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英汉法律翻译教程 A Course in Translation of Legal Documents 孙万彪 编著 上海外语教育出版社 2003年1月 目录 英汉法律翻译教程 导论:法律文件的翻译.- 1 - 0.1法律英语的特点.- 1 - 0.2法律文件的用语.- 1 - 1)使用正式的词语- 1 - 2)使用具有不同意义的常用词- 2 - 3)使用古英语和中古英语中常用担当代很少使用的词- 2 - 4)使用外来词语- 2 - 5)使用法律术语和行话、套话- 3 - 0.3法律文件的句子结构.- 3 - 1)结构复杂的长句- 4 - 2)被动语态和名词化结构- 4 - 0.4法律翻译的标准.- 5 - 0.5法律翻译的基本要求.- 6 - 合同一般条款的翻译.- 7 - 1 Assignment / Transfer.- 7 - 翻译练习- 7 - 参考译文- 9 - 补充翻译练习.- 13 - 2 Breach and Infringement- 15 - 翻译练习.- 15 - 参考答案.- 17 - 补充翻译练习.- 20 - 3 Confidentiality.- 22 - 翻译练习.- 22 - 参考译文.- 23 - 补充翻译练习.- 25 - 4 Definition and Interpretation.- 27 - 翻译实践.- 27 - 参考译文:.- 28 - 补充翻译练习.- 30 - 5 Entire Agreement, Amendment and Language.- 31 - 翻译实践- 31 - 参考译文- 33 - 补充翻译练习- 34 - 6 Force Majeure and Notice.- 35 - 翻译实践- 35 - 参考译文- 36 - 补充翻译练习- 38 - 7 Governing Law and Dispute Resolution- 39 - 翻译实践- 39 - 参考译文- 41 - 补充翻译练习- 42 - 8 Insurance- 43 - 翻译实践- 43 - 参考译文- 45 - 补充翻译练习- 46 - 9 Liability, Indemnification and Release- 48 - 翻译实践- 48 - 参考译文- 49 - 补充翻译练习- 50 - 10 Representations, Warranties and Undertakings.- 52 - 翻译实践- 52 - 参考译文- 53 - 补充翻译练习- 55 - 11 Responsibilities and Obligations.- 56 - 翻译实践- 56 - 参考译文- 57 - 补充翻译练习- 59 - 12 Severability and Waiver- 60 - 翻译实践- 60 - 参考译文- 61 - 补充翻译练习- 63 - 13 Taxation- 64 - 翻译实践- 64 - 参考译文- 65 - 补充翻译练习- 66 - 14 Term and Termination.- 67 - 翻译实践- 67 - 参考译文- 69 - 15 Title/Ownership- 71 - 翻译实践- 71 - 参考译文- 72 - 补充翻译练习- 73 - 汉英法律翻译教程 unit 1 合营企业的设立- 77 - 1.1.1法规条文.- 77 - 1.2.1 合同条款.- 80 - unit 2 投资总额和注册资本 - 82 - 2.1.1 法规条文.- 82 - 2.2.1 合同条款.- 86 - unit 3 董事会- 89 - 3.1.1 法规条文.- 89 - 3.2.1 合同条款- 91 - unit 4 经营管理机构- 94 - 4.1.1法律条文.- 94 - 4.2.1 合同条款- 96 - unit 5 用地及其费用- 98 - 5.1.1法规条文.- 98 - 5.2.1合同条款- 102 - unit 6 购买物资和销售产品 .- 105 - 6.1.1法规条文- 105 - 6.2.1 合同条款- 109 - unit 7 税务、外汇管理和保险 .- 112 - 7.1.1 法规条文- 112 - 7.2.1 合同条款- 114 - unit 8 财务会计和利润分配 .- 117 - 8.1.1 法规条文- 117 - 8.2.1 合同条款- 120 - unit 9 职工和工会组织 .- 123 - 9.1.1 法规条文- 123 - 9.2.1合同条款- 125 - unit 10 期限、解散和清算 .- 128 - 10.1.1 法规条文- 128 - 10.2.1合同条款- 131 - unit 11 适用法律和争议的解决 .- 134 - 11.1.1法律条文- 134 - 11.2.1合同条款- 137 - 3B导论:法律文件的翻译 0.1法律英语的特点 法律英语是指法律界通用的书面英语(包括法律、法规、条例、规章、协定、判决、裁定等),尤其是指律师起草法律文件(合同、章程、协议、契约等)惯常使用的语言。法律英语有其自身的特点,词语、词义、专业用语和表达方式有别于普通英语,形成了一种特殊的文体。语言学界把这种文体归为“庄重的 ”(solemn)、“ 刻板的”(rigid)文体,是因为法律英语语句正规,有一定的程式,专用于严肃客观地表述所涉事项。也有人认为这种文体是“神秘的 ”(mystical),甚至是“ 矫揉造作的”(assiduously stilted),理由是法律英语文词艰涩难懂,语句冗长复杂。但不管怎样,法律文件必须用词准确,结构严谨,并采用业内普遍接受的格式,以充分体现法律的严肃性和严密性。从事法律翻译,首先应当了解法律英语的特点。为此,有必要从词汇和句法两个方面人手,对法律英语作一些探讨。 0.2法律文件的用语 法律文件往往使用正式的(formal)词语、被赋予专门意义并已进入法律英语范畴的普通词语、英语古词语料来词语(主要来自拉丁语)、法律术语和行话、套话。 1)使用正式的词语 体现法律英语文体特点的,首先是法律文件偏爱“正式的” 词语与普通语言不一样的词语。正式词语在各类法律文件中随处可见。 例如,在合同中,不用before而用prior,不用after而用subsequent,不用 but而用 provided that,在这几个例子中,常用词都被正式的词取代。其他的正式用语还有:construe, deem, operate, same, object to, whereas, without, prejudice等等。 宣誓书(affividat)的正式用语有 being first duly sworn, depose and says; before me, a notary public。而判决书则用Now therefore, It is ordered, adjudged, and decreed做出判决。 2)使用具有不同意义的常用词 英语不少普通词用在法律文件里,失去了一般人所理解的通常意义,而具有属于法律范畴的、与其原义大相径庭的意思。下面所列的一些(仅仅是一部分)常用词,用在法律文件中所表示的意义,往往只有律师才清楚:action(诉讼)、alienation(转让)、avoid(取消)、consideration (对价)、counterpart(有同等效力的副本)、execute(签署)、hand (签名)、instrument(法律文件)、negligence (过失)、party(一方)、prejudice(损害)、presents(本法律文件)。 said(上述,该)、save (除了)、serve (送达)。 3)使用古英语和中古英语中常用担当代很少使用的词 古英语(Old English)是公元约 1100年以前的英语,中古英语(Middle English)则是公元约 1100年至 1500年间的英语。虽说古英语和中古英语都早已过时,但今天的法律英语中还保留着许多那个时期常用的词以及其词义,其中最主要是以here, there和where与介词合成的词: - hereafter, herein, hereof, hereto, heretofore, hereunder, herewith; - thereafter, thereat, thereby, therefore, therefrom, therein, thereof, thereon, thereto, theretofore, thereunder, therewith; - whereas, whereby, wherein, whereof 此外还有aforesaid, forthwith及作形容词用的 said和such 。 4)使用外来词语 传统上,英美两国法律专业的学生都要学习拉丁文。在现代标准法律词典里,仍然收录了直接来自拉丁文的词语。其中有些拉丁词已被吸收成为英语词,如:affidavit (宣誓书)、 alias(化名;别名)、alibi (不在犯罪现场)、quorum(法定人数)等。虽然大部分拉丁词语如今不再使用,但还有不少词语常常出现在法律文件中,成为法律英语的一个印记,如:ad hoc(专门的;专门地)、bona fide(真诚的,真诚地)、de facto(事实上的)、in re(关于)、inter alia(除了别的因素以外)、 mutatis mutandis(在细节上作适当修正后)、part passu(按相同比例)、 per se(自身)、pro bono(为了公益)、pro rata (按比例)等。 5)使用法律术语和行话、套话 各行各业都有专门术语和行话,律师行业亦不例外。法律术 语和行话对不熟悉法律业务的外行人来说,是难以理解的,但对于律师开展业务和起草文件却是不可或缺的。律师使用的术语和行话不胜枚举,这里仅收录最为常见的一些用语:alibi(不在犯罪现场)、appeal(上诉)、bail(保释)、burden of proof(举证责任)、 cause of action(案由)、contributory negligence(与有过失)、damages(损失赔偿金)、defendant(被告)、due diligence(审慎调查)、felony(重罪)、lessee(承租人)、lessor(出租人)、letters Patent(专利证书)、 negotiable instrument(流通票据)、novation(更替)、plaintiff(原告)、prejudice(损害)、reasonable doubt(合理的怀疑)、remedy(救济)、secondment(临时调任)、tort(侵权行为)。 为了使要表达的意思更为精确,或界定适用范围,律师在起草合同文件时每每使用现成的套话,如:and for no other purposes, shall not operate as a waiver, shall not be deemed a consent, including but not limited to, or other similar or dissimilar causes, without prejudice to, nothing contained herein shall等。 此外,由于英语的名词和代词有单数和复数形式,又有性别之分,为了防止所涉及的条款出现片面性解释,在合同的“定义和解释” 部分,通常都有这样“以一概全 ”的固定句子: Words in the singular Include the plural and vice versa; words used in the masculine gender include every gender这种法律文件特有的套话在普通英语里是找不到的,因而也更能反映法律英语的文体特色。0.3法律文件的句子结构 尽管随着时代的变迁,法律英语也呈现了一些简化趋势,但与日常英语相比,法律文件中依然会出现不少结构复杂、文词冗长的句子,这与法律规定和合同条款的表述刻意追求精确、严密木无关系。拟定规定和条款,最主要的是确立主题事项,但有时候还必须顾及实施的依据、前提、条件、假设、例外情况等,这就要借助相应的状语修饰语(短语和从句)续密地表达规定和条款的完整意思。由此形成的英语复合句不可能不长。另外,法律文件最突出的特点是客观公正,不带主观色彩,因而句子中较少出现人称主语,更多的是被动语态和名词化结构。下面拟对法律文件的这两个句法特点作一些分析。 1)结构复杂的长句 法律文件的句子,根据其内容有长有短,但长句出现的频率相对较高。长句的形成,是因为句子中有众多起修饰作用的定语和状语,如: If, after the signing of this Agreement, the Chinese government either at the State, provincial, municipal or local level adopts any new law, regulation, decree or rule, amends or repeals any provision of any law, regulation, decree or rule, or adopts any different interpretation or method of implementation of any law, regulation,decree or rule, which contravenes this Agreement or which materially and adversely affects a Partys economic benefit under this Agreement, then upon written notice thereof from the affected party to the other Party, the Party shall promptly consult and decide whether(i)to continue to implement the Agreement in accordance with the original provisions thereof as per the relevant provisions of the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China; or(ii)to effectuate necessary adjustments in order to preserve each Partys economic benefit under this Agreement on a basis no less favorable than the economic benefit it would have received if such law, regulation, decree or rule had not been adopted,amended,repealed or so Interpreted or implemented. 上面这个句子的主句前面有一个很长的条件状语从句和时间状语,主句本身也有多个状语,而且状语从句中又有表示时间的状语和定语从句,修饰语套修饰语,一个接一个叠加,一环扣一环相连,构成了复杂的修饰和被修饰关系。要理解并翻译这个长句的完整意思,必须首先弄清楚句子里各个成分的相互关系。 2)被动语态和名词化结构 与文学作品多用主动语态以增强表现力度和动感迥然不同,法律文件旨在对人们的行为做出法律规定,规范各种经济活动在没有具体人物执行某一动作,或表述重点在于动作本身而不在于动作执行者的情况下,把动词转化为抽象化的名词和使用被动语态恰恰适合法律英语庄重刻板的文体特点。下面的例子充分反映出法律文件的这一句法特征: Unless otherwise provided for herein, failure or delay on the part of any party to exercise any right, power or privilege under this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver thereof, not shall any single or partial exercise of any right,power or privilege preclude further exercise thereof or exercise of any other right, power or privilegeA waiver by one of the parties at any time of a breach of any term or provision of this Agreement committed by the other party shall not be construed as a waiver by such party of any subsequent breach to be committed by the other party, nor shall it be construed as a waiver by such party of its rights under such provision or any of its other rights under this Agreement. 上面的这条合同条款中,有这样一些源自动词的抽象化名词,如:failure, delay, waiver, exercise, breach;被动结构则有unless otherwise provided for herein, shall not be construed as等。 0.4法律翻译的标准 法律翻译的标准,同其他文字翻译一样,就是译文务求忠实通顺。然而,由于法律文件具有高度的严肃性和严密性,法律翻译必须不折不扣、准确无误地译出原文的内容,同时又要使译文顺畅,且符合法律语言的文体风格。翻译时,一词一句都应紧扣原文,遣词造句要仔细斟酌,切忌因一味追求“达” 和“ 雅” 而随意解释或删改原意。忠实于原文应该是法律翻译的第一标准。即使原文有的句子比较生涩,也不能为求“顺” 而舍“信”,借用鲁迅先生的话来说,就是“宁信而不顺 ”。当然,理想的法律翻译应该是 “忠实”和“ 通顺”的完满结合,这也应该成为翻译工作者孜孜以求的目标。就法律翻译的方法而言,“直译”(简言之,即严格按原文的词句翻译)是最可取的。 具体而言,翻译时对法律文件的每一个词(包括虚词)都不能掉以轻心,尤其是用在法律英语里的常用词(如前文第二节第二段所列举的一些词),应该按其在法律语境中的意思进行翻译(如将action译为“诉讼” ,而不是“行动”)。即使是平时不大起眼的介词,如 at, in, on等也应给以足够的重视,如下面一句句子中的几个介词分别指明“土地” 的不同位置,必须准确翻译出来,否则以后有可能引起合同争议。 Party A represents and warrants that there are no conditions at, on, under, or related to, the real property constituting all or any portion of the Land which presently or potentially pose a hazard to human health or the environment, whether or not in compliance with law and there has been no manufacture, use, treatment, storage, transportation, or disposal of any hazardous or toxic substance, pollutant, or contaminant on the Land nor any release of any hazardous or toxic substance, pollutant, or contaminant into or upon or over the Land. 翻译句子,尤其是结构复杂的长句,应首先弄清句子各个成分之间的相互关系,在准确理解句子的完整意思的基础上,按中国人所习惯的时间顺序(如由过去、现在到将来)和逻辑思维顺序(如由“因” 而“果”),将英语原句译成符合汉语表达习惯的文字。由于英语的状语位置灵活,可放在句首、句尾或句子中间,定语又有前置定语、后置定语和同位语,翻译长句时,不可能把英语原句的结构转换成与其一模一样的汉语句子。译者需要先对原句的内容按语段进行拆分,而后按汉语表达方式,将拆分后的各部分内容重新合成意思与英语原句完全相同的句子。实践证明,这种“拆分整合” 的处理方式有助于将长句的意思忠实而又通顺地翻译出来。因此可以这样说,翻译法律文件,处理好长句是保证译文质量的关键之一。 0.5法律翻译的基本要求 法律翻译工作者除了应具备从事一般文字翻译所必需的能力外,在英语和汉语的功底和写作能力上有较高的要求,同时还需要有一定的法律和经济方面的知识。前面说过,法律语言是一种正式文体,有特殊的用语和不同于一般文章的写作方式,且不时出现艰涩难懂的文句,英语水平欠缺的人甚至在阅读和理解法律文件时就会遇到不少困难。同样,译者的汉语写作能力达不到水准也难以产生符合要求的翻译文本。法律文件,特别是商业律师事务所起草的各种合同、协议和其他文件,涉及面广而杂,法律、经济、商业、贸易、金融、证券、保险、税收、仓储、运输、海关、商品检验、环境保护、知识产权等无所不包。这就要求法律翻译工作者对这些领域有尽可能多的了解,并且要不断掌握这方面的最新知识。为了适应、进而胜任法律翻译工作的需要,学习有关教程,查阅有关参考资料(包括勤查经济、法律工具书)和请教精于相关领域的律师,对于熟悉和掌握专业知识会有很大帮助。从这个意义上讲,法律翻译的过程也是一个学习的过程。 翻译法律文件要求忠实于原文,这不但需要表意准确,而且还要符合法律语言的风格。具体而言,译文要正规,不宜使用口语化的词汇和表达方式,要按照汉语大多重复名词的习惯,尽量少用和不用人称代词和物主代词,这样既可以避免出现对象指代不清的问题,又可以使文字更加正式。这里,需要指出的是,虽然法律文件中有较多意义相近的并列词语和结构复杂的长句,但并不等于法律语言罗唆、晦涩。因此,翻译法律文件,文字要精确,洗练,句子再长也要把原文的意思表达得一清二楚,务必去除任何多余的和不必要的词语。对于法律翻译,“言贵简洁” 的格言也同样适用。 行文至此,有必要特别强调,法律翻译是一项严肃的工作,容不得半点差错,否则很有可能引起法律纠纷。因此,从事法律翻译,首先要有高度的责任心和敬业精神,工作中不允许丝毫懈怠和马虎。翻译前要做到心中有数,下笔时要慎之又慎,稍有疏忽就会出错,有时候差之毫厘,可能失之千里。每译完一篇法律文件,都应当核对原文,仔细检查有无差错和遗漏,直到满意时才润色定稿。从事法律翻译,只有具备上述各项能力和良好的素质,方能圆满完成所承担的任务。 4B合同一般条款的翻译 1 Assignment / Transfer 翻译练习 1. Neither Party may assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, without the other Partys prior written consent, except to (i) any corporation resulting from any merger, consolidation or other reorganization involving the assigning Party, and (ii) any entity to which the assigning Party may transfer all or substantially all of its assets; provided that the assignee agrees in writing to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement and provides documentation as evidence that the assignee has the ability and capability of meeting all of the obligations under this Agreement. 2. Without prior written approval, no Party shall assign any and all of its rights and interests and delegate its responsibilities under this Agreement to any third party. However, Party B shall have the right to assign its rights and interests and delegate its responsibilities hereunder to an affiliate; provided that Party B shall continue to warrant that such affiliate will complete the purchase of the equity interest in the manner contemplated by this Agreement. 3. Neither Party hereto shall assign this Agreement or any of its rights and interests hereunder without the other Partys prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the above provision of this Clause, (a) Party A shall have the right to assign its rights to any subsidiary, affiliate or successor entity as long as Party A remains liable to perform all of its obligations under this Agreement as applicable, and (b) Party B may, without the consent of Party A, assign in whole, but not in part, its rights hereunder to any subsidiary, affiliate or successor entity of Party B or its ultimate parent company (provided that any such assignment to any such subsidiary shall not be deemed as a release of Party Bs obligations hereunder unless Party A shall have given prior written consent to any such release and Party B shall remain liable to Party A in respect of any breach of this Clause). Any attempted assignment in contravention of this Clause shall be void. 4. Transfer of Registered Capital a) Either Party may transfer all or part of its registered capital contribution to the Company to any third party, provided that it first obtains the unanimous approval of the Board and the approval of the Approval Authority and complies with the provisions of this Article. b) When a Party (the “Disposing Party“) wishes to transfer all or part of its registered capital contribution to a third party, it shall provide a written notice (the “Notice“) to the other Party (the “Non-Disposing Party“). The Notice shall state that the Disposing Party wishes to make the transfer and shall specify the interest it wishes to transfer, the terms and conditions of the transfer, and the identity of the proposed transferee (the “Transferee“). c) The Non-Disposing Party shall have a preemptive right to purchase the whole of such interest (i) on terms and conditions no less favorable than those specified in the Notice or (ii) at a fair market value appraised as set forth in paragraph (e). If the Non-Disposing Party elects to exercise its preemptive right, it shall notify the Disposing Party in writing (the “Acceptance Notice“) within thirty (30) days of the actual delivery of the Notice to the Non-Disposing Party that it intends to purchase the whole of the interest to be transferred. d) If the Non-Disposing Party fails to respond in writing to the Notice within such thirty (30)-day period, the Non-Disposing Party shall be deemed to have consented to the transfer. If the Non-Disposing Party consents, or is deemed to have consented to the transfer, the Disposing Party may transfer such interest to the Transferee, on the terms and conditions set forth in the Notice, but not otherwise, provided that such transfer takes place within six (6) months after the delivery of the Notice and that the Transferee agrees in writing to become subject to and to comply with the terms and conditions of this Contract and the Articles of Association. The Disposing Party shall provide the Non-Disposing Party with a duplicate of its executed transfer agreement with the Transferee within fourteen (14) days after the agreement is executed. e) If the Non-Disposing Party elects to purchase the interest to be transferred at fair market value, the Non-Disposing Party shall state in the Acceptance Notice that it so elects, and shall include in the Acceptance Notice a list of at least two (2) internationally recognized accounting firms with experience in conducting valuations in China. The Disposing Party shall, within thirty (30) days after receiving the Acceptance Notice, by notice in writing delivered to the Non-Disposing Party, nominate one of the accounting firms whose names were provided by the Non-Disposing Party to value the interest to be transferred. The Non-Disposing Party shall arrange the valuation, which shall be completed within three (3) months after the delivery of the Acceptance Notice. 参考译文 1. Neither Party may assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, without the other Partys prior written consent, except to (i) any corporation resulting from any merger, consolidation or other reorganization involving the assigning Party, and (ii) any entity to which the assigning Party may transfer all or substantially all of its assets; provided that the assignee agrees in writing to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement and provides documentation as evidence that the assignee has the ability and capability of meeting all of the obligations under this Agreement. 试译:未经另一方事前书面批准,任何一方不得全部或部分转让本协议,除非转让给(1)因为涉及转让方的任何合并、联合或其它重组而产生的任何法人;和(2)转让方可以将其全部或实质性全部资产向其进行转让的任何实体;但,受让方需要书面同意接受本协议项下之所有条款和条件的约束,并就受让人履行其在本协议项下之义务的能力和资格提供文件作为证据。 标准:任何一方未经另一方事先书面同意,不得转让本协议的全部或部分,除非转让给(i)涉及转让方的因兼并、合并或其它重组而产生的任何公司;(ii)转让方可以向其转让全部或绝大部分资产的实体;但受让方须书面同意受本协议所有条款和条件的约束,并提供文件证明受让方有资格、有能力履行本协议项下的全部义务。 2. Without prior written approval, no Party shall assign any and all of its rights and interests and delegate its responsibilities under this Agreement to any third party. However, Party B shall have the right to assign its rights and interests and delegate its responsibilities hereunder to an affiliate; provided that Party B shall continue to warrant that such affiliate will complete the purchase of the equity interest in the manner contemplated by this Agreement. 试译:未经事前书面批准,任何一方不得将其在本协议项下的任何和全部权利、利益转让给任何第三方,也不得将其在本协议项下的责任委托给第三方。然而,乙方应当有权将其在本协议项下的权利和利益转让给关联公司,有权将其在本协议项下的责任委托给第三方;但,乙方应当继续保证其该等关联公司将按照本协议所规定的方法完成股权的购买。 标准:任何一方未经事先书面批准,不得将其在本协议项下的任何和全部权利和权益让与及将其在本协议项下的责任委托给任何第三方。但乙方有权将其在本协议项下的权利和权益让与及将其在本协议项下的责任委托给一家关联公司,但是乙方应继续保证该关联公司将以本协议拟定的方式完成对股权的购买。 3. Neither Party hereto shall assign this Agreement or any of its rights and interest hereunder without the other Partys prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the above provision of this Clause, (a) Party A shall have the right to assign its rights to any subsidiary, affiliate or successor entity as long as Party A remains liable to perform all of its obligations under this Agreement as applicable, and (b)Party B may, without the consent of Party A, assign in whole , but not in part, its rights hereunder to any subsidiary, affiliate or successor entity of Party B or its ultimate parent company (provided that any such assignment to any such subsidiary shall not be deemed as a release of Party Bs obligations hereunder unless Party A shall have given prior written consent to any such release and Party B shall remain liable to Party A in respect of any breach of this Clause). Any attempted assignment in contravention of this Clause shall be void. 试译:未经另一方事前书面批准,任何一方均不得将本协议或其在本协议项下的任何权利和利益进行转让,而该另一方不得无理拒绝批准。尽管本条款中有上述规定,(1)只要甲方仍旧负责履行其在本协议项下的义务,那么按照适当的情况,甲方应当有权将其权利转让给其任何子公司、关联公司或继受人实体;和(2)乙方可以在未经甲方批准的情况下将其在本协议项下的全部 而非部分 权利转让给其任何子公司、关联公司或继受人实体,或其最终的母公司(但,乙方向任何上述子公司进行的任何转让行为均不得被视为免除乙方在本协议项下的责任;甲方事前书面批准免除上述责任且乙方仍然会就任何违反本条款规定的行为向甲方承担相关责任的情况除外)。违反本条款规定试图进行转让的行为均属无效。 标准:本协议任何一方未经另一方事先书面同意(该另一方不得无理拒绝同意),不得转让本协议或其在本协议项下的任何权利和权益。尽管本条有上述规定,但(a)甲方有权将其权利让与任何子公司、关联公司或继承实体,只要在适当的情况下,甲方仍有责任履行其在本协议项下的全部义务;(b)乙方可以无须经甲方同意,将其在本协议项下的全部(而不是部分)权利让与乙方的任何子公司、关联公司或继承实体或其最终母公司(但是向任何该等子公司进行转让,不应被视为解除乙方在本协议项下的义务,除非甲方已事先书面同意予以解除,且乙方若违反本条规定仍须对甲方负有责任)。任何试图违反本条规定进行的转让均为无效。 4. Transfer of Registered Capital 注册资本的转让 (a) Either Party may transfer all or part of its registered capital contribution to the Company to any third party, provided that it first obtains the unanimous approval of the Board and the approval of the Approval Authority and complies with the provisions of this Article. 试译:任何一方均不得将其向公司缴纳的注册资本的全部或部分转让给第三方,除非转让前获得了董事会的一致批准,并得到了审批机构的批准,且遵守本条款的规定。 标准:任何一方均可将其在公司注册资本中的全部和部分出资转让给任何第三方,但该等转让首先须经董事会一致通过即审批机构的批准,并符合本条的规定。 (b) When a Party (the “Disposing Party”) wishes to transfer all or part of its registered capital contribution to a third party, it shall provide a written notice (the “Notice”) to the other Party (the “Non-Disposing Party”). The Notice shall state that the Disposing Party wishes to make the transfer and shall specify the interest it wishes to transfer, the terms and conditions of the transfer, and the identity of the proposed transferee (the “Transferee”). 试译:如果一方(“处置方 ”)希望将其缴纳的全部或部分注册资本转让给第三方,那么处置方就应当向另一方(“非处置方” )交送书面通知(“通知”)。该通知中应当说明处置方欲进行转让,并应当具体说明其希望转让的股权、转让的条款和条件以及所提议之受让人(“受让人” )的身份。 标准:一方(“转让方 ”)欲将其全部或部分注册资本出资额转让给第三方时,应向另一方(“非转让方 ”)提供书面通知( “通知”)。通知应表明转让方与转让其出资,明确欲转让的股权、转让的条款和条件及受让人(“受让人” )的身份。 (c) The Non-Disposing Party shall have a preemptive right to purchase the whole of such interest (i) on terms and conditions no less favorable than those specified in the Notice or (ii) at a fair market value appraised as set forth in paragraph (e). If the Non-Disposing Party elects to exercise it preemptive right, it shall notify the Disposing Party in writing (the “Acceptance Notice”) within thirty (30) days of the actual delivery of the Notice to the Non-Disposing Party that it intends to purchase whole of the interest to be transferred. 试译:非处置方应当享有优先权,(1)按照优惠程度不低于通

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