GE 供应商体系审核标准.doc

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. GENERAL BUSINESS(总体营运)Organization and Management (组织与管理)Support Questions:1. Provide updated organization chart for your business 提供贵司的最新组织流程图2. Identify key staff members and responsibilities 确定关键成员和职责3. Outline responsibilities of key staff relative to operation objectives 概括关键成员的职责Scoring:1. Limited organization with roles of key players not clearly defined. Company would have difficulty supporting a new program start-up without significant staffing and/or plant and equipment expenditures.3. Organization appropriate for scope of current business. Roles are clearly defined and key players have ability to lead company to current objectives. Company has ability to grow, but would have to expand staff and facilities to accommodate. 5. Organization is currently staffed to handle additional business. Roles are clearly defined and top positions are staffed with leaders capable of successfully growing the company. Company is capable and willing to make expenditures to grow business. Comments/Deficiencies:_(Suggested Category Weight _4_) (Supplier Grade _)Operational Goals (营运目标)Support Questions:1. What is your company mission? Key measurements? 贵司的使命?关键措施?2. What are your current year business objectives? 今年的业务目标?3. Compare current year objectives to historical performance. 今年和以往历史成绩的比较4. Discuss business reinvestment. Give examples of domestic and international reinvestment.讨论商务再投资。举例国内和国外的投资5. Discuss your long-term business strategy. 长期公司发展策略6. Are there any outstanding legal issues facing your company that could potentially hamper your ability to supply product under quoted circumstances?是否有突出的政策针对贵司,从而能潜在妨碍贵司提供产品的能力Does your company have a legal and policies compliance program? Is there any outstanding regulatory or safety complaints still pending? 是否有仍未解决的规定或安全隐患Scoring:1. Key measurements are neither defined nor communicated beyond staff level. Individual roles and responsibilities not defined to include accountability for meeting objectives. Goals are limited to short term with little long term planning evident.3. Key measurements are defined and communicated to all levels, and there is clear accountability for all key measurements. Long and short term strategic planning is part of total business plan.5. Key measurements are defined in detail and communicated and integrated into the work plan of each employee. Progress to goals is updated on regular basis to entire business. Strategic long term growth is an important part of business plan.Comments/Deficiencies:_(Suggested Category Weight _5_) (Supplier Grade _)Industry (行业背景)Support Questions:1. Describe your major competencies. 描述主要能力2. Are offshore suppliers a factor in current or future sales? 可不用3. Where are your growth opportunities? 哪里有增长机会4. What are your plans to capitalize on these opportunities? 如何利用这些机会5. Market share, average annual growth rates over the past 5 years for your major products?市场分额,过去5年来主要产品的平均年增长率Scoring:1. Business positioned to maintain small share of total market or niche business, with little funding for planning for future growth or acquisition. Current product offerings provide limited growth potential.2. Business is positioned well relative to others in industry, although they may not be one of the key suppliers within the industry. Product line offerings could provide opportunities for future growth potential.5. Company is clearly an industry leader and accounts for an above-average proportion of the total industry output. Product line offerings are innovative and varied enough to assure their market place leadership.Comments/Deficiencies:_(Suggested Category Weight _5_) (Supplier Grade _)Program Execution (体系执行情况)Support Questions:1. What programs are currently underway in your facility? 在贵司目前采取哪些体系2. What was the last major program your company completed? How long did it take to complete?3. 最近完成的主要体系?花费多长时间来完成4. Are there any other major programs currently under consideration by your company?5. 目前贵公司考虑进行哪些其他的体系?4. Outline program management personnel and resources available for program implementation. 概要体系管理人员和执行体系的可利用资源Scoring:1. Company has not implemented a mid/major program in recent past. Resources would limit scope of any program undertaking. GEA would have to lend considerable resources to be assured of successful implementation.3. Company has successfully implemented mid/major programs in recent past. Resources would limit Programs to small or mid-sized. GEA would require a detailed implementation plan along with corrective action program before business could be awarded.5. Company successfully implements mid/major programs on a continuing basis. Resources are either available or could be obtained to assure successful execution of program. GEAs resource involvement would be limited primarily to program management interface.Comments/Deficiencies:_(Suggested Category Weight _5_) (Supplier Grade _)Supplier/Customer Interface (供应商/客户情况)Support Questions:1. Who are your major customers? 主要客户2. Do your customers measure you? How? 客户如何评估贵司?3. Who are your major suppliers? 主要供应商?4. How do you measure them? 如何评审供应商5. Provide examples of current reports and performance measures (e.g., on-time shipments, availability by product). 就目前的报告和执行方式提供一些事例Scoring:1. Company works primarily through blanket orders and has minimal contact with customers and supplier base. Quality, delivery and/or other issues are generally reactively handled on case by case basis.3. Company employs a representative who, as the primary customer contact personally handles most quality, delivery or customer questions. The representative will involve his plan resources on an as needed basis. Customer/supplier relationships are recognized as being important and are handled in a professional and amiable manner.5. Customer satisfaction is a key operational objective and company has systems in place to measure customer approval as well as supplier performance. Company has established programs that proactively address customer satisfaction as well as supplier performance.Comments/Deficiencies:_ (Suggested Category Weight _3_) (Supplier Grade _)Pricing(价格)Support Questions:1. What percent of sales are international? 海外销售的比例?2. What are your plans for expanding into international markets?扩充国际市场的计划3. What competition do you see from international markets?从国际市场看,你们有何竞争力4. Are you willing to share your cost structure with your customers?是否愿意与客户共享成本结构Do you have a formalized program for cost reduction and waste elimination? 是否有正式的体系,对于降低成本和消浪费Do you pass cost savings to your customers? 是否把成本积累转移给客户Describe deflation/cost savings history over the past few years.在过去一些年内,描述成本节约历史。Scoring:1. Company competes primarily in local/regional markets, or supplies a niche product. Little competition in this market.3. Company competes nationally for business, with some international markets served (mostly North American). Has ability to compete internationally, however, current infrastructure could not support a large export business.5. Customer base is worldwide due to ability to provide pricing competitive with anyone. Pricing has allowed them to develop a substantial international market base to complement domestic sales.Comments/Deficiencies:_(Suggested Category Weight _3_) (Supplier Grade _)QUALITY质量 Management Responsibility 管理职责Support Questions: 1. What is the quality policy, how is it communicated to ALL employees?公司的质量政策是什么?如何告知全体雇员?2. Do the shop floor operators have the freedom to stop production if a quality issue is suspected?怀疑质量事件发生时, 工场操作者们有无自由停止生产?3. Are all senior management personnel measured on the quality of the product?是否用产品质量评估所有高级管理人员4. Are the goals appropriate for the business? Are they tough enough? Is there evidence of a vision?目标是否与业务相符。 是否太严?有何证据。5. What level of involvement does the management team have in dealing with quality issues? Is the Quality Manager expected to handle and resolve all issues?管理团队处理质量问题时涉及到哪一层? 质量经理是否被认为是要处理各解决所有问题。Scoring:1. Quality organization exists, but there is no evidence of authority, vision, or strong tie to total business measurements. 3. Appropriate quality goals in place, but communication and tracking of the goals is not thorough.5. There is clear evidence that well defined, effective goals are in place and communicated, and that the progress toward those goals is understood by all levels of employees. Comments/Deficiencies:_(Suggested Category Weight _5_) (Supplier Grade _)(建议权重:);(供应商等级:_)Documentation文件Support Questions:1. Is the quality manual complete and up to date? Is it accessible to all employees and approved by upper management?质量手册完整及更新吗?是否为全体雇员所理解以及是否已被高层批准?2. Are there detailed quality instructions posted at the work stations in the appropriate language?是否有详细质量指引用合适的语言摆放在工位。3. What is the process for change control?更改控制的过程是怎样的?How are shop floor drawings controlled and updated? Is there a master listing?工场图纸的控制和更新?有没有主要清单。Are specifications and control plans documented?参数和控制计划有没有文件化。Scoring:1. Documentation exists, but does not cover all areas and is not complete.3. Documentation exists for some, but not all areas, or is not complete.5. All documentation is complete and current, no nonconformity.Comments/Deficiencies:_(Suggested Category Weight _4_) (Supplier Grade _)Quality Planning质量计划Support Questions:1. Are all new contracts reviewed prior to acceptance by appropriate personnel to ensure customer requirements are understood? 是否所有合同在被接受前都有合适的人员评审过并确定已明白客户的要求?2. Do the reviews address supplier capability to meet customer requirements and resolution of non-capabilities?评审有没有含关于供应商能力能否满足客户要求?及无能力时的终止?3. Are critical processes identified and quality plans developed to ensure process capability to 6 Sigma requirements?有没有制定关键的过程定义和质量计划来保证过程能力满足西格码要求?Scoring:1. No procedure exists which applies to the quality system requirements or ability of supplier to meet customer needs. Many important personnel in sales, engineering, purchasing or other customer interfaces are unaware of or excluded from quality planning activities.3. Evidence exists that almost all customer requirements are defined, documented and receive capability assessment. Only one or two customer interfaces were unaware of some specifics of quality planning procedures. The shortcomings are not substantial in terms of capability assessment and have been corrected promptly. 5. All customer requirements are addressed with sound capability assessment. Corrective actions consistently investigate and improve contract review effectiveness to address non-compliance or customer complaints. Critical processes are 6 Sigma capable.Comments/Deficiencies:_(Suggested Category Weight _5_) (Supplier Grade _)Traceability/Inspection and Test追踪检验和测试Support Questions:1. Does the inspection and test plan include acceptance criteria, equipment, and documentation requirements?检验和测试计划有无包含接受标准,设备,以及文件化要求?2. Is incoming material held until the required inspections/tests are completed or necessary inspection/test reports are received and verified?是否拒收物料直至物料通过了要求的检验和测试或必要的文件已经被接受和已确认。3. Is material inspected and identified from raw material to finished product as required by the inspection and test plan?有没有按检验和测试计划对物料进行从原料到成品的验证和定义?4. Are traceability records kept from finished product to raw material? 有没有从成品到原料的追踪记录?Scoring:1. Traceability exists only within production process, but not to raw material. No inspection and test plan exists. 3. Traceability exists from finished product to raw material, but no documented procedure exists. Inspection and test plan exists and a record of results/status accompanies material throughout the production process. 5. Procedures are documented and maintained such that product can be traced from finished product to raw material. Specification and test plan exists (which includes acceptance criteria, equipment, and documentation) and a record of results/status accompanies material throughout the production process. Comments/Deficiencies:_(Suggested Category Weight _4_) (Supplier Grade _)Process Control/Statistical Process Control过程控制统计过程控制Support Questions:1. Have procedures been established and maintained for monitoring the variation in processes?有没有确立和维护流程来监视过程偏差。Control Plan:控制计划Which departments (finishing, sub-assembly, etc.)哪个部门(成品,半成品等)CTQ characteristics参数Who does monitoring谁监视?How often the characteristic is monitored (sample size / frequency) 监视参数的频率(抽样大小频率)Tools required(工具要求)Type of monitoring (SPC) 监视类型()If out of control, what action to take失控时的行动。Date and latest revision日期最新版本3. Are appearance standards in place?有适当的外观标准?4. Have short term and long term capability studies been performed?有没有做长短期的能力分析?5. Are special cause variations in processes investigated and corrected?有没有在过程中调查和纠正特殊偏差原因?Scoring:1. Little or no evidence of process control. 3. Operators understand and work to station instructions. 5. Procedures are documented and maintained such that product can be traced from finished product to raw material. Specification and test plan exists (which includes acceptance criteria, equipment, and documentation), and a record of results/status accompanies material throughout the production process.Comments/Deficiencies:_(Suggested Category Weight _5_) (Supplier Grade _)Metrology方法Support Questions:1. Is inspection, measurement, and test equipment capable of the required accuracy/precision (1/10 tolerance) and handled/stored to protect accuracy and fitness for use? 检验,测量,和测试仪器的精度是否达标(1/10公差),保存是否能保证精度和能够使用。2. What are the results of the repeatability & reproducibility (R&R) studies( 20%)? When are they performed?重复性和重复能力的试验结果?(&R)20%, 什么时候做?3. Are calibration records complete for observed measuring and test equipment?测量和仪器的计量是否完成?-equipment type & identification-methods of calibration & adjustment仪器类型&定义计量和调试方法-location -acceptance criteria位置接受标准-frequency of checks-corrective actions to address non-conformity检查频率不一致的纠正行动4. Have appropriate actions been taken when measuring and test equipment is found to be out of calibration?当发现测量和仪器计量不合格时,有无适当的行动?-Previous test results checked for validity?检查前次测试的结果是否合格?-Upstream material held for retest?是否重测朔源的原料?-Customers notified if suspect material has been shipped?是否通知客户已出货的被怀疑原料?Scoring:1. Inspection, measurement, and t


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