高考英语一轮复习课时跟踪检测51 试题解析

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课时跟踪检测51(代词).单项填空1You ran into Mr. Li! How did that happen?Well, _ of us was looking where we were going. We came around the corner at the same time.Aneither BeitherCboth Dnone答案与解析:A句意:你撞上了李先生!怎么搞的?哎,我们俩当时都没有看路,又同时到达了那个拐角。根据问句中的you和Mr. Li可知,代词指的是两者且表示否定意义,故用neither。either“(两者中)任何一个”;both“(两者)都”;none“(三者或三者以上)没有一个”。2The thieves fled the town separately, _ carrying a bag.Aall BeachCevery Dboth答案与解析:B句意:那些贼分头逃出了城镇,每个人都带着一个包。由a bag判断用each“每个人”,强调个体。all表示全部;every只能修饰名词,不能单独使用;both“(两者)都”。3If the project should be delayed for a day, _ would mean we would be fined $100,000.Athat BasCwhich Dand it答案与解析:A句意:假如这项工程延迟一天,那就意味着我们被罚100,000美元。代替上文已提到的事情用that。as与which无此用法;if引导条件句,逗号后是主句,D项中的连词and多余。4Its certainly not a new idea, and Ive used this technique in _ way or another for several years.Aany BoneCevery Deither答案与解析:B句意:这确实不是一个新想法,我已经以这样或那样的形式使用这种技术好几年了。one. or another“这样或那样的”,是固定用法。5_ was her cruelty that we all hated her.AIt BWhatCThat DSuch答案与解析:D句意:她就是那么残忍冷酷,我们都不喜欢她。such be sth. that.是固定用法,(强调程度)表示“这样,非常”。6If one side refuses to give in to _, the trade talk between the two countries is likely to break down.Aanother BotherCthe other Done another答案与解析:C句意:如果双方互不相让,这两个国家的贸易谈判极有可能会失败。由two countries可知代词指“(两者中的)另一个”,故用the other。another“(三者或三者以上的)另一个”;other不能单独使用;one another“彼此,相互”。7How do you like his wife?She is _ of a good housekeeper, for the childrens room is always in a terrible mess.Asomebody BnobodyCsomething Dnothing答案与解析:D句意:你觉得他的妻子怎么样?她绝对不是一个好的家庭主妇,因为孩子们的房间总是乱糟糟的。nothing of.是固定用法,意为“绝对不”。8I love you more than her, child.You mean more than _ love her or more than she loves _?Ayou; me BI; youCyou; you DI; me答案与解析:A句意:孩子,我爱你超过了她。指的是你爱我胜过爱她还是你比她更爱我。第一空的代词比较状语从句的主语,用主格;第二空的代词在比较状语从句中作动词love的宾语,用宾格,故选A项。9Would you like Alice or Jane to do the task?_ is up to it. Im sure they have the ability.ANone BBothCNeither DEither答案与解析:D句意:你想让爱丽丝还是简来做这项工作。两个人都能胜任。我相信她们都有这个能力。根据Im sure they have the ability可知空格处表示“两个人都可以”,而谓语动词是is,故选either“两者中的任何一个”。none“(三者或三者以上)都不”;both“(两者)都”,作主语,谓语用复数;neither“(两者)都不”。10No equipment provided by the company is so advanced as _ listed in the product introduction.Awhat BoneCthat Dsuch答案与解析:C句意:那家公司提供的设备中没有一个像产品简介中的那么先进。that指代与前面提到的名词equipment同类但不是同一个事物,表示特指。what不作替代词;one代替同名异物的单数名词,表示泛指;such是指示代词,表示“这样的人或事物”。11Can you come on Saturday or Sunday?Im afraid _ is possible.Anone BeitherCsome Dneither答案与解析:D句意:你星期六来还是星期天来?恐怕哪一天也不行。由Saturday or Sunday及Im afraid可知用表示否定两者的neither。12Wow, so many new houses! I cant believe that. It used to be a poor village.Yes. _ has changed here.ANothing BSomethingCEverything DAnything答案与解析:C句意:哇,这么多新房子!我不敢相信!这里曾经是个穷村子。是的,这里的一切都变了。由句意可知,此处表示全部肯定意义,故用everything“所有东西,一切”。nothing“没什么东西”;something“一些东西”;anything“任何东西”。13In 1888, the worlds first beauty contest was held in Belgium. Though _ is known about the competition, the idea caught on.Aeverything BnothingCmuch Dlittle答案与解析:D句意:世界最早的一场选美比赛于1888年在比利时举行。虽然世人对那次比赛了解不多,但这个构想开始流行了。由though表示的让步意义可知用little, little表示人们对选美比赛不太了解,知道的内容不多。14Susan was expecting her favorite singers, but _ appeared.Asome BnoneCeveryone Dno one答案与解析:B句意:苏珊一直期待着她喜欢的歌手,但是一个也没来。由but可知用表示否定的代词,none表特定范围内“没有一个”符合句意。no one没有具体范围。some“一些”;everyone“每个人”。15The computers we use today are much better than _ we used ten years ago.Aone BthatCones Dthose答案与解析:D句意:我们今天用的电脑比十年前用的电脑好多了。those指代与前面提到的复数名词computers同类但不是同一些的可数名词复数,表示特指,相当于the ones。one与ones作替代词都表示泛指;that代替同名异物的单数可数名词或不可数名词。.阅读理解 Arranged marriages have been a basic part of the Indian society since ages. Basically a marriage is termed as arranged when it is arranged by people other than those getting married. The other people involved in the arrangement of the marriage can be parents, matchmaking agents, matrimonial (婚姻的) sites or a trusted third party. In fact the task of matchmaking is carried out quite a number of times by priests, religious leaders, trusted relatives, friends, etc. In ancient times,a bride and a groom were neither asked for their permission, nor were they informed about the partner. However, with time going by,the society has also had a significant change. Nowadays, in arranged marriages both the girl and the boy are asked for their permission. The process begins with practices like matching the horoscope (占星术) of the couple for checking the agreement, the background of the families and their classes. After all the above things are ensured, a suitable date for the commencement of the marriage is decided. Before a marriage, an engagement ceremony is held to ensure that the accord between the two families is finalized. In modern society, the boy and the girl are allowed to hold restricted meetings and conversations before a marriage. This makes it easy for both of them to open up and also improves their relationship and understanding. The marriage ceremony is highly formal in case of an arranged marriage, with the grooms family playing to the gallery. The marriage is conducted in strict accordance with the Vedic ceremony. However, like everything,arranged marriages have both pros and cons. On the one hand, they have better success rate as there are few expectations and selfrelated issues. On the other hand, the biggest threat that arranged marriages face is that if either the boy or the girl is not ready for the marriage, it can lead to serious trouble. This may even cause hate and emotional upset for both of them. Moreover, such a situation can even make a person annoyed at the idea of marriage itself. The main reason behind such a condition is the pressure from the family and parents.16. From the first paragraph we know _.A. arranged marriages in India are not longB. the people involved in the arrangement of marriages varyC. matchmaking is all carried out by religious leadersD. a trusted third party in the arrangement of the marriage plays the most important role17. The underlined sentence implies _.A. customs in arranged marriages change a lotB. the background of families is of no importanceC. people in India believe in GodD. marriages in India also require to be wellmatched in social and economical status18. In modern society, the boy and the girl in an arranged marriage _.A. are free at some extentB. are not free at allC. can see each other freelyD. know each other very well19. From the last paragraph, we can infer _.A. arranged marriages can easily lead to divorceB. most boys and girls in arranged marriages are not prepared for the marriageC. parents should keep in mind that they should be responsible for their childrens life foreverD. parents are to blame for their childrens unhappy marriages20. The best title for the passage is _.A. India CultureB. The India MarriageC. Arranged Marriages in IndiaD. The History of Marriage答案与解析:本文是一篇说明文。本文介绍了印度的一种社会现象:包办婚姻。文章介绍了包办婚姻的今昔状况。阅读时考生要注意印度包办婚姻的发展过程及不同阶段的特点。16B细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“The other people involved in the arrangement of the marriage can be parents, matchmaking agents, matrimonial (婚姻的) sites or a trusted third party.”可知B项正确。其余选项与第一段的叙述不相符。17D推理判断题。根据第二段中这句话可知婚姻首先要考虑双方的家庭背景及社会地位,显然,这里考虑的是门当户对,故选D项。18A细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的“the boy and the girl are allowed to hold restricted meetings and conversations before a marriage.”中的restricted一词可知,双方并不可以完全自由地去见对方。19D推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的叙述,尤其是文章的最后一句可知,D项正确。20C主旨大意题。本文讲述的是印度的一种社会现象包办婚姻。所以选C项。.七选五_21_ But still there is a danger that grows every year.Airliners get larger.Some airplanes can hold over 300 passengers.And the air itself becomes more and more crowded.If one giant airliner crashed into another in midair, 600 lives could be lost._22_ Air traffic controllers tell the pilot exactly when to turn, when to climb, and when to come down.The air traffic controllers around a busy airport like LondonHeathrow may handle 2,500 planes a day.Not all of them actually land at the airport.Any plane that flies near the airport comes under the orders of the controllers there._23_Recently such a disaster almost happened._24_ One, with 69 passengers, had come from Toronto, and the other, with 176 passengers, from Chicago, An air traffic controller noticed on his radar screen that the two planes were too close to each other.He ordered one to turn to the right and to climb.But he made a mistake.He ordered the wrong plane to do this.Fifteen seconds later it flew directly in front of the second plane.They avoided each other by the smallest part of a second.The distance between them was less than that of a large swimming pool._25_A. Even a small mistake on their part could cause a disaster.B. Two large jets were flying towards the airport.C. Nowadays people like traveling more by air than by car.D. Today, air travel is far safer than driving a car on a bus motorway.E. This is an example of the danger that grows every year.F. In a word, air travel is more dangerous, we should choose others.G. From the moment an airliner takes off to the moment it lands, every movement is watched on radar screen.答案:21.D22.G23.A24.B25.E.短文改错Mrs. Pan was my first English teacher. I cant forget the first one lesson she gave me. I was deeply attracted by her wonderfully teaching and charming voice, but I have been interested in English since then. I remember her a warmhearted and responsible teacher. Every time I ask her questions, she always explained it in detail patiently. Besides, when I had difficulties in my daily life, she would offer me as many help as she could. Now Im still quite grateful with her for her hard works and encouragement. Ive been working hard all the time, hope to be a teacher like her.答案:Mrs. Pan was my first English teacher. I cant forget the first one lesson she gave me. I was deeply attracted by her wonderfullywonderful teaching and charming voice, but and/so I have been interested in English since then. I remember heras a warmhearted and responsible teacher. Every time I askasked her questions, she always explained it them in detail patiently. Besides, when I had difficulties in my daily life, she would offer me as manymuch help as she could. Now Im still quite grateful withto her for her hard workswork and encouragement. Ive been working hard all the time, hopehoping to be a teacher like her.5

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