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形容词 副词比较级和最高级复习 young yonger yongestold older oldesttall taller tallestsmall smaller smallest early earlier earliestthirsty thirstier thirstiest 1 一般情况下加 er或 est 2 以字母e结尾的形容词 加 r或 st 4 以 辅音字母 y 结尾的双音节词 先改 y 为 i 再加 er或 est big bigger biggestfat fatter fattest 形容词比较级最高级规则 nice nicer nicestsafe safer safest 3 重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时 应先双写辅音字母 再加 er或 est 一 5 部分双音节词或多音节词前面加more most 如 interestingmoreinterestingmostinterestingfamousmorefamousmostfamous 不规则变化 farther further farthest furthest 两好 两坏 两多 一少 一老 一远 Readandcompare younglongfullshortsmalloldfineeasyhungryearlyheavybigred youngeryoungest longerlongest fullerfullest shortershortest smallersmallest olderoldest finerfinest easiereasiest hungrierhungriest earlierearliest heavierheaviest biggerbiggest redderreddest healthymanyfamousillexcitingcarefullywethotlittlefew healthierhealthiest moremost morefamousmostfamous worseworst moreexcitingmostexciting morecarefullymostcarefully wetterwettest hotterhottest lessleast fewerfewest 二 形容词 副词比较等级的用法1 原级 可用very quite so too 等词修饰 e gJimisverytall 2 比较级 可用much many alot alittle abit等修饰 其主要句型有 比较级 thane gMaryismuchyoungerthanSue 疑问句 动词 比较级 AorB e gWhodrawsbetter TomorJim Which likebetter AorB e gWhichdoyoulikebetter mathsorEnglish 比较级 and 比较级 表示越来越 e gthedaysaregettingshorterandshorter the 比较级 the 比较级 表示越 越 e ghesays thebusier thebetter Jimworkshardestofusall Mymotheristhebusiestinmyfamily e g 疑问词 动词 最高级 which likebest A BorC 三 使用比较级和最高级的几个注意点比较应在同类事物中进行 避免双重比较 比较级和最高级前的修饰语不可误用 最高级后的介词in与of a in表示 在 内 指某范围内 可以跟表示单位 组织 时间等单数名词 b of表示属性 指在同类的人 物中 后可接the 基数词 the 基数词 名词复数 all the 复数名词 all 形容词的最高级前要用the 比较级前加the Dosomeexercises 同义句转换 Heisthetalleststudentinhisclass Heis studentinhisclass Heis studentsinhisclass Peterdrawswell Lileidrawsbetter Lileidraws ofthetwo Thetractorgoesfasterthanthebike Thebikegoes thanthetractor Hiscakesdearerthanthetwins cakes Hiscakeis ofthethree tallerthananyother tallerthantheother better moreslowly thedearest 选择填空1 WhichdoesJimmylike ChineseorArt A wellB bestC betterD much2 TheChangjiangRiverisoneofintheworld A thelongestriverB longestriversC thelongestriversD longerrivers3 ofthetwowomenisMrsBrown A ThebeautifulB ThemorebeautifulC MorebeautifulD Themostbeautiful4 Mymooncakeisnicerhis A likeB withC forD than5 Youarefatterthan A heB hisC himD heistall6 Hejumpsofthethree A farB furtherC farthestD furthest7 Myhairislongerthan A mysisterB KateC mybrother sD Lucys C C B D A C C 8 Therearepaperhere Pleasebringsome A littleB lessC fewerD alittle9 Thepenisthanthatone A morecheapB cheapC muchcheaperD quitecheaper10 TomspeaksChinesebetterthanJimmy A moreB veryC alotofD much11 TherearegirlsinClassTwothaninClassFour A moreB nicestC mostD best12 It stooforyoutodothat A easyB moredangerousC harderD theeasiest13 Whohasapplesnow Jim LilyorLucy A muchB biggestC betterD themost14 Youhavemorerulersthanme Butarenicerthan A mine yoursB mine yourC my yoursD my your15 TingtingisthanMeimei butMeimeiisthanTingting A tall strongerB taller strongestC tallest strongD taller stronger A C D A A D A D 16 Motherisinmyfamily A busyB busierC thebusiestD morebusy17 ThereareintheparkonSunday A morechildrenB alotofpeopleC muchmenandwomenD manypeoples18 Thedumplingsarethanthenoodles Ithink A morenicerB muchdeliciousC veryniceD muchmoredelicious19 Sheisthanmeatdrawings A betterB bestC goodD harder20 Thisbluesweateristoobigforme Willyoupleaseshowmeaone A smallB smallerC thesmallestD smallest C B D A B 改错 Lesson9ismoreeasierthanLesson10 Mymotherisyoungerthanyour Heisoneoflongestboysinhisclass Theboydoesn tdrawmuchwell Bettyistheyoungestonthethreegirls Tomrunsfasterthananyothergirlinhisclass Thereisfewerbreadinthefridge Motheristhebusiestofmyfamily Jimisshorterofthetwoboys Youcanjumpveryhigheronthemoonthanontheearth yours thelongest very of less in theshorter much Thankyou

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