2019年高中英语 15.3 Teachers练习 北师大版必修5.doc

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2019年高中英语 15.3 Teachers练习 北师大版必修5.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子1.The water in the river is now so dirty because many factories have been p dirty water into it.答案:pouring 2.He was arrested because he worked as a s and wanted to get the secret information of another country.答案:spy3.So tired after a days work,I d myself home.答案:dragged4.When the firemen arrived,the whole house was already in f.答案:flame5.Jack is so fat because he always eats much food and l exercise.答案:lacks6.Use (胶水)to stick the stamp onto the envelope.答案:glue7.Look at the sign,“No (吐痰)”.答案:spitting 8.(洋葱)is really good to our health,according to a research.答案:Onion 9.The millionaire gave away all his money to the poor and he thought it was (值得的).答案:worthwhile 10.Whats the (粉末),do you know?答案:powder.用适当的介词或副词填空1.You know that I have perfect confidence you.答案:in2.I wanted to set early in order to avoid the traffic jam.答案:off/out3.He explained us how we could solve the problem.答案:to4. least you should apologize to him.答案:At5.They told me they had tried several methods to keep birds their apple trees.答案:off6.The magic spell(魔咒)changed the frogs and rats back men.答案:into.用方框内所给词语的适当形式填空(每个限用一次)the first timefor lack ofaccess toadd up togive a presentation to1.This road is the only the mountain village.答案:access to2. I met him,he was only a boy of ten.答案:The first time3.The professor the audience about his experiment.答案:gave a presentation to4.Their project was at last cancelled money.答案:for lack of5.What a surprise!His debt nearly 100,000 yuan.答案:adds up to.完形填空My mother made me a teacher.I dont mean that she 1 me to bee a teacher.She made me a teacher because she taught me to love learning and 2.In addition to my mothers 3,there are several other events in my life that 4 me to bee a teacher.When I was little I could not 5 the syllable(音节)“er”.No one could understand me.I remember being VERY 6.Then,when I was four,my mother took me to meet a wonderful 7 teacher named Miss Philips.After six weeks,I 8 say “sister”and “flower”.I learned then the power of education.My mother said,“9 is the worlds most important job.”When I was thirteen I 10 a month in Shiners Hospital.I got to know the other 11 there.They were wonderful,very sweet and caring.I had them 12 an autograph(亲笔签名)book so I could remember them.I remember being shocked that 13 they were very intelligent,many of them could hardly write their names.My mother 14 many of them had been in and out of hospitals.I then 15 what a difference the opportunity to learn could make to a child.My mother said,“If its worth doing,its worth doing 16.”So when I was ready to pick the career,I had the 17 that education could change everyones life.I am 18 to the teachers and programs that helped me learn the art of teaching.I love to see the 19 in a students eyes when understanding draws.I also love 20 former students.This email came from a girl:“I am seriously considering working towards being a professor or high school teacher.I guess this just goes to show how much a class in high school can change what you want to do with your life.Thanks again!”1.A.forcedB.encouragedC.controlledD.ordered提示:从文章第一句的“My mother made me a teacher.”可知母亲想让作者成为老师,而从下文中母亲的做法和作者的信念可知母亲没有“强迫(force)”作者。答案:A2.A.sharingB.askingC.smilingD.singing提示:从下文作者身为人师的语境可知,作者是指学习和“分享(share)”。答案:A3.A.exampleB.pressureC.influenceD.instruction提示:从上文的“.she taught me to love learning.”以及母亲的做法可知,这都是母亲对作者的“影响(influence)”。答案:C4.A.confusedB.convincedC.depressedD.excited提示:作者之所以成为老师是有好几件事情最终让其坚定信念,所以要用convince。答案:B5.A.writeB.pronounceC.declareD.describe提示:根据下文中的“.say sister and flower.”可以得知作者最初是不会“发出(pronounce)”“er”这个音节的。答案:B6.A.inspiredB.interestedC.carelessD.frustrated提示:从上文的“No one could understand me.”可知作者由于不被理解,因而感觉到很“沮丧(frustrated)”。答案:D7.A.artB.musicC.speechD.grammar提示:菲尔普斯小姐是教作者发音的,因此是speech teacher。答案:C8.A.wouldB.shouldC.mightD.could提示:此处表示作者的能力,能够说sister和flower了,因此选could。答案:D9.A.ReadingB.TeachingC.LearningD.Speaking提示:作者跟着老师学习并且学好了发音,因此母亲想说的是“教学是世界上最重要的工作”,故选teaching。答案:B10.A.workedB.studiedC.stayedD.spent提示:从下文的“I got to know the other.”可知,既然能够认识其他人,就可以判断作者在医院里“度过(spend)”了一段时间。答案:D11.A.doctorsB.patientsC.nursesD.students提示:作者是在医院里,因此遇到的是其他“病人(patients)”。答案:B12.A.designB.signC.noticeD.plan提示:作者想让他们“签名(sign)”,以便能记得他们。答案:B13.A.althoughB.soC.becauseD.if提示:虽然他们很聪明,但是有些人几乎不会写自己的名字;“.they were very intelligent.”是一种让步,所以要用although。答案:A14.A.explainedB.promisedC.agreedD.admitted提示:母亲对上句中提到有些病人不能写自己名字的原因进行了“解释(explain)”。答案:A15.A.insistedB.observedC.remindedD.realised提示:那些病人由于没有机会上学而不会写自己的名字,作者由此“意识到(realise)”学习能改变一个人的命运。答案:D16.A.properB.badC.rightD.poor提示:如果某事值得做,就要做好,因此要用right。答案:C17.A.wishB.taskC.beliefD.suggestion提示:下文的“.that education could change everyones life.”是作者从事教育事业所带的“信念(belief)”。答案:C18.A.kindB.gratefulC.stressfulD.proud提示:“从下文的.that helped me learn the art of teaching.”可知,作者得到了别人的帮助,因此肯定是“感激的(grateful)”。答案:B19.A.surpriseB.regretC.delightD.beauty提示:从下文的“.when understanding draws.”可知学生能够听懂了,因此作者发现学生眼睛里所流露出的“喜悦之情(delight)”。答案:C20.A.hearing fromB.talking withC.calling on D.listening to提示:从下文的“This email came from a girl.”可知作者很愿意“收到(hear from)”以前学生的信。答案:A.阅读理解 Eating sweets might actually stop your child from getting fat,researchers say.According to their study,youngsters who regularly eat chocolate and other treats are less likely to be overweight than those who dont.The findings appear to contradict most researches which show that sweets are not only bad for your teeth but bad for your body,too.Researchers monitored more than 11,000 children and young people between the ages of 2 and 18 from xx to xx.The result showed that children who ate sweets were 22 percent less likely to be overweight than those who didnt.Among teenagers,26 percent were likely to weigh less than those who didnt.Among all ages there were also lower levels of C-reactive protein(C反应性蛋白)in sweet-eating children.High levels of the protein are thought to raise the risk of heart problems.The researchers said that children who ate proper sweets from an early age learned the important skill of food discipline(戒律).Dr Carol ONeil,lead researcher,added,“The study shows that children and teenagers who eat candy are less likely to be overweight.However,candy shouldnt replace nutrient foods in the diet.” Recently experts warned that childhood overweight was the result of inactive lifestyles.Dietitian(饮食学家)Priya Tew said that children who were given treats by their parents learned lessons that were good for them later in life.“It could be that children get used to treats but learn to have smaller portions(部分)and not have them every day,” she said.1.What would be the best title for the passage?A.The More Candy You Eat,the Thinner You Will BeB.Advantages of Eating SweetsC.Eating Candy may Prevent OverweightC.Major Causes of Overweight提示:主旨大意题。文章一开头便说明了该篇短文的主旨:吃糖果可能会防止孩子变胖。答案:C2.The underlined word “contradict” in the second paragraph probably means “”.A.agree withB.differ fromC.turn outD.deal with提示:词义猜测题。第一段说明了文章主题:吃糖果可能会防止孩子变胖,第二段把这一发现与以前的研究进行比较,以前的发现表明糖果不仅对牙齿有害,也对身体有害。故这两种观点不一致。答案:B3.According to the passage,high levels of C-reactive protein can lead to .A.teeth problemsB.cancerC.mental problemsD.heart diseases提示:细节理解题。根据文章第四段中“High levels of the protein are thought to raise the risk of heart problems.”可知答案。答案:D4.It can be learned from the last two paragraphs that children who eat candy .A.are willing to do exerciseB.usually eat proper amount of itC.consider it to be nutrientD.understand the importance of it提示:推理判断题。文章倒数第二段说明了虽然孩子吃糖果可能会防止肥胖,但糖果不能代替日常饮食的营养食品。最后一段则说明孩子可能会习惯于父母给的糖果,但学会吃较小的一部分,而不是每天都会吃。由此判断吃糖果的孩子通常会适当地吃糖果。答案:B

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