高中英语:Unit 1 Festivals around the world Warming-up & vocabulary(新人教必修3)

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高中英语:Unit 1 Festivals around the world Warming-up & vocabulary(新人教必修3)_第1页
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高一英语同步练习:必修3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world第1课时Warming-up & vocabulary基础练习: A. 单元四会词汇识记(英翻汉)1. 名词:beauty _ harvest _ celebration _origin _ ancestor_ feast _ bone _ belief _ trick _poet _ arrival _ independence _ award _Clothing _custom_ fool _ permission_ sadness _2. 动词:starve _ gain _ gather _ admire _ apologize _drown _ wipe _ weep _ remind _ forgive_3. 形容词:religious _ agricultural _ energetic _ daily _ obvious_world-wide _B. A Little Quiz About Festivals Both Home And Abroad:(写出汉语名称)_ (1月1日)-NEW YEARS DAY _ (2月14日)-ST.VALENTINES DAY (VALENTINES DAY)_ (阴历1月15日)-LANTERN FESTIVAL(巴西,二月中、下旬)-CARNIVAL (3月8日)-INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY_ (4月1日)-FOOLS DAY_ (春分月圆后第一个星期日)-EASTER_ (5月1日)-INTERNATIONAL LABOUR DAY_ (5月的第二个星期日)-MOTHERS DAY_ (6月1日)-INTERNATIONAL CHILDRENS DAY_ (6月的第三个星期日)-FATHERS DAY(阴历5月5日)-DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL(伊斯兰节,7月下旬)-CORBAN(阴历8月15日)-MOON FESTIVAL(中国,9月10日)-TEACHERS DAY(万圣节除夕,10月31日夜)-HALLOWEEN (美国,11月最后一个星期4)-THANKSGIVING (12月12日)-NRUSE DAY (12月24日)-CHRISTMAS EVE (12月25日)-CHRISTMAS DAD (阴历一月一日)-SPRING FESTIVAL (CHINESE NEW YEAR)其它活动节日: (3月15日)-WORLD CONSUMER RIGHT DAY (3月22日)-WORLD WATER DAY (4月7日)-WORLD HEALTH DAY (4月22日)-WORLD EARTH DAY (十月第一个星期一)-WORLD HOUSING DAY (5月31日)-WORLD NO-SMOKING DAY (6月5日)-WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY (7月11日)-WORLD POPULATION DAY (9月27日)-WORLD TOURISM DAY (10月9日)-WORLD POST DAY (12月1日)-WORLD AIDS DAY (12月3日)-WORLD DISABLED DAYC. 一基础检测A).请根据汉语提示或首字母写出单词的正确形式。1. They shouldnt treat their mother in a rude m_. They should respect her.2 .Her parents dont p_ her to go back home late in the evening, so she had to leave the party early last night.3. It is not his custom to d_ his sadness in wine.4. He got a lot of _ (奖状) for his excellent study.5.He was w_(溜达) up and down in the street.B). 完成句子。6. “_could be _”, he thought.(再也没有比这更好的)。7. Every year many people in the world _ _ _(饿死).8. Drinking and smoking will _ _ (有害) to your health.9. Drinking and smoking can _ _ (导致) health problems.10. In order to complete the task on time, they work _ _ _(日夜).11.I only found it _ _(偶然,碰巧)12. Festival are meant to celebrate important times of years. In some parts of London, missing a bus means _ (等待)for another hour.13. Great changes _(发生) in China in the last two decades.14. Festivals and celebrations _(不同类型)have been held everywhere since ancient times.15. They set up a monument _(纪念)the soldiers who died in World War II.C). 他们结婚三年了。(判断正误)16.They have married for three years. ( )17.They have got married for three years. ( )18. They have been married for three years. ( )19. They got married three years ago. ( )20. Its three years since they got married. ( )D). 用情态动词补全下列对话:A: Hi, Thomas! _(21)you like to come to a party on Sunday?B: Yes, Id love to! Where and when _(22)it be?A: It will be at my home at three oclock in the afternoon.B: Thanks! Ill be there! _(23)I bring anything?5. A: Hmm_(24)you bring something to drink? Ill have plenty to eat.B: Sure! I_(25) be happy to.实战演练:1.构词法知识:1. n. adj.religion_ danger_ humor _courage _ 2). n. adj.culture _ nation _ season _ origin _3). v. n.produce _ educate _ celebrate_ predict _2.英汉互译:1).发生、产生_2).充足的_ 3).纪念_4).盛装,打扮_5).开玩笑_6).导致_ 7).整天_8).好像_9).玩得开心_10).饿死_11). look forward to s.th._12). the coming of spring_13).gain ones independence_14). in the shape of_15). get together_16). be covered with_17). turn up _18). hold ones breath _19.) happen to _20). admire s.b / s.th. for s.th. _21). be grateful to s.b for s.th_反馈检测: A . 根据句意和首字母拼写单词1. Tom a_ to the teacher for being late.2. He is an e_ boy, he enjoys sports.3. German, France and Greece are all E_ countries.4. Columbus Day is meant to celebrate the a_ of Christopher Columbus.5. How do people c_ New Year in your country?6. My a_ came from Spain hundreds of years ago.7. India gained i_ from Britain in 1947.8. The Olympic Games began with a p_ of all the competing nations.9.We talked about various s_ problems, such as unemployment and education.10. Life on other planets is a p_.11. This is not a copy but an o_ painting by Picasso.12. This key is o_ the wrong one. It doesnt work.13. A web is being w_ by a spider under the roof.14. I will never f_ you for what you said to me last night.B. 单项选择:1. As we all know, the 2008mOlympic Games _ in Beijing, China. A. take place B. took place C. hold D. held2. We _ the old scientist _ his contribution _ the country.A. admire; for; to B. admire; at; to C. respect; on; for D. respect; on; at3. I am looking forward to _ your answer as soon as possible. A. receiving B. being received C. receive D. be received4. - Your mother becomes more and more forgetful. - Yes. She searched for her cell-phone for a whole day last Sunday, but it _ in her coat pocket the next day. A. turned out B. turned on C. turned over D. turned up5.The building was named Gates Hall _a man called James Gates.A. in need of B. in search of C. with the help of D. in memory of6. Im sorry, but I didnt mean to keep you waiting here for a long time. Can you _ me? A. forgive B. satisfy C. apologize D. gain7. I f you really want to see that movie, wed better _ for the cinema now. A. set off B. set on C. set up D. set down8. -When will your new book _? - It should be out in a month at most. A. come across B. come out C.come up with D. come about9.On his _, he gets down to work at once every morning. A. arriving B. arrival C. the arrival D. arrive10.Therwe was a red mark from birth in his back _ the letter “s”.A. in the shape of B. in shapes of C. in the design of D. in the form of11. To be frank, I really dont know what SOS _. Can you explain it?A. stands by B. stands for C. stands up D. stands with12. Is this the girl_ whom I can turn for help? Is she good at this subject?A. to B. with C. in D. at13. I really think you cant judge a man by his _; it is very unfair.A. cover B. face C. appearance D. head14. To tell you the truth; I really find_ unbearable to work with such a terrible man as his brother.A. which B. it C. that D. what15. Our new teachers English is difficult for me to _.Why dont you ask your brother _ help?A. understand; with B. follow; for C. speak; for D. pick up; by16. Look! It looks as if it _ going to rain. We must hurry. OK. A. was B. is C. were D. will be17. It was careless of you to have left the house without turning off the gas. My god! _. A. So were you B. So was I C. So did I D. So I did18. What are you doing, John? Why stop? To be on the safe side, wed fill up the tank now for we_run out of gas on the wayA.must B. will C. might D. should19. Why didnt you ask for help, _ trying to do it on your own?A. more than B. rather than C. other than D. or rather20. Why are you so disappointed? I went there hurriedly and waited there for 3 hours, _ the tickets have been sold out.A. being told B. only to tell C. telling D. only to be told21. Thank you very much. Its a piece of cake compared to your saving my life: I am forever _.A. in your debt B. in debt C. getting into debt D. remembering you22. Excuse me, sir, _ Id like a cup of coffee and two pieces of bread.A. what do you want? B. may I have your order?C. this table is reserved. D. I would like to serve you.23. He couldnt _ the fact that the money was found in his house.A. answer forB. leave forC. account for D. care for24. Would you mind if I turned on the radio and listened to some music? _. In fact, I also like to listen to music in my car.A. No, you cant B. Yes, I doC. No, go aheadD. OK, no problem25. The pilot, whether _ or design, made the plane do a sharp turn.A. by accident B. at timesC. suddenlyD. all at once第1课时 基础练习:C.1.manner 2. permit 3.drown 4. awards 5. wondering 6. nothing/better 7. starve/ to/ death 8.do/ harm 9.lead to/result in 10. day and night 11. by chance/ by accident 12. waiting 13. have taken place 14.of all kinds 15. In honor of 16. (F)17. (F) 18. (T)19. (T). 20. (T) 21. Would 22.will 23. Should/shall 24. Would 25. Would/ will实战演练: 1.构词法知识n. - adj.n.-adj.v.- n.religion religiousculture culturalproduce productiondanger dangerous nation nationaleducate educationhumor humorousseason seasonalcelebrate celebrationcourage courageousorigin originalpredict prediction2. 1).take place2).plenty of3). in memory of4). dress up5). play a trick on6). lead to7). day and night_8) as though/as if9). have fun in s.th. 10). starve to death11).期望,期待12).春天的到来13).获得独立14).呈形状15).聚会16).覆盖着17). 出现18).屏住呼吸19).碰巧20).钦佩某人某事21). 感谢某人某事反馈检测:A .根据句意和首字母拼写单词:1. admitted;2. energetic; 3.European; 4. arrival; 5. celebrate; 6.ancestors; 7. independence; 8. parade; 9. social; 10. prediction; 11. original; 12. obviously; 13. woven; 14. forgive;B. 单项选择:1-5 BAADD 6-10 AABBA .11-15 CACBB 16-20 BDCBD 21-25 BBBCA9

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