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2019 年学年第二学期四年级英语教学计划范文一、指导思想:全面贯彻市、区教研室新学期的工作部署,以实施素质教育为中心,以四年级下册教材编写指导思想为核心,结合我校四年级学生的实际,采用适合他们的教学方法,踏实有效地开展教学工作,努力提高学生的英语语言综合素质。二、学生分析四年级学生从三年级开始已经着力培养使用英语语言的能力,已经具备了一定的英语学习能力,积累了一定的语言知识,能对学过的知识进行一定的自主运用和表达。但学生的基础知识仍然不扎实,特别是单词的记忆。学生能够口头使用句子进行简单的交流,但是需要进行书写的时候学生每每出现错误。经过一个学期的相互适应,四年级的学生已经基本能配合教师上课的节奏。因此这个学期的主要目标在引导学困生端正学习态度和培养记忆单词的能力,帮助中间层次的学生进一步掌握正确的学习英语的方法和良好的学习习惯,拓展优秀生的视野和提高综合理解灵活运用英语的能力。三、教学目的任务能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词,在此基础上,学习字母的发音规律,为五年级的音标学习打好基础,也为学生记忆新单词提供新的途径。2、 培养良好的学习习惯,能做到书写整洁规范,了解英语句子的书写规则,能用 3 到 5 个简单句子描述图片。3、在已有的英语朗读习惯的基础上,鼓励学生从人物特征出发,分辨语音、语调,培养语言的感悟能力。4、能使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,语音语调准确、恰当。四、主要措施根据学生的实际,督促学生记忆单词,每课的新单词争取做到课课过关。善用每次词汇竞赛,及时予以奖励,增强学生记忆单词的积极性。2、延续上学期以来的学习跟进方式,以课前预习表、作业登记表、读书登记表、背诵登记表和单词竞赛卷等载体为评比依据,全面跟进学生的英语学习状况,督促并鼓励学生进行学习。3、利用直观教具和多媒体课件相结合,以活动为课堂教学的主要形式,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生在乐中学、学中用。特别注意在教学过程中观察和积累四年级学生喜欢并且高效的活动和游戏,提高课堂学习兴趣和效率。4、分层布置作业,布置对学生学习帮助较大的作业,鼓励有能力的学生在做好课内作业的基础上多进行课外阅读(如英语周报等),学困生则只作基本要求。5、争取家长的支持,有效地利用好学生的校内外时间,培养有能力的学生,关注学困生,做好培优补差的工作。6、渗透环境教育。在教授 module5 food and drinks 时,让学生知道要学会节约粮食,喝完的饮料后的易拉罐、塑料瓶或者包装袋要放进分类垃圾桶,不乱扔,也可以废物利用。五、教材重点难点各模块的话题和语言知识点: topic & sub-topic main task language focus daily expressions in communicationmodule 1(unit 1-3)ageunit 1:dims dayunit 2:my birthdayunit 3:lets go further.can ask questions about someones age.can talk about people of different ages.can talk about what someone is doing.shes singing.is he dancing?how old are you?how old is she?he looks young.module 2(unit 4-6)activitiesunit 4:hobbiesunit 5:whats alienenjoy doing?unit 6:lets go further .can name some hobbies.can talk about hobbies.can talk about whatsome people are doing theyre playing a game,are you listening to the radio?what are they doing?module 3(unit 7-9)sportsunit 7:school sports dayunit 8:sports starunit 9:lets go further .can name some sports.can talk about sportsand sport starts. she is running fastthey areswimming slowly.which sports are you good at?im good at swimming.module 4 (unit10-12)entertainmentunit 10: a school playunit 11: radio andtelevisionunit 12: lets go further .can name someentertainments.can talk aboutentertainmentsdoes she like shopping?yes, he / she does.no, he / she doesnt.he / she doesnt like sports.i like playing computer games.he likes singing english songs.module 5 (unit13-15)the food and drinkunit 13: the food and drink we likeunit 14: school lunchunit 15: lets go further .can name some foodsand drinks.can say what foodsand drinks i like andi dont like. what do you usually have for lunch?would you like some rice?what would you like to have for breakfast?can i have noodles please?module 6 (unit1 6-18)shoppingunit 16: in the marketunit 17:the vegetables and fruits we needunit 18: lets go further .can talk aboutshopping.can do shopping inenglish.can name somefoods and drinks. she needs some food.how much does the juice cost?how much do the grapes cost?do hey need any water?六、各模块的课时及可能的进度安排模块 单元 课时 教学进度module1 age unit1 dims age 5 2、3 周unit2 my birthday 3 3、4 周module2 activities unit4 hobbies 3 5 周unit5 what the aliens enjoy doing 4 6 周module3 sports unit7 school sports day 4 7 、8 周unit8 sports star 4 8、9 周module4 entertainment unit10 a school play 3 10 周unit11 radio and television 5 11 、12 周module5 food and drinks unit13 the food and drinks we like 3 13 周unit 14 school lunch 4 14 周module6 shopping unit16 in the market 4 15 、16 周unit17 the vegetables and fruits we need 4 16 、17 周module7 revision module1-6 10 18、19 周


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