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Grade 8Book 2Units68.用所给词的适当形式填空1Lots of foreign tourists (tourist) love ing to Guizhou for their holidays.2Please accept my best wishes for your happiness andsuccess (succeed)3Environment protection (protect) has been an urgent issue in recent years.4I like going to the countryside to enjoy the natural (nature) sights on weekends.5There are five thousand (thousand) workers in that factory.6My best friend got married (marry) last weekend.7The football fans (fan) cheered their team on during the xx FIFA World Cup.8He weighed (weigh) himself on the bathroom scales(磅) just now.9There was a burst of laughter (laugh) in the next room.10Why not go to the Cabernets? I think its one of the best French (France) restaurants in this area.改错1Please remind me bringing him a gift for his birthday. bringingto_bring 2The population of Singapore is fewer than that of India. fewersmaller 3He succeeded in face of great difficulties.facefacing 4Stop to watch your phone, or it will hurt your eyes.to_watchwatching 5I will call you as soon as I will get home. 第二个洛基will .汉译英1据我所知,他没有兄弟。As_far_as_I_know,_he_has_no_brothers. 2我第一次看到这只狗的时候,我就爱上它了。The_first_time_I_saw_this_dog,_I_fell_in_love_with_it. 3我妈妈不喜欢摇滚乐,她认为摇滚乐太吵了。My_mother_does_not_like_rock_music._She_thinks_it_is_too_noisy. 4快点儿,否则我们就不能按时到达火车站了。Hurry_up,_or_we_cannot_get_to_the_train_station_on_time. 5自那以后,我再也没对我父母撒过谎。I_have_never_lied_to_my_parents_ever_since.

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