七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 23 The Corner Store同步练习 冀教版.doc

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七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 23 The Corner Store同步练习 冀教版.doc_第1页
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Lesson 23The Corner Store.根据课文内容,完成下面表格单词1.角落_2. 钱_3.冰箱_4. 二十_ 5.传递_6. clerk_短语1.corner store_2.pass around_3.take down_句型1.需要帮忙吗?_ I_ _?2.让我想想。Let _ _. 3.请去便利店。Please go to the _ _ .根据课文内容回答问题1Where does Danny go?_2What does Dannys mother need?_3Where are the juice and coke?_4Does Dannys mother give him any money?_5What does Danny buy at the corner store?_.单项选择()1.Please _ to the store.Ago Bgoes Cto go Dgoing()2.What would you like, sir?_ATwo water BTwo bottles waterCTwo bottles of water DTwo bottle of water()3._?Yes, please. I need a watch for my daughter.A. Do you have a watchB. Can I help youC. Is this your schoolbagD. Does she like sports()4.What would you like to eat?Some _, please.Apear BcoffeeCtea Dbread()5._ for the red apples?Theyre ten yuan a kilo.AHow many BHow muchCHow tall DHow old()6.Would you like some juice?_AYes, I would BYes, pleaseCNo, I wouldnt DNo, I dont()7.Would you like some _No, thanks. Im not thirsty at all. Awater BpotatoesCbread Drice()8.Some money _ on the desk. Aare Bam Cis Dbe ()9.Can you pass the tea _ me?Afor Bwith Cof Dto ()10.The bottle of milk is on the wall. Can you help me _?Atake down it Bpass it aroundCpass around it Dtake it down.连词成句1bottles, many, you, how, like, would_?2water, for, here, some, is, you_.3needs, a, she, to, sweater, buy_.4much, would, like, you, milk, how_?5tea, him, a cup of, pass, please_.完形填空It _1_ lunchtime. I am _2_. I go to a _3_ to have lunch. I want _4_ a piece _5_ pizza because I like _6_ pizza _7_. But they dont have _8_. Then I order some _9_ and _10_ for lunch. ()1.A.am Bis Care Dbe()2.A.thirsty Bangry Chungry Dgood()3.A.school BrestaurantClibrary Dhome()4.A.have Beat Cto have Dhas()5.A.in Bof Cfor Dto()6.A.eat Beats Ceating Dto eating()7.A.a lot Ba lot of Cmany Dlots()8.A.any Bsome Cmany Dmuch()9.A.fish Bnoodle Cdumpling Dapple()10.A.beefs BhamburgerCsandwiches(三明治) Dmilks教师详解详析.单词: 1.corner2.money3.fridge4twenty5.pass6.店员;办事员短语: 1.便利店2.分发;传送3拿下;取下句型: 1.May/Can; help you2me see3.corner store.1.He goes to the corner store. 2His mother needs some milk. 3The juice and coke are in the fridges. 4Yes, she does. 5He buys many bottles of coke,some juice and some tea.1.A2.C3.B4.D5B6.B7.A8Cmoney为不可数名词,故用is。9Dpass sth. to sb.意为“把某物递给某人”。10Dtake down意为“拿下来”;pass around意为“分发”。根据句意可知答案为D。.1.How many bottles would you like2Here is some water for you3She needs to buy a sweater4How much milk would you like5Please pass him a cup of tea.15BCBCB610CAAAC


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