山东省日照市2019年中考英语总复习 第14课时 九全 Units 3-4练习.doc

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第14课时 九年级 Units 34一、单项选择1. How do you make yourself relaxed before you give a talk? taking a deep breath. AWith BOn CBy DUnder2Our city has bee the National Civilized City(全国文明城市)Yes. We our hometown. Aare born with Bare famous forCare proud of Dare hard on3Do you know that there will be several subway lines in this city?Great! Traveling around the city by subway costs less money, and its also .Abelievable BboringCconvenient Dactive4Jack takes part in social activities.Yes, he isnt like his brother, who is always active.Aseldom BjustCstill Dusually5(xx天津北辰北仓模拟)As we know, Italy is European country and Thailand is Asian country. Aan; a Ba; an Can; an Da; a6Could you tell me what happened?Im not going to tell you about it. Its .Acertain BwonderfulCperfect Dprivate7Did Lily used to be short? , but she is tall now.ANo, she did BNo, she didntCYes, she did DYes, she do8Many students dont know how to shyness and stress, they became worried easily. Atalk with Bdeal with Ce up with Dpull down 9He go out with his parents, but now he staying at home alone.Aused to; used to Bis used to; is used toCused to; is used to Dis used to; used to10Have you asked the teacher tomorrow morning?Yes, he told us to be at the school gate at 8:00.Aif we need an umbrella Bwhen and where we shall meetChow we shall get thereDwhat we should take二、完形填空Today is Friday, August 14th. My good friend Bob came to me 1 . He told me something exciting: his father helped the police catch a thief yesterday.When Bob was waiting for the ferry(渡船) with his father, he 2 some people arguing loudly. He looked around and saw 3 women and a big man shouting at each other. When his father asked 4 was going on, one of the women said they were tourists and three men 5 her friends purse when they were buying postcards in a bookstore. The other two had 6 , but they followed the big man closely.When the ferry 7 , the big man hurried on to the ferry. Then, the two women went aboard after 8 . Bob was angry, and he wanted to go up and help women. 9 his father said he didnt want to take that ferry. Bob felt even 10 because he thought his father was afraid of the big man and didnt want to help others.What Bob saw next changed his 11 of his father. His father hurried to store nearby, and used their 12 to call the police. He reported the things to the police and gave some useful details about the 13 the tourist and the ferry.When they got off the next ferry, Bob saw the big man was caught 14 the policemen.While Bob was telling me this story, he seemed very 15 . He said he had a better understanding of his father. Although he is a mon man, he was a real hero in his mind.1A.exactly BhappilyCwisely Dpolitely2A.saw BsmeltCfelt Dheard3A.two BthreeCfour Dfive4A.where BwhoCwhat Dwhy5A.bought BstoleCbrought Dcaught6A.stayed away Bgiven awayCrun away Dput away7A.left BwentCarrived Dreceived8A.it BhimCher Dthem9A.Although BThereforeCBecause DBut10A.happier BbetterCangrier Dworse11A.idea BdreamCpromise Dsuggestion12Aputer BphoneCbook DTV13A.weather BtimeCthief Dpurse14A.at BtoCfor Dby15A.proud BupsetCpatient Dspecial三、阅读理解(xx山东滨州阳信模拟)It is very important to have a law to base your life on. As for me, the law of life is that success is a journey, not a destination(目的地). It means that the most important is not where you are in the end, but what you have acplished(完成) while you are trying along the way.One person who shares my law of life is Mark McGwire, a US baseball player. He once played for St. Louis Cardinals. He wasnt caught up in the homerun petition in the 1998 season, but he tried his best to play every game. And, most of the time, he helped his teammates instead of promoting(提升) personal performance, because he wanted to make it a good season for the whole team.I also think the Cardinals as a whole is following my law of life. They play every game with their full potential(潜力) instead of letting a few winning games go to their heads. They stay focused on the games in the World Series. Even if they lose some games, they never give up.It doesnt matter whether you have the ability to be on the top in the end or win the championship. All that matters is that you work hard the whole time. There are a few people in the world who have already understood that success is a journey, not a destination. But wouldnt it be a much better world if everyone did? After all, its not about who wins or loses, but about how well you play the game. I hope I can apply this to my own life.1According to the passage, the writer thinks that .Aits important to win in the endBits important to try your best on the journey to successCyou will succeed if you put your heart into itDits important to make your plan clear2Which of the following is NOT true about Mark McGwire?AHe is a baseball player in America.BHe didnt focus while playing every game.CHe tried his best in every game.DHe wanted his team to get a better result in the 1998 season.3The writer mentioned the Cardinals to show that .Aeveryone believes in his law of lifeBsports players know how to winCthey have the same opinion as hisDteamwork is very important4The underlined phrase “go to their heads” means “ ” in Chinese.A冲昏头脑 B志在必得C半途而废 D勇往直前5Whats the best title for the passage?ATry to Be on the TopBWin Every GameCSuccess Is a DestinationDThe Law of Life四、单词拼写根据首字母或汉语提示,在横线上写出下列句子中单词的完全形式。1Ma Jun is good at speech. He is a great s 2There always are many t jams at this time of the day.3The weather was terrible, but the bus they took arrived s at last.4We Chinese feel very p of the Chinas astronauts. 5When autumn es, many trees l turn brown and fall into piles.6Theres a small supermarket (在旁边) the post office.7I dont like the (葡萄). They are green.8Everyone should behave (礼貌地) in public.9My mother (很少) has lunch in the restaurant.10If youre careless, youll (失败) the exam.参考答案一、15 CCCAB610 DCBCB二、15 BDACB610 CCBDC1115 ABCDA 三、BBCAD四、1.speaker2.traffic3.successfully4.proud5leaves6.beside7.grapes8.politely9seldom10.fail


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