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.阿里巴巴合伙人被选举条件To be elected as an Alibaba Partner you must fulfill the following:1. At least five years of service with Alibaba; 2.possessing outstanding leadership capabilities;(拥有出众领导能力)3.strong identification with our company culture; 4.proactively contributing to the companys development, (以贡献公司发展为前提)5.andare willing to go above and beyond to be a culture carrier of the company mission, vision and values.阿里巴巴合伙人定义Partners, as operators of the company, builders of business, carriers of corporate culture, as well as shareholders, are the most likely to adhere to the companys mission and insist on long-term interests to create long-term value for customers, employees and shareholders.关于少数股东控制权,独裁的反驳(合伙人制度的优势-黑色粗体字)As we have always emphasized, Alibaba Group does not belong to one person or one group(正如我们一直所强调的那样,阿里巴巴不属于任何一个个人或者一个小团体); it is an ecosystem-based social enterprise. You cannot simply rely on management and processes to run an ecosystem-based social enterprise; what is required is that companies possess a common culture and system to drive innovation, and drive organizational improvement through the innovation of governance systems. The debat of the partnership system allows us to perpetuate(使不朽,长存) our mission via(经过、经由) how we operate, transforming Alibaba Group from a structured commercial enterprise(商业企业) into an ecosystem-based social enterprise(以社会生态为基础的企业?). Therefore, we hope that more Aliren can join our partnership to make the ecosystem more diversified and sustainable, and maintain our limitless energy for development.关于合伙人制度损害大众股东利益的解释(合伙人制度的优势-黑色及红色粗体字)this is not a mere profit sharing mechanism(这不仅仅是利益分配机制), nor is it a vehicle(工具) of power to exert(实施) greater control over the company: rather, it is a system that provides a driving force within the company. This system will help inculcate(教育) Alibaba Groups mission, vision and values, safeguard the culture of innovation(创新、改革), improve our organization, enable us to become more nimble(敏感) and competitive in the future, and help us to create our ideal(理想的) futureAt the same time, we also hope that the partnership system, operating based on a foundation of transparency(以透明度为基础进行操作), can shield the companys long-range development plans from the short-term profit seeking trends of the capital market(从寻找短期收益的资本市场手中保护公司长远的发展计划). With that, we hope to provide all shareholders with greater long-term returns.(我们希望给所有的股票持有人提供长期的收益)资料来源:阿里巴巴内部邮件原件(新闻原件附录-来自google)合伙人制度的定义:A type of unincorporated business organization in which multiple individuals, called general partners, manage the business and are equally liable for its debts; other individuals called limited partners may invest but not be directly involved in management and are liable only to the extent of their investments. Unlike a Limited Liability Company or a corporation, in a partnership each partner shares equal responsibility for the companys profits and losses, and its debts and liabilities既然马云直接控制着阿里巴巴的决策权和经营权,那么他就对阿里巴巴的债务承担无限责任,即作为主要合伙人,而不是间接参与公司决策经营的“有限合伙人”这跟其他普通上市公司不同的“合伙人制度”,拥有绝对的提名权,同时也承担对债务的无限连带责任,这或许是合伙制得以在内部实行的重要原因之一制度范本精选版

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