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山东淄博六中11-12学年高三模拟考试英语试题(3) 第一节语法和词汇(共15小题;每小题1分,满分l5分)21. What China can learn from 2008 financial storm has become hot topic among us. A. the, 不填 B. the, a C. 不填, the D.不填, a22. -Why on earth didnt you answer the door? -Im sorry, but the phone too.A. is ringing B. was ringing C. rang D. was about to ring23. His inexperience_ into account, Jeffery shouldnt be charged with such a heavy task. A. taking B. being taken C. to take D. taken24. Those goods are for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market. A. accurately B. eventually C. essentially D. merely25. -Im sorry, but smoking is not allowed in this section on the train. -Oh, I that, and I wont again. A. dont know B. didnt know C. wont D. havent known26. Now many companies across the globe are _ their employees because of the serious financial crisis. A. laying off B. paying off C. laying out D. setting aside27. Obama, the first black president in American history, _ presidency on January 20th, 2009. A. set up B. held up C. took up D. picked up28.-What does the sign over there read? -No person _ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette in this area. A. will B. shall C. may D. must29. -You see, Im poor in maths, you are not good at English, and. -Thats we should help each other. A. when B. where C. how D. what30. -Will $ 200 the cost of the damage of your car? - Im afraid not. I need at least $100 more. A. do B. include C. afford D. cover31. -Im afraid I cant get on well in tomorrows interview. - Youve prepared for it for quite a few days and surely you will make it.A. Good luck B. Cheer up C. Dont mention it D. Never mind32. I spent seemed to be a short period of time learning maths, but I did get somewhere. A. which B. that C. it D. what33. Snowing hard outside, A. doesnt it B. isnt it C. does it D. is it34. A good teacher always leaves his students enough time to think and voice their opinions in class, sometimes he may not complete his teaching task.A. even if B. in case C. as long as D. as if35. The of surfing the Internet is how you can tell whether the information is true or not. A. ability B. competition C. challenge D. knowledge第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分满分20分), I lost my sight when I was 4 years old in an accident. Now Im 32 . It occurred to me the other day that I might not have come to love 36 so much, as I do now, if I hadnt been 37 . I dont mean that I would prefer to go with no sight. I simply mean that the 38 of it made me 39 more what I had left. Life, I believe, 40 a continuous series of adjustments to reality. The more 41 a person is able to make these adjustments, the more 42 his life becomes. The adjustment is never easy. I had to 43 in myself, or else I would have collapsed(崩溃). When I say belief in myself, I am not talking about simply the kind of 44 that helps me down an unfamiliar staircase alone. But I 45 something bigger than that an assurance that I am, despite imperfections, a real, 46 person. It took me years to discover and 47 this assurance. Once a man gave me an indoor baseball. I thought he was making fun of me and I was 48 I cant use this, I said. Take it with you, he urged me, and roll it around. The word stuck in my head. By 49 the ball I could hear where it went. This gave me an idea how to 50 a goal I had thought impossible: playing baseball At Philadelphia School for the Blind I invented a successful 51 of baseball We call it Ground Ball. All my life I have set ahead of me a series of 52 and then tried to reach them, one at a time. But I had to be aware of my 53 . It was no good to try for something that I knew at the start was out of 54 because that only invited the bitterness of 55 . I would fail sometimes anyway but on the average I made progress.36. A. darkness B. life C. freedom D. nature37. A. cured B. deaf C. blind D. brave38. A. remaining B. use C. recovery D. loss39. A. appreciate B. challenge C. suffer D. use40. A. asks B. causes C. lacks D. directs41. A. abruptly B. simply C. cautiously D. readily42. A. rich B. meaningful C. complex D. helpful43. A. believe B. give C. take D. turn44. A. independence B. confidence C. diligence D. weakness45. A. mean B. have C. produce D. hide46. A. disabled B. reasonable C. fearless D. positive 47. A. strengthen B. prove C. remove D. present48. A. scolded B. cheated C. benefited D. hurt49, A. taking B. rolling C. hitting D. passing50. A. shoot B. describe C. imagine D. achieve51. A. occupation B. variation C. competition D. qualification52. A. goals B. games C. balls D. examples53. A. intelligence B. virtues C. advantages D. limitations54. A. breath B. reach C. power D. sight55. A. failure B. sickness C. ignorance D. success第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)A Despite the fact that businesses believe celebrities(著名人士) have a lot of pull with regard to the buying trends of consumers, researchers have discovered that this does not seem to be the case. British and Swiss researchers conducted a study showing that advertisements featuring endorsements(认可)by celebrities like David Beckham and Scarlett Johansson are not as effective as those by ordinary people. The difference is that regular people prefer to purchase goods that are bought by other regular people. In s sample of 298 university students, researchers presented a magazine advertisement for a digital camera that included an endorsement by an imaginary student saying the camera was hot and his preferred choice. The same advertisement was shown to other students, but with a difference:the camera was endorsed by a famous person in Germany. The researchers also measured how important it was for consumers that the purchased products make a good impression on others. While the students said that both advertisements were beneficial, the one made by the student topped the celebrity one if students aimed to impress others with their purchases. More than half of the students, who admitted to purchasing products that would impress others, said they were influenced by the student advertisement. Only 20% said the celebrity one would affect their buying decision. For those who do not buy to impress, only 5% focused on the student advertisement. Professor Brett Martin from the University of Baths School of Management, explained that the findings can be used not only in Germany, but in other countries as well. Our re-search questions whether celebrities are the best way to sell products, said Mr. Martin.Celebrities can be effective but we found that many people were more convinced by an endorsement from an ordinary person. This is because many people, feel a need to keep up with the Jones when they buy. 56. The underlined word pull in the first paragraph means . A. physical force B. influence C. value D. communication 57. According to the research, common consumers tend to buy fashionable products endorsed by . A. people who resemble them B. common people whom they know nothing aboutC. a person who doesnt buy to impress others D. famous persons 58. Those who dont want to buy a product to impress others . A. are less interested in the celebrity advertisement B. are actually influenced by neither of the advertisementsC. are mostly affected by the student advertisement D. pay less attention to the student advertisement59. The passage mainly wants to tell us that . A. celebrity endorsements fail to have expected effect B. companies spend too much money in advertising with celebritiesC. students ads are more reliable than celebrity onesD. companies cant keep up with the buying trendB After helping Barack Obama sweep to victory in the US election, the president-elects motto of change was Friday declared character of the year by a monk at one of Japans most respected temples. Using a calligraphy brush to write the single character on a wooden platform as tourists looked on, Seihan Mori, chief monk at Kiyomizu temple in the ancient capital of Kyoto, declared change to be Japans character of the year. The event was hosted by a Kyoto-based group that promotes the use ofkanji, the Chinese characters used in the Japanese language. The public sent in 111,200 nominations(提名) for the kanji of the year. Of those, a majority 5.42 percent approved of change, followed by gold, suggesting the Beijing Olympics, and fall to show the global market decre.ase. I think it is an expression of the Japanese peoples wishes to see political, economic and societal changes, as they were impressed by Mr. Obamas message of change, Mori said. He added that climate change also drew people attention to the significance of change. The Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation(JKATF) has been conducting a poll(民意测试) on the years kanii each year since 1995. Last years top choice was Nise (fake).60. What is the best title of this passage.? A. Change won Japans character of the year. B. Change written on wooden platform. C. Change helped Obama win election. D. Japans love of Chinese characters.61. The aim of the event is to . A. popularize standard Chinese B. promote the use of kanji C. practice Chinese handwriting D. strengthen the relationship between China and Japan62. From the first three nominated words we can see that . A. Japanese people showed great concern to events of the year B. the whole world experienced a hard time last year C. Japanese people know a lot of Chinese words D. Japanese people love to follow the fashion of the world63. It can be inferred from Obamas motto change that . A. Obama tends to make quick changes in order to win the election B. Obamas policy of change is well accepted and gives Americans much hopeC. Obama promises to make some changes of American law if elected presidentD. its wise of Obama to choose the same word as nominated by Japanese64. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. The chief monk at Kiyomizu temple decided the kanji of 2008.B. 3 kanjis are nominated for this years poll. C. gold is also selected the kanji of the year. D. The kanji event has been hosted by JKATF for more than 10 years. C Teachers and textbooks beware - your future could be under threat from a quickly developing and very smart technology. University of California researchers led by Jacob White hill recently programmed teaching robots to react to facial expression. Whitehills achievement marked a major step forward in the way people could one day learn by establishing facial expression recognition in robot teachers. The teaching robots or, Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) are computer systems that provide personalized instruction and feedback to students without human intervention. The facial expression recognition allows a computer to react according to expressions a user makes. He said that the system was an important development in improving learning systems.Classical ITS typically have a somewhat rigid architecture of first I ask a questions then I wait for a responses then I talk some more; then I wait for another response. Facial expression recognition, I believe, will allow the feedback from student to teacher to happen while the robot teacher is talking, Whitehill said. Experts agree the latest developments in ITS open new possibilities for how people could learn. University of Memphis researcher, Dr Andrew Olney, who recently received a US$ I. 3 million grant to develop an ITS, said the key to future learning will be enabling interactive(交互的), one-on-one instruction. The technology can benefit these more advanced learning scenarios(方案), he said. Although robot teachers of varying abilities have existed for more than 30 years, ITS developments such as Whitehills and Olneys are pushing beliefs that robots could soon be as effective as- if not more effective than human teachers. The ITS which have been developed are already better teachers than people who have no experience, Olney said. So, what is the future for todays teachers, classrooms, and textbooks?65. The underlined word beware in paragraph 1 has the similar meaning to . A. take care B. get ready C. take it easy D. have a look66. The newly teaching robots are more advanced because they have A. Jacob Whitehill as the designer B. a program reacting to facial expressionsC. a system to help people learn D. a set of instruments to recognize your voice67. Compared with classical ITS, developed ITS can A. ask and answer questions in turns B. provide feedback to students in less timeC. somewhat interact with the students D. make different facial expressions68. According to the text, we can infer that A. in the future, students will not need textbooks at all B. the developed ITS can answer any question students ask C. facial expression recognition in ITS has existed for a long time D. in the future teaching robots will possibly take the place of human teachers69. The writer seems to the newly-developed teaching robots. A. throw doubt on B. object to C. take no interest in D. approve of70. The author wrote the passage aiming to A. warn teachers against robot teachers in advance B. explain how robot teachers in the future work C. introduce a newly developed teaching robot D. show his respect for the designers of the advanced ITS D Linking the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean, the blue waters of the Gulf of Aden near Somalia are one of the most important trading routes in the world. But they are also the most feared. Pirates (海盗) whose targets are ships and their crew often show up there. On September 25, a Ukrainian ship carrying 30 tanks became another victim. The pirates have reportedly killed one of the crewmen and are now surrounded by the US Navy. But they are still demanding $ 20 million for the release of the ship. This year alone, more than 50 ships have been attacked, 25 hijacked (劫持), and 14 are currently being held. Of course this is nothing new either. Ever since there has been water and ships there have been pirates. The earliest documented history of pirates dates back to the 13th century in the Mediterranean Sea. Even the famous Roman emperor Julius Caesar was kidnapped (绑架) by pirates at one time. Piracy reached its peak in the early l700s, especially in the Caribbean and off the coast of Africa. In the mid-20th-century, most pirates were common thieves. They used hooks to steal on board commercial ships, and took all that they could find. These pirates were more likely to flee than fight if met by the crew. However, nowadays piracy has become a multi-million dollar business attracting many in poor countries such as Somalia. The pirates are well funded and have all the latest equipment, including satellite phones, said a top UN representative in Somalia. In Asia, however, a trend started where pirates didnt just want to kidnap the stuff, they also wanted to control the ship. They would kill the crewmembers or kidnap them for ransom (赎金). After the recent kidnapping of Ukrainian ship, people are also worrying that tanks and arms on board would fall into hands of terrorists. Last week the UN called a meeting from all affected countries to fight piracy. The international community is determined to stop these pirates who are weakening efforts to bring peace to Somalia. This cannot and will not be allowed to continue, a representative said. 71. From the first four paragraphs, we can conclude that A. where theres fortune, theres greed B. pirates in Somalia only attack ships that carry tanksC. the pirates issue has become serious in recent year D. navies have been effective in getting rid of pirates72. Which of the following is TRUE about piracy? A. It was recorded that pirates started to attack ships in Somalia in the 13th century.B. Back in the mid-20th century pirates did not appear so harmful as todays. C. Once a ship is attacked, it will be hijacked by pirates. D. In the 13th century, pirates only targeted famous or important persons.73. Unlike before, piracy nowadays .A. has spread to all corners of the world B. is more like terrorism and disturbs regional peace C. has become a key business for some poor countries D. has become the UNs top concern74. We can infer from the passage that A. it is impossible to fight with piracy B. no country has the determination to fight with piratesC. no ships will be found in the Somalia area before the disappearance of piratesD. more measures will be taken to fight with pirates75. The article is written toA. draw your attention to the history of piracyB. analyze how piracy has changed these yearsC. give you a description of the development of piracy D. inform you of the importance and necessity to fight piracy第卷(共45分)第四部分书面表达(共两节,满分45分)第一节阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求) If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is to shift your point of view. By training your thoughts to the bright side of things, you are more likely to have the strong inspirations. You are less likely to be held back by negative ideas that might limit your performance. Your life can be greatly improved, and your happiness can also be enriched, when you choose to change your perspective(角度) of thought pattern. Dont leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and goals. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than try to avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way. Always believe that good things are possible, and remember that mistakes can be les-sons that lead to discoveries. Take your fear and transform it into trust, learn to rise above anxiety and doubt. Turn your worry hours into productive hours. Take the energy that you have wasted arid direct it toward every worthwhile effort that you can be involved in. You will see beautiful things happen when you allow yourself to experience the joys of


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