2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 专题升级训练卷二十 书面表达(二).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 专题升级训练卷二十 书面表达(二)(xx山东潍坊二模)假设你是李华,暑假期间你们将组织由外国学生参加的中国城市多元文化之旅活动“Discovering China”,你刚到北京的美国朋友Tom 来信询问活动有关事宜。请你根据以下要点,给他写一封回信:1活动目的;2日程安排:(1)时间:一周。(2)路线:昆明井冈山上海苏杭;3发出邀请。注意:1.词数:120150,开头已经给出,不计入总词数;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Tom,From your letter I know its the first time for you to be in my country and you are eager to know what China is really like. _Best wishes!Yours,Li HuaB (xx山东莱州一中五模)例如你叫朱文,你的美国笔友Rick欲了解中国学生“学雷锋小组”(LearnfromLei Feng Group)是怎么回事儿。请按下列要点用英语写一封电子邮件。1简要介绍雷锋其人;2中学生学雷锋小组的情况:人数不等,自主结合,志愿做好事;3你对此类活动的看法。注意:1.词数:120150;2开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Rick,Im glad you are interested in our LearnfromLei Feng Groups._ _ Yours,Zhu WenC近日,媒体报道某小学的一名女生因留长发违反学校的着装规定而被遣送回家,该消息在社会上引起了广泛争议。请你针对“学校该不该禁止学生留长发”这一主题谈谈你的看法。内容包括:1学校为什么要对学生提出严格的着装要求;2你赞成学校禁止女生留长发的规定吗?注意:1.词数:120150;2参考词汇:着装规定 dress code_D据统计,自实施国家助学贷款政策以来,全国已有数百万学生受益,该政策受到家境贫苦学生和高校的普遍欢迎。但由于获利较小,加上有些贫困学生在毕业后不能及时还款,有些银行以大学生不讲诚信为由拒绝向贫困学生提供贷款。假设你是高三学生李华,请你就这个问题给21世纪报写一篇文章谈论此事,并谈谈你的打算。注意:1.词数:120150,信的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;2可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯;3参考词汇:国家助学贷款:State Loans for StudentsDear editor,As we know,it has been more than four years since our country carried out the State Loans for Students,allowing students to borrow money from the bank to help them finish their studies._Yours sincerely,Li HuaE俗话说:早起的鸟儿有虫吃。请根据你生活中亲身经历的一件事,说明一切成功源于凡事早做规划,不断追求,辛勤劳作。请以The early bird will catch worms为题写一篇120150词的短文。_ F一个好的学生应该具有许多优秀品质(如下图所示),你认为哪个或哪两个是最重要的呢?为什么?请分析原因,并结合自己的生活实际,写下你的感悟。提示词:Passion(热情);Selfdiscipline(自制力);Perseverance(毅力)注意:1.文章连贯,条理清楚,详略得当;2分析原因,结合实际,写出真情实感;3词数:120150_参考答案A参考范文:Dear Tom,Youre your letter I know its the first time for you to be in my country and you are eager to know what China is really like.Im glad to tell you that an exploring trip titled “Discovering China” is to be organized in the summer vacation.I think its a good chance for you to learn more about China.I hope you can experience Chinese culture in every aspect.First,well fly to Kunming,a popular tourist destination for its beauty and mild temperature.Then well head for Jinggangshan,which is a former revolutionary base as well as a natural beauty spot.After a oneday visit there,well board a downstream ship on the Yangtze River to Shanghai,and meanwhile we can enjoy the great scenery alongside.A famous saying goes,“Just as there is paradise in heaven,there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth”,so a twoday visit to these two cities is a must.The whole trip will last a week.I earnestly invite you to join us.Best wishes!Yours,Li HuaB参考范文:Dear Rick,Im glad you are interested in our LearnfromLei Feng Groups.First of all,you might need to know who Lei Feng is.Born in Wangcheng,Hunan,Lei Feng lived a short life of only 22 years.As a soldier in the Peoples Liberation Army,he worked hard and was always ready to help others.He did countless good deeds in his short life and has been regarded all the time as a national hero and moral model for every citizen.There are lots of LearnfromLei Feng Groups in Chinas middle schools,all of which are formed voluntarily and are usually small in size:in threes or fours or more.The groups carry out various activities such as cleaning up streets or parks,helping out in homes for the elderly,and so on.I believe such activities are of great value in educating people and building a harmonious society.Yours,Zhu WenC参考范文:A girl student in a primary school was sent back home because her hair was too long to meet the school dress codes.The incident has caused wide concern about school regulations.Many schools in China have strict dress codes to regulate students hairstyles and clothing,saying students are so young that it is easy for them to follow their favorite stars and even the fashion.Besides,as students,they should not care too much about hairstyles and dressing.I am not in favor of the ban that all the students mustnt wear long hair.I think it is acceptable for boys to have short hair but the girl students have the right to wear long hair.In China,it is the tradition for girls to wear long hair.D参考范文:Dear editor,As we know,it has been more than four years since our country carried out the State Loans for Students,allowing students to borrow money from the bank to help them finish their studies.It is reported that the policy is well received by students as well as universities,benefiting millions of students.However,as banks can get little interest from the policy,and some students,especially those from badlyoff families,often fail to pay off the money on time after their graduation,some banks simply refuse to provide the service to students,saying that some students lack the faith in paying back the money in time.In my opinion,its wrong for the banks to do so.They should not just consider their own interest.Im in Senior Three and next year Ill be going into university.As far as Im concerned,I hope I can benefit from the service to enable myself to go on with my studies.And of course,Ill make a faithful student and pay back the money on time.Yours sincerely,Li HuaE参考范文:The early bird will catch wormsAn old saying “The early bird will catch worms” reminds us that if people want to be successful and outstanding,they must plan ahead of time and make their efforts to overe all the possible difficulties.For example,the Chinese athletes excellent performance in xx Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver is definitely the result of their early planning and hard training.If they didnt set the aim and work hard,even though they have the best talents,they couldnt pete with others and get more medals.Another case is my learning experience.I was good at English,but I couldnt pass the exam.The reason was that I had no plan and was involved in many other things.I wasnt prepared well before the examination,so I failed.In short,the saying shows us the importance of planning ahead,working hard and trying constantly.F参考范文:A good student is one with many good qualities.But I strongly believe honesty is the most important of all.As the proverb says,“Honesty is the best policy”The most important element in human relationships,whether business or personal,is honesty.Here is one of my secrets.I used to lie to my parents because of my poor scores.Having known the fact that I failed the exams,they didnt scold me but pointed out my mistakes.They encouraged me to study hard,showing their deep love.Later I chose to be frank.From then on,I have kept the following in my mind:If it is not true,dont say it.If it is not right,dont do it.Honesty is not only the best policy,but also a principle,which is absolutely essential for the good and happy living of life.

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