高中英语必修2 - Unit 3单元训练及解析

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Unit 3 (时间:30分钟满分:40分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional_.Aconsequence BindependenceCcompetence Dintelligence答案C考查名词词义的辨析。consequence结果;后果;independence 独立; competence 能力;intelligence智力。句意:教师必须不断的更新自己知识以便于保持他们在职业上的能力。2The traffic problem we are looking forward to seeing_should have attracted the local governments attention.(2012衡阳市八中高三月考)Asolving Bsolved Cto solve Dsolve答案B考查动词的非谓语形式作补足语。分析句子结构可知,we are looking forward to seeing_ 部分为定语从句,修饰the traffic problem,作宾语的引导词被省略。因此,空格处应为句型see sth done,故B项正确。句意:我们渴望得到处理的交通问题应该引起政府的关注。3Many people believe that poverty is only a problem in rural areas._,it is also a problem in some urban areas.AAs a result BFurthermoreCIn the end DAs a matter of fact答案D考查短语的辨析。as a result 因此;furthermore而且;in the end 最后;as a matter of fact 实际上。由句中的also可知,D项符合句子的逻辑结构。句意:许多人认为贫穷只是乡村地区存在的问题,实际上,它也是部分城市地区存在的问题。4What he has said is reasonable_.(2012福建厦门三校高三联考)Ain the way Bon the wayCby the way Din a way答案D考查介词短语的辨析。in the way 挡道;碍事;on the way 在途中;即将到来;by the way顺便说;顺便问一下;in a way在某方面。句意:他说的话在某些方面是合理的。5China has shown increasingly positive_of economic performance,but the countrys economic recovery is still uncertain,Prime Minister Wen said.Atraces Bsignals Cmarks Dsigns答案D考查名词词义的辨析。trace痕迹;遗迹;signal信号;mark符号;记号;sign符号;标记。句意:温家宝总理说中国已经表现出了日益增长的经济实绩的征兆,但是国家的经济复苏还不稳定。6I havent seen Ann for _ long that Ive forgotten what she looks like.Asuch Bvery Cso Dtoo答案C句意:我有很长时间没见着安了,我已忘记她长什么样了。so/such.that如此以至于,即soadj./adv.that,而suchn.that,long为副词,故用so。故选C。7No further financial problem_, but we once couldnt make both ends meet.Arose Barose Caroused Draised答案B考查动词词义的辨析。rise 为不及物动词,意为上升;升起;arise 常表示(问题、困难等)出现,不及物动词;arouse 及物动词,唤醒;唤起;raise及物动词,抚养;提高。句子主语为problem,由此可知空格处应用arise。句意:没有再出现财政问题,但我们又一次入不敷出了。8Im not sure whether Ill succeed in persuading her._, Ill try all possible means to make it.AEven though BIf soCAnyhow DTherefore答案C考查副词及连词的辨析。even though 尽管,后接句子;if so如果这样的话,为状语从句的省略; anyhow无论如何;不管怎么说;therefore因此。由句子结构可知C项正确。句意:我不能确定是否能说服她,但不管怎么说,我要尽一切可能去做这件事。9Many Europeans explored_continent of Africa in the 19th century with the determination to discover_unknown.A/; the Bthe; anC/; an Dthe; the答案D考查冠词的用法。continent大洲,有定语of Africa修饰,应用定冠词the;第二空为the形容词表示一类人或物。句意:许多欧洲人在19世纪时到非洲去探险,决定发现那些未知的东西。10_that Tom got inside the room to see what was going on.(2012安徽蚌埠二中高三质检)ASo strangely did he feelBSo strangely he feltCSo strange did he feelDSo strange he felt答案C考查so.that 句型的倒装。so adj./adv.位于句首时主句用倒装结构。句意:他觉得那么奇怪以至于汤姆都到房间里来看看发生了什么事。11_,the excited crowds in the square suddenly became so quiet. Its still puzzling.APersonally BNaturallyCSomehow DAnyway答案C考查副词的用法。somehow表示“不知为什么”,符合句子结构。personally本人;亲自;naturally 自然地;anyway无论如何;不管怎么说。句意:广场上兴奋的人群不知为什么突然那么安静。太令人不解了。12The police have finally_the mystery (疑案)(2012山西介休十中高三模拟)Asucceeded to solveBsucceeded in solving Csucceeded solvingDsucceeded on solving答案B考查短语的搭配。succeed in doing sth 成功做某事。句意:最后警察成功的破解了这一疑案。13Every possible means_,but it seems that nothing will prevent the situation from getting worse.(2012陕西西安市高三质检)Ahas tried Bhave triedChas been tried Dhave been tried答案C考查主谓一致。every possible means 每一种可能的方法,谓语动词应用单数形式,且means 与try之间为动宾关系,故C项正确。句意:每一种可能的方法都被试过了,但好像没有什么能阻止这种状况的每况愈下。14Creative thinking is a conscious effort to break away from old patterns of thinking in order to_new possibilities.Asolve Bapply Cexplore Densure答案C考查动词词义辨析。solve 解决;apply 申请;explore 探索;ensure保证;确保。句意:创造性思维是一种试图摆脱旧思考模式、探索新的可能性的有意识的努力。15While building a tube through the mountain,_.Aan underground lake was discoverdBthere was an underground lake discoveredCa lake was discovered undergroundDthe workers discovered an underground lake答案D分析句子结构可知,从句为状语从句的省略,此时主从句的主语应一致,故D项正确。句意:在山上建隧道时,工人们发现了一个地下湖。.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)What will power your house in the future?Nuclear,wind,or solar power?According to scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)in the US,it might be leavesbut artificial(人造的)ones.Natural leaves are able to change sunlight and water into energy.It is known as photosynthesis(光合作用)Now researchers have found a way to imitate this seemingly simple process.The artificial leaf developed by Daniel Nocera and his colleagues at MIT can be seen as a special silicon chip with catalysts(催化剂)Similar to natural leaves,it can split water into hydrogen and oxygen when put into a bucket of water.The hydrogen and oxygen gases are then stored in a fuel cell,which uses those two materials to produce electricity,located either on top of a house or beside the house.Though the leaf is only about the shape of a poker card,scientists claimed that it is promising to be an inexpensive source of electricity in developing countries.“One can imagine villages in India and Africa not long from now purchasing an affordable basic power system based on this technology,”said Nocera at a conference of the American Chemical Society.The artificial leaf is not a new idea.The first artificial leaf was invented in 1997 but was too expensive and unstable for practical use.The new leaf,by contrast,is made of cheap materials,easy to use and highly stable.In laboratory studies,Nocera showed that an artificial leaf prototype(原型)could operate continuously for at least 45 hours without a drop in activity.The wonderful improvements come from Noceras recent discovery of several powerful,new and inexpensive catalysts.These catalysts make the energy transformation inside the leaf more efficient with water and sunlight.Right now,the new leaf is about 10 times more efficient at carrying out photosynthesis than a natural one.Besides,the device can run in whatever water is available;that is,it doesnt need pure water.This is important for some countries that dont have access to pure water.With the goal to “make each home its own power station” and “give energy to the poor”,scientists believe that the new technology could be widely used in developing countries,especially in India and rural China.【解题导语】 本文是一篇科普文。文章介绍了科学家利用人造树叶仿效光合作用进行发电这一新发明。16Which of the following orders correctly shows how the artificial leaf is used to produce electricity?aartificial leaves split water into hydrogen and oxygenbthe hydrogen and oxygen gases are stored in a fuel cellcthe artificial leaves are put in waterdthe fuel cell uses hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricityAc,b,a,d Bc,a,b,dCb,c,a,d Dc,a,d,b答案B细节排序题。文章的第三段提到人造树叶发电的过程:先把它放在一桶水里,然后树叶将水分解为氢气和氧气,而氢气和氧气被存储于燃料电池里,随后电池利用氢气和氧气的反应发电。17Which of the following statements about new artificial leaves is NOT WRONG according to the article?AThey are inexpensive but unstable.BThey are as efficient at carrying out photosynthesis as natural leaves.CThey can work only in pure water.DThey need several catalysts to help them work efficiently.答案D细节理解题。根据文章第六段中的“The wonderful improvements come from Noceras recent discovery of several powerful,new and inexpensive catalysts.”可知,人造树叶发电能够更有效率的关键在于催化剂。18The purpose of the scientists at MIT in developing the new artificial leaf is to_.Abuild up more power stations in the worldBprovide cheaper energy for developing countriesCoffer people in developing countries access to pure waterDgain a deeper understanding of the photosynthesis process答案B推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,人造树叶发电这一技术可以帮助发展中国家获得便宜的能源。19The main idea of this passage is _.Aan introduction to the history of artificial leavesBan invention copying photosynthesisCgiving energy to the poorDa mixture of water power and solar energy答案B主旨大意题。综观全文可知,本文主要讲述了人造树叶模拟光合作用发电这一新发明。20The underlined word “imitate” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “_”Aproduce Bhold Cprevent Dcopy答案D词义猜测题。画线部分的前文介绍了什么是光合作用,后文介绍了利用人造树叶效仿这种光合作用进行发电的内容,所以该词的含义应该是“仿效”,故D项是最佳答案。.阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的词数要求)。With many job postings(公开招聘) now requiring candidates (应聘者) to apply via email, first impressions are made not with a handshake but with words on a computer screen.Just like its usually a good idea to dress best for an interview, emails also should be refined._, here are some tips:Forget what instant messaging has taught you.Recruiters (招聘人员) report that young professionals often send overly casual emails, treating an application like an instant message (IM). When using IM with friends and acquaintances, its acceptable to use shortened forms of words or phrases and incomplete sentences. In business correspondence (信函), however, stick to the rules your Chinese and English teachers taught you.Dont be cool.Your lovely email background of pets playing with each other has got to go.Comic fonts (字体) are unprofessional. HR managers (人力资源经理) recommend plain fonts such as Times New Roman or Arial, and black text on a white background.They also warn against sending emails from strange addresses. Littlebird or Chinatiger might not get what you hope for.Dont be too creative in the subject line(标题)Use plain, simple language like “Talented candidate seeking position as name of position” or “Enthusiastic candidate seeking position with name of company”. Use one word to describe yourself, but do not go to extremes.The same rules apply to a paper resume (简历) and cover letter. Recruiters have only seconds to devote to each cover letter they receive. Many look at just three things: the positions youve held, the companies youve worked for,and your educational background.Anything_else,_such_as_a_long_story_about_yourself,_can_get_in_the_way.21Whats the purpose of this passage?(Please answer within 15 words.)_答案To give advice on email manners that affect jobhunting results.22Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?You should avoid using very cool or lovely background in your application email._答案Your lovely email background of pets playing with each other has got to go.23Please fill in the blank in the second paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)_答案To avoid failing your search/application24. According to the passage, what should an email application be like? (Please answer within 10 words.)_答案It should be formal and simple. 25Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese. _答案除此之外的任何描述,比如关于你自己的很长的故事,都是多余的。写作素材集锦单词affordable支付得起的短语1owe.to.把归功于2have access to有机会使用句子Besides,the device can run in whatever water is available.除此之外,这种设备可在任何可以利用的水中工作。 7

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