorite food is tofu.She thinks its healthy.She is good at playing pingpong.Also she sings well.Miss Smith works very hard.She is strict with us in class, and her class is very interesting.After class she often talks with us.She is a very friendly teacher.(B)1.What subject does Miss Smith teach?AChinese. BEnglish.CMath. DP.E.(C)2.What color may Miss Smith like?ABlue. BBlonde.CWhite. DBlack.(A)3.Why does Miss Smith like tofu?ABecause she thinks its healthy.BBecause her mother makes it for her.CBecause she thinks its delicious.DBecause her students buy it for ber.(A)4.What is Miss Smith good at?APlaying pingpong and singing.BPlaying pingpong and drawing.CDrawing and dancing.DSinging and dancing.(B)5.Which is TRUE about Miss Smith?AShe has a big mouth.BShe is of medium height.CHer class is boring.DHer hair is short.任务型阅读。Mike is going to the movie with Tony.Theyre going to meet at seven oclock.But Mike may get there a little late.His friend David is going, too.They can meet in front of the cinema first.But Tony doesnt know David.What does David look like? Well, Mike tells him that David has black hair and wears glasses.David isnt tall or short.Hes of medium height.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1What is Mike going to do?_He_is_going_to_the_movie_with_his_friends._2When are they going to meet?_At_seven_oclock._3Where are they going to meet?_In_front_of_the_cinema._4Does Mike know David?_Yes,_he_does._5What does David look like?_He_is_of_medium_height_with_black_hair_and_he_wears_glasses._

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