八年级英语上册 Module 8 Accidents Unit 2 I was trying to pick it up when it bite me again导学案外研版.doc

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八年级英语上册 Module 8 Accidents Unit 2 I was trying to pick it up when it bite me again导学案外研版.doc_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Module 8 Accidents Unit 2 I was trying to pick it up when it bite me again导学案外研版.doc_第2页
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Module 8 Accidents课题Module 8 Accidents Unit 2 I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again.主备人课 型 Reading & writing课时1上课时间总课时数学 习目 标1.能识记climb, hide, throw, fridge ,pain, worse ,medicine;2.能根据图片预测下文;3.能够理解作者通过故事传达的信息;4.能够理解语篇中故事发生的顺序.教学过程备 注 课前自学.根据音标写单词。1. bait 2. klaim 3. haid 3. ru 4. frid 5. pein 6. w:s 7. medisin.翻译。1.one day_2.a few days earlier_3.bite ones hand _ 4.pick up_5.get worse _6. in great pain _7.get worse_ 8. hurry to _9. take out_ 10.give sb. the right medicine 11. show sth to sb_ 课堂导学. Warm up1.What can you use a mobile phone to do? Look at the picture and talk about the picture.1.What is the mans job?_2.Wheres he?_3.Wheres the snake?_.Reading Read the passage quickly and match the words with the pictures and phrases.Read fast and answer the questionsTask1. What happened to Henry one day?Task2. Did the photo save his life? Read again and choose the correct answer (P67)Read and plete the table. What did he do after the snake bit himHe _ the snake across the kitchen. He _ cool and _ a photo of the snake. Soon he _ to hospital and _ the photo to the doctors.How did the doctors save his lifeThe doctors _ the photo to a zoo. Then they _ Henry the right_.Mr Jacksons suggestion“If a snake _ you , _ _your phone . Take its photo first and then _the photo _the doctors.” suggests Henry. .Finish A5 on the book. 课堂检测Put the following sentences in order. ( ) One day, Henry was working in a restaurant kitchen. ( ) Finally the photo saved his life.( ) He threw the snake across the kitchen.( ) Suddenly, a snake appeared and bit him on the hand.( ) Anyway he stayed cool and took a photo of it.( ) Soon he went to the hospital and showed it to the doctor. 课后延学Writing:If a dog bites you what will you do?Please give us some suggestions. 相关短语stay cool,wash the wound,canine madness 狂犬病,see the doctor,take medicineIf a dog bites me,I will _

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