2019-2020年高中英语 模块Unit 3 单元测试题 北师大版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 模块Unit 3 单元测试题 北师大版必修1一单项选择 (30分)1. There was a lot of fun at yesterdays party. You _ e, but why didnt you? A. must have B. should C. need have D. ought to have2. How _ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article? A. can B. must C. need D. may3. My sister doesnt believe _ Father Christmas any more. A. on B. in C. at D. to4. You shouldnt accept a lift from a person _ you dont know him. A. until B. unless C. if D. whether5. They stole everything in my purse, _ my credit card. A. included B. to include C. was including D. including6. The best man will _ and toast the bride and groom at the banquet. A. make a speech B. receive an invitation C. contribute some money D. attend a reception7. _ the morning of the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom have to serve tea to their parents. A. In B. At C. To D. On8 it didnt seem possible, but they carried on _. A. to try B. trying C. try D. tried9. Every possible means _ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clean.A. is used B. are usedC. has been usedD. have been used10. This kind of plant _ lots of vitamin C.A. includesB. holdsC. containsD. takes11.-Congratulations to you ! I hear you got first in the English Speech Contest. - _ .A.Dont mention it. I think thats only my past.B.Thanks. But I think I could have done betterC. Theres nothing to cheer for D.No, no. Its a piece of cake.12. The thief was reported _ more than $50,000 from the millionaire.A. to stealB. to be stealing C. to have stolen D. to be stolen13. -What will you do next Sunday?-Maybe do some shopping, for I _ go to school on Sunday.A. mustntB. shouldntC. dont have toD. had better not14. If you_ yourself to the job in hand, youll soon finish it.A. requestB. appealC. applyD. claim15. Mary _ a professor for half a year.A. has marriedB. married withC. marriedD. has been married to 16. Jenny is always absent from school, _ I suppose is why she is criticized now and then.A. whichB. whoC. thatD.what17. -Excuse me , is the shop open around the clock? -_ . Only from 8:00am.to 4:00 pm.A. Im not sure.B. Well, it depends.C.Thats right.D.Im afraid not.18. - Its a good idea. But whos going to _ the plan?- I think Tom and Grey will.A. set asideB. carry outC. take inD. get through19. - Helen, will you be at the party tonight?- Im sorry, but I have so much homework to do that I really _.A. wont B. cantC. mustntD. shouldnt20. Some pre-school children go to a day care centre, _ they learn simple games and songs.A. thenB. thereC. whichD. where21. _ in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.A. DressedB. To dressC. DressingD. Having dressed22. Her _ way of smiling left a good impression on me.A. successfulB. particularC. usualD. peaceful23. No decision _ about any future appointment(任命) until all the candidates(候选人) have been interviewed. A. will be madeB. is madeC. is being D. has been made24.The library _ in 1992. A. is builtB. is being builtC. was builtD. was being built25.Tomorrow only family and close friends _ to my fathers birthday party. A. are invitedB. were invitedC. have been invitedD. will be invited26.Dont worry. Wang Yongs wedding celebration _.A. is arrangedB. were arrangedC. has been arrangedD. will be arranged27.The girl _ on this time yesterday.A. is operatedB. is being operatedC. were operatedD. was being operated28.Usually, Christmas trees _ with little lights and balloons.(decorate )A. are decoratedB. have been decoratedC. will be decorated D. were decorated29.Mike, you _ play with fire. You_ burn yourself.A. wont; cant B. mustnt; mayC. dont have to; must D. have got to; shouldnt30. You _ see the doctor, Joe. You dont look very well.A. must B. shallC. may D. can二. 完形填空(30分) Robison was born in a very poor family. At seven, he had to pick cal in a deserted mine, then he 1 what he had picked and earned a few coins to help his parents. He had 2 schooling. 3 so poor, how could they pay for the education?When he was fifteen, he worked 4 a servant in a school, looking at other children studying in the classroom, he felt 5 for himself. How he wished to have the same chance. He 6 to study by himself. In the day time after the sweeping and cleaning was over, he 7 stand by the window outside the classroom trying to 8 what the teacher said. At night, he tried his best to remember 9 he had learned during the day. He worked 10 hard at the lessons that he sometimes had just three or four hours 11. The more he learned, the 12 he wanted to learn.A maths teacher 13him and came to like this diligent(刻苦) boy and 14 him to sit at the back of the class. In 15exam, he was the one in the whole school who reached the 16 grade.Robison went on for six years 17 his study of maths and wrote several articles which drew the attention of some university professors. They appreciated (欣赏) his talent and his diligence.18 him the better chance they employed him as a librarian and 19 him free guidance. Robison was filled with joy. Fro he felt that before him there was a broad road leading to 20.1. A. burned B. gave C. sent D. sold2. A. any B. less C. no D. small3. A. Because B. As C. For D. Being4 A. like B. as C. for D. at5 A. sorry B. angry C. disappointed D. interesting6. A. wished B. wanted C. decided D. considered7. A. would B. should C. could D. might8. A. do B. catch C. listen to D. hear9. A. when B. all C. that D. which10 A. such B. too C. so D. very11 A. study B. sleep C. work D. time12. A. better B. harder C. less D. more13. A. punished B. discovered C. liked D. laughed at14. A. allowed B. let C. pushed D. tired15. A. his B. a C. one D. the16. A. highest B. most C. tallest D. largest17. A. for B. at C. with D. in18. A. To give B. Giving C. Give D. For giving19. A. taught B. offered C. sent D. supplied20. A. death B. success C. school D. happiness三. 阅读理解 Finders, Keepers? I worked for a short time as a casher(出纳员) at a restaurant a few months ago. I also helped clear off the tables when it was especially busy. One night, just before Christmas, I found a large black wallet on the floor near one of the tables. I guess I should have checked it to find out who was the owner, but I was busy at the time. Also, I imagined that if the wallet contained anything Valuable, the owner would be back. Sure enough, an hour later a man came up to the counter(柜台) and asked if anyone had found a wallet, I asked him to describe the lost wallet, and after he described it exactly, I gave him the wallet. He expressed his sincere thanks when I handed it to him. He asked me if I had opened it, and when I told him No, he opened it right away and showed that it contained nearly $800 in cash(现金) . I gasped(叹息) ashe took out a twenty-dollar bill and handed it to me .A reward for your honesty, he said and then turned and walked away. Thinking about it later, I began wondering whether I would have been so honest if I had known what was in the wallet! I think that if there had been no Way to find the owner and no one had returned to claim (认领)it, I might have kept it, But it also came into my mind that I had in fact saved someones Christmas plans by finding and returning the wallet. The good feeling it gave me was worth more than anythingmoney could buy.1. This story happened in a restaurant. A. one night in November B. one day in December C. a few weeks before Christmas D. a couple of days before December 252. Which of the following is true? A. The owner of the wallet found a twenty-dollar bill gone. B. The writer wasnt surprised as the man gave him a reward. C. Nothing in the wallet was missing. D. The man was extremely surprised when he got his wallet back.3. The writer returned the wallet to the owner because A. he thought Christmas was ing B. being honest, he didnt care much about money C. the owner came back too soon D. he didnt know that it contained so much money4. The title of the passage Finders Keepers? implies that the saying, Finders keepers, losers weepers A. is not always true B. is proved in this story C. requires an answer D. is still a question5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. He accepted a reward of $20 B. He didnt return the wallet until the owner returned. C. He regretted that he had returned the wallet. D. He felt very happy after he returned the wallet.BVisit any card shop in December, and youll find an amazing selection of Christmas cards. Boxes upon boxes line the shelves in discount(打折)stores and bookstores, too. Today two billion cards are exchanged every year in the US alone. How did this Christmas custom begin? Sir Henry Cole, a busy London museum director, asked an artist friend to design a card that could be duplicated(复制).That was in 1843,when writing each greeting separately was a long, difficult task. A thousand cards were printed for Cole.Coles card pictured a family at dinner. It also showed people giving food and clothing to the poor. Helping the poor is one of the teachings of Jesus. At Christmas people celebrate his birth about xx years ago in Bethlehem.In the next decades in Britain and the US, Christmas cards caught on(流行).All sorts of cards appeared. Many were paper, but some were made of satin(缎)or velvet(丝绒).Cards were printed one at a time. Only the rich could afford to buy them. Just one could cost several hours wages. 1.In December, the Christmas cards are sold_. A. in boxes B. at a discount C. at a high price D. at an additional tax 2Henry 2.Cole had the card designed and duplicated because_. A. he wanted to great his artist friend B. he wanted to send his greeting words separatedC. he wanted to plete a difficult task D. he wanted to make more friends in this way3.The picture on Coles card was_. A. a family at dinner B. a family giving food to the poor C. people in a house D. some poor people at dinner 4.What is the meaning of the sentence“ Cards were printed one at a time”? A. Only one card was printed at that time. B. Cards were printed only once at that time. C. One sort of cards was printed at a time. D. Cards were printed one by one.CDo you love holidays but hate the increase weight that follow? You are not alone.Holidays are happy days with pleasure and delicious foods. Many people, however, are worried about the weight that es along with these delicious foods. With proper planning, though, it is possible to control your weight. The idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much. You dont have to turn away from the foods that you enjoy. The following suggestions may be of some help to you. Dont miss meals. Before you leave home for a feast (宴会),have a small, low-fat snack. This may help to keep you from getting too excited before delicious foods. Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetables. A large glass of water before you eat may help you feel full. Use a small plate; a large plate will encourage you to have more than enough. Better not have high-fat foods. Dishes that look oily or creamy have much fat in them. Choose lean meat. Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables. If you have a sweet tooth, try mints(薄荷)and fruits. They dont have fat content as cream and chocolate. Dont let exercise take a break during the holidays. A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess calories. 1 Holidays are happy days with pleasure but they may _. A. bring weight problems B. bring you much trouble in your life C. make you worried about your foods D. make you hate delicious foods2. In order to really enjoy your holidays without putting on weight, youd better _. Adrink much water and have vegetables only Bnot eat too much food in high fat Cnot accept invitations to feasts Dturn away from delicious foods3 According to the passage, _ is a necessary part to stop you from putting on weight. A. vegetables B. water C. calorie of energyD. physical exercise 4. Many people cant help putting on weight after the holidays because they _. A. cant control themselves B. go to too many feasts C. enjoy delicious foods D. cant help turning away from the foods5 Excess calories can be found in your body in the form of _. A. energy B. fat C. food D. something invisibleDWhen thinking about quitting(停止) smokingList all the reasons why you want to quit. Every night before going to bed, repeat one of the reasons 10 times.Decide positively that you want to quit. Try to avoid negative thoughts about how difficult it might be. Develop strong personal reasons as well as your health and responsibility to others. For example, think of all the time you waste taking cigarette breaks, rushing out to buy a pack, hunting a light, etc. Set a date for quitting - perhaps a special day like your birthday, a holiday. If you smoke heavily at work, quit during your vacation. Make the date holy seriously, and dont let anything change it. Begin to condition yourself physically; start a modest (适当的) exercise; drink more water; get plenty of rest.Immediately after quitting.The first few days after you quit, spend as much free time as possible in places where smoking is prohibited, e.g. libraries, museums, theatres, department stores, etc.Drink large quantities of water and fruit juice. Try to avoid wine, coffee, and other drinks which remind you of cigarette smoking.Strike up a conversation with someone instead of a match for a cigarette.If you miss the feeling of having a cigarette in your hand, play with something else - a pencil, a pen, a ruler. If you miss having something in your mouth, try a fake (仿制的) cigarette.A. Whenever you feel like a cigarette, try to forget it by sleeping.1. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?A. Whenever you feel like a cigarette, try to forget it by sleeping.B. Try to start a conversation before asking for a light.C. If you miss the feeling of having a cigarette in your mouth, play with a pen.D. Every night before going to bed, repeat all the reasons 10 times.2. From the passage, we know smokers _.A. should drink a lot of coffee B. have to stop to smoke from time to timeC. should drink a lot of wine D. should not do any exercise3. According to the passage, what does the underlined word “prohibited” mean?A. forbidden(禁止) B. allowed C. received D. weled4. If the passage is in a newspaper, which section is it in?A. Sports B. News C. Health D. Culture四. 根据句意用方框内所给短语的正确形式填空。(其中有多余选项)(30分) get involved with switch over judgeby go off separatefrom take up operate on react to apply for fight for protectfrom contribute receive make a speech celebrateget married depend on ask for shouldnt accept1Whether he will e or not _ the weather tomorrow morning.2 The alarm clock suddenly _ and he jumped out of his bed at once.3. Those old books _ too much room, but I dont know what to do with them.4 He organized protests many times to _ equal rights for the black people.5 We shouldnt _ others _ what they wear.6. Many people _ the preparation for the ing petition.7You should remember to _ your DC player _ sunlight and rainwater.8 How did the patient _ this kind of medicine?9 You _ a lift home from a person you dont know.10 She _ a job with the local newspaper yesterday.11 The best man will _ and toast the bride and groom at the banquet. 12Although the brides parents usually pay for the wedding, modern couples often _ some money as well. 13 I dont like the program. Please _ to Channel 5.14 She had to _ the teacher _ half a days leave.15.The graduation ceremony allows students to _ their achievements with family and friends.五.单词拼写(5分)1. The students _ (抱怨) that they didnt have enough sleep.2 A great _ (灾难) happened to the family last year.3. In my _ (观点), it was foolish of him to mit suicide.4. It is our _ (传统的) custom to celebrate the Spring Festival.5. She bought some flowers and new pictures to _ (装饰)her room.六.短文改错(20分)下面短文中共有10处错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分AId like to tell you something more about the problem of pollution we are facing to. As we know, the factory besides our school gives off heavy smoke all day long. Very loud voices hurt our ears. Rubbish and waste are thrown here or there. It also sends out polluting water and poisonous gas. All this has made a great harm to the health and study of the teachers and students. But as time goes on, a little has done to change the situation. I dont think we could study well unless the problem is solved. We do hope youll help and support us.Dear Ralph, BI used to going to the countryside to draw animals and plants. One day I was walking across a field look for rabbits to draw. Losing in thought, I hadnt noticed a bull to running towards me. About 100 meters ahead was a tree under that I would sit and draw. Suddenly, I heard the noise behind me. I turned and saw the bull. Knowing a bull can run more faster than a man, I quickly reached the tree and climb up. From there I saw the bull kicking my food bag by its feet. It kept done this for 15 minutes and moved away. But I was quite nervous in the tree.高一年级英语测试卷 Unit 3 (一)参考答案一.单项填空 1 C 1115B C C C D 16-20ADBBD 21A B A C D 26-30C D ABA二. 完形填空1-5 D C D B A 6-10 C A B B C11-15 B D B A C 16-20 A C A B B 三阅读理解 15 DCBAD B 1BBAD 15ABDAB 14BBAC四短语填空1depends on 2went off 3take up 4 fight for 5 judgeby 6get involved with 7 protectfrom 8 react to9 shouldnt accept 10 applied for 11make a speech 12contribute 13switch over 14 ask for 15 celebrate五单词拼写1plained 2disaster 3opinion 4traditional 5decorate六短文改错A1.去掉more 2.去掉to 3.besides改为beside 4.voicesnoises5.orand 6.pollutingpolluted 7.madedone 8.a little改为little 9.beendone 10.couldcanB1. going go. 2.look-looking3.losing l ost. 4.去掉to. 5.thatwhich. 6.thea. 7.moremuch. 8.climbclimbed.9.bywith. 10.donedoing.

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