山东省淄博市2019年中考英语复习 语法十二 特殊句型语法随堂演练.doc

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山东省淄博市2019年中考英语复习 语法十二 特殊句型语法随堂演练.doc_第1页
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山东省淄博市2019年中考英语复习 语法十二 特殊句型语法随堂演练.doc_第2页
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特殊句型语法随堂演练一、补全句子1 (有) a lot of good news in todays newspaper. 2(xx上海中考改编)Please (放) the rubbish into different litter bins according to the signs. 3(xx江苏宿迁中考改编) (多好的) weather it is! Shall we go hiking in the hills?Why not?4(xx黑龙江哈尔滨中考改编) (多远) is it from your house to the bookstore? Its about fifteen minutes walk. 5She can hardly speak an English word, (是吗)?6 (不要践踏) on the grass, or it will “cry”7I like eating noodles. (我也喜欢)8Is the car new or old? (是新的). I bought it only three days ago. 9(xx贵州中考)He has few friends in his new school, (是不是)?10(xx四川眉山中考改编)Would you like to go to the city park?Im not sure. If Mike doesnt, (我也不)二、汉译英1农场上有一些人在摘苹果。 2你几点去上学? 3(xx江苏宿迁中考改编)这是一个多么勇敢的年轻人啊! 4穿蓝色衣服的男孩是你的朋友吗? 5(xx四川内江二模改编)南希(Nancy)是多么善良的一个女孩啊! 6你弟弟长什么样? 7下课铃响了,大家都冲出了教室。 8别在阳光下看书。 参考答案一、1. There is 2. put 3. What fine4How far 5. can she 6. Dont walk7So do I 8. Its new 9. does he10neither will I二、1. There are some people picking apples on the farm. 2What time do you go to school?3What a brave young man he is!/How brave the young man is!4Is the boy in blue your friend?5What a kind girl Nancy is!/How kind a girl Nancy is! 6What does your brother look like?7There goes the bell and everyone rushes out the classroom. 8Dont read in the sun.

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