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一 英汉互译1 由 制成 2 数十亿的 3 把 制成 4 照顾 照料 5 长成 6 one theother 7 talkabout 8 turninto 9 halfof 10 sickpeople make into billionsof bemadeof bemadefrom lookafter takecareof growinto 一个 另一个 谈论 变成 一半 病人 二 单项选择 1 Wlouldyouplease thewindow Ifeelcold A openB notopeningC nottoopenD notopen2 Jim comeback Yournewbookisstillinthedrawer Oh thankyou Ihaveforgotten itthere A toputtingB puttingC putD toput3 Mycousinreadahistorybook A SoDannydidB SodoesDannyC SodidDannyD SoDannydoes4 Don tkeep A waitB bewaitingC waitingD waited5 Shehasthreepens Oneisred and aregreen A theotherB theothertwoC anotherD other D B C C B 6 Therearesomepears thetree thattree therearesomebirds A in OnB on InC in AboveD above In7 Theiceisverythin It s dangerous walkonit A so toB too nottoC very tooD too to8 Thereare peopleontheplayground A thousandsofB thousandofC thousandsD athousands9 Newplantsgrow seeds A upB fromC ofD in10 canlivewithoutwaterorair A NobodyB EverybodyC SomebodyD Anybody B D A B A 11 Mr Greenhasworkedinthisfactory twoyears A agoB beforeC forD since12 Willyou methatknife please A turnB takeC carryD pass13 Wemustmakesuretherainwon t thehouse A take offB carry offC carry awayD blow away14 It shardtokeepthehouse withsomanychildren A cleanB cleanedC tocleanD tocleaning15 Ming youcan mybook butyou dbetternot ittoothers A lend borrowB borrow lendC lend lendD borrow borrow C D C A B 四 用所给词的适当形式填空1 Wouldyouplease notsmoke here 2 Weneed tell himthetruth 3 Don tforget close thedoorwhenyougoout 4 Look Marry water hergarden 5 Ihaveadog it nameisHenry 6 Ineedacomputer send ane mailtomyfriend 7 Thebookisabout keep animals 8 catch theearlybus Hegotupatfiveo clock 9 Weusedictionaries look upsomenewwords10 Ifyouarereallytired youcanstop have arestfortenminutes notsmoke Its toclose iswatering totell tosend keeping Tocatch tolook tohave 五 完成句子 每空一词 1 Thereisn tanythinginthebox It sempty 改为同义句 There inthebox It sempty 2 MayIborrowyourruler 改为同义句 Wouldyouplease yourruler me 3 50 ofthefurnitureismadeinChina 改为同义句 thefurnitureismadeinChina 4 Housesaremadeofwoodbyfarmers 改为同义句 Farmers wood buildhouses 5 Tomlikesswimming LiMinglikesswimming too 合并为一个句子 Tomlikesswimmingand LiMing is nothing Half to of use to lend so does

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