2019春七年级英语下册 Module 7 My past life Unit 3 Language in use课时作业 (新版)外研版.doc

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2019春七年级英语下册 Module 7 My past life Unit 3 Language in use课时作业 (新版)外研版.doc_第3页
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Unit3Languageinuse基础知识回顾.根据句意用be动词的适当形式填空1.Wereyou at school yesterday morning?2.Damingwasnot in the city last week.3.Thereweretwo cars in front of the house yesterday.4.My friend Tomwasborn in Guangdong and Iwasborn in Hefei.5.My mother and Iwerein the park yesterday,but my fatherwasin his office.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.她不是出生于河北。ShewasntborninHebei.2.在我家屋后原来有一个种了很多花的花园。Therewasa gardenwithlotsofflowers behind my house.3.你什么时候出生的?我出生于1998年5月10日。Whenwereyou born?Iwasbornon10th May,1998.4.你的第一个老师叫什么名字?Whatwasthenameofyour first teacher?5.昨天的天气怎么样?Howwasthe weather yesterday?.用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空east,fortable,go back,with,look forward to1.He islooking forward toseeing Yao Ming one day.2.I willgo backto my home town next Sunday.3.There is a roadwithgreen trees on both sides.4.This chair is veryfortableand I like it very much.5.Ningbo is in theeastof China.综合能力提升.单项填空(B)1.Helen is looking forward toher mother soon.A.seeB.seeingC.watchD.watching(D)2.Was there a school in the village?,there.A.Yes;wereB.Yes;wasntC.No;wasD.No;wasnt(A)3.was George Washington?He was the first president of the USA.A.WhoB.HowC.WhoseD.Where(D)4.Sanya isthe south coastChina.A.in;inB.to;onC.at;ofD.on;of(C)5.How many studentsthere in the classroom yesterday afternoon?A.areB.wasC.wereD.is.任务型阅读Mr Wood was born in a small town.He is very old now.He sees many changes in his home town.He knows that things are different now.But he never forgets the old days.He likes to talk about them.He often talks about his favourite birdthe robin(知更鸟).“When I was a child,these houses were not here.There were wide fields and tall trees.Every spring the robins came.Thousands of them flew up to the north from the south.They spent the winter in the south.Some built their nests (巢) in the trees near the houses.Then people started to cut down trees,and they built more houses.The robins stopped ing.They couldnt build their nests near our houses because there were no trees.Now there are too many houses and too many roads.There are no places for the robins.They do not e any more.”1.Where was Mr Wood born?(不超过10个词)He was born in a small town.2.Where did some robins build their nests?(不超过10个词)In the trees near the houses.3.Why did people cut down trees?(不超过10个词)Because they wanted to build more houses.

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