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分册复习八年级下 1 2单元 重点词和词组回顾 1 更少的空闲时间 time2 更多的朋友 friends3 爱上北京 inlovewithBeijing4 独自居住live 5 做某事好玩dosomething 6 最大的公司之一oneof 7 能够做某事 dosomething8 落下fall 9 未来 thefuture10 一张球赛的票aticket aballgame lessfree more fall alone forfun the biggest companies beableto down in to 11 叫某人做某事asksb something12 借钱给 money sb 13 对某人生气be sb14 邀请某人打网球invitesb basketball15 和某人同龄bethe sb16 给某人一些建议givesbsome 17 叫醒某人wakesb 18 向某人要钱asksb money19 得到一份兼职工作geta job20 与某人相处得getalong to do lend to angry with to play sameageas advice up for part time wellwith 重点词组及句子解析 Fall的词组 falldownfallofffallinlovewithfallbehindcatchupwithWorkharder oryouwillfall others努力学习否则你就会落后别人 2 Workharder thenyouwill others努力学习 你就会赶上别人 3 Mary theladderlastnight 从梯子上摔下来 behind catchupwith felloff 2 Borrow fromlend tokeep for上个月我从Tom那里借了自行车 Lastmonth I abike Tom Lastmonth Tom hisbike me I Tom sbike amonth borrowed from lent to havekept for 3 join与takepartin的区别 1 join的宾语 团体 组织 俱乐部 加入某人 请举例 2 takepartin的宾语 竞赛 会议 战争 讨论请举例 4 alone与lonely的区别 1 alone 单独的 作表语 不作定语 说明独自一人 陈述客观事实 HewatchesTVwhenheis 2 lonely 孤独的 主观上感到孤单寂寞 作定语时 意思是 荒凉的 荒僻的 比如lonelycountry荒凉的乡村 Theoldmanlives buthedoesn tfeel alone alone Lone ly 辨析下列词组并造句 5 Dresssbdressupwear beinputontryon6 besurprisedatsth 对某事感到吃惊Wearesurprisedatthesurprisingnews insurprisetoone ssurprisebesurprisedtodosth 7Itseemsthatsb seemstodosb seems tobe adjJack好像在竞赛中获得一等奖 1 Jack winthefirstprizeinthecontest It Jack thefirstprizeinthecontest 露西今天好像病了 2 Lucy illtoday seemedto seemedthat won seemstobe Lucyseemsilltoday ItseemsthatLucyisilltoday 8 so与such的用法 1 such修饰名词suchabeautifulgirl 2 so修饰形容词和副词 so修饰名词时有两种情况 修饰单数可数名词 sobeautifulagirl 前面有many much few little时 要用so e g Thestudentshavesomanyexercisesthattheycan tfinishthemintime 3 不可数名词不用so修饰 当没有出现many much few little时 e g Thisissuchusefulinformationthatallofusbelieveit simportant 9 except与besides的区别 1 except除了 之外 表示所说的不包括在内 有时可与but互换 Ilikeallsportsexceptfootball 我喜欢所有的运动 除了足球 EveryoneishereexceptMary 全班都到了 除了玛丽 2 besides除了 之外 表示除去的事物包括在内Whatothersportsdoyoulikebesidesfootball 除了足球外 你还喜欢哪些运动 LucyandLilyareherebesidesMary 除了玛丽外 露西和莉莉也在这里 10in与after的区别 1 in 一段时间 从现在为起点 至将来的一段时间 用于一般将来时 EverythingwillbeOKinthreedays 对划线部分提问 willeverythingbeOK 2 after 一段时间 从过去的时间为起点 用于一般将来时 Myuncleboughtanewcomputerafterayear 对划线部分提问 yourunclebuyanewcomputer Howsoon Whendid 11 either too与also的区别 1 either 位于句末 用于否定句 Hedoesn tlikegreen andIdon t either 2 too 位于句末 用于肯定句和疑问句 Shelikesplayingthepiano too 3 also 位于句中 助动词后 实义动词前 用于肯定句 Shealsolikesplayingthepiano 例题解析 1 Itwillbebadforyourhealthtoeat foodandtake exercise A fewer moreB more lessC little muchD less less 2 There ameetingtomorrowafternoon A willhaveB isgoingtohaveC willbeD aregoingbe B C 3YangLiweiisoneof inChinesehistory A themostimportantpersonsB mostimportantpersonC themostimportantpersonD moreimportantperson 4Marywasdisappointedwhenshefoundouttheyhadgonetothecinema her A exceptB besidesC forD without A A 5 willyourheadteachercomebackfromEngland Intwodays A HowlongB HowsoonC HowoftenD Howold 6 Allthefruitisfree Youcaneat A asfewaspossibleB asmuchaspossibleC asmuchasyoucanD BothBandC B D 7I mafraidI llhaveto thelostbook A payforB paidforC payofD paidon 8 LittleTomissad Henowfeels withouthisonlyfriendthedog A verymorelonelyB evenmorelonelyC morestilllonelyD morefaralone A B 真题精选 2012湖南 1 Thereweremanypeopleinthecornerwhentheaccident A tookplaceB hashappenedC washappenedD happened2Ifthereis polution theairinourcitywillbe dirtier A less muchB more muchC less lessD more more D B 2012苏州1 Itwas lovelyweather wedecidedtospendthedayonthebeach A sucha thatB such thatC such asD so that2 Willyougototheconcertthisevening Dadcanonlyaffordoneticket so ofushastostayathome A eitherB allC bothD neither B A 二 完型填空 10分 The 16 inBritainisverydifferentfromourChinesefood Forexample theyeatalotofpotatoes Theyliketoeat 17everyday Theyeatbread 18breakfastsandusuallyforoneothermeal Theyeattheirbreadwithbutter 19cheeseorjam 果酱 Cheeseandbutteraremadefrom 20 Theydrinkalotofmilk too Theydrinkthemilkcoldor 21 andtheyputitintheirtea Theyputsugarintheir 22 too Theyaretheworld sbiggesttea 23 Theydon teatmuchrice Andtheylikemeatorfishwith 24andothervegetables Theyserveallthesetogether Afterthemainmealtheyalwayshave 25sweet Theycallthisdessert Theydon thavedumplingsinBeijing 16 A applesB teaC foodD fruit 17 A itB themC oneD they 18 A toB withC onD for 19 A maybeB beC mayD maybe 20 A milkB cowC meatD bread 21 A hotB manyC muchD bread 22 A milkB teaC coffeeD meal 23 A makersB buyersC drinkersD sellers 24 A tomatoesB bananasC pearsD potatoes 25 A somethingB anythingC everythingD nothing 3 4单元重点词和词组回顾 1好好照顾take of look well2期望做某事be todo 3 在某方面做得更好Be 4 克服困难get difficulties5 首先at first 6 尽可能快的assoonas assoonas 7 发生take 9 起飞 off10 报警 thepolice goodcare after supposed shoulddo betterat over first ofall possible sbcan place take call 11 跑掉run 12 我自己的主意my idea13 独自的by 14 回到中国 toChina come toChina15 把某物归还给某人 sthtosb give sth tosb 16 一次不寻常的经历 unusuallexperience17 去北京的航班aflight Beijng18 在医生的诊所里atthe 19 在危险中 danger20把 变成change away own oneself return back return back an to doctor s in into 重点词组及句子解析 not anymore nomoreWehavenomoredumplingsnow We have dumplingsnowNot anylonger nolongerAtlast hecouldn twaitanylonger Atlast hecould wait don t anymore nolonger 这些词组是什么意思呢 请造句子 2 begoodatbebadatdowellindobadlyin3 decidetodomakeadecisiontodo 区分用法 4 not until not before tillHe theswimmingpool therainstoppedlastWednesday leave He theswimmingpool therainstoppedlastWednesday Theytalkedhappily 12o clockyesterday didn tleave until didn tleave before till 归纳start的用法 5 startabadhabitStartacompanystartthecarAgoodstartLet sstartatsixo clock 6 aboveoveron区别Thereisabridge theriver Thereisabook thedesk Themountainis1800meters thesealevel over on above 观察并填空 7 ThepolicearecomingTheGreensarewatchingTVathome ClassThree be abigclass ClassThree have amathclass 你还知道哪些呢 is arehaving 例题解析 1 TheGreens watchingTVwhenIgotthere A wasB wereC isD are 2 Thestory arainynightlastJune A happenedon B happenedinC tookplaceonD tookplacein B A 3 Thereisanappletree theroom A infrontB infrontofC inthefrontDinthefrontof 4 Remember yoursistertocomehereontime A askB askingC toaskDasks B C 5 Helookedforhisbag buthecan tfindit A nowhere anywhereB everywhere nowhere C anywhere everywhere D everywhere anywhere 6She s atswimming butshewantstodo init A good wellB well betterC good betterD better better D C 7 Theteachertoldme lateagain A nottoB nottobeC notbeD notbeto 8 Thegeographyteachertoldustheearth biggerthanthemoon A isB wasC isn tD wasn t B A 真题精选 云南20121 Everyyear farmersgotobigcitiestowork A thousandB thousandsC thousandofD thousandsof2 Theywill somedifficultyinordertoworkouttheproblem A takeawayB getoverC careforD runoutof D B 3 TheboywasreadingEnglishwhileIwasplayingcomputer 提问 theboydoingwhileIwasplayingcomputer 4 Canyouhelpwiththedinner Hismotherasked 改成从句 Hismotherasked he helpwiththedinner Whatwas if could 二 完形填空 10分 CharlieBensonisabusdriver Heisagoodyoungmanand 16 hisworkverymuch Oneday whenhe 17 alongastreet hesawtwothieves 18 outofashoptowardsacar Thecarwaswaitinginfrontoftheshop Oneofthemwascarryingabagfullofmoney Charliequicklydrovehisbusstraightatthethieves Theone 19 hemoneybecame 20 frightenedthathedroppedthebag 21 thethievesweretryingtogetawayintheircar Charliedrovehisintothe 22 ofit Whilethecarwasmoving 23 Charliestoppedhisbus Thepolice 24 thecarand 25 menwerecaught 16 A hatesB lovesC doesD plays 17 A wasdrivingB waswalkingC wasleavingD waswatching 18 A gointoB runningC goD walk 19 A inB onC ofD with 20 A suchB veryC soD too 21 A ThatB AsC SoD For 22 A sideB afterC behindD front 23 A offB t oC awayD along 24 A stopB stoppedC stopsD isstopping 25A allB eachC eitherD both 作文 假如你是Jane 你的好友Mary在微博上说最近很累很不开心 并且很担心即将到来的考试 请你在微博中回复 给她一些建议 使她振作起来 提示 1 分析不开心的原因2 给她一些建议使她减少压力3给她美好的祝福 5 6单元单元重点词和词组回顾 1拿走take 2通过 谋生 alivingby 3全世界all theworld4一直 thetime5允许某人进入let 6 做某事有困难7 haveadifficulttime 8为了提高英语inorderto myEnglish9接受教育 aneducatioe10赚钱 money away make doingsth over all in doingsth improve get make 11向 捐款 moneyto12用完 outof use 13顺便一提 theway14对 感兴趣be in15远离far 16 在我九岁生日的时候onmy birthday17 半数的同学 ofthestudents18 第一个做某事得人thefirstone 19 受伤 injured20周游世界travel theworld give run up by interested away ninth half todosth get around 梳理句型 1Ifyougototheparty you agoodtime 如果你参加晚会 你会过得快乐 2 What iftheyhavethepartytoday 如果他们今天开聚会 会发生什么呢Halftheclasswon tcome willhave Willhappen 仔细观察后翻译句子 3ThemoreIlearnaboutChinesehistory themoreIenjoyedlivinginChina Themore thebetterTheharder thehappier 翻译 你越仔细 你出的错越少 Themorecarefulyouare thefewermistakesyouwillmake 观察并翻译 4Halftheclasswon tcome 一半的学生已通过了考试 Halfofthestudents thetest 一半的时间被浪费的 Halfofthetime wasted havepassed was 归纳teach的用法 5 Teach TeachusEnglish教我们英语Teachthemtodrive教他们开车Teachthekidshowtodance教孩子们跳舞Teachoneself learnsthbyoneself自学 请区别他们的意思并翻译句子 6 bethewayGetinthewayOnthewaytoschoolInthiswayTellmethewayto 三 1 顺便问一下 邮局在哪儿 2 我们在回家的路上遇上一起事故 3 他的习惯妨碍了他的学习 4 用这种方法我们学到很多 Betheway whereisthepostoffice Wemetanaccidentonthewayhome Hishabitgetsinthewayofhisstudy Wehavelearnedalotinthisway 例题解析 1 Ifit rain tomorrow I llstayathome 2 Ifit be fine We go swimmingtogether 3 HeaskedmeifI be freethisSunday 4 Idon tknowifhe come tomorrow Ifhe come I llcallyou rains is willgo aregoing was willcome comes 5 Ifyoudon thurryup you llmisstheearlytrain 同义句 you llmisstheearlytrain 6 Heplayssportsforaliving 同义句 He by 7Whydon tyoutakeyourIDcard 同义句 yourIDcard Hurryup and makesalivingplayingsports Whynottake 1 Theseareyourbooks Please A takethemawayB takeitawayC takeawaythemD takeawayit2 Ifyou hard you agoodgrade A won twork don tgetB don twork won tgetC work getD willwork get3 Doyouknowifhe backnextweek Ifhe back pleaseletmeknow A hecomes willcomeB willhecome comesC hewillcome comesD willhecome willcome A B C 4 Ifwe freenextweek we tothefarmtovisityou A willbe willgoB are willgoC willbe goD be go5 I ll helppeopleifIamalawyer A canB beabletoC couldD ableto B B 真题精选 1 I mwaitingformyfriend I llgoshoppingalone 2011重庆 A IfshecomesB IfshewillcomeC Ifshedoesn tcomeD Ifshedidn tcome2 Themoreyouread youwillget 2008青岛 A thelessB themostC themoreD muchmore C C 3 AfterWenchunearthquake peoplegottogetheronTian anmenSquare callingout Comeon China 2010衡阳 A fourthousandofB thousandsofC severalthousands4 Wehavebeengoodfriends wejoinedthesameping pongteam 2011陕西 A afterB forC sinceD till B C 作文 生活是丰富多彩的 没有爱好的人生是不完整的人生 你有什么兴趣爱好呢 这个爱好是如何培养起来的 他给你的生活增添了哪些色彩 请以MyHobby为题目结合自身经历写一篇短文 阅读后判断 KidroomWelcometoK Thisisaroomforyoutohavefunwithyourfriendsandfamily Pleasereadandfollowthesewhenyouvisitus 1 NEVERgiveoutyourname telephonenumber picturesorthenameofyourschoolwithoutyourparents permission 同意 2 NEVERsayyestoanyonewhoinvitesyoutogooutalonewithhem her 3 BECAREFLifyougetane mailformastranger Don topenit tellyourparentsfirst 4 ALWAYStellyourparentswhenyouseewordsthatmakesyoufeelbad 5 NEVERbuyanythingonlinewithoutyourparents permission ThankyouagainforvisitingK Wehopeyouwillfeelsafeandcomfortablehere Haveagoodtimeonline Shoulddo Shouldn tdo 61 Getyourparentspermissionbeforegiveoutyournametopersonsonline 62 Sayyestoanyonewhoinvitesyoutogooutalonewithhim 63 Openallthee mailsassoonaspossible 64 Tellyourparentswhenyouseesomebadwordsthatmakesyouunhappy 65 Buythethingsyoulikeonlinewithoutyourparentspermission

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