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Units 9 10单元检测听力部分一、听句子。根据所听内容选择正确的应答语。句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)1AIm happy to hear that. BDont mention it CThank you2AIt was nothing. BCongratulations. CYou cant win every time3AAn interesting story book BYes,Im reading a story CIm playing a puter game4A. Im afraid not. B. I hope so. C. Yes,I will.5A. The pictures. B. The story. C. Its interesting.二、听对话。根据所听内容选择正确的答案。对话读两遍。(每小题I分,共5分)6What happened to the woman? AShe forgot to put her wallet in her bag. BShe couldnt find her wallet CShe didnt know where to put her wallet.7What does the man tell the woman to do? ATo take some medicineBTo have a good rest. C. To drink more water.8What(d Nancy have for breakfast AOnly an egg. BAn egg and some milk CSome porridge and an egg.9What will David have ASomething to drink BSome fruit. CSome food.10What does the woman do after getting up in the morning?AShe doesnt tell him. BShe does some morning exerciseCShe does some cooking三、听短文。根据所听内容选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)11Katy was doing some _ at home when Mrs King knocked at the door. Awashing B. sweeping C. reading12Mrs King was Katys _ . A. cousin B. neighbour C. aunt13Mrs King asked Katy to look after her son because _ . Ashe was busy with some housework Bher husband hurt his leg Cshe had to do some shopping14Katy and Jim watched some children flying kites _ A. on the farm B. on the hill C. by the river15Jim thought of Katy as his _ A. sister Bfriend Cteacher四、单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)( ) 1. Thanks_ helping me. I do better in my English.A. to B. with C. for ( ) 2. _a cold morning, I went bike riding with my classmates.A. In B. Of C. On( ) 3. I have to _for the math test.A. prepare B. preparing C. learning( ) 4. The women is busy _the room.A. clean B. cleaning C. to clean( ) 5. Thanks for_ me _your party.A.inviting, to B. inviting, for C. invite,to( ) 6. Miss Wang looks very_ this morning at school.A. to be happy B. happily C. happy( ) 7. I look forward to _from my best friend.A. hearing B. heard C. hear( ) 8. She is fishing with her grandpa_.A. whole day B. the whole day C. whole the day( ) 9. He_ a red coat today.A. puts on B. is dressed C. wears ( ) 10. I dont know if he _a party tomorrow. If they_, Im sure they will invite you.A. will have; will have B. will have; do C. has ; will have( ) 11.We will go hiking_ it is fine tomorrow.A. because B. if C. though( ) 12. He is famous _a writer. That is, he is famous _his writing.A. as, for B. for, as C. as,as( ) 13. Can we bring food to the cinema? I_ so. If you do that, they wont let you in.A. think B. dont think C. hope D. dont hope( ) 14. He makes_ dollars a month. A. hundred B. hundred of C. hundreds of ( ) 15.If I make much money, I_ give money to the poor. A. will be able to B. am able to C. was able to五、完型填空。(每小题2分,共20分)It was the last lesson before 1 holidays. The students 2 very happy. Their English teacher was very happy, 3 .The teacher 4 played nice games with them. He sang some nice songs, and then he went to the blackboard and wrote “SMILES” 5 it.“This is one of the 6 words in English”,he said to the class. The 7 class laughed, and then one girl 8 and said,“Why is it one of the longest words in English?”The teacher said 9 for a while. Then he smiled and said,“Because there is a mile between the 10 letter and the last.”( )1. A. a B. an C. the D. much( )2.A.is B. are C. was D. were( )3.A.too B. eight C. neither D. also( )4. A. a little B. little C. any D. also( )5.A.before B. on C. in D. in front of( )6.A.long B. longer C. longest D. short( )7.A.whole B. each C. all D. both( )8. A. stand up B. sit down C. stood up D. lay down( )9. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything( )10.A.one B. first C. twoD. second六阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)ARoberto Clemente was a great basketball player, in fact, he was a star. He could jump to catch a ball. He could run fast .And he could hit a ball hard.Roberto Clemente loved children. He wanted to build a park for the children of Puerto Rico. In 1972, Roberto was killed(杀) in an airplane, but people did not forget him. They sent money for the park. In 1975, the park was opened .Roberto Clementes dream(梦想) had e true(实现).( )1.Roberto Clemente was killed in _. A. a car B .a baseball game C. an airplane( )2.This story tells about _. A .a kind baseball star B. Roberto Clementes team C .poor children( )3.In the first part of the story, what does the word “great” mean? A. huge B .old C. very, very good( )4.Roberto Clemente wanted to build a park because he _. A. wanted to play baseball B. loved children C. was killed( )5.You can guess from the story that people _ Roberto Clementes dream. A. didnt agree B. believed in C. didnt like BHappy Childrens Palace(宫) MONDAY19:0020:30English learningPro. G. WhiteWould you like to improve your English?(2 weeks)TUESDAY 17:3019:00PhotographyMr. GreenLearn to take good photos. Bring your own camera with you. This is for middle school students.(4 weeks) WEDNESDAY18:0019:00Office 2000Pro. Wang LanLearn how to use the new software(软件) (10 weeks)FRIDAY19:0020:30PaintingMiss Yang JingWould you like to learn painting? Its for beginners only(16 weeks)SATURDAY15:0016:30Cambridge Young Learners EnglishPro. J. BrownThis course is for the children at primary school(20 weeks)SUNDAY10:0011:00Swimming clubCoach: Liu XinWant to swim as fast as a fish?(9 weeks)( )6. You can go to Happy Childrens Palace to learn some skills(技能) except(除了) _. A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Thursday D. Sunday ( ) 7. If you want to improve your English, you can learn from _. A. Miss Yang Jing B. Pro. J. Brown C. Pro. Wang Lan D. Pro. G. White( ) 8. If you are interested in Painting, Miss Yang Jing can teach you _. A. from 19:00 to 20:30 on Monday B. from 17:30 to 19:00 on Tuesday C. from 7:00 to 8:30 on Friday evening D. from 18:00 to 19:00 on Wednesday( ) 9. If you dont have enough time, you want to learn a skill in two months, you can learn _. A. how to use the new software B. swimming C. how to take photos D. painting( )10. Which of the following statements(陈述) is right? _. A. Pro. G. White gives a talk about English learning for students on Monday Morning B. You can go to learn how to use Office 2000 from Pro. J. Brown C. If you want to learn swimming, you should go there on Sunday afternoon D. Pro. J. Brown teaches children English from 3:00 to 4:30 on Saturday afternoon COne day a poor (贫穷的) man was cutting a big piece of wood near a river. Suddenly his old axe (斧子) fell into the water. He felt very sad because he lost his only axe. Just then a beautiful fairy (仙女) came out and asked the man what was the matter. “I lost my axe,” he said. “It fell into the water when I was cutting the wood.” The fairy showed him a gold axe and asked, “Is this yours?” “No,” said the man. The fairy then showed him a silver (银) axe and asked again, “Is this yours?” “No,” answered the man. Then she showed him the old axe. “Yes, that is mine!” called out the happy man. “I know it well enough,” said the fairy. “I only wanted to see if you would tell me the truth, and now Ill give you the gold axe, the silver axe and your own axe.”根据短文内容从各题后所给的选项中选出最佳答案。( )11. One day when the man was cutting something, _.A. he fell into the water B. his axe fell into the riverC. he found a gold axe D. he saw a beautiful fairy( )12. The man was sad because _.A. he was poor and had no other axes B. his axe was a new axeC. he liked his axe very much D. his axe was a gold axe( )13. The fairy showed him a gold axe and a silver axe, but he didnt take them because he _.A. did not like them B. did not know they were made of gold and silverC. was very rich D. knew these axes were not his( )14. At the end of the story the man had _.A. only one axe B. two axes C. three axes D. four axes( )15. The fairy helped the man because he was _ man.A. an old B. a young C. a poor D. an honest (诚实的)七选用恰当的句子补全对话。(10分)A: Hey, Chen. You dont look very well. Whats wrong with you?B: Nothing serious. 1 A: Well, I guess you have many things to do every day. Do you often stay up at night?B: Yes, I do.A: 2 B: Nearly every night. Usually, I cant go to bed until one oclock.A: Poor Chen, you are too stressed out. You really need to relax.B: I think so. Luckily, Ill be free next week.A: Oh, really? 3 B: Im going to Mount Emei to relax myself a little with my wife.A: Thats the place to be. 4 B: By train. A: How long will it take to get there?B: 5 Im not sure.A: Thats OK. You dont have to take a hurried trip this time. Enjoy your trip and relax yourself.B: Thanks, I will. A. What are you doing for the ing week? B. How are you going there?C. Im just a little too tired. D. Do you often sleep late?E. How often do you go to bed late? F. When are you leaving?G. Maybe twelve hours.八写作(10分)假设你班正在开展“Should friends be different or the same?”英语主题班会。请你根据下面信息谈谈你的观点。 1.都喜欢与个性不同的人交往; 2.我喜欢安静,但好朋友Jason喜欢交际,个性比我外向; 3.Jason喜欢运动,体质强健,而我擅长数学和英语; 4.都喜欢听英语歌曲,喜欢向杂志社和报社投稿,喜欢做同样的事。Units 9-10听力材料一、听句子。根据所听内容选择正确的应答语。句子读一遍。1e in,boysAnd help yourselves.2Mum,we won the relay race yesterday.3Hello!What book are you reading?4Wow!How nice your picture is!Im sure youIl be a good painter in the future5How do you like the book?二、听对话。根据所听内容选择正确的答案。对话读两遍。6W:Oh,no! M:What happened? W:I lost my wallet!I remembered I put it into my hag. But now,it isnt there M:Dont worryYoud better look for it in some other places7W:I dont feel well M:Whats the matter? W:I have a bad cold M:Really?You should take some medicine W:OK,thanks8. M:Morning,Nancy!What did you have for breakfast? W:I had an egg and some porridge9W:Would you like some fruit or other food,David? M:Neither,MomI only want something to drink10W:What do you usually do after getting up in the morning? M:Do morning exercise,of course W:So do I三、听短文。根据所听内容选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。 It was SaturdayKaty was reading a novel when she heard a knock at the door.She opened the door and found it was one of her neighbours,Mrs King,with her sonHer husband fell out of a tree and hurt his legShe had to carry him to the hospital,but nobody could look after little JimKaty understood everythingShe was ready to helpThe woman thanked her and hurried off. Katy read some picture books for Jim and then taught him to sing a song. She took him out and watched some children flying kites by the river. She gave him some cakes when he felt hungry. That afternoon,when Mrs King came again to take Jim home,the boy didnt want to leave his “sister”!参考答案:听力部分(20分)15 CBABC 6一10 BACAB 11一15 CBBCA单选:1-5C C A B A 6-10 C A B C B 11-15 B A B C A完型:1-5 C D A D B 6-10 C A C C B阅读:1-5 CACBB 6-10CDCCD 11-15 BADCD补全对话:CEABG

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