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Sarcopenia与运动和营养干预,(i) What is sarcopenia?,(ii) What parameters define sarcopenia?,(iii) What variables reflect these parameters, and what measurement tools and cut-off points can be used?,(iv) How does sarcopenia relate to cachexia, frailty and sarcopenic obesity?,(v) What is the role of nutrition in prevention and treatment of age-related sarcopenia? What amounts of macronutrients are needed for older people with or at risk for sarcopenia, especially protein and specific amino acids? What micronutrients, e.g. vitamin D, play important roles in protecting and building lean body mass?,(vi) What is the role of physical activity in prevention and treatment of sarcopenia in older people? What exercises are best suited and most effective for older people? How can older people be enabled to take more habitual physical activity? How can nutrition and exercise regimens be combined for prevention of treatment of sarcopenia?,Sarcopenia这个词起源于希腊语,原意是“poverty of flesh”(缺少肌肉)。“Sarco”是前缀,指肌肉;“penia”是后缀,意流失。国内文献译为“少肌症”、“骨骼肌减少症”、“肌肉衰减征”、“老年性骨骼肌减少症”等等。在1989年由Irwin第一次用来描述老年性的肌肉减少和力量衰减。,2010年,Sarcopenia欧洲工作组(EWGSOP)将少肌症定义为:“老年人骨骼肌质量和骨骼肌力量及功能下降的一种病征”,主要强调骨骼肌量下降,或加上骨骼肌力量下降,或再加上骨骼肌功能下降。,Mechanisms of sarcopenia,Loss of Strength: Biologic Causes,Decrease in number and size of muscle fibers. Number of motor units declines with age. Ability of CV system to deliver raw materials to working muscles is reduced. Reduction in glycoproteins more difficult for tissues to retain normal fluid content.,Loss of Strength: Biologic Causes,Decrease in efficiency of muscle cells selectively permeable membrane. Concentration of potassium is particularly reduced. Reduces maximum force of contraction. Other nutrition related effects: Vitamin C and Zinc Clinical implications?,Loss of Strength: Functional Causes,Decline in strength with age largely due to decreased activity. Most affected are anti-gravity muscles: quads, hip extensors, ankle dorsiflexors, and triceps. Functional strength assessment: Handheld dynamometry Biceps curls Sit-to-stand test,Loss of Strength: Pathologic Causes,Numerous strength-altering diseases Polymyalgia rheumatica Syndrome occurring in older individuals Characterized by pain, weakness, and stiffness in proximal muscle groups (neck, back, pelvic and shoulder girdles) Also fever, malaise, weight loss, very rapid sed rate Responds dramatically to corticosteroid therapy,Sarcopenia categories by cause,肌少症的诊断及分级标准 Criteria for the diagnosis of sarcopenia,1、低肌肉质量(Low muscle mass) 2、低肌肉力量( Low muscle strength) 3、低身体功能表现( Low physical performance),Diagnosis is based on documentation of criterion 1 plus (criterion 2 or criterion 3),Measurements of muscle mass, strength, and function in research and practice,Sit to Stand Test for LE Strength,# repetitions in 30 seconds Norms for elders: Women 60-64, 12-17 reps90-94, 4-11 reps Men 60-64, 14-19 reps 90-94, 7-12 reps,EWGSOP-suggested algorithm for sarcopenia case finding in older individuals,EWGSOP(European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People ),Suggested primary and secondary outcome domains for intervention trials in sarcopenia,Primary outcome domains Physical performance Muscle strength Muscle mass Secondary outcome domains Activities of daily living (ADL; basic, instrumental) Quality of life (QOL) Metabolic and biochemical markers Markers of inflammation Global impression of change by subject or physician Falls Admission to nursing home or hospital Social support Mortality,Low protein + low exercise=sarcopenia,Exercise and Sarcopenia Strength: Clinical Implications,Functional strength-training 1 Repetition Maximum (1RM) Exercise at 60-80% of 1 RM 1 set of 8-12 reps*2-3 times per week Increase weight 10-15% per week Suggested timing: 2-3 second lift, 4-6 second lower *Starckey, D, et al.: Effect of resistance training volume on strength and muscle thickness. Med Sci Sports Exerc 28(10):1311-20, 1996.,Calculating 1RM,Strengthening Seniors Evidence-based Examination and Exercise Prescription Section on Geriatrics, APTA,Intensity High 60-80% 1 RM: 8-12 reps to fatigue Most healthy aging adults can do 70-80% Low 30-50% 1 RM: 12-25 reps to fatigue Better for those with: MI 6 wks Progressive neuro disorders (eg. MS) Acute musculoskeletal conditions and healing tissues Very frail or deconditioned individuals,Strengthening Seniors,Intensity Slow movement: “stop on a dime” Full, pain-free ROM Good form and technique 70-80% RPE “somewhat hard” to “hard” 30-60% RPE “fairly light” to “somewhat hard”,Strengthening Seniors,Duration Reps to fatigue Speed increases Form deteriorates Fails to complete ROM Watch for: Look of concentration Slight tremor Mild increase in respiration,Strengthening Seniors,Progression 30-60% 1RM 25 reps, increase resistance 10% 70-80% 1RM 12 reps, increase resistance 5% Frequency 2-3 times per week,Nutrition and Sarcopenia,Short-Term Calorie Restriction Enhances Skeletal Muscle Stem Cell Function CR increases skeletal muscle stem cell frequency in young and aged mice Muscle stem cells from CR-treated mice show increased abundance of mitochondria CR improves muscle regeneration and enhances stem cell transplant efficiency,Protein provides amino acids have a stimulatory effect on muscle protein synthesis,Vitamin D,Antioxidant Nutrients,Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (LCPUFAs),Foods and Dietary Patterns,2 临床表现 体力活动降低:随着年龄的增长,人体下肢功能逐渐减退,这种下肢功能降低的主要原因并非是肌肉数量的减少,而是由于肌力的下降。情绪障碍:骨骼肌功能的退化影响老年人的体力状况,使老年人的心理状态失常,并相继出现焦虑、抑郁等情绪波动。诱发骨质疏松:骨骼所承受的负荷主要来自于肌肉的主动收缩,而非体重,老年人的肌力呈衰退状态,骨强度稍大于肌力,骨骼相对处于废用状态,肌少症應是老年個體的多重變化加乘所引起的:( 1 ) 年齡造成的肌肉神經組織變化,加上相關賀爾蒙量(testosterone, growth hormone)的減少;( 2 ) 營養相關的變化主因於蛋白質和能量的攝取不足或吸收不良,加上腸胃道及用藥等問題;( 3 ) 相關疾病造成的發炎、器官損傷、臥床等;( 4 ) 活動量減少甚至不活動造成的肌肉流失。因此,對於肌少症的防治,除疾病造成的原因應先消除外,運動訓練搭配適當營養補充(主為蛋白質),目前被認為是具成效的。然而哪些運動細節及如何補充?在運動前中後?,都需進一步研究。,肌肉减少症(Sarcopenia)最早由Evans WJ和Rosenberg IR于1991年提出,形容骨骼肌减少,同时泛指骨骼肌细胞去神经支配、线粒体功能障碍、炎性、激素合成及分泌改变以及由以上过程引发的一系列后果,如肌力下,Sarcopenia,A gradual wasting of muscle tissue. Begins shortly after age 20 and accelerates after age 50. In 1999, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control)recognized sarcopenia as one of the top 5 major health risks facing the US population.,Strength-training Study :,Younger and older men2 month quad strength-training Both groups increased to same level Older group increased thigh girth 1-2% Younger group increased thigh girth 12% Clinical Implications? Gutmann, E, and Hanzlikova V. Fast and slow motion units in aging. Gerontology 22:280, 1976.,Other Interventions,Strength Deficits FES Biofeedback Acupuncture (hand paresis) Environmental adaptations Assistive devices Orthoses,


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