2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 题型技法指导专题七 单词拼写.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 题型技法指导专题七 单词拼写真题试做A(xx陕西高考)1This Tshirt is made of high quality _(纯的)cotton.2More and more Chinese people are able to _(付得起)to travel abroad.3The first official results are not expected until _(星期二)at the earliest.4He was wearing a very _(严肃的)expression and I knew something was wrong.5Regular tests help the teacher to learn about the _(进步)of each student.6The open exhibition will allow local _(艺术家)to show their talents.7He _(承诺)that he would e,but he hasnt turned up yet.8The staff soon found the new manager easy to _(接近)9There is nothing thereyou are just _(想象)things!10The little girl walked _(自信地)onto the stage,ready for her first speech.B(xx全国高考)1Do you speak any _(外国)languages?2Rebecca was the _(骄傲)of her family.3Will you stop _(打断)me when Im talking?4David Beckhams _(国籍)is British.5The _(现代)history of Italy dates from 1860.6Bobs _(侄子)is a freshman at Harvard University.7Alice wanted to borrow Jacks puter,but he _(拒绝)8Her _(书架)are filled with books and photos.9What are you girls _(耳语)about?10Dont _(咳嗽)more than you can help.C(xx陕西高考)1The smell of _(新鲜的)bread and frying eggs filled the kitchen.2He has devoted his whole life to world _(和平)3Alexander Graham Bell became famous overnight by _(发明)the telephone.4Several panies have announced their intention to _(竞争)for the construction project.5Both my parents were born in _(十月),but five years apart.6The symptoms of flu may be unpleasant,but they _(消失)within a few days.7Christophe Pires was born and brought up in France,but he speaks English _(流利地)8Among the many _(业余爱好)of his are reading,music and tennis.9Sue Wood was only nine when her first short story was _(出版)10I have an _(道歉)to make to youIm afraid I opened your letter by mistake.D(xx陕西高考)1The car is running at a _(速度)of eighty kilometers an hour.2The teacher is glad that everyone in her class is _(渴望的)to learn.3Jeff has the _(习惯)of listening to music while reading.4Mr.White has been _(缺席的)from work for days,so he knows nothing about our new plan.5He tried to _(解释),but she wouldnt listen.6The local government is _(讨论)how to help the poor in the countryside.7When things arent going well,my parents always _(鼓励)me,telling me not to give up.8Miss Harper closed her eyes and _(假装)to be asleep.9We sat chatting for a few _(分钟)after finishing our meal.10I have been _(深深地)impressed by a number of experiences in her life.考向分析从近年的陕西高考题可以看出,单词拼写题呈现以下几个特点。1所考单词都给出汉语提示陕西近几年高考试题都是给出汉语提示,其特点与全国卷相同。并且汉语提示也相当具体,从汉语提示可以看出所要写的词汇的词性。如:He was wearing a very _(严肃的)expression and I knew something was wrong(xx陕西)。因此在平时的练习中,考生应有针对性地做类似的训练。2以实词为主,多为常见词从所考单词的词性看,历年陕西高考单词拼写词汇主要为实词,即名词、动词、形容词、副词。从考查比例来看,xx年以上四种词类比例为3421,xx年为4411;xx年为3421。从所选词的使用频率来看,全为常用常见词,未曾出现生僻词,而且全来自考纲。在所考查的词汇中有一定数量的初中阶段所学词汇(3到4个),因此,考生应重视常用核心词汇,切勿分散过多时间背诵怪词、难词。3提供语境,词汇考查灵活单词拼写题中尽管给出汉语提示,但所提供的语境对词汇提出了更为完善和严格的要求。做题时,要根据语境,写出最切合题意、最符合英语表达习惯的单词。答题步骤考生应该在牢记考试说明所附词汇表中所列单词的基础上,通过训练运用“三步法”去完成单词拼写题。1根据语境,确定词义。做题时,考生可先根据汉语提示,把自己所能想到的单词以原形的形式写出来。这样做可以节约时间,同时更重要的是以防阅读句子中的个别难点会影响到发挥。这是成功的关键一步。2根据单词在句中所充当的成分,确定词性。3根据语法,搞清须受制约的有关规则,考虑英语惯用法、搭配、常识或构词法等,确定词形。习惯用语和固定搭配在所有词汇中占有很大比例,也是历年高考必考的一项内容,特别是用于单词拼写这一题型中。常见的搭配形式有动词搭配、介词搭配、形容词搭配等。技法指导1动词形式选择单词拼写题由于其要求只能写一个单词,因此动词在考查时只会有五种可能性:动词原形、第三人称单数、现在分词、过去式和过去分词。若空前出现be则填现在分词或过去分词,现在分词表主动、过去分词表被动。(以ed,ing结尾的分词化形容词除外,其ed形式多修饰人,ing形式多修饰物)。如:The artist was _(教育)at a very famous university.(educated,艺术家是被教育);若前面出现have/has则构成完成时,若前出现不定式符号to则填动词原形。若to为介词则填动词ing形式;若出现感官、祈使动词则要注意其特点,如:make sb.do sth.;若作谓语则要么填过去式,要么填原形,要么填动词第三人称单数,注意时态暗示和主语的单复数。最后提醒考生注意非谓语动词的使用。2名词单复数选择名词主要考查单复数,考生做题时,可以根据自己的积累和语境提示判断名词单复数。如:名词前出现冠词a/an则为单数;若前面有a few,many,a number of,one of等则为复数,同时要注意平时积累。如:experience意为“经历”时是可数名词,意为“经验”时是不可数名词,固定搭配make contributions to等。3形容词、副词选择自xx年陕西省自主命题以来,对于这两类词的考查其实汉语意思已给的非常清楚,“的”即为形容词,“地”就填副词。同时注意一些特殊词汇及重点词汇:如deep和deeply同为副词时的区别;friendly,likely为形容词及一些固定搭配。总之,做好题的关键在于记牢词汇。误区警示1同义单词选择错误由于针对某一汉语意思,考生会想到几个词,但由于对词汇差异掌握不到位,或对一些固定搭配不熟悉,而选错词汇。如:He was _(深深地)hurt by her words.【错混透析】正确答案为deeply,易错写成deep,只看到汉语提示而未注意deep与deeply的区别。两词都可作副词,但deep表具体,deeply表抽象。2词性形式变化错误由于缺乏做题技巧,并且对英语句子成分中所用词性掌握不到位而出现错误。如:_(离开)her kid crying there,she went home alone.【错混透析】正确答案为Leaving,易错写成Left。忽略了英语句法的特殊性。she went home alone为主句。前面_(离开)her kid crying there为非谓语动词作状语,leave与she之间是主动关系,故用现在分词。3特殊词形变化及单词大小写错误在英语句子中,每句的首字母及月份、星期及专有名词的首字母都要求大写,同时一些词形变化特殊的词汇也要特别注意。如:_(一月)is the first month of the year.【错混透析】正确答案为January。易错写成january。4动词形式错误有些同学做题不会全面分析,只见汉语提示,不通读整个句子,导致动词时态或形式错用。应该注意句中所提供或暗示的时间状语。如:We left the road and _(爬)the hill towards the wood.【错混透析】正确答案为climbed,易错写成climb。不注意并列连词and连接的是并列谓语,导致失分。今后做题应注意并列连词。(一)1Where we _(到达),the villagers gave us a warm wele.2All countries,big or small,should be _(平等的)3The hero who died in the big fire was _(描述)by his colleagues as “unusual”4Im pleased that he gladly _(接受)our invitation.5Dont be frightened by the television camera.Just speak _(自然地)6What will the _(天气)be like tomorrow?7Some people work better under _(压力)8Some students are _(不愿意)to attend the classes partly because of the cost.9I have had the good _(运气)to work with the brilliant directors.10If we want to attract more customers,try _(做广告)in the local paper.(二)1A beginners painting cant be _(比较)to that of an expert.2Neither the driver nor the _(乘客)were hurt.3If it is _(方便的),please write back to me quickly.4_(面对)with difficulty,he never loses heart.5When in an emergency,you should keep _(冷静)6Press this _(按钮),and the door will open of itself.7Do you know who will be in _(负责)of our pany?8Last Friday they _(野餐)in the forest with their teacher.9He is _(身体上地)weak,but mentally strong.10The police asked _(过路人)if they had seen the accident.(三)1As is known,the ant has two _(胃)2Can you tell me some famous _(诗人)?3Mother didnt know who to _(责备)for the broken vase.4English is _(广泛地)used in the world.5That elephant _(重)6.5 tons.6There were about 200 people _(出席)the meeting.7His dream is to be a _(音乐家)in the future.8He is a man with many good _(品质)9We are _(骄傲)of our great country.10_(判断)from what he said,he must be a doctor.(四)1He lay on the grassland and felt the _(温暖)of the sun.2_(二月)es after January.3They are busy _(准备)for the ing examination.4I could hardly _(认出)him yesterday,because he had changed so much.5Being asked to recite the text,the boy felt a little _(紧张的)6I want to borrow several _(杂志)from the library.7I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more _(舒服地)8The guard shouted at the naughty boy with his finger _(指)at him.9She likes him,because he is _(体贴的)towards others.10A vast amount of the Amazonian rainforest is being _(破坏)every day.(五)1They are used to being _(分成)into groups in their English class.2KFC has many _(分店)in China.3The bird _(逃脱)being killed and flew away.4The patient kept _(咳嗽)all day and night.5The man sat in front of Jenny,talking _(兴奋地)for hours.6More and more foreigners show much _(兴趣)in Chinese culture.7He is thinking of taking part in _(政治)8They tried in vain to _(说服)her to go.9Answers are given on the _(对面的)page.10Im not very _(熟悉)with botanical names.参考答案 专题七单词拼写命题调研明晰考向真题试做A1pure2afford3Tuesday4serious5progress6artists7promised8approach9imagining10confidentlyB1foreign2pride3interrupting4nationality5modern6nephew7refused8bookshelves/bookcases9whispering10coughC1fresh2peace3inventing4pete5October6disappear7fluently8hobbies9published10apologyD1speed/rate2eager3habit4absent/away5explain6discussing7encourage8.pretended9minutes10deeply创新模拟预测演练(一)1arrived2equaldescribed4accepted5naturally6weather7pressure8unwilling9chance10advertising(二)1pared2passengers3convenient4Faced5calm6button7charge8picnicked9physically10passersby(三)1stomachs2poets3blame4widely5weighs6attending7musician8qualities9proud10Judging(四)1warmth2February3preparing4recognize5nervous6magazines7fortably8pointing9considerate10destroyed(五)1divided2branches3escaped4coughing5excitedly6interest7politics8persuade9opposite10familiar


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