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PassiveVoice 一 何时使用被动语态 1 不知道谁是动作的执行者或没有必要 Paperismadefromwood Hewaswoundedinthefight 2 需要强调动作的承受者时 Booksandnewspapersinthereadingroommustn tbetakenaway Hewasawardedfirstprizeinthatcontest 3为了使语气婉转 避免提及自己或对方而使用被动语态 或由于修饰的需要 使用被动语态 使句子得以更好的安排 Theconstructionofthenewlabmustbecompletedbytheendofnextmonth Electricityisusedtorunmachines 什么时候用主动语态或被动语态 主语是动作的执行者就用主动语态主语是动作的承受者就用被动语态 WestudyEnglishatschool Englishisstudiedbyusatschool 我们用木头做家具 那只老鼠被猫抓住了相机是用来照相的 Discusion1 theactivevoice主动语态 thepassivevoice被动语态 主动语态 被动语态 被动语态 p t Discusion2 theactivevoice主动语态 thepassivevoice被动语态 Wecallthedoctor Peopledon tplayfootballhere Thetruckwascleanedyesterday Decideifthesesentencesareactiveorpassive MrChenteachesusEnglish Theclassroomwascleaned active active passive active passive Exercise 1 Thekey forlockingtheclassroomdoor A usesB isusedC isusingD use2 Anewschool overtheretwoyearsago A builtB wasbuiltC buildD builds3 Thelostchild onOctober7 1998 A wasfoundB isfoundC foundD find4 AtalkonChinesehistory intheschoolhallyesterday A isgivenB giveC wasgivenD gave B B A C Disscusion3 theactivevoice主动语态 thepassivevoice被动语态 主动语态句子变成被动语态句子哪三个部分要变 怎么变 1 把原句的宾语改为主语 2 把原句的谓语动词改为被动语态结构 be p p 3 把原句的主语改为by的宾语 用宾格 可省略 e g Shecleanedtheroom Theroomwascleaned byher 常见语态转换 一 一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态 1 Lucyboughtsomefruit Somefruit Lucy 2 UncleWangwaterstheflowerseveryday Theflowers UncleWangeveryday 3 Didtheybuildthebridgein1998 thebridge in1998 4 WhendidLuXunwritethesebooks When thesebooks LuXun 5 Thefarmersdon tgrowapplesonthefarm Apples onthefarm 6 Theydidn tcleantheclassroomyesterday Theclassroom yesterday 小结 1 被动语态的转换 在be 过去分词中 确定 是关键 永不变 2 Be的时态由 确定 be的单 复数由 确定 3 问句提前 否定 后加not wasboughtby arewateredby Was built were writtenby aren tgrown wasn tcleaned be形 过去分词 主动时态 被动主语 be动词 be 一般现在时带情态动词的被动语态 1 Youcandotheworkallbyyourself Thework allbyyourself 2 Wemustplantmoretrees Moretrees 3 Weshoulddigalargehole Alargehole 4 Canweputourbikeshere ourbikes here 5 Youmustn tthrowrubbishhere Rubbish here 6 Wecan tseemanystars Manystars 小结 1 含情态动词的被动结构 2 疑问句提前 否定句 not canbedone mustbeplanted shouldbedug Can beput mustn tbethrown can tbeseen 情态动词 be 过去分词 情态动词 情态动词 1 Theyplaybasketballintheirschool 改为被动语态 Basketball intheirschoolbythem isplayed 2 Thenaughtyboybrokethewindow Thewindow bythenaughtyboy 3 PeoplespeakEnglishallovertheworld English bypeopleallovertheworld Exercise wasbroken isspoken Exercise translatethefollowingsentences 这些照片是上星期拍的 这本书是鲁迅写的 史密斯一家被邀请参加了派对 长江也叫扬子江 Thesephotosweretakenlastweek ThisbookwaswrittenbyLuXun TheSmithswereinvitedtotheparty TheChangjiangRiverisalsocalledtheYangtezeRiver 1 Iwashedmyclothesonceaday Myclotheswaswashed byme onceaday Iwaswashedmyclothesonceaday X 2 TheytookJimtothehospital 3 Tomclosedtheshopjustnow TheywastookJimtothehospital Jimwastakentothehospitalbythem TheshopclosedTomjustnow Theshopwasclosed byTom justnow X X 主动变被动要注意 1 感官动词see hear watch feel notice 和使役动词let make have这类词改被动语态时 一定要将省略的to加上 2 含有双宾语的句子 直接宾语 间接宾语 方法 A 将间接宾语变成被动语态的主语B 将直接宾语变成被动语态的主语 切记 间接宾语前要加介词to 表示动作的方向 或者for 表示动作的目的 Eg Wesenthersomeflowers A Shewassentsomeflowersbyus B Someflowerswassenttoherbyus Wecalledhim glasses 3 含有复合宾语的句子 宾语 宾语补足语 只能把宾语作为被动结构的主语 宾语补足语放在被动结构后面作为主语的补足语 Hewascalled glasses byus 含有复合宾语的主动句 宾补不变 1 将宾语变为主语 宾补不变 TheycallherXiaoLi SheiscalledXiaoLi 2 make let have hear watch see feel notice 既动词后变做宾补的不定式一般不加to 变为被动 必须加to MybrotheroftenmademedothisandthatwhenIwasyoung IwasoftenmadetodothisandthatbymybrotherwhenIwasyoung Iheardhermoveaboutinherroomupstairslastnight Shewasheardtomoveaboutinherroomupstairslastnight DidyouseeJacktakeawaythemagazine WasJackseentotakeawaythemagazine 3 情态动词的被动语态 是由情态V be p p 构成 Theycannotfindhim Hecannotbefound Youmustpaymeforthis Imustbepaidforthis 4 有的动词短语相当于一个及物动词 如 lookafter lookfor takecareof payattentionto等等改被动语态时 要将短语看做一个整体 例句 A Theoldpeopleshouldbetakengoodcareof B ThebabywaslookedafterbyLily 5据说类动词 say consider think report know believe suggest understand hope etc 如 Itissaidthat Thereissaidtobe Sth Sb issaidto 1 不及物动词没有被动语态 如rise happen succeed remain lie disappear last等 如 Afterthefire nothingremained 那场大火之后 什么也没留下来了 误 Afterthefire nothingwasremained 2 不及物动词短语没有被动语态 如 takeplace breakout 爆发 belongto等 如 Greatchangeshavetakenplaceheresince1990 自1990年以来这里发生了巨大的变化 误 Greatchangeshavebeentakenplaceheresince1990 不用被动语态的若干情况 3 有的及物动词也没有被动语态 如cost leave enter reach suit have wish hold own lack fit resemble 像 类似 jump mind等 如 Sheenteredtheroomjustnow 他刚才进过房间 误 Theroomwasenteredbyherjustnow Tomjumpedthequeue 汤姆插队 误 ThequeuewasjumpedbyTom 4 有些及物的短语动词也没有被动语态 如agreewith arriveat in shakehandswith succeedin sufferfrom happento walkinto belongto等 如 Idon tagreewithhim 我不同意他的看法 误 Heisn tagreedwithbyme 5 宾语是反身代词 相互代词 同源宾语 不定式 v ing形式及抽象名词等 都不能变为被动句子的主语 如 ItaughtmyselfFrench 我自学法语 误 MyselfwastaughtFrench Theyloveeachother 他们相爱 误 Eachotherisloved Weliveahappylife 我们过着幸福的生活 误 Ahappyislivedbyus Shelikestoswim 她喜欢游泳 误 Toswimislikedbyher 6 open lock write read sell clean wash cut burn drive 等词做作不及物动词时 它们的主语为物 可以用主动语态表示被动语态 如 Thesebookssellswell 7 look sound taste smell等系动词用主动语态表示被动语态 如 Thisfoodtastesdelicious 表示被动语态的短语和句型 1 beworthdoingsth值得做某事 Thebookisworthreading 这本书值得一读 2 在need want require等词的后面 动名词用主动形式表示被动意义 其含义相当于动词不定式的被动形式 Thehouseneedsrepairing toberepaired 这房子需要修理 3不定式toblame tolet 出租 作表语时 主动形式表被动含义Youaretoblame Thehouseistolet


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