河北省2019年中考英语二轮复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题12 简单句语法综合演练.doc

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河北省2019年中考英语二轮复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题12 简单句语法综合演练.doc_第1页
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河北省2019年中考英语二轮复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题12 简单句语法综合演练.doc_第2页
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河北省2019年中考英语二轮复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题12 简单句语法综合演练.doc_第3页
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语法专题(十二)简单句语法综合演练.单项选择1.xx淮安 My sister is planning to have a second child next year. good idea it is!A.WhatB.What aC.HowD.How a2.xx吉林改编 Please here earlier!We dont want to miss the last bus to the library.A.arriveB.to arriveC.arrivingD.to arriving3.xx云南 fast China is developing!Yes, we are so lucky to live in such a great country.A.What B.What a C.HowD.How a4.xx兰州 fine weather it is! Lets go for a walk.Sounds like a great idea.A.What B.HowC.What a D.How a5.xx莱芜 have you talked with your friends on WeChat?Since I finished my homework.A.How farB.How oftenC.How soonD.How long6.xx昆明 Hi, Lucy. is your birthday?My birthday is on May 2nd.A.WhatB.WhyC.WhenD.Where7.xx北京 do you usually go to school, Mary?By bike.A.WhenB.HowC.WhereD.Why8.xx烟台 ?She is of medium height with two blue eyes.A.How is Rita B.What does Rita likeC.What does Rita look likeD.How do you like Rita9.xx南京 Millie, do you take the course in DIY?Every Saturday afternoon.A.how longB.how farC.how muchD.how often10.Jim, read books while you are walking in the street. Its very dangerous.OK, thank you.A.dontB.doesntC.wontD.cant.连词成句A1.better, are, feeling, you ?2.people, are, what, they, kind !3.does, which, in, live, building, Jenny ?4.cost, the, money, didnt, dictionary, much, me .5.lent, Sam, iPad, to, I, yesterday, my .B6.Beijing, does, live, she, in ?7.your, what, is, shirt, size ?8.got, yesterday, up, he, late .9.on, books, my, there, desk, some, are .10.look, the, beautiful, how, flowers !C11.my, father, it, bought, yesterday .12.gift, him, gave, a, I, yesterday .13.man, is, young, who, that ?14.he, working, hard, is, how !15.card, that, me, pass, black .D16.have, ever, seen, you, the, film ?17.wonderful, the, how, party, was !18.sister, wake, dont, your, up, little .19.I, collecting, interested, stamps, in, am .20.there will be, a, tomorrow, meeting, sports .E21.for, you, ready, class, are ?22.man, who, young, that, is ?23.noise, make, much, dont, so .24.bed, better, earlier, had, to, you, go .25.how, a, showed, him, plane, make, she, model, to .F26.you, do, a, volleyball, have ?27.helped, I, my mom, housework, do, yesterday .28.for, thanks, the, party, planning .29.are, kids, some, playing, in the garden, there .30.carefully, how, she, studies !G31.go out, he, a walk, often, does, for ?32.did, why, e, late, yesterday, you ?33.hot, is, weather, how, the !34.have a talk, we, going, this afternoon, are, to .35.when, got up, know, I, he, this morning .H36.big, is, my, yours, as, apple, as .37.a woolen sweater, I, bought, my mother .38.get home, will, mother, how soon, Toms ?39.me, can you, bought, tell, the book, where, he ?40.help, you, nice, of, to, how, us !参考答案.1.B形容词good修饰名词idea,中心词是名词,用what引导感叹句,idea是可数名词,在形容词good前用不定冠词a。故选B。2.Aplease开头的祈使句,后跟动词原形,故选A。3.C4.A5.Dhow far意为“多远”,对距离提问;how often意为“多久一次”,对频率提问;how soon意为“要多久”,对“in+一段时间”提问;how long意为“多久;多长时间”,对一段时间提问。答语是since引导的时间状语从句,表示一段时间,故用how long提问。故选D。6.C根据答语可知,询问的是生日日期,故选C。7.B答语表示方式,提问用副词how。故选B。8.C9.D10.A.1.Are you feeling better2.What kind people they are3.Which building does Jenny live in/In which building does Jenny live4.The dictionary didn t cost me much money5.I lent my iPad to Sam yesterday/Yesterday I lent my iPad to Sam6.Does she live in Beijing7.What size is your shirt8.He got up late yesterday/Yesterday he got up late9.There are some books on my desk10.How beautiful the flowers look11.My father bought it yesterday12.I gave him a gift yesterday/Yesterday I gave him a gift13.Who is that young man14.How hard he is working15.Pass me that black card16.Have you ever seen the film17.How wonderful the party was18.Don t wake up your little sister/Don t wake your little sister up19.I am interested in collecting stamps20.There will be a sports meeting tomorrow21.Are you ready for class22.Who is that young man23.Don t make so much noise 24.You had better go to bed earlier25.She showed him how to make a model plane26.Do you have a volleyball27.I helped my mom do housework yesterday/Yesterday I helped my mom do housework28.Thanks for planning the party29.There are some kids playing in the garden30.How carefully she studies31.Does he often go out for a walk32.Why did you e late yesterday33.How hot the weather is34.We are going to have a talk this afternoon/This afternoon we are going to have a talk35.I know when he got up this morning36.My apple is as big as yours37.I bought my mother a woolen sweater38.How soon will Tom s mother get home39.Can you tell me where he bought the book40.How nice of you to help us


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