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2019-2020年七年级英语上册Unit5FamilyandHomeLesson29ABirthdayCard同步练习B卷新版冀教版.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1In the class, the teacher asks the students to guess some _(riddle) about body parts.2My mother isnt here. She _ (make) a cake at home now.3Look! That man _ (put) the fruit into his bag.4I cant go _ (shop) with you now.I have to see a doctor.5Its 9:00 am.The students _(have) an English class in the classroom now.单项选择。6How many _ do you need to finish this article?Apaper Bpiece of paperCpiece of papers Dpieces of paper7My friends and I use WeChat (微信) _ with each other.Atalk Btalks Cto talk Dtalking8This kind of cloth feels _ and sells _.Asoftly; nice Bsoft; goodCsoft; well Dsoft; nice9Tony gets up early in the morning.He likes to make breakfast _ his family.Aat Bon Cfor Dfrom10Happy birthday, Tom. _.AHappy birthday BYou are weleCThank you DOK.按要求完成句子。11Your books are inside the box(对画线部分提问)_ _my books?12Lynn is drawing a picture of grandma and me(对画线部分提问)_ is Lynn _?13My mother makes me bread.(改为同义句)My mother makes_ _ me.14Today is my birthday.(完成对话)_ _ _ _!15Tom will go to his brothers birthday party.(改为一般疑问句)_ Tom _ _ his brothers birthday party?.阅读理解。My name is Zhen Zhuo.Today is my birthday.Im nine years old.My mum and dad get a big cake for me.I like it very much.Its on the table now.There are some other things on the table, too.They are some apples, orange juice, chicken and some fish.Im thirsty(口渴的) now.Id like some orange juice.My friends Du Ke and Bai Jie are ing.Listen! They are knocking at the door.I have no time to drink(喝)I must open the door now.16Zhen Zhuo is_.Atwelve Bten Cnine Dfifteen17There is/are some _ on the table.Aeggs Bapples Ccandy Dice cream18Du Ke and Bai Jie are Zhen Zhuos _.Asisters Bcousins Cclassmates Dfriends19Zhen Zhuo is _ now.Ahealthy Bthirsty Cfull Dsad20Zhen Zhuos _ are knocking at the door.Aparents Bsisters Cfriends Dbrothers答 案.1.riddles2.is making3.is putting4.shopping5are having.6.D点拨:paper作“纸”讲时是不可数名词,故排除A;且How many后面接可数名词复数,故选D。7C点拨:use.to do.用做。8C9.C10.C.11.Where are12.What; drawing13.bread for14Happy birthday to you15.Will; go to.16.C17.B18.D19.B20.C

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