2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 2(1)教学反思 人教新起点.doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 2(1)教学反思 人教新起点.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 2(1)教学反思 人教新起点这一课的任务是让学生能听说、认读 body, leg, arm, hand, finger, foot 这些关于身体部位的单词,并能用英语介绍自己身体的这几个部分。能听懂 Lets do 部分的指示用语,并按指令做出相应的动作。从而进一步培养学生模仿发音和语调的习惯,奠定语音语调的基础。上完这节课我自己有几点深刻的感受:1.课堂上让学生动一动,说一说,演一演,学生兴致高,学生一边做动作一边读单词,这样加深了学生对单词的义的认识,而且可让小部分上课好动的学生没空搞小动作,课堂纪律较好。2.本节课教学活动的设计先通过整体呈现,再由学生说出要学的新单词,教师给学生一个自学的机会,培养了学生自学的习惯。本节课的游戏设计,先由High voice and low voice. Silent Speech 训练学生对音的认识;接着游戏:看图片快速闪出消失,学生说出,训练学生对义的认识;再由游戏:出示单词的个别字母给学生猜单词,训练学生对形的认识。通过这一系列的游戏后,学生对本课时的知识掌握得教好。3.课堂上教师应更大胆点,放手让学生自主学习,课堂上注意培养学生互助的良好习惯。 附送:2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 2(2)教案 人教新起点Teaching aims: 1Learn the words from P10”B”.2Learn and read A “Look,listen and sing”Teaching importance:Through the movement to say the word.Teaching difficulties:Read the mew words rightly.Teaching appliance: radio/picture.Teaching steps: Step 1:Review lesson 6.Step 2:(picture)Learn_the_new_words:nose/ear/mouth/eye and read them.Step 3:(play a match)T act a movement S say out the word.Step 4:(radio)Learn A and sing a song.First teach them to read the fork song.Brief summary:Review four words and let one or three read the fork song, the others follow.Homework: Review four words and read the fork song to your parents.Lesson 8Teaching aims: 1.Learn “A”sing and draw. 2.Learn “B”.Teaching importance:Can speak each of the body that we learned.Teaching difficulties:Read the rhyme and draw myself.Teaching appliance:crayon,radio,picture.Teaching steps:Step 1:(picture)Say “Whats this in the picture?”Step 2:(radio)Learn As rhyme.Step 3: Say and act sentence by sentence.Step 4:Draw myself.(crayon)Step 5:Learn B “Find out lackly part of the body and draw it again.Brief summary: Review the rhyme again.Homework: Read the rhyme and draw theirselves.Lesson 9Teaching aims: 1.Learn four parts lf the body. 2.Practice to say greeting “Hi,Im.”Teaching importance: Practice in pairs to say “Hi,Im.”Teaching difficulties:Read out four parts of the body rightly.Teaching appliance:picture,radio,crayonTeaching steps:Step 1:(radio)Read L8s rhyme.And then review the old words about body.Step 2:(picture)Learn four parts of the body and pratice to say.Step3:Practice to say greeting “Hi,Im.Touch”in pairs and act.Brief summary: T say out each part of the body and S draw them.Homework:Say out four parts of the body to your parents.Lesson 10Teaching aims:1.Learn A “look,listen and chant”. 2.Practice to say greeting “Hi, Im”Teaching importance:Learn the chant.Teaching difficulties:Read out the chant.Teaching appliance: radio,picture,crayon.Teaching steps:Step 1:(picture)Read out these words and Tsay S do.Step 2:(crayon)T say S draw myself.Step 3:(radio)Listen to the tape tape and read after it. And then follow TTo read sentence by sentence.Step 4:Lets act. Use “Hi! Hello! Bye!”Brief summary: At last listen to the tape and read it again.Homework: Listen to the tape and read after it. Lesson 11Teaching aims: 1.Review the organ. 2.Practice the TPR.Teaching importance: Practice the TPR(Toucyh.and Here.,)Teaching difficulties: Can understand TPR and do.Teaching appliance: pictureTeaching steps:Step 1: Review the organ.(picture)Step 2: Read the chant. You should say one side, point one side.Step 3: Practice the TPR.1. Touce.2. Heres you Step 4: Practice in pairs and act. Brier summary: T say and Sdo. Homework: Review the organ of the body.


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