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.课题Unit 2 ColourComic Strips + Welcome to the unit 课时1授课日期教学目标To recognize the names of different colors To recognize the colors of the rainbow and the order of the colors重点难点To recognize the colors of the rainbow and the order of the colors 教具学具 Tape recorder.预习要求 Preview the new words and the content of this period.板书设计 教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式Step 1 Revision How many colors do you know? (red, white, black, blue, green, grown, purple.) If you mix two different colors, you can get another color, suck as: red + white = pink; red + yellow = orange; red + blue = purple. What color are the following things? (the sea, the sky, the sun, a leaf, a tomato, an apple )教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式 Step2 PresentationAfter the rain, Millie looks out of her window and sees a rainbow. How many colors can she see? Write down the names of the colors. Explain: indigo a purplish blue; violet a synonym of purpleStep 3 Reading and PracticeAmys cousin saw the rainbow too. She is calling Amy to tell her about it. Read the dialogue between Amy and her cousin in part B on page 25. Then work in pairs to make the same dialogue. Step 4 Presentation What color do you prefer? Why? But I prefer purple. It there is a purple bag and a red one, I would rather choose purple than red. Ask the students to make the same sentences. Step 5 Listening and AnsweringOne day, Hobo played a trick on Eddie. What happened? Lets look at the pictures while listening to the tape. 1. Why would Eddie rather wear blue than pink? 2. Does Eddie look nice on blue? Why not?3. Hobo says to Eddie, “Blue looks good on you.” Does he really think so? The joke here is that Eddie is male and chooses blue because he thinks this is a masculine color. However, the blue item of clothing turns out to be a dress. Hobo is deliberately trying to mislead Eddie by not showing or telling him that it is a dress. 学生活动内容、方式Step 7 Reading and Acting Read the dialogue after the tape, then read it and act it out. Step 8 Consolidation Exercises改写句子1. Theres nothing wrong with your eyes. (改为同义句) There _ _ wrong with your eyes.2. I would rather wear black than green. (改为同义句) I _ black _ green.3. They have already seen that film. (改为否定句) They _ seen that film _.4. Blue looks good on her. (改为同义句) She _ good _ blue.找出错误并在横线上改正1. We all think pink is a girl color. _2. Do you know how many colors are there in a rainbow?_3. There will have a basketball match tomorrow. _Step 9 Homework1. Revise todays phrases.2. Read and recite the dialogue.教后记 课题Reading 1 课时2授课日期教学目标To understand what colors represent To recognize and understand vocabulary about emotions重点难点To match colours with characters To proofread and correct some notes based on the article 教具学具 A tape recorder.预习要求 Preview the new words and the content of the passage.板书设计 教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式 Step 1 RevisionWe know that a year is divided into 12 different Star Signs. The time of year birthday decides your star signs. Some people believe that people under different star signs share different characteristics.Step 2 PresentationTheres also some relationship between colors and moods. The different colors represent different things and they affect us in many different ways. What information have you ever known? Ask the students to say as much information as possible.教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式Step 3 Reading and Answering Theres an article about the relationship between colors and moods. Lets read it, and then try to answer the following questions: 1. What is this article about? 2. What are calm colors? What does blue represent? 3. What are warm colors? What does orange represent? 4. Is green an energetic color? What does it represent? 5. Is black a strong color? What is it? What does it represent? Step 4 Listening and Reading Read the passage after the tape, trying to guess the meaning of the new words according to the context. Then finish exercise in part B1 on page 28. Read the passage again, and then match the colors with what they represent. Finish exercise in Part B on page 28. Step 5 Reading and Retelling Step 6 Homework1. Read the text and try to recite it.2. Do more consolidation exercises.(1) 我将做的那个决定有些困难。I will _.(2) 绿色代表着新的生命和成长吗?_ green _?(3) 一些颜色能使我们感到温暖。Some colors can _. 教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式(4) 打篮球比玩电脑游戏有趣。_ is more interesting than _. Addition:Read the passage carefully, and then try to fill in the table below. Kinds of colors Names of the colorsIt can It represent Its the color of You need it when you Calm/ peacefulcolorsblue whiteWarm colorsorangeyellowEnergetic colorsgreenStrong colorsred教后记 课题Reading 2 课时3授课日期教学目标 To practice the main language points of the context重点难点This report explains what colours can do and the characteristics they represent. Orange can bring you success and cheer you up when youre feeling sad.Wearing red makes it easier for you to take action.This can help when you are having difficulty making a decision.教具学具 A tape recorder.预习要求 Preview the language points.板书设计 教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式Step 1 RevisionAsk the following questions:(1)How many kinds of colors do you know? (2)What do blue and white belong to? (3)Why is wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room good for the mind and body? (4)What can blue represent? (5)When should you wear white? (6)What do orange and yellow belong to? (7)What does orange represent? What can it bring you? (8) When do people like to use yellow? (9) What does green belong to? What does it represent? (10) What does red belong to? What does it represent? When can red help you?教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式 Step 2 Reading and PracticingRead the passage, and then ask the students to describe the different kinds of colors one by one. Then ask the top students to retell the whole passage. The weaker students can retell the passage according to the table.Step 3 Presentation Millie is thinking about her friends. She is trying to figure out which colors match their characteristics best. Help her decide which the best colors are for her friends. Finish the exercise in part C1 on page 29. (Explain why they choose such answers.) 1. yellow ( good marks wisdom)2. blue (help people calm down)3. white ( worry a lot, get stressed)4. red ( a strong personality, leader power )5. green ( feel tired make you feel energetic)Step 4 Practice There is a questionnaire. Fill in the blanks with your own information to see if your favorite color matches your characteristics.Step 5 Extension Activity Ask the students to write about one of their friends. They can use the text at the top of page 29 as a guide. In the profile, they should mention the following points:1. the name of their friend 2. the best color for their friend 3. the friends characteristics4. his/ her characteristics that match this colorStep 6 Explanation 1. cheer up (cause to become happier or more cheerful) We must cheer her up because she is very sad about falling the exam. 教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式2. envy ( feeling of discontent caused by somebody elses good fortune or success, especially when one wants something that somebody else has) He looked with envy at his friends new cat. 3. mood (the way you are feeling at a particular time) I believe that the weather can affect a persons mood. 4. relaxed ( not feeling or showing worry, anxiety or tenseness) He looked relaxed as he sat in the chair watching TV. 5. stressed ( anxious, feeling pressure or tension) She always feels stressed during exam time. Step 7 Homework1. Revise the phrases and recite the text.2. Do some more consolidation exercises.教后记 课题 Grammar课时4授课日期教学目标1. To learn to use object clauses introduced by that.2. To learn to use object clauses introduced by if or whether.重点难点1.To learn to use the right conjunctions to form object clauses.2. To use the declarative sentence order.教具学具 A computer.预习要求 Preview the new words.板书设计 教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式 A. Object clauses introduced by thatStep 1 Leading-inAsk the students: Blue can bring peace to our mind and body. Do you think so?Encourage the students to answer it using whole sentences, like:I think that blue can bring peace to our mind and body.Step 2 Presentation1. Present the following sentences.1) Colours can influence our moods.2) Colours can make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.3) Many women like to wear white on their wedding day.Answer: Yes, I think so./No, I dont think so.Talk about colours in pairs.教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式4) Green is the colour of nature and represents new life.5) Wearing red can make it easier to take action.2. Lead the students to read the statements and say if they agree with these ideas. Guide the students to state their ideas:I know thatI (dont) think thatI (dont) believe thatIm sure/ certain thatTell the students if they join the beginning with the statement, they can form a object clause, by using that. And we can minus that in oral English or informal English.3. Explain the grammar on Page 26.Step 3 Practice1. Do exercises on Page 26. 2. Get several students to read the object clauses. Explain some difficult sentences.3. Do some extra exercises.(1) The world is becoming more and more crowded and polluted.Most people believe _ .(2) There is a relationship between colours and moods.I am sure _ .(3) The boy has no difficulty working out this maths problems.I find _ .(4) Eating more vegetables is good for our health.The doctor says _ .(5) The English teacher has agreed to come to her birthday party.She is glad _ .B. Object clauses introduced by if or whetherStep 1 PresentationAsk: Can orange cheer people up? What do I want to know? Help the students answer: Students read the conversation in pairs.教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 You want to know if/ whether orange can cheer people up.Write the sentence on the blackboard.2. Explain the grammar on Page 27. Deal with the difficulties.3.Remind the students to pay attention to the declarative sentence order.Step 2 PracticeDo the exercises in B1, B2 and B3. Check the answers with the whole class. Read these sentences.Do the extra exercises.Correct the mistakes:1) I do not know if will the students arrive on time.2) Amy is not certain red will bring good luck.3) Simon wants to know that if all the postmen in the world wear green uniforms.4) Daniel wonders that the white T-shirt matches his trousers.5) The students do not know if do they have to bring some water with them.6) The teacher asks Tom whether has he closed all the windows before leaving the classroom.Homework:1. Revise the new words ,phrases and grammar contents.2. Finish the workbook.3. Preview Integrated skills.教后记 课题 Integrated Skills课时5授课日期教学目标To understand the context of an advertisement and a TV demonstration To understand how a colour therapist does To get information from a printed advertisement重点难点To get further information from a TV interview To consolidate the information gained from reading and listening and determine the facts 教具学具 A tape recorder .预习要求 Preview the new words and content of this period.板书设计 教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式 Step 1 Making an interviewQuestion 1: How do you feel at the beginning of the new term? I discover that different students have different moods during the term. This term is very special. You must work harder for your ideal high school, college and bright future. I promise you success if you try your best. Of course, its important for you to be in a good mood every day.Question 2: How will you do if you feel nervous, uncomfortable or sad? Maybe you will talk to your friends, or go shopping and buy a lot to eat. I can give you some advice to change your moods.教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式 Step 2 PresentationI have a friend called Rainbow. She is a special doctor. Her therapy is also special. She can use the power of color to change your moods and improve your life. Do you believe? Does she tell a lie? Wed better go and see her in person. But where is the therapy center? How can we contact Rainbow? Is it free? What promise can we get if her therapy is useless? Where can we often get the important information? Advertisement.Step 3 Reading Millie found an advertisement for a color therapy by Mrs. Rainbow in You Life magazine. Read the advertisement in part A1 on page 36 and find the information as much as you can through the advertisement and fill in the blanks. Step 4 Listening and Answering Do you want to get more details? How does she work? Listen to the tape, and then fill in the remaining blanks in part A1 on page 36. Step 5 PresentationPerhaps you are interested in Mrs. Rainbows color therapy. Are you afraid to go alone? I think you had better go there with your friends. If your friends are curious about everything and ask you a lot of questions, can you tell them correctly? Millie met the same problem as well. She wants to make an appointment to see Mrs. Rainbow but is afraid to go alone. She asks Amy to go with her.Step 6 Listening and Answering Listen to Amys questions and help Millie answer them. Finish exercises in part A3 on page 37. Step 7 Extension activity I found an advertisement on the Internet.What information can you get? Then divide students into 4 groups. Each group must make up an advertisement and then read it to the other groups and let them get some information.教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式Wanted: Part-time models. Females (aged 14-25) for TV advertisements. Must be at least 1.6m tall. Should be lively and have a good smile. Call Super Model Agency on 55568064. Step 8 Homework 1. Revise the words and the phrases. 2. Do more consolidation exercises.(1) 她使用的油有不同的颜色。The oils _.(2) 你能给我一些建议吗?Could you _.(3) 他把油涂到人们的皮肤里。He _.(4) 我害怕一个人去医院。Im _.(5) 我女儿较喜欢穿绿色。My daughter _.教后记 课题 Study skills课时6授课日期教学目标1. To learn the reading skill of scanning.2. To learn to scan the text to get the specific useful information.重点难点Learn how to scan the text.教具学具 预习要求 Preview the new lesson.板书设计 教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式 Step 1 Presentation1. Revise the reading skill skimming learnt in the last unit.Ask: What does skimming mean?( Skimming means reading the text quickly to get the main idea.)Present the new skillscanning.Say: Today were going to learn another reading strategy. Its called scanning. Scanning means moving your eyes quickly over the text to look for specific information such as names or numbers.Write the following on the blackboard.教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 Skimming: to get the main idea Scanning: to look for specific information2. Ask: Do you read every world in the “ Whats on TV” part in the newspaper, a bus or train timetable, or a guidebook? Actually, we dont need to read every word. Instead, we look for the key information that will answer our questions.Step 2 Practice1. Show the timetable in the newspaper. Ask two detailed questions. Get the students to scan the article, and answer them.2. Introduce what is happening in the pictures to the students Get the students to scan the article to get the answers to the four questions on Page 31.3. Scan the article to get the answers to what,why,what power and where.4. Remind the students that they dont need to read the article word by word, and they should finish reading it quickly.5. Check the answers. Homework1. Revise the words and phrases.2. Finish Workbook.3. Preview Task.教后记 课题Task 课时7授课日期教学目标To organize ideas and build a plan To write a report about moods and colors and what they represent重点难点To present a report 教具学具 Some pictures.预习要求 Preview the content of this period.板书设计 教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式 Step 1 RevisionCan you tell some relationship between moods and colors? Fill in the table below. blackPower and protection blueSadness or calmgreenEnergy and natureorangeSuccess and joy redPower and strengthwhiteCalm and peace yellowWisdom and warmth教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式 Step 2 Presentation(Show the pictures to the students) Can you describe it with your own words? Try to think of the models of people by looking at the colors of their clothes. What is the woman wearing? A red dress and a pair of white shoes. What does red represent? It represents power and strength. What color are her handbag and shoes? They are white. What does white represent? It represents calm and peace. Step 3 PracticeMille is doing her project on the relationship between colors and moods. Help her complete the first part of the report on page 39. Step 4 Extension Activity I am too old to be a model. I am not suitable for the TV advertisements. Would you like to have a try? Choose two students, one is a girl, the other is a boy. The girl is the model of fruit juice. The boy is the model of mobile phones. Try your best to design a style of clothes in advance.Color of dress: _ Represents: _Color of shoes: _ Represents: _Color of handbag: _ Represents: _Moods: _ Reason: _ Step 5 Writing Your art teacher gave you two advertisements. She asks you to write about the models and what you think about the two advertisements. You need to make some notes on them first, and then write about one of the people in the advertisement. Step 6 Consolidation 改写句子1. White and yellow are different. (改为同义句)White is _ _ yellow.2. The nature needs our protection. (改为同义句)We need _ _ the nature. 教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式3. She had to stay in bed last night because he was ill. (对划线部分提问)_ _ she _ to stay in bed last night?4. She may feel weak today. (改为同义句)_ she _ weak today.Step 7 HomeworkWrite a complete passage according to your own draft.教后记 精选word范本!


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