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Unit 11 How was your school trip 教学目标知识与技能:words and expressions: 复习本单元单词及单元。Languages:How was your trip?I went to. I had I did.过程与方法:把握教材提供的情境,充分运用图片,实物等手段创造性的开展教学,使不同层次的学生都充分参与到活动中。情感态度价值观:在描述自己的旅途时,学会与他人合作,善于与他人交流,体验旅游的快乐。教学重难点重点:学会用日记记录过去发生的事。难点:熟练运用规则动词和不规则动词的过去式。教学方法创造性的开展语言环境,使学生在不知不觉、潜移默化中学习用英语,提升学生的综合语言运用能力。学习方法学生在自主学习、合作学习、探究学习的过程中体验、思考、讨论、参与,交流。教学准备教师:录音机、磁带、课本学生:准备调查表,旅行照片。教 学 过 程设计意图Step1 情景导入Teacher:Look at the pictures and plete the passage. Then write a diary entry about your own school trip.Step 2【完成教材3a3c的教学任务】1.要求学生阅读Bob的郊游日记,根据图片提供的信息完成短文填空。完成后集体核对答案,同时要熟读短文。2.让学生读Linda的郊游日记,并完成填空。3.根据自己的实际情况写一篇郊游日记。写完后在小组内交流,教师抽查讲评。典例参考:June 18thI went to the farm with my teachers and my classmates. On the farm, we saw many animals, like cows, chickens, sheep and so on. We also helped the farmers feed chickens and milk the cows. We also took some photos with the animals. We ate with the farmers on the farm. The food was all very delicious. I bought some eggs for my mother from the farmers. We were all very happy.Step 3 问题探究 1.What did Sam do on the farm? He _ chickens.A. feeds B. fed C. grows D. feeded2._ he go to Central Park? Yes, he did.A. Did B. Do C. Does D. Is3.I didnt say _.A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything4.I meant to show my grandparents _ the city.A. around B. to C. in D. /Step 4 Homework 板书设计 Unit 11 How was your school trip? Section B(3a-Self-Check)Dear Mary:How was your vacation? My parents and I went to Beijing for a vacation last weekend. We had a good time there.On Saturday morning we visited the Great Wall. We climbed it and saw exciting scenery there.On Sunday morning, we went to the Summer Palace. We saw different kinds of flowers and a nice lake.It was so beautiful just like an excellent painting. On Sunday afternoon, we went to Wangfujing Street and bought some gifts for my grandparents there. Then we came back home by train in the end. Yours, Tony 教后反思

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