2018秋高中英语 Unit 1 Cultural relics同步练习 新人教版必修2.doc

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Unit 1 Cultural relics话题诵读 日积月累导语被称为“世界第八大奇迹”的国宝琥珀屋,二战中下落不明。多少觅宝者踏破铁鞋却一无所获。如今,琥珀屋终于完全逼真地重新建成了,而且比原来的更美。A brief history of the Amber RoomConstruction(建筑)of the Amber Room began in 1701.It was originally put at Charlottenburg Palace,home of Frederick ,the first King of Prussia.The room was designed by German sculptor(雕刻家)Andreas Schlter.Peter the Great loved the room on a visit,and in 1716 the King of Prussiathen Frederick William sent it to Peter the Great as a gift.The Amber Room was shipped to Russia in 18 large boxes and put in the winter palace in St Petersburg as a part of a European art collection.It was first open in 1746 in the winter palace, where it was housed till 1755.In 1755,Czarina Elizabeth ordered the room be moved to the Catherine Palace in Pushkin.Italian designer Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli redesigned the room to fit into its new,larger space using extra amber shipped from Berlin.It seems hard to believe that boxes of several tons of amber could go missing,and many historians have tried to solve the mystery.The most basic theory is that the boxes were destroyed by the bombings(轰炸)of 1944.Others believe the amber is still in Kaliningrad,while some say it was put onto a ship and can be found somewhere at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.One of the more extreme theories is that Stalin actually had a second Amber Room and the Germans stole a fake(赝品)The history of the new Amber Room,at least,is known for sure.The reconstruction began in 1979 at Tsarskoye Selo and was pleted 25 yearsand $11 millionlater.It is based largely on black and white photographs of the original Amber Room.By 2003 the great work of the Russian craftsmen had been mostly pleted.Artists used close to ten tons of amber of different colours and types to recreate the Amber Room.The new room was dedicated(把献给)by Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder on the 300th birthday of the city of St Petersburg.词海拾贝1originally adv.起初;原来2redesign v重新设计;再设计3historian n历史学家4reconstruction n重建;再现5craftsman n工匠;技工问题思考阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。1In 1716 Frederick William sent the Amber Room to Peter the Great as a gift.(T)2Historians believe the Amber Room was destroyed by the bombings of 1944.(F)3As a matter of fact,there were two Amber Rooms.One was at the bottom of the Baltic Sea;the other was stolen by the Germans.(F)自主预习 步步提高词汇识记.将单词与其正确释义配对1rareA使吃惊;惊讶2valuable B设计;构思;图案3survive C移动;搬开4amaze D稀罕的;罕见的;珍贵的5select E装饰;装修6design F贵重的;有价值的7fancy G接待;招待会8decorate H幸免;幸存;生还9reception I挑选;选择10remove J奇特的;想象;设想答案:1.D2.F3.H4.A5.I6.B7.J8.E9.G10C.根据所给汉语提示写出单词1_n风格;风度;类型2_prep.值得的;相当于的价值n价值;作用adj.值钱的3_n根据;证据4_adj.非正式的5_n争论;辩论vi.争论,辩论答案:1.style2.worth3.evidence4.informal5.debate.根据语境及汉语意思或首字母写出正确的单词1Since she became selfindependent,she has been_(生存)on ine support.2It is_(令人吃惊的) that he survived the accident.3Even though the boy is good at acting,he has_(选择)to continue his study at school.4They wanted to_(设计) and make a machine that could help them with their housework.5Do you_(想要)going to see a film this weekend?6In order to celebrate the New Year,they are d_the room now.7The son will take over the pany once b_to his father.8There are so many spots on the clothes which are hard to r_9I have some d_whether they will arrive on time or not.10It is said that the book is well w_reading a second time.答案:1.surviving2.amazing3.selected4.design5fancy6.decorating7.belonging8.remove9doubt10.worth.选用短语的适当形式完成句子in search of;belong to;in return;at war;less than;take apart;in fact;think highly of,agree with;do with1Its easy to_a puter but difficult to get it together again.2The population of gold monkeys has dropped from about 2,000 to_500.3What did you_the money you found at the corner of the street?I handed it in to the police.4Mr Green walked through the streets_a place to live in.5You gave me so much help when I was in trouble that I want to do something for you_6I thought Little Tom was in his room,but_he was in the garden.7This book_me.I mean,it isnt Marys.8Though he is very stubborn,he sometimes_things I have said to him.9Those two countries have been_for a long time,and no one knows when peace will e.10Charlie was_by the couple,because he had saved their son.答案:1.take apart2.less than3.do with4.in search of5in return6.in fact7.belongs to8.agrees with9.at war10.thought highly of语篇理解课文表层理解.根据课文内容判断正(T)误(F)1The first owner of the Amber Room was Frederick William .()2It took the countrys best artists about twenty years to make the Amber Room.()3Peter the Great sent Frederick William a troop of his best soldiers in return for the gift of the Amber Room.()4Catherine made people move the Amber Room to a palace outside St Petersburg.()5Some of the Nazis secretly stole the Amber Room.()6The Amber Room was finally found.()答案:1.F2.F3.T4.T5.T6.F.读课文,回答问题1Which king was the Amber Room first made for?_2How did the Nazi Germans steal the Amber Room?_3Can you find the old Amber Room now?Why?_4Why was a new Amber Room built?_答案:1.The Amber Room was made for the palace of Frederick of Prussia.2They put 100,000 pieces of the room inside twentyseven wooden boxes.And then they put the boxes on a train for Knigsberg,a German city.3No,I cant,because its missing now.4In order to celebrate the 300th birthday of St Petersburg,the Russians and Germans built a new one,following old photos.根据课文内容完成下表(每空1词)In Search of the Amber RoomTimeEventsBefore 1716The Amber Room was built and it 1._ to Frederick William In 1716Frederick William gave the Amber Room to Peter the Great and the Czar sent him a 2._ of his best soldiers in 3._LaterCatherine had the Amber Room 4._ to the palace outside St Petersburg and told her artists to 5._ more details to itTimeEventsIn 1770The Amber Room was 6._ according to Catherine s opinionIn September 1941The Russians 7._ some furniture and small art objects from the Amber Room before the Nazi Germans 8._ it.After that,the Amber Room was missingBy 2003A new Amber Room like the 9._ one had been built by the Russians and Germans to 10._ the 300th birthday of the city of St Petersburg答案:1.belonged2.troop3.return4.moved5add6.pleted7.removed8.stole9.former/old10.celebrate课文深层理解.读课文,完成下列各题1What is the main idea of the passage?It tells us the strange history of the_,a cultural relic of two countries:_ and_2Match the main idea to every part.Para. 1AThe history of the Amber Room.Paras. 2&3 BThe rebuilding of the Amber Room.Para. 4 CThe introduction of the Amber Room.Para. 5 DThe missing of the Amber Room.答案:1.Amber RoomRussiaGermany2.Para.1CParas.2&3APara.4DPara.5B.仔细读课文,选择最佳选项1The topic of the text suggests_Ano one knows where the Amber Room isBhow the Amber Room was madeCwhy the Amber Room was madeDwhere the Amber Room is now2What was used to decorate the room?AGold. BSilver.CGold and jewels. DStone.3The text is developed in the order of _Aspace BtimeCimportance Dlogic4Which of the following statements is WRONG about the Amber Room?AIt was stolen by German soldiers.BPeople found it at last.CThe Russians and Germans have built a new one.DThe new one is much like the old one.答案:1.A2.C3.B4.B.领会句子所用的句型并译成汉语1It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels,which took the countrys best artists about ten years to make._2Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace,the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects from the Amber Room._3There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Knigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea._4Nor do I think they should give it to any government._答案:1.它也是一件装饰着金子和珠宝的珍品,一批国家最优秀的艺术家用了大约10年时间才把它完成。2在纳粹分子到达夏宫之前,俄罗斯人能把琥珀屋里的一些家具和小件工艺饰品搬走。3毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海边的一座城市。4我认为他们也不应该把它交给任何一个政府。知识聚焦 讲练互动要点直击1survive vi. & vt.幸免;幸存;生还(教材原句P1)Is it enough to have survived for a long time?幸存很长一段时间就足够了吗? 归纳拓展survive sth在之后仍然生存survive sb(by.)比某人活得长survive on靠存活下来survival n生存;幸存survivor n生还者;残存物surviving adj.活着的;残存的(1)Curiously,the struggle to _ has greatly improved her health.奇怪的是,她拼命求生的抗争使得她的健康状况大有好转。(2)I dont know how I ever _ high school.我都不知道我是怎样熬过高中那段岁月的。(3)Hopes are fading for the _ of the missing climbers.失踪的登山者幸存的希望越来越渺茫。答案:(1)survive(2)survived(3)survival活学巧记The old man survived the mudslide,but nobody knew how he survived.Finally he survived his wife by ten years.老人在泥石流中幸免于难,但是无人知道他是如何幸存的。最后他比他的妻子多活了10年。 即学即练用survive的相关知识填空。The little girl was the only _ who _ the strong earthquake.She told the reporter that she had to _ little food during the days when she was buried.I think her _ was a real wonder.答案:survivorsurvivedsurvive onsurvival2in search of 寻找;搜寻(教材原句P1)IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM寻找琥珀屋 归纳拓展search for寻找,搜寻(后面接搜寻的对象,表示搜寻的动作)search out把搜寻出来(表示搜寻的结果)search after寻找;追求(1)We _ an experienced teacher.我们正在招聘一名有经验的老师。(2)I _ the dictionary I lost yesterday.我找到了我昨天丢的字典。(3)The police _ the area _ clues.警察在那一带查找线索。(4)All men_happiness.人人都在追求幸福。答案:(1)are in search of(2)searched out(3)searchedfor(4)search after语境串记He searched the drawer in search of his friends telephone number while his friend was searching for his address,too.他在抽屉里找他朋友的电话号码,而他朋友也正在找他的地址。 即学即练(1)用适当的介词填空。We all went out in search _ the lost boy,but didnt find him.We drove round the town in the search _ a good hotel.Scientists are still searching _ a cure for the disease.The child searched the whole room _ his favourite toy.(2)一句多译。我的朋友杰克正在找房子。My friend Jack is now in search of a house.My friend Jack is now _ a house.My friend Jack is now _ a house.My friend Jack is now _ a house.答案:(1)offorforfor(2)in the/his search formaking a search forsearching for3amazing adj.令人吃惊的(教材原句P1)Frederick William ,the King of Prussia,could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄国人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人称奇的历史。 归纳拓展(1)Its an _ experience for the students to listen to the lecture given by the astronaut Wang Yaping from space.对那些学生来说,听宇航员王亚平太空授课真是一次令人惊奇的经历。(2)Anyway,I _ the progress youve made.不管怎样,我对你所取得的进步感到吃惊。(3)“What are you doing?”she asked him _“你在干什么?”她吃惊地问他。(4)_,the face of the city keeps on changing every day.令我们大为惊异的是,这座城市的面貌每天都在发生变化。答案:(1)amazing(2)am amazed at/by(3)in amazement(4)To our amazement语境串记I was amazed to see Bolt break the world record at an amazing speed of 9.58 seconds in the 100 metres race.When I told my classmate about it,he shouted in amazement.我很吃惊地看到博尔特在百米比赛中以令人惊讶的9.58秒打破了世界纪录,当我告诉我同学这件事的时候,他惊讶地喊了起来。 即学即练(1)用amaze的适当形式填空。From his _ look,I knew he had not heard of that _ news.What _ us most was that Bolt could run in such an _ speed.She looked at me in _ when I called her name.(2)句型转换。It amazed me that he could keep calm in an emergency._,he could keep calm in an emergency.答案:(1)amazedamazingamazedamazingamazement(2)To my amazement4design n设计;图案;构思(教材原句P1)The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days.琥珀屋的设计采用了当时流行的别致的建筑式样。 归纳拓展in design在设计上by design故意地(近义词:on purpose)design vt.设计;计划;构思be designed for打算做用be designed to do目的是design sb to be打算让某人从事某职业 (1)A new freeway between the two cities is being designed.这两座城市之间的一条新高速公路正在设计中。(2)The film is designed for the children.这部电影是专门为儿童拍摄的。(3)The experiment is designed to test the new drug.实验的目的是测试新药。语境串记I like the design of the suit,which was designed by a famous designer.She graduated from a school of fashion design and the school is designed to attract talented people interested in fashion.我喜欢这套西装的设计,它是由一个著名的设计师设计的。她毕业于一所时装设计学院,该学院旨在吸引对时装感兴趣且有这方面天赋的人。 即学即练用design的相关短语完成句子。(1)Did you do this _ or by accident?(2)This piece of land _ a garden for children.(3)The weekend party _bring the two old men together.答案:(1)by design(2)is designed for(3)was designed to5belong vi.属于;为的一员(教材原句P2)However,the next King of Prussia,Frederick William , to whom the Amber Room belonged,decided not to keep it.然而,下一位普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世,这个琥珀屋的主人却决定不要它了。 归纳拓展belong to属于;是的一员belongings n(pl)所有物;财物(1)The time belonging to the children should be returned to them by the teachers.The time _ the children should be returned to them by the teachers.老师应归还属于孩子们的课余时间。(2)The taxi driver often reminds passengers to take their _ when they leave the car.出租车司机常在乘客下车时提醒他们带好自己的物品。答案:(1)which belongs to(2)belongings名师点津“belong to ”中的to是介词,该短语既不能用于被动语态,也不能用于进行时态。联想英语中不能用于进行时态和被动语态的动词:stay,keep,remain(依然;保持)等系动词。meet(遇到),weigh(称重),open(店铺开门营业)等动词。sell,wash,write,last等动词后接well或easily时。 即学即练(1)单句改错。Where does the file belong to?_(2)用所给词的正确形式填空。My sister _(belong) to the school puter club.The man is very glad because his icecream_(sell) very well.答案:(1)去掉介词to(2)belongssells6less than少于;不超过(教材原句P2)In less than two days,100,000 pieces were put inside twentyseven wooden boxes.在不到两天的时间里,10万个部件被装进了27个木箱。 易混辨析易混词辨析less than少于;不超过no less than多达(强调多),相当于as much/many asnot less than不少于;至少more than多于;不仅仅;非常no more than仅仅(强调少),相当于onlynot more than不多于;至多(1)It took me _ two hours to finish the work.完成那项工作花了我不到2小时的时间。(2)He is _ a worker.他仅仅是一名工人。(3)There are _ 6,000 students in our school.我们学校的学生至少有6 000名。(4)It seems that he can not be _ fifty.他看起来不可能超过50岁。答案:(1)less than(2)no more than(3)not less than(4)more than 即学即练用than的相关短语完成句子。(1)If your father knows that you cheated in the exam,he will be _(非常)angry.(2)_(至少)500 people attended the meeting.(3)They finished _ (多达) half of the work in a short time.(4)I earned _ (少于) a pound a week when I started to work.(5)I have known him for _ (超过) 20 years.(6)_ (不超过) 10 guests came to her birthday party.(7)They invited a lot of guests to the party,but _ (仅仅) twenty of them were present.答案:(1)more than(2)Not less than(3)no less than(4)less than(5)more than(6)Not more than(7)no more than7worth adj.值钱的n价值;作用prep.值得的;相当于的价值(教材原句P2)Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics such as the Amber Room or Yuanmingyuan in Beijing?重建如琥珀屋或者是北京圆明园这样的文化遗迹值得吗? 归纳拓展worthworthwhile有价值的;值得做的Its worthwhile doing/to do.值得做某事worthy这件事情值得考虑。The matter is _(接名词)The matter is _(接动名词)The matter is _ of _The matter is _of _The matter is _ to_It is worthwhile _ the matter.It is worthwhile _ the matter.答案:worth considerationworth consideringworthyconsiderationworthybeing consideredworthybe consideredconsideringto consider 即学即练(1)用worth,worthy,worthwhile填空。This article is well _ reading,but it is not _ to be translated.So I feel that all your effort isnt _(2)用括号内词的适当形式填空。The book is written by a famous author,so its well worth _ (read)The car was beautiful,and I thought it was worthwhile _ (buy) it.But my friend Jack said it was not worthy of _ (buy),because it was too expensive.It is worth _ (consider) what makes junk food so popular.答案:(1)worthworthyworthwhile(2)readingbuying/to buybeing boughtconsidering8(教材原句P1)Frederick William , the King of Prussia,could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人称奇的历史。句式分析句中could never/not have imagined意为“过去不可能想到”,仅表示对过去发生的事情的猜测。can/could have done的用法如下:(1)用于否定句中,couldnt have done相当于cant have done,表示对过去的否定情况把握较大的推测,意为“不可能”。Last night he was always together with me.He couldnt have gone to the cinema.昨晚他一直和我在一起。他不可能去了电影院。When I started,I found all sorts of new things that I _ before.当我开始(探索)的时候才发现很多新的东西,我以前想都没想过。(2)用于肯定句和疑问句中,表示对过去情况的推测,意为“(过去)可能已经做过某事”。_ he _ her the news?他告诉她这消息了吗?(3)用于肯定句中,表示“本来能做某事(而实际上并没有做)”,暗含责备或惋惜的意味。I _ my examination easily,but I made too many stupid mistakes.我本可以轻易通过考试,但我犯了太多愚蠢的错误。答案:could never have thought ofCouldhave toldcould have passed 即学即练根据语境用所给词的适当形式填空。(1)We _(face) the difficulty together,but why didnt you tell me?(2)My book,The House of Hades,is missing.Who _ (take) it?答案:(1)could have faced(2)could have taken9(教材原句P2)Later,Catherine had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers.后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。句式分析have/get sth done可以表示:使某事被做(主语有意识的行为,可能是主语自己做,也可能是让别人做);遭遇,经历(此事违背主语的意愿) 归纳拓展have sb do sth让某人做某事have sb/sth doing sth让某人/某物一直做某事get sb to do sth让某人做某事let/make sb do sth让某人做某事get sb doing sth让某人处于做某事的状态中(1)Where do you normally have your hair done?你通常在哪里剪发?(2)She had all her jewellery _她所有的珠宝都被偷了。(3)Ill have Hudson _ to your room.我会让赫德森带你去看你的房间。(4)She always has the TV going at full blast.她总是把电视机的声音开到最大。答案:(2)stolen(3)show you 即学即练用括号内词的适当形式填空。(1)I had my teeth _ (pull) yesterday afternoon.(2)I got him _ (repair) my puter.(3)Let those in need _ (understand) that we will go to help them.(4)The teacher had her _ (read) the article again.(5)He had the boy _ (stand) in the classroom the whole morning.答案:(1)pulled(2)to repair(3)understand(4)read(5)standing10(教材原句P2)There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Knigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海边的一个城市。句式分析“There is no doubt that.”是常用句型结构,意为“毫无疑问”,其中doubt是名词,其后的that从句是doubt的同位语从句,对doubt起补充说明作用。There is no doubt that the Internet is very useful for people.毫无疑问互联网对人们非常有用。 _ playing video games is going to be their biggest problem for students to affect study.毫无疑问,玩电子游戏正在成为影响学生学习的最突出的问题。语法拓展(1)doubt用作名词时,在肯定句中其后用whether引导同位语从句,否定句或疑问句中则用that引导。We have some doubt _ they can finish the work on time.我们怀疑他们是否能按时完成工作。Is there any doubt that he is a th

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