八年级英语下册 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains Self check教案 人教新目标版.doc

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八年级英语下册 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains Self check教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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八年级英语下册 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains Self check教案 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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An old man tried to move the mountains课题Unit6An old man tried to move the mountains. Self check课型新授课教学目标1.巩固回忆以下短语:go to bed,go out,e from,put on,walk around。2.尝试写作讲故事的话题作文。 重点The vocabulary:unless,so thatTarget language:They told the emperor the clothes they made were special because only clever people could see them.难点The usage of “unless,sothat,as soon as”.教学用具录音机,多媒体。教学环节说 明二次备课复习Section B 中重点单词、短语、句型。新课导入Leading in1Review the key words and phrases in the play Hansel and Gretel.2Ask some students to act out the play.课 程 讲 授Step 1Preview and perception【预习感知】Ask the students to read the vocabulary and target language.从方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空。lead to,turn into, get married,cheat,fit1They could not stop smiling when they _2The new shirt doesnt _ me.3Monkey King can _ himself _ many things.4They _ this man out of a lot of money.5He _ us _ his house.Step 2Consociation and exploration【合作探究】Let the students read the book by themselves in order to find out the answers.They can discuss the questions in groups or ask the teacher for help.When they finish the questions,ask some students to check the answers.Step 3Pretask【准备任务】Page 48,Self Checkplete the tasks in Self Check 1.1Have the students plete the task.2Use your own ideas to plete the sentences.3Ask one or two students to write their answers on the blackboard.Step 4Whiletask【过程任务】1Look at Self Check 2.2Ask the students to fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets.3Ask the students to check the answers.Have them read the passage.Step 5Consolidation practice【巩固练习】Look at the students book of the 5th exercise.小结Summary【课堂小结】In this class we reviewed the usage of “unless,as soon as and sothat”If you dont know how to use them,you should ask somebody for help.作业布置1Act out some plays with others after class.2Review this unit.板书设计Unit 6An old man tried to move the mountains.The fifth periodSelf Check1The vocabulary:unless,sothat2Target language:They told the emperor the clothes they made were special because only clever people could see them.课后反思


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