2019-2020年七年级英语下册专题讲解+课后训练:Module6 Around town 课后练习.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册专题讲解+课后训练:Module6 Around town 课后练习题一:请翻译:你能告诉我如何去学校吗?题二:请翻译:你能告诉我如何去图书馆吗?题三:1. 请翻译:沿着这条街走,在第一个十字路口向左拐,你就能找到那家医院。2. _the music.Its too loud.A. Turn on B. Turn down C. Turn up 题四:1.请翻译:沿着这条路走,你会走到一个公共汽车站。2. _the radio, or you will wake up your father.A. Turn on B. Turn down C. Turn up 题五:请翻译:为什么不留下喝杯茶呢?题六:请翻译:为什么不帮助你母亲做家务? 题七:1.请翻译:去上海最安全的方式是坐火车。2. He would like to go there by _ boat.A. the B. a C./ D. an题八:1. 如今许多人乘飞机旅行。2. He wants to go to his hometown by _ air.A. the B. a C./ D. an题九:请翻译:1. 乘这辆公共汽车,到火车站下车。2. 这位司机经常帮助那位老人上他的出租车。题十:请翻译:1. 你将在哪里下车?2 这个小男孩很想上这辆小汽车。题十一:翻译题:1.他在桌子旁边。2.教室里有60名学生。3.那顶帽子在床上。4.我的球在课桌下面。5.那个小男孩在树后。6.在房子后面有一辆小汽车。7.他在我的右边。8.他紧挨着他的妹妹。9.那家银行就在街道的拐角处。10.我通常在周二和周五中间是不忙的。选择题:His house is _ the trees.A. between B. among C. in 题十二:1. 我的那只猫在门口。2. 我的那支钢笔在铅笔盒里。3. 他的书包在椅子上。4. 我的钢笔在那本书下面。5. 那个小女孩在椅子后面。6. 在我的书包里有一些书。7. 那张课桌在我的左边。8. 那家医院紧挨着我的学校。9. 他家的房子就在街道的拐角处。10. 在桌子与椅子中间有一个足球。选择题:My village is _hills.A. between B. among C. in 题十三:假如我是Tom,你将在你家开一个生日party,但是你的朋友Henry不知道去你家的路。请你写一封信介绍去你的路线。提示:1. 你家位于Bridge Street 2. 坐5路公共汽车到center street 3. 沿着center street一直向前走,当看到一个大的超市时向右转,就能进入bridge street。沿着bridge street一直走,你的家在小公园和图书馆的中间,是一座带花园的白色房子。题十四:假如你叫王华,你的朋友John想去你家玩,可是他不知道怎么走,你家在重庆路12号,乘坐2路或3号车在幸福路下车,家就在车站旁边。房子是红色的, 门是白色的,很容易找到的。你来到我家后我们可以唱歌和跳舞,也可以吃一些蛋糕,水果和小吃。Module6 Around town课后练习参考答案题一:Can you tell me the way to school?解析:问路的常见用语是“Can you tell sb. the way to+地点”。题二:Could you tell me how to get to the library?解析:问路的其它方式还包括“Could you tell me how to get to+地点”。题三:1. Godownthisstreet,thenturntotheleftatthefirstcrossing andyou will find the hospital.2. B解析:1. turntotheleft向左拐;atthefirstcrossing在第一个十字路口。2.句意:请关小一点音乐,太吵了。turn on打开;turn down 关小一点;turn up开大一点。 根据句意故选B。题四:1. Godowntheroadandyoulletoabusstop. 2. B 解析: 1. Godowntheroad沿着这条路走。2. 把收音机的声音调小些,不然会把你的父亲吵醒。turn on打开;turn down关小一点;turn up开大一点。 根据句意故选B。题五:Why notstay for a cup of tea? 解析:Why not+动词原形“表示一种建议”。题六:Why not help your mother with the housework?解析:Why not+动词原形“表示一种建议”。题七:1. The safest way to Shanghai is by train.2. C解析: 1. by +表示交通工具的名词,名词前不能加冠词。by train坐火车。 2. by +表示交通工具的名词,名词前不能加冠词。句意:他想坐船去那里。题八:1. Nowadays many people travelby plane.2. C解析: 1. by +表示交通工具的名词,名词前不能加冠词。2. 句意:他想做飞机回家乡。by air坐飞机。题九:1. Get on this bus andget offat the station.2. He often helps the old man get in his taxi.解析: 1. get off 下车。at the station在火车站。2. get in上车,一般指上的是空间小的,底盘比较低,不用费力抬腿的车子。如taxi或car等。题十:1. Where will you get off?2. The boy would like to get in the car.解析: 1. get off下车。2.would like to do想要做某事;get in上车,一般指上的是空间小的,底盘比较低,不用费力抬腿的车子。如taxi或car等。题十一:1. He is at the table.2. There are sixty students in the classroom.3. That cap is on the bed.4. My ball is under the desk.5. That boy is behind the tree.6. There is a car behind the house.7. He is on my right.8. He is next to his sister.9. That bank is on the corner of the street.10. Im usually free between Tuesday and Friday.选择题:B解析: 1. at the table在桌子旁。2. in the classroom在教室里。3. on the bed在床上。4. under the desk.在桌子下。5. behind the tree在树后。6. behind the house在房后。 7. on my right在右边。8. next to紧挨着。9. on the corner of the street.在街道的拐角处。10.be free 闲的,不忙的。betweenand表示在两者之间。选择题:句意:他的房子隐藏在树林之中。among指在三个或三个以上的人或事物之间。题十二:1. My cat is at the door.2. My pen is in the pencil box.3. His schoolbag is on the chair.4. My pen is under the book.5. That girl is behind the chair.6. There are some books in my schoolbag.7. That desk is on my left.8. The hospital is next to my school.9. His house is on the corner of the street.10. There is a football between the table and the chair.选择题:B解析: 1. at the door在门口。2. in the pencil box在铅笔盒里。3. on the chair在椅子上。4. under the book在书的下面。5. behind the chair在椅子后面。6. in my schoolbag 在我的书包里。7. on my left.在我的左边。8. next to紧挨着。9. on the corner of the street在街道的拐角处。10. betweenand表示在两者之间。选择题:句意:我的村子群山环绕。among指在三个或三个以上的人或事物之间。题十三:Dear Henry,I am writing to tell how to get to my house. My home is on Bridge Street. You can take No.5 to center street. Go along center street, you will see a big supermarket. Then you turn right. You walk along bridge street .My home is between the park and the library. It is a white house with a garden.Yours,Tom题十四:Dear John,I live at No. 12, Chongqing Road. You can take No.2 bus or No.3 bus and get off at Xingfu Road bus stop. My home is next to the bus stop. My house is red and the door is white, so it is easy to find my house. We can sing and dance on that day. We can also have cakes , fruit and many snacks. I think we will have a good time. I hope you will e at 7p.m.Yours,Wang Hua

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