2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习精练 第一部分 Unit3 A healthy life 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习精练 第一部分 Unit3 A healthy life 新人教版选修6.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习精练 第一部分 Unit3 A healthy life 新人教版选修6.单项填空1(xx莆田质检)He felt _ of cheating in the exam, deciding never to do such things again.AshameBashamedCsorry Dshameful解析:be/feel ashamed of “因而羞愧”,符合题意。shame不用于此结构; sorry应与介词for连用; shameful用来形容事物,“令人感到可耻的”。答案:B2The coach _ the importance of teamwork again and again when training the basketball players.Astrengthened BrecognizedCstressed Dappreciated解析:句意:教练在训练这些篮球运动员时,一次又一次地强调合作的重要性。stress意为“强调”,符合语境。strengthen “加强”; recognize “认出”; appreciate “欣赏”。答案:C3Anny was banned _ driving for two years because of a serious accident caused by drinking and driving.Aagainst BfromCin Dto解析:ban sb. from doing sth.“禁止某人做某事”。句意:因为一次由酒后驾驶所造成的严重事故, Anny被禁止开车两年。答案:B4Have you heard the _ news that your class failed again in the game?Yes, we were all _ about it.Adisappointing; disappointingBdisappointed; disappointedCdisappointing; disappointedDdisappointed; disappointing解析:当作定语修饰事物时,多用disappointing,意为“令人失望的”;当作表语,且主语是表示人的词语时,多表示主语的内心状态,用disappointed,意为“失望的;沮丧的”。答案:C5Their country is in a(n) _ state and the people there must all work hard and make her strong.Aconcrete BdesperateCflexible Dappropriate解析:句意:他们国家的状况危急,国民必须努力工作使他们的国家变得强大。desperate “危急的;绝望的;拼命的”。concrete “具体的”; flexible “易曲的;灵活的”; appropriate“适当的”。答案:B6I seldom agree with my managers words.In order to succeed here, you should overe your _ against your manager.Apreference BprehensionCappeal Dprejudice解析:句意:你需要消除对经理的偏见,才能在这里获得成功。prejudice意为“偏见”,符合句意。preference “喜爱;偏爱”; prehension “理解”; appeal “呼吁;恳求”。答案:D7Paul is so stubborn that its impossible to make him change his mind._ is no use arguing with him.AThere BThisCThat DIt解析:Its no use doing sth.为固定句型,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语为doing sth.。答案:D8(xx四川高考)Lydia doesnt feel like_ abroad. Her parents are old.Astudy BstudyingCstudied Dto study解析:考查非谓语动词。 feel like sth./ doing sth.是固定搭配,表示“想要某物/ 想要做某事”。 句意: Lydia 不想出国学习, 她的父母都上年纪了。答案:B9They like going to sleep early, dont they?Yes. They are accustomed _ very late.Ato stay up Bto not stay upCto staying up Dto not staying up解析:be accustomed to sth./doing sth.意思为“习惯于”, to为介词,后接动名词,再由going to sleep early可知答案。答案:D10_ our partys reform policy, the economic situation of our country _ much better than before.ADue to; turned on BBecause of; turned overCDespite; turned around DThanks to; turned out解析:句意:多亏了党的改革政策,我们国家的经济状况才比以前大有改善。thanks to “多亏”,表示原因; due to “由于;归因于”; because of “由于”; despite “尽管”。turn out “结果是”; turn on “打开”; turn over “翻转”; turn around“转过来”。由句意可知D项正确。答案:D11Now that you like the MP5 players very much, isnt it a good idea to get one?Well, Id like to but I cant afford _ MP5 player at present.Aa such expensive Bthat expensive anCthat an expensive Dso cheap an解析:考查that的特殊用法。that作副词用时,意思和用法与so相同,所以当that和冠词、形容词一起放在名词前时,其结构应该是“that形容词不定冠词名词”。答案:B12If your race car isnt insured, you may _ losing everything when it hits something solid.Adelay BdenyCavoid Drisk解析:考查动词辨析。delay “延误;拖延”; avoid “避免”; deny “否认;否定”; risk “冒险”。句意:如果你的赛车没有保险,如果撞上硬物,你就有失去一切的风险。答案:D13Some government officials in that country were arrested for _ their power to get benefit for themselves and their relatives.Aquitting BaffectingCabusing Drejecting解析:考查动词的语境意义。句意:那个国家的一些政府官员因为滥用职权为自己和亲属谋利而被拘捕。abuse “滥用”,符合句意。quit “放弃”; affect “影响”; reject “拒绝”。答案:C14(xx福州模拟)He insisted on driving home _ getting drunk last night, which made him caught and arrested by the policeman.Ain case of Bin spite ofCin terms of Don account of解析:考查介词短语的用法。in spite of意为“尽管”,后接名词或动名词,符合句意“尽管喝醉了,还是坚持开车回家”。in case of “假如;若发生”; in terms of “就而论”; on account of “因为”。答案:B15(xx黄山模拟)The new survey shows that the number of students _ puter games has been on the increase in recent years.Adevoted to Brelated toCconnected to Daddicted to解析:be devoted to “致力于”; be related to “与有联系”; be connected to “与相关联”; be addicted to “对上瘾的”。“addicted to”是分词短语作后置定语修饰“students”;指“对电脑游戏上瘾的学生”,因此D项正确。答案:D.阅读理解(xx湖北省部分重点中学高三联考)Cittaslow has discovered China, and it is awarding a little village in Jiangsu the title of “slow city”The bored teenagers of Gaochun are impatient with the leisurely pace of hometown life. For them there is no nightlife to speak of, no bright lights, no excitement and they cannot wait to grow up and leave for the urban attractions of the big cities. But it is this laidback lifestyle that has attracted international attention. At least, a quiet village within Gaochun county has e under the spotlight. Yaxi village, population 20,000, is about to be designated Chinas first “slow city” by Cittaslow, the sustainable lifestyle movement that first surfaced in Italy 11 years ago.At home, the residents at Yaxi are unfazed and pretty much unimpressed by the honor. To them, life has been like this for as long as they can remember. Here, growing old gracefully is natural.Nobody living in this little county had heard of Cittaslow or the words “slow city” before this.“The first time I heard the term was last July, when the vicepresident of Cittaslow, Angelo Vassallo, visited Yaxi village,” says Zuo Niansheng, the chief editor of local newspaper Gaochun Today.“Vassallo was deeply impressed by this villages natural and cultural resources and said it perfectly fitted the requirements for a slow city,” says Zuo.That was how Yaxi became connected with Cittaslow.The Slow City must also be mitted to protect and maintain the natural environment as well as promote a sustainable way of development, all of which are the current strategies adopted in Gaochun.“Weve been doing this for years,”adds Zuo.Cittaslow was founded in Tuscany, Italy in 1999. It was a spinoff from the Slow Food Movement which started, also in Italy, in 1986 as a protest against the first McDonalds opening near the Spanish Steps in Rome. The movement championed a return to healthy, nutritious homegrown, homecooked foods.Slow Food has expanded globally to more than 130 countries. Its mission has also broadened to include the promotion of sustainable foods and local small businesses, and the localization as opposed to globalization of food production.Cittaslow is an expansion of the Slow Food Movement, and it actively advocates a lifestyle that is sustainable, and that will improve quality of life, and will preserve cultural and culinary (烹饪的) heritage.语篇解读:江苏省高淳县的休闲生活方式与现代的快节奏生活格格不入,可是,正因为如此,它才获得了慢城运动组织授予的慢城市殊荣。1According to the passage, Cittaslow is a(n) _.Aorganization BpersonClifestyle Dhonor解析:细节理解题。结合文章第一段中的内容以及倒数第三段第一句中的内容可推测Cittaslow是一个组织。答案:A2Whats the reaction of the residents at Yaxi to the award according to the passage ?AVery excited. BVery shocked.CIndifferent. DVery happy.解析:推理判断题。第三段中提到桠溪居民的生活方式世代如此,他们已经习以为常,由此可推测他们对这个荣誉称号“满不在乎”。答案:C3. Why is the village Yaxi awarded the title of “slow city”?ABecause it is full of excitement and activities of nightlife.BBecause the residents at Yaxi enjoy a leisure life.CBecause it is very rich and has a lot of attractions.DBecause foreign people prefer small towns.解析:推理判断题。第二段的开头部分提到高淳县青少年厌倦了家乡的悠闲生活,下文提到正是因为这种生活才引起了Cittaslow的关注,桠溪将被指定为中国首个“慢城市”,由此可推断B项正确。答案:B4It can be inferred from the passage that _.Ayoung people at Yaxi enjoy their life very muchBChina is more and more popular with foreign peopleCthe first McDonalds in Europe was opened in SpainDthe lifestyle of “slow city” will be good to environment and people解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中Cittaslow所倡导的理念可推测“慢城市”的生活方式对环境和人都有益。答案:D.书面表达(xx河南洛阳模拟)美国耶鲁大学法学院华裔教授蔡美儿(Amy Chua)的新书虎妈战歌(The Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mother)记录了她用严格的中式教育方法培养孩子的经历,引起了美国时代周刊等全球媒体关于东西方教育观念的讨论,其中的焦点之一是:“教育是否应该是快乐的?”正方反方教育应该激励孩子快乐成长,应该让他们享受只有在童年时期才能拥有的幸福真实的人生就是快乐与痛苦同在,在童年时期也需要为此做好准备请你为学校的英文校报写一篇文章,向同学们介绍这本新书以及其引发的讨论,并表达你自己的观点。注意: 词数:120左右。A debate heated up recently, thanks to Amy Chuas book about a Chinese “tiger mother”_参考范文:A debate heated up recently, thanks to Amy Chuas book about a Chinese “tiger mother”. In her latest book entitled “The Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mother”, Amy describes how she adopts traditional Chinese methods to educate her children, which is considered by many westerners to be too hard and inhuman.One of the issues being discussed after the book was published is whether early education should focus on childrens happiness. Those supporting the idea argue that early education is intended to help children grow up in a cheerful atmosphere and inspire them to better themselves in an allround way. Therefore we should allow children to enjoy the happiness which can only be found during their childhood. On the contrary, people holding the opposite view insist that since in reality life is full of happiness and pain, children should be well prepared for that even during childhood. Otherwise, they would find it hard to adapt to life in the future.In my opinion, just as Confucius said, education methods should be adopted based on individual personalities. Moreover, educators should respect children as independent human beings.

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