七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science讲义 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science讲义 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science讲义 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science讲义 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.Part 1 Words and Expressionsfavorite /fevrt/adj. & n. (= favourite)特别喜爱的(人或事物) subject /sbdkt/n. 学科;科目science /sans/n. 科学P.E. /,pi: i:/n. (= physical education) 体 育music /mjuzk/n. 音乐;乐曲math /m/n. 数学Chinese /,tani:z/n. 语文;汉语adj. 汉语的;中国的geography /digrfi/n. 地理(学) history/hstri/n. 历史why /wa/adv. 为什么 because /bkz/conj. 因为 Monday /mnde/n. 星期一 Friday /frade/n. 星期五 Saturday /st(r)de/ n. 星期六for sure无疑;肯定free /fri:/adj. 空闲的cool /ku:l/adj. 妙极的;酷的 Tuesday /tjuzde/n. 星期二 Wednesday /wenzde/n. 星期三Thursday /(r)zde/ n. 星期四Sunday /snde/n. 星期日A.M. /,eem/(=a.m.) 上午P.M. /,pi:em/(=p.m.) 下午;午后useful /jusfl/adj. 有用的;有益的from /frm/prep.(表示开始的时间) 从开始fromto从到Mrs. /msz/(用于女子的姓氏或姓名前)太太;夫人 finish /fn/v. 完成;做好lesson /lesn/n. 课;一节课1hour /a(r)/n.小时favoriteadj. & n. 特别喜爱的(人或事物);最喜爱的(人或事物)1. adj. 修饰名词e.g. favorite color/food/fruit/car/subject Whats your favorite subject?2. n.e.g. my/your/his favoriteLucy is always her fathers favorite.becauseconj. 因为e.g. I like vegetables because they are healthy. I dont like geography because it is boring.翻译:我喜欢历史因为历史很有意思。because 可以用来回答why 引导的特殊疑问句e.g. Why do you want to buy this T-shirt?Because it is very cool. for sure 无疑,肯定e.g That is for sure.One thing is for sure, it is not easy.有一件事是肯定的,这不容易。I think he is Jimmy, but I cant say for sure.我认为他是吉米,但我说不准。finishv. 完成1. sth. finishe.g. Class finishes at twelve.2. finish sth.e.g. You must finish your breakfast.3. finish doing sth.e.g. I often finish doing my homework before nine.翻译:我想在星期日把这本书看完。hourn. 小时usefuladj. 有用的;有益的一个小时: hour/a(r)/一本有用的字典: useful dictionary/jusfl/2注意 hour, useful 与不定冠词的搭配。Part 2 TextsRole-play the conversation.Frank: Hi, Bob. Hows your day?Bob:Its OK. I like Monday because I have P.E. and history.Theyre my favorite subjects.Frank: Whos your P.E. teacher?Bob:Mr. Hu. He always plays games with us.Frank: Thats great! But why do you like history? Its boring.Bob:Oh, I think history is interesting. Whats your favorite day? Frank: Friday.Bob:Why?Frank: Because the next day is Saturday!Bob:Haha! Thats for sure. I like Friday, too.Hi, Bob. Hows your day? howadv. 怎样;如何e.g. How are you?How is your grandma? How is your trip?How is your clothes store?回答可以用: Its OK / great. Its very interesting/boringStructures1. Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is science.2. Whats his favorite subject?His favorite subject is Chinese.3. Whats her favorite subject?Her favorite subject is art.4. Why does Bob like history?Because its interesting.5. Why do Frank and Bob like P.E.? Because its fun.6. Who is your music teacher?My music teacher is Ms. Xie.7. When is your geography class?Its on Monday and Friday.特殊疑问句定义:是以特殊疑问词开始的以寻求信息为目的的疑问句。常见的疑问词包括:what(什么),where(在哪里),when(何时) ,why(为什么) ,who(谁) ,how(如何)等。结构:1. 陈述语序3用陈述语序的结构往往是对主语进行提问,这时疑问词做句子的主语。e.g.Alan likes Friday. Alan 是句子的主语。就划线部分提问变成特殊疑问句 Who likes Friday? 此时 who 是句子的主语。A cat is in the classroom.就划线部分提问变成特殊疑问句 What is in theclassroom? 此时 what 是句子的主语。2. 疑问语序:疑问词+一般疑问句Why does Bob like history?Bob likes history because it is fun.When do you have the music class?I have the music class at three.Where is the tape player?The tape player is on the desk. ?I want to help Jimmy. ?I need a sweater.根据划线部分选择疑问词,再把剩余句子变为疑问语序(一般 疑问句)。练习:就划线部分提问My favorite subject is science.I like science because it is interesting.The school trip is on December 10th.Dear Jenny,4I am very busy on Friday. At 8:00 I have math. It is not fun. The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult. Then at 9:00 I have science. It is difficult but interesting. At 10:00 I have history. After that, I have P.E. at 11:00. It is easy and fun. Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00, and after that we have Chinese. It is my favorite subject. Our Chinese teacher, Mrs. Wang, is great fun. My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours. It is really relaxing!How about you? When are your classes? What is your favorite subject?Your friend, Yu MeiOur Chinese teacher, Mrs. Wang, is great fun. funadj. 有趣的;使人快乐的n. 乐趣;有趣的人或活动(本课用法)great fun = good fune.g. Swimming is great fun. My grandpa is good fun.My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson fortwo hours.forprep. 表示“持续某段时间”e.g. I have a class for 45 minutes at school. What about you? Every day, we do sports for one hour.Part 3 Grammar时刻表达法1. 二十四小时制/十二小时制使用十二小时制时,要使用a.m./p.m.比如:二十四小时制十二小时制2:002:00 a.m.14:002:00 p.m.18:00 2. 整点表达:可用基数词或者基数词+oclock 来表示e.g. 5:00five/five oclock9:00 3. 几点几分表达a. 顺读法:直接读出数字,先读小时再读分钟,都用基数词e.g. 1:20one twenty 2:38two thirty-eight 3:05three o five4:25 b. 逆读法:先读分钟再读小时,借助介词past 或 to 表示钟点5past用于分钟数小于等于三十时分钟数+ past+小时数to用于分钟数大于三十时(60-分钟数)+ to+(小时数+1)e.g. 2:10ten past two3:25twenty-five past three 2:40twenty to three3:55five to four4:18 1:58 4:30 thirty past four = half past four 5:45 fifteen to six= a quarter to six时刻表达里:可以用 half 代替 thirty,a quarter 代替 fifteen练习:请用逆读法表示下列时间1:10 10:45 3:55 5:30 Part 4 Exercises一、完成句子1. 你最喜欢的学科是什么? your _ ?2. 我最喜欢的科目是科学。My is .3. 你为什么喜欢科学? you like science?因为有意思。 its .4. 你的音乐老师是谁? your teacher?5. 我的课在 2:50 结束。My classes .6. 我总是早上 6:30 起床。I always get up atin the morning.67. His favorite subject is art.(就划线部分提问)8. I like history because its interesting. (就划线部分提问)9. My geography teacher is Mr. Zhang.(就划线部分提问)10. He plays soccer with his friends in the afternoon. (就划线部分提问)11. We have the book sale in the library. (就划线部分提问)二、用合适的介词填空12. We often play sports an hour after school.13. His sister likes to play her dog.14. We have a volleyball game five this afternoon.15. Can you e to my home Sunday?16. Do you have history the afternoon of Monday?三、单项选择() 17. Our English teachers name is Ann Green. We can call her .A. Mrs. AnnB. Mr. AnnC. Mrs. GreenD. Mr. Green() 18. The new term is ing. The students are busy the classrooms.A. cleanB. cleansC. to cleanD. cleaning() 19. My mom often finishes at seven in the morning.A. cookB. cookingC. cooksD. to cook() 20. He usually does his homework 2 hours every day.A. forB. onC. atD. in() 21. I need half hour to finish my homework.A. aB. anC. theD. / () 22. I think it is useful book.A. aB. anC. theD. /() 23. We usually go to school Monday Friday.A. both; andB. from; toC. next; toD. on; on() 24. Science is difficult interesting.7A. andB. orC. bothD. but四、根据句意及首字母填空25. We have sports for two h .26. I like English b it is fun.27. The girl speaks(说) C very well.28. M is the second day of a week.29. Are you ftomorrow?30. I think an English dictionary is very u .五、补全对话A: Whats your favorite ? B: Science.A: do you like science?B: it is interesting. What about you? A: Math is my favorite.B: Why? Its difficult and b . A: Yes, I know it is difficult, but I like it. B: What is your favorite day?A: My favorite day is F . B: Why?A: Because I have P.E. that day.B: Do you do your on Saturdays?A: No, I dont. I am free on Saturdays. How you? B: I have no homework on weekends, too.But my mother asks me to do other things. So I am b .【参考答案】Words and ExpressionsI like history because it is interesting.I want to finish reading the book on Sunday. an, aTexts8Who do you want to help? What do you need?9Whats your favorite subject? Why do you like science?When is the school trip?Grammar1. 二十四小时制/ 十二小时制6:00 p.m.2. 整点表达nine/nine oclock3. 几点几分表达four twenty-five eighteen past four two to twoten past one five to foura quarter to eleven half past fiveExercises一、1. Whats, favorite, subject2. favorite, subject, science3. Why, do, Because, interesting4. Who, is, music5. finish, at, ten, to, three6. half, past, six7. Whats his favorite subject?8. Why do you like history?9. Who is your geography teacher?10. When does he play soccer with his friends?11. Where do you have the book sale?二、12. for13. with14. at15. on16. on三、17-20 CDBA21-24 BABD四、25. hours26. because27. Chinese28. Monday29. free30. useful五、subject, Why, Because, boring, Friday, homework, about, busy

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