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1 准备考试studyforatest2 去看医生gotothedoctor3 上钢琴课haveapianolesson4 帮助父母helpmyparents5 看望我姑姑visitmyaunt6 参加聚会cometotheparty7 踢足球playsoccer8 太多作业toomuchhomework9 去上我的吉他课gotomyguitarlesson10 去听音乐会gototheconcert 11有空befree12星期三下午onWednesdayafternoon13 另一次anothertime14 临时照看她妹妹babysithersister15 后天thedayaftertomorrow16下周 下次nextweek nexttime17 文化俱乐部thecultureclub18一整天thewholeday19足球赛thefootballmatch20做地理作业dothegeographyproject 21练习弹钢琴practiceplayingthepiano22 顺便来访comeover23 顺便来我家comeovertomyhouse24 保持安静keep stayquiet25 尽力学习trytostudy26 与 讨论discuss with 27 做功课doone slessons 1 准备考试2 去看医生3 上钢琴课4 帮助父母5 看望我姑姑6 参加聚会7 踢足球8 太多作业9 去上我的吉他课10 去听音乐会11有空12星期三下午13 另一次14 临时照看她妹妹15 后天16下周 下次17 文化俱乐部18一整天19足球赛20做地理作业21练习弹钢琴22顺便来访23 顺便来我家24 保持安静25 尽力学习26 与 讨论 27 做功课 1b Listen Writethenamesnexttothecorrectstudentsinthepictureabove Kay Tim Wilson Anna 1c Pairwork 2a Listen Circle can or can t a I msorry Ihavetohelpmymom b I msorry I mplayingsoccer c I msorry Ihavetogotomyguitarlesson d I msorry I mgoingtothemovies e I msorry Ihavetovisitmyaunt 1 2 3 Listenagain Numberthereasonswhypeoplecan tgototheparty 2b Whycan tAnna sfriendscometoherpartyonSaturday Jeff May Claudia WhocancometoAnna spartyonSaturday Listenagainandfillintheblanks hastovisithisaunt hastohelphermom isgoingtothemovies MaryandPaul 2c Pairwork A Hey Dave canyougotothemoviesonSaturday B I msorry Ican t Ihavetoomuchhomeworkthisweekend A That stoobad Maybeanothertime B Sure Joe Thanksforasking Summary Makeaninvitation Canyoucometomyparty Wouldyouliketocometomyparty Accept 接受 Yes I dlove liketo Thankyou Certainly I dlove liketo Sure I dlove liketo Decline 拒绝 I msorry Ican t Ihaveto playthepiano I dloveto butIhaveto gotothedoctor A Canyoucometomypartyon B Sure I dloveto C Sorry Ican t Ihavetogoshopping I msorry I mgoingshopping haveapianolessonvisitmyauntdomyhomeworkbabysitmysisterplayfootballgoshoppinggocampinggotothemoviesplaycomputergamesgotothebeachgoskateboardinggotothemovies A Canyoucometomypartyon B Sure I dloveto C Sorry Ican t Ihavetogoshopping I msorry I mgoingshopping 1 Canyoucometomyparty 2I msorry Ican t Ihavetohelpmymom 3 Sure I dlove liketo 4 Canshegotothemovies 5 No shecan t She splayingsoccer 6 Canhegotothebaseballgame 7 No hecan t Hehastostudyforatest 8 Cantheygototheconcert 9 No theycan t They regoingtoaparty 10 Thanksforasking Thanksforyourinvitation Quiz Translateandwritethemdown 星期五你能来参加我的聚会吗 对不起 我不能去 我有钢琴课 你星期日能去看电影吗 对不起 我不能去 这周末我有太多作业 CanyougotothemoviesonSunday Sorry Ican t Ihavetoomuchhomeworkthisweekend CanyoucometomypartyonFriday Sorry Ican t Ihaveapianolesson 太可惜了 或许下次吧 安不能来我的聚会 谢谢你的邀请 That stoobad Maybeanothertime Anncan tcometomyparty Thanksforyourasking Thanksforyourinvitation Thanksforinvitingme Preview TopreviewtheinvitationHowtoinvitepeopletoapartyorameeting Practicetheconversationcanyoucometomyparty 2 Rememberthenewphrasesbyheart Homework Thankyou

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