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一般将来时 THESIMPLEFUTURETENSE 一 一般将来时的意义 用来描述一个即将要发生的动作 谈论未来的计划和打算 二 一般将来时的基本结构 will shall 动词原形begoingto 动词原形 三 常见时间状语 nextTuesdaynextweekthecomingSundaynextyearthisafternoon tomorrowtonightinafewminutesinthefutureinfiveyears 四 一般将来时在使用中的一些注意事项 1 will用于一切人称 shall只用于第一人称 I we 但现代英语倾向于所有人称都使用will而不用shall shall主要出现在非常正式的英语场合中 或用于口语提出建议或请求 如 ShallIgohomenow 请求 Shallwetakedifferentroutes 建议 四 一般将来时在使用中的一些注意事项 2 will shall do通常用来谈论未来会发生的事或是正在制定的计划 而begoingto do通常用来谈论在一个较近的未来将要发生的计划中的或是有可能发生的事 如 Theywillseeusifwegooutatthemoment 未来会发生的事 Theywilltakedifferentroutestothesameplace 正在制定的计划 Myuncleisgoingtovisitusnextmonth 在一个较近的未来将要发生的计划中的事 Ithinkit sgoingtorain 有可能发生的事 四 一般将来时在使用中的一些注意事项 3 will shalldo相对较为正式 常用于书面语 表示一个相对较远的未来 begoingtodo常用于口语中 表示一个相对较近的未来 如 I mgoingtoBeijingtomorrow 较近未来 There llbenolivingthingsontheearthifpeopledon tprotecttheenvironment 较远未来 四 一般将来时在使用中的一些注意事项 4 begoingtodo用于表示计划 打算去做某事 强调主观意愿 还可以表示根据事实情况极有可能发生的事 如 I mgoingtotakeanotherroute 计划 It ssocloudy Ithinkit sgoingtorain 根据事实极有可能发生 四 一般将来时在使用中的一些注意事项 5 在英语中 有些动词如go come leave arrive等位置移动词可用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作 如 I mcoming 我就来了 Areweallgoing 我们都将去吗 四 一般将来时在使用中的一些注意事项 6 在含有条件状语从句或时间状语从句的复合句中 从句用一般现在时 主句用将来时 且用will而不用begoingto 如 MumwillgotoBeijingifitdoesn traintomorrow Whenyougethome you llfindanewbikeinyourgarden 试翻译以下句子 1 明天他将教我英语 2 他们下个星期带我们去颐和圆 3 西蒙十分钟后将干什么 他将帮助妈妈打扫房间 He llteachmeEnglishtomorrow TheywilltakeustotheSummerPalacenextweek WhatisSimongoingtodointenminutes He sgoingtohelphismothercleantheroom 一般现在时 THESIMPLEPRESENTTENSE 一般现在时 1 一般现在时的功能 1 表示事物现在的事实或者状态 或特征如 Myhairislong Theskyisblue 2 表示经常性或习惯性的动作 常与sometimesoften everyday always usually等时间状语连用如 Myfatheroftenreadsnewspapersintheevening 3 表示客观事实如 Theearthtravelsaroundthesun 一般现在时的构成 1 be动词肯定句 主语 be am is are 其他eg Iamastudent You We Theyarestudents He Sheisastudent 否定句 主语 be am is are not 其他eg Iamnotastudent You We Theyarenotstudents He Sheisn tastudent 一般疑问句 Be Am Is Are 主语 其他eg AmIastudent Areyou we theystudents Ishe sheastudent Yes am is are No am is arenot 肯定句 IamanEnglishteacher IamMillie Itisabigschool Heispolite SandyisfromChina WeareinClassOneGradeSeven MrsFangandMrFangaredoctors Thegirlsareintheclassroom 否定句 IamnotanEnglishteacher IamnotMillie Itisnotabigschool Heisn tpolite Carlisn tfromChina Theyaren tinClassOneGradeSeven Mr andMrs Whitearen tdoctors Theboysaren tintheclassroom 一般疑问句 AmIanEnglishteacher Yes youare 2 AreyouDaniel No Iamnot 3 Isitabigschool Yes itis 4 Ishehelpful No heisn t 5 IsSimonfromEngland Yes heis 6 AreyouinClassOneGradeSeven 7 Aretheydoctors No theyaren t 8 Arethestudentsintheplayground Yes theyare 2 行为动词肯定句 主语 行为动词 其他eg I You We Theylikeplayinginthegarden He She Itlikesplayinginthegarden 否定句 主语 don t doesn t 行为动词 原形 其他eg I You We Theydon tlikeplayinginthegarden He She Itdoesn tlikeplayinginthegarden 一般疑问句 Do Does 主语 行为动词 原形 其他 eg DoI you we theylikeplayinginthegarden Yes do No don t Doeshe she itlikeplayinginthegarden Yes does No doesn t 动词第三人称单数的构成1 直接加slook looksplay plays2 以辅音字母加y结尾 去y为i加esfly fliesstudy studiestry triescarry carries3 以sh ch s x o结尾加esguess guesseswash washescatch catchesmix mixesgo goesdo does 肯定句 1 Iliveinasmallhouse MillielivesinaflatinBeijing 2 Wehavebreakfastat7 Simonhasbreakfastat6 3 Thestudentstakethebushome Danieltakesabushome 4 Theydotheirhomeworkeveryday Kittydoesherhomeworkeveryday 否定句 1 Idon tplaytennisatschool Patdoesn tplaytennisathome 2 AmyandIdon twalkhome Shedoesn twalkhome 3 Youdon tlikewatchingTV Hedoesn tlikewatchingTV 4 Theydon tcomefromAmerica Sandydoesn tcomefromAmerica 5 Theydon tdotheirhomeworkeveryday Kittydoesn tdoherhomeworkeveryday 一般疑问句 1 Doyouliveinasmallhouse Yes Ido DoesMillieliveinaflat No shedoesn t 2 Doyouhavebreakfastat7 Yes wedo DoesSimonhavebreakfastat6 No hedoesn t 3 Dothestudentstakethebushome DoesDanieltakeabushome 4 Dotheydotheirhomeworkeveryday DoesKittydoherhomeworkeveryday 现在进行时 THEPRESENTCONTINUOUSTENSE 现在进行时 ThePresentContinuousTense 1 现在进行时态表示现在 说话瞬间 正在进行或发生的动作 如Thestudentsarelisteningtotheteacher HeiswatchingTVnow 现在进行时态还可以表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作 如Weareworkingonafarmthesedays Iamwritingabookthismonth 2 现在进行时是由be am is are 动词 ing形式构成的 肯定式结构 主语 be 动词 ing形式 其他 否定式结构 主语 be not 动词 ing形式 其他 一般疑问句式结构 Be 主语 动词 ing形式 其他 特殊疑问句式结构 疑问词 be 主语 其他 把下列句子变为进行时态 1 Wemendaclock 2 Ilookattheblackboard 3 Wedrinktea 4 HeandIdoourhomework 5 Hemakesakiteforme Wearemendingaclock Iamlookingattheblackboard Wearedrinkingtea HeandIaredoingourhomework Heismakingakiteforme Sandy Hello Amy you study atthemoment Amy No I mnot Mycousin visit me Sandy Oh really What he do now Amy Well he play anewcomputergame Sandy you play thegamewithhimnow Amy No I mnot I wait formyturn Are studying isvisiting is doing isplaying Are playing amwaiting turn轮次 我正在等着轮到我 waitforone sturn等候轮到某人 等待某人的顺序 我正等着轮到我问问题 Iamwaitingformyturntoaskthequestion 一般过去时 SIMPLEPASTTENSE Simplepasttense 一般过去时 Tolearntousethesimplepasttensetotalkabout Thingsinthepast 2 Tomakepositiveandnegativestatement I You We They He She Itheardawhisper I You We They He She Itdidn t didnothearawhisper 3 3 Wecanusethesimplepasttensetoaskandanswerquestionslikethis DidI You We They He She Ithearawhisper Yes I You We They He She Itdid No I You We They He She Itdidnot didn t Howtoadd ed toregularverbs 7 1 Milliewantstowriteaboutthepast Helpherwritethesimplepasttenseformoftheverbsbelow 1search 2kick 3start 4answer 5love 6use 7play 8carry 9chat 10live 11cry 12stop searched kicked started answered loved used played carried chatted lived cried stopped Weformthesimplepasttenseofirregularverbsdifferently Wedonotadd ed 7 Completethesentences Usethesimplepasttenseoftheverbsinbrackets Myfather listen totheradioeveryday Mike study inamiddleschool She take Eddieforawalkaftersupper He wash clotheswithhishands Simon pass theballtoDaniel MissLi teach Chinese Lookattheanimal it has fourlegs listened took studied washed passed taught had 8 Completethesentences Usethesimplepasttenseoftheverbsinbrackets 1 Jordan play basketball He notplay football 2 I go swimminglastSunday ButI notgo shopping 3 Mycousins enjoy computergames Butthey notenjoy ballgames 4 You like fish Buthe notlike fish played didn tplay went didn tgo enjoyed didn tenjoy liked didn tlike 12 Revision Expressionswith what and how 感叹句 strange How What strangetheplaneis astrangeplaneitis lovely How lovelythebabiesare What lovelybabiestheyare HowWhat goodweather goodtheweatheris goodweatheritis 感叹句 How adj adv 主语 谓语 a 他跑的多么快 b 他作业做得多么认真啊 c 那个女孩多么高啊 d 今天天气多么热啊 Howfastheruns Howcarefullyhedoeshishomework Howtallthegirlis Howhotitistoday Whata an 形 可数名词单数 主语 谓语 What 形 可数名词复数 主语 谓语 What 形 不可数名词 主语 谓语 他是个多么聪明的男孩啊 b 多么好的天气 c 这是本有趣的书啊 d 这些是多么漂亮的画 Whatacleverboyheis Whatfine goodweather itis Whataninterestingbookthisis Whatbeautifulflowerstheseare 常考到的不可数名词有 weather information news food workadvice等如 它是多么令人激动的消息啊 Whatexcitingnewsitis 多好的天气啊 Whatgoodweather 把下列各句变成感叹句 可以用两种方法的用两种方法变 Heislisteningtotheteachersocarefully b Thisroomisveryempty c Thefoodisverydelicious d Theseproblemsaresodifficult Howcarefullyheislisteningtotheteachers Howemptytheroomis Whatanemptyroomthisis Howdeliciousthefoodis Whatdeliciousfooditis Howdifficulttheseproblemsare Whatdifficultproblemstheseare 受伤 过去式 安全的adj n 危险的adj n 粗心的adj adv 反义词 Revision Words hurt hurt safe safety dangerous danger careless carelessly careful carefully 可怕的adj adv 感激的 1 2 反义词 有礼貌的 反义词 失去v 过去式 adj terrible terribly thankful grateful ungrateful polite impoliterude lose lost lost matchn v 单独 独自 孤独 燃烧 过去式 年老的 年长的 老人们 save 挽救 节约 比赛火柴 匹配 alone lonely burn burned burnt oldelderly theold elderly savethepeopleindanger 挽救那些处于危险中的人 节约用水 savewater 省钱 savemoney 快的adj 1 2 adv 反义词 勇敢的 反义词 考虑v 过去式 adj 友好的 反义词 quick fast quicklyfast slowslowly brave afraid frightened think thought thoughtful kind friendly unkind unfriendly 用所给单词的适当形式填空1 Wemustbe care withfirebecauseitcanbevery danger 2 Didyoudoanything safe tokeepyourself 6 Becarefulwith match careful dangerous safe matches 根据中文写单词 What 可怕的 newsitis Heisnotagoodboy Heisalways 粗鲁的 totheelderly terrible rude 单项选择 Don tleavethebabyathome It s A lonely dangerousB alone dangerousC lonely dangerD alone dangerTheelderlyweregrateful us ourhelp A to forB to withC on forD on with B A 句子翻译 去年他在森林里迷路了 保罗以前做事总是很粗心 但是现在他考虑一切很周到 Helosthiswayintheforestlastyear Paulwascarelessbefore butnowheisthoughtful 动词填空 Jim fall offthebikeand hurt himselfjustnow 2 Thefiremanrushedintothehouse save thelittlebaby fell hurt tosave 句子翻译 大部分老年人都是独自在家 他们感到很孤独 他迅速地跑回公寓去拿钥匙 Mostof areathome theyallfeel Heran totheflat getthekey theelderly alone lonely back quicklyto 1 当心becareful lookout2 小心火柴becarefulwithmatches3 老年公寓ahomefortheelderly4 用一个毯子灭火putoutthefirewithablanket5 把 倒在 上pour over6 迷路loseone swaygetlost Revision Phrases 7 先考虑别人thinkofothersfirst8 尽力do tryone sbest todosth 9 一个5岁的女孩a5 year oldgirl10 那个女孩5岁Thegirlis5yearsold 11 清理公园cleanupthepark12 使长发远离火源keeplonghairawayfromfire 13 家长会parents meeting14 摔倒了从 摔倒falldownfalloff falldownfrom 15 推荐某人获得recommendsb forsth 16 处于危险beindanger17 进行一场戏剧表演haveadramashow 18 对中国历史了解的多knowalot muchaboutChinesehistory19 教我怎样跳舞teachmehowtodance20 期待快点收到你的来信lookforwardtohearingfromyousoon21 有不同的能力havedifferentabilities22 冲进她的厨房rushintoherkitchen23 在车上让座给某人giveaseattosb onthebus 24 住院在医院里beinhospitalinthehospital25 帮助他的邻居从火中出来helphisneighbouroutofafire26 感激某人感激某事begratefultosb begratefulforsth 27 很好地组织班级活动organizeclassactivitieswell28 着火beonfire29 计划好一切planeverythingwell 30 记忆力好haveagoodmemory31 更经常的使用英语useEnglishmoreoften32 在 有好的成绩havegoodgradesin 33 在 取得更好的成绩getbetterresultsin 34 在去某地的路上onone swaytosp在他去上学 电影院 回家的路上onhiswaytoschool tothecinema home在去游泳的路上onthewaytoswim Revision Sentences1 不要把热东西放到垃圾桶里Don tputanythinghotintotherubbishbin 2 别让火炉开着Don tleavethestoveon 3 当他从自行车上摔下时 他摔伤了胳膊 Hehurthisarmwhenhefelloffhisbike 4 如果你尽力 你就能在英语上取得更好的成绩 YoucangetbetterresultsinEnglishifyoutry doyourbest 5 Suzy记性好并且擅长写作 Suzyhasagoodmemoryandisgoodatwriting 6 当他们进行水上运动时 她常告诉年幼的学生要当心 Whentheyplaywatersports sheoftentellsyoungerstudentstobecareful 7 我一点儿也不会跳舞 Ican tdanceatall 8 在那个时刻任何事情都可能发生在她身上 Anythingcouldhappentoheratthatmoment 9 你做了什么来使你自己安全 youdo Whatdid tokeepyourselfsafe 7BUnit6PetsPrevision elephant tiger dog cat rabbit goldfish parrot mouse panda camel ant giraffe snake kangaroo GuesswhatIam Ihavefur Ihavefourpaws Isleepalot Myfavouritefoodisfish GuesswhatIam Ihavelongears Ieatlotsofcarrots GuesswhatIam Ihavetwolegs Iliketosing Ihavefeathers Icanfly GuesswhatIam I morange Iliveinatank Ihavefins GuesswhatIam Ilovetogototheparkandplaywithballsandsticks Sometimes Ibarkatpeople A What syourfavouritepet B Myfavouritepetis A Why B Because Freetalk watchitswimaround 给那大象喂香蕉 一条黑白相间的尾巴 为我用树枝搭建帐篷 敲笼子的门 在他的膝盖上睡觉 看它游来游去 在阳光下读书 教这鹦鹉说话 按门铃 拉兔子的耳朵 梳理皮毛 保暖 遛狗 确保 在缸的底部 照顾他到最后 feedtheelephantbananas sleeponhislap readinthesun teachtheparrottospeak knockonthecagedoor buildmecampsoutofsticks ablack and whitetail lookafterhimuntiltheend ringthedoorbell pulltherabbit sears brushthefur keepwarm takethedogforawalk atthebottomofthetank makesure 重点词组 frightenthecat 把某物握在手中 睁大眼睛 一个兔笼子 在 的边缘 和她一起玩 吓唬猫 发出许多噪音 重约两公斤 holdsthinone shand playwithher makealotofnoise weighabout2kilogrames ontheedgeof arabbithutch witheyesopenwide 重点词组 坐在饭桌旁 sitatthetable 把她自己藏在橱柜里 hideherselfinthecupboard 打扫鱼缸 cleanthefishtank 所有动物中最聪明的 thecleverestanimalofall 四处找我 lookaroundforme 蓝绿相间的羽毛 blue and greenfeathers Youshouldbemuch polite Katedoesn tlikedogsbecausethey revery noise andneedalotofcare Weshouldalwayskeepourclassroom clean andtidy Peoplehateall mouse exceptonemouse Mickeymouse 5 Thestudentswillgo camp thisSunday morepolite noisy clean mice 基础强化 camping Fillintheblanksusingtherightformofthewordsgiven 5 Atortoisehasfourlegsandithasashell too Butitmovesvery slow 6 Thisbikebelongstome Iamthe own ofthisbike 7 Itsaysthatweeatabout27 000kilosoffoodduringourlives That sthe weigh ofaboutsixelephants 8 Englishisused wide intheworld 9 Isthereanybody hide behindthedoor 10 Thetwinbrothersarequite fromeachother Doyouknowthe betweenthem different slowly owner weight widely hiding different differences 1 Giveitcleanwater 2 Changethewateronceaweek 3 Don tgiveittoomuchfood 4 Don ttakeitoutofthewater 5 Don tputitinthesun Howtokeepagoldfish 1 肯定祈使句 用动词原形开头 可通过please使命令的口气变得客气一点 Please可放在句首 或放在句尾时 通常用逗号与句子的前面部分隔开 祈使句givinginstructions Pleasecomeearliernexttime Stoptalking please Don tbetoonoisy Don tfrightenthecat 看例句 总结规律 2 否定祈使句 用Don t 动词原形 语法回顾 Rearrangethewordstomakesentences 1 feed don t toomuch food goldfish2 thecat don t playwith let thedog3 thecat healthy please keep Simon Don tfeedgoldfishtoomuchfood Don tletthecatplaywiththedog Simon pleasekeepthecathealthy 4 in sun read don t the5 frighten don t thechild please6 bring mylunch me Eddie Don tfrightenthechild please Eddie bringmemylunch Don treadinthesun 祈使句的反意疑问句Putthebookoverthere Don tleaveyourpetalone Letuswalkthedog Let scleanthefishtank willyou willyou shallwe 语法回顾 willyou 1 Giveitcleanwater 2 Changethewateronceaweek 3 Don tgiveittoomuchfood 4 Don ttakeitoutofthewater 5 Don tputitinthesun Howtokeepagoldfish Youshouldgiveitcleanwater Youmustchangethewateronceaweek Youshouldn tgiveittoomuchfood Youmustn ttakeitoutofthewater Youshouldn tputitinthesun must should 情态动词must意为 必须 表示一种义务 主动去承担 否定mustn t表示 不许可 表示一种禁止 must可表示现在或将来的情况 疑问式的否定回答常用 needn t 情态动词should意为 应该 否定形式为 shouldn t 意为 不该 他们都用来向别人提出建议 告诉别人最好做哪些事或做那些事是正确的 语法回顾 Differencesbetween should and must must 比 should 语气更强烈 而mustn t表示禁止做某事或不允许做某事 1 You bringyourpettoschool 2 They comeearliernexttime 3 You keepquietinthelibrary 4 We spendtoomuchtimewatchingTV mustn t should must shouldn t 中考相关语法链接1 Cars busesandbikes stopwhenthetrafficlightisred A canB mustC mayD need2 Ifillinthecheck informright sir No youneedn t Youcancompleteitthisafternoon A MayB shouldC MustD Would3 Ihavetoshowtheschoolreporttomyparents MissKing A MustB DoC CanD May B C B 4 MustIreturnthebooktomorrowmorning No you You keepitforaday A mustn t mayB mustn t mustC needn t canD needn t must5 MayIgosurfingalonethisafternoon Dad No you Itisdangerous A maynotB can tC needn tD don t6 AlicehasbeeninChinaforseveralyears She beabiggirlnow A needB mustC canD may C B B 7 Look MrHuisontheothersideofthestreet It behim HehasgonetoShanghai A mustn tB can tC shouldn tD won t B Myfavouritepet Itsnameis Itisalwaysveryfriendly ItLookslikeItlikes Itdoesn tlikeItlivesin Weshould weshouldn tWemust wemustn t 写作部分 Apresentationonyourfavouritepet WritedownyourownpresentationonyourfavouritepetHurryup Youhaveonly4minutes fightandbiteeachother chaseandcatchaball dowonderfultricks buildsb campsoutofsticks sleepanywhere Wheredocatssleep Aquestion Ontables Onchairs Ontopofpianos Onwindow ledges Inopendrawers Inemptyshoes Incardboardboxes Onpeople slaps Incupboardswithyourfrocks Anywhere watchthemswimaround fin tail Fishhave and toswimaround fins tails learntospeak teachthemtospeak wing feathers tail Theyare mice holditinone shand 1 请再喂金鱼一些鱼食 2 你应当保持鸟笼的干净 3 你必须要确保这洞不能太大也不能太小 4 不要在雨中遛狗 5 你应当买一本有关介绍正确照顾宠物方法的书 Pleasefeedthegoldfishsomemorefishfood Youshouldkeepthecageclean Youmustmakesuretheholecannotbetoobigortoosmall Don twalkthedogintherain Youshouldbuyabookon abouttherightwaytolookafterpets 6 如果你有充分的时间 你应该每天至少带她出去到公园两次 7 不要在桌边喂狗是很重要的 8 她很怕蛇 不要吓她 9 大多数的时候 我的猫喜欢睡在橱顶上 否则它会制造很多噪音 10 安静点 你不可以按门铃 你需要更礼貌了 Ifyouhaveenoughtime youshouldtakeherouttotheparkatleasttwiceaday It sveryimportantnottofeedthedogatthetable Sheisveryafraid frightenedofsnakes Don tfrightenher Mostofthetime mycatlikessleepingontopofthecupboard orshe llmakemuchnoise Bequiet Youmustn tringthedoorbell Youneedtobemorepolite Thankyou


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