高中英语必修1 - Unit 3单元训练及解析

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Unit 3 (时间:30分钟满分:40分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1She seems to prefer_American TV Shows to talking to me.(2012北京东城区高三综合练习)Ato watch Bto be watchingCwatching Dhaving watched答案C考查短语的搭配。prefer .to . 比起来更喜欢,可用于该短语中的词为介词、名词或动名词。句意:比起和我说话来,她好像更喜欢看美国电视剧。2People who get less than six hours of sleep per night have an increased_of dying early.Acustom BpracticeCdisadvantage Drisk答案D考查名词词义的辨析。custom习俗;习惯;practice练习; disadvantage不利条件;不便之处; risk冒险。由语境可知D项正确。句意:每晚睡觉不足六个小时的人有更大的早亡的危险。3This dress was last years style.I think it still looks perfect_it has gone out this year.Aso that Beven thoughCas if Dever since答案B考查连词的使用。so that 以便于;因此引导目的或结果状语从句;.even though即使;尽管,引导让步状语从句;as if 仿佛;好像,引导方式状语从句; ever since从以来,引导时间状语从句。由句子语境可知B项正确。句意:这件衣服是去年的款式。我认为即便它今年过时了它看上去仍然很完美。4Mom, Im going to the graduation dance tonight but I dont think I look attractive enough.Oh, darling, dont worry. _.(2012江苏盐城中学高三模拟)AThey dont know what beauty isBNobody will care about itCYou look perfect the way you areDImpossible is nothing答案C考查情景交际。由答语中的Oh, darling, don t worry. 可知,妈妈是在安慰并鼓励自己的女儿,故C项正确。A项“他们不知道什么才是美。”和B项“没有人会在乎的。”不符合情景交际的特点。句意:妈妈,今天晚上我去参加毕业舞会,但我觉得不够吸引人。噢,宝贝,不要担心,你的穿戴方式看上去很完美。5_to give up smoking, he threw away his_cigarettes.ADetermined; remainedBDetermined; remainingCDetermining; remainedDDetermining; remaining答案B考查非谓语动词的用法。be determined to do sth意为决定干某事,表示状态,作状语时常常省略be动词;remain为不及物动词,无被动形式,常用remaining“剩余的”作定语。句意:他决定戒烟后就把剩余的烟全扔了。6How often do you eat out with your friends?_, but usually once a week.(2012山西高三考前适应性训练)AIve no idea BAs usualCIt depends DGenerally speaking答案C考查情景交际。Ive no idea 我不知道;as usual像往常一样;it depends视情况而定;generally speaking一般来说。由答语中的but usually once a week可知C项正确。7She brought with her three friends, none of_I had ever met before.Athem Bwho Cwhom Dthese答案C考查定语从句。whom引导定语从句并在从句中作宾语。句意:她领了三个朋友来,这三个人我一个也不认识。8Can you help me with the maths homework,mom? You cant always _others help for your homework. Do it by yourself this time, Dear.Await on Brely onCinsist on Dturn on答案B考查动词短语的辨析。wait on 服侍;等待;rely on 依赖,依靠; insist on 坚持;turn on打开(开关等)。由语境可知B项正确。句意:妈妈,您能帮我做数学作业吗?宝贝,你不能总是靠别人帮你做作业,这一次你要自己做。9It was on November 15, 2010_a big fire happened in Shanghai,_was a great shock to lots of people.(2012安徽安庆市高三模拟)Awhen; that Bthat; whenCwhich; when Dthat; which答案D考查强调句与定语从句。第一空为强调句,用that 引导;第二空为非限制性定语从句的引导词,且在从句中作主语,故应用which引导。句意:那是在2010年11月15号上海发生了一场大火,这场大火震惊了许多人。10Generally speaking, my grandmother is nice and kind, but she_be very stubborn at times.Ashould Bshall Cmust Dcan答案D考查情态动词表推测的用法。must表推测常用于肯定句,意为“一定是”;can表推测常用于疑问句和否定句,用于肯定句中时表示“有时候会”。句意:总的来说我奶奶是一个友好而善良的人,但有时候她也固执。11What can I offer you? Coffee, tea, orange juice, iced water.?_.AYes, please. Thank youBI dont care. WhateverCGo ahead.None of my businessDDont worry. Too much trouble答案B考查情景交际。问句中提到了可供选择的好几样饮料,由此可知B项正确。句意:您想喝点什么?咖啡、茶、橘汁、冰水还是?我不在乎,什么都行。12The earthquake in Japan, measuring 9.0 on the Richter Scale, was so violent_ cause a series of explosions of the nuclear reactors in several power stations.(2012浙江金华高三五校联考)Ato BthatCas to Das that答案C考查句型的使用。so.as to 如此以至于。句意:发生在日本的里氏9.0级地震如此强烈以至于导致好几个核电站一系列核反应堆的爆炸。13I hear Caroline has gone to New Zealand for her holiday.Oh, how nice! Do you know when she_?Awas leaving Bhad leftChas left Dleft答案D考查动词的时态。由第一句中的的has gone to New Zealand可知,Caroline去了还没有回来,故“离开”这一动作应发生在过去。句意:我听说Caroline 去新西兰度假了。噢,太好了!你知道她什么时候离开的吗?14Ready to quit guessing, Sandy?No, no, I hold on! I think I_to the answer.Acome Bhave comeCcame Dam coming答案D考查动词时态。由句中的quit及hold on可知D项正确。句意:Sandy,你要放弃再猜吗?不,我要坚持。我认为快得到答案了。15Go to bed early and have a good rest or your actions will give you_tomorrow.Aaway Bup Cin Dback答案A考查动词短语的搭配。give away 泄露,暴露;give up放弃; give in 屈服,让步; give back归还。句意:早点上床好好休息一下,要不然明天你的表现就会暴露出来的。.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)You cant fool a honeybeeJust as the smell of good food appeals to us,the fragrant(芬芳的)smell of flowers,as well as their colors and shapes,attracts honeybees to collect nectar(花蜜)and thus carry out the cross pollination(授粉)needed for plants to reproduce.But for plants,nectar production is costlyit requires vital energy and nutrients,so some plants try to cheat honeybees out of their food rewards by using the same attractive smells falsely to advertise poor quality nectar,or even none at all.Is it possible that honeybees are fooled by these cheats?No.Bees quickly distinguish which flowers produce the best nectar by their smells,even when the smells are extremely similar,a recent study by the scientists at Newcastle University in the UK has shown.Led by biologist Geraldine Wright,the scientists exposed collected worker honeybees to two different odors(气味)based on natural floral compounds(化合物)One odor led to a food reward having more sugar and the other food reward contained more salt.They found that the bees were able to tell apart the two odors based on their associated rewards.Wright explained that honeybees like sugary nectar and dislike salty nectar.How delicious or awfultasting the food nectar is to them determines how strong the bees preference is to the scent(香味)signals.Their research shows that bees can learn about the signals related to nectar quality,and they have ways to avoid floral “cheaters”They prefer to visit the floral scents theyve learned to associate with profitable rewards,Wright told at www.discoverynews.com.To honeybees,the smell signal is even more crucial than the look of a flower.Wright explained:“When the floral scent isnt correct,even if the visual_aspect of the flower is exactly the same,a bee will not visit it.”The study suggests that a bees ability to learn which smells produce the best nectar may be the key to understanding how the smell of flowers has evolved in flowering plants.“It forces flowering plants to be honest about the rewards they advertise and honeybees may even select plants with both scented flowers and high quality flowers,”she said,“because these plants outcompete others in the floral market place.”【解题导语】 本文是一篇科普说明文,介绍了蜜蜂具有识别花蜜质量的能力。16This passage is mainly about_.Ahow floral scents are evolved to attract honeybeesBthe reasons and the ways flowers attract honeybeesChoneybees ability to distinguish high quality flowersDhow honeybees learn not to be fooled by plant cheats答案C主旨归纳题。第三段是整篇文章的主题段落,主要介绍了蜜蜂具有识别花蜜质量的能力,有了这种能力蜜蜂才不会被一些假花蜜所欺骗,下文通过介绍科学家的研究来证明此观点。17What is the food a honeybee gets?ANectar. BHoney. CScents. DNutrients.答案A细节理解题。根据第一段的内容可知,蜜蜂从鲜花中采取花蜜,因此也给它们授了粉,故A项是最佳答案。18Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe look of a flower matters as much as its scents to a honeybee.BThe honeybee will visit a plant if its flower smells good.CThe honeybee will avoid a plant whose nectar is salty.DPlants dont need to make much effort to make nectar.答案C细节理解题。根据第四段中所讲述的实验可知,蜜蜂不喜欢咸味,所以它们是不会光顾带有咸味花蜜的植物的。故选C。根据第六、第七段可知,花的外貌不如它的香味重要;根据第二、第三段可知,有时花虽然闻起来很好,但它是假的,这时蜜蜂会识破真相;根据第二段可知植物造成花蜜需要维持生命所必需的能量和丰富的营养。由此可排除其余三项。19From the passage,we can conclude that _.Athe visit of honeybees is not crucial for a flowering plantBthe honeybees “sweet tooth”is likely to affect the floral signalsChoneybees can judge the quality of nectar by its smellsDsome plants succeed in avoiding“payment”to honeybees for their “service”答案C推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“The study suggests that a bees ability to learn which smells produce the best nectar may be the key to understanding how the smell of flowers has evolved in flowering plants.”可以推断出,蜜蜂是通过气味来判断花蜜的质量的。20The underlined phrase“visual aspect”most probably means “_”Alook Blistening Csmell Dscent答案A词义猜测题。根据上一段“To honeybees,the smell signal is even more crucial than the look of a flower.”可以推断出答案。.阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。(请注意问题后的字数要求)Psychology(心理学)tells us that many people hate to take risks._But_it_is_good_for_us_to_take_risks,_especially_when_the_risk_is_to_achieve_a_desired_result.In that way, we become stronger and braver.Our human nature should be to take risks, but some people just sit and wish they didnt have the fear to move on. This is because of one or two failures in their lives. Please step out and dont let the past hold you back from living life to the fullest. Move forward and move on!In studying the psychology of taking risks, we find that human nature provides us with the desire to experiment and take chances.Risk taking is a great benefit that allowed our ancestors(祖先) to become stronger and stronger day by day. By taking risks they fought off enemies and discovered new land.This attitude has become a part of our modern culture. Riding a roller coaster is a common risk taking activity that even the average person seems to enjoy although they have the understanding that it is dangerous. Getting in a car each day is a risk. Getting out of bed is a risk. We need to take risks so that we can finish many things. Astronauts take risks when they get inside a rocket; however, the things they achieve are great. Businessmen take a risk when they buy parts of a company. However, without doing that, they could not make more money. We need to take risks so that we can gain something. It is impossible to move forward in life, earn money, enjoy a relationship, play a sport, or do anything else_.It is all part of the game. Its one of the most important parts of life.21. What is the main idea of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)_答案Taking risk is important/necessary for our life.22Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?Dont let the failures that you have experienced prevent you from taking risks and live a meaningful life. _答案Please step out and dont let the past hold you back from living life to the fullest.23Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)_答案without taking a risk24Why do people ride a roller coaster although they know it is dangerous? (Please answer within 10 words.)_答案Because taking risks is part of our human nature/ Taking risk has become a part of our modern culture.25Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese._答案冒险对我们来说是好的,尤其是为了得到渴望已久的结果而采取的冒险。写作素材集锦单词suggest表明短语1just as正如一样2tell apart区分,识别句子Led by biologist Geraldine Wright,the scientists exposed collected worker honeybees to two different odors based on natural floral compounds.以生物学家Geraldine Wright为首的科学家,让收集来的工蜂接触由天然花香化合物散发出的两种不同的气味。 9


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