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环保英语演讲稿:NatureOverpopulationwhat is nature? its everything that exists in the world independently of people, such as pants and animals, earth and rocks, and the weather. 自然是什么?它是存在于世界独立于人类的一切,如裤子和动物,泥土和石块等,天气。 now more and more people are focusing on the nature. it is no doubt that the nature is important to every human being. no nature, no life. because of the supplies of the nature, we have lived happily for a long time. and we started to gain every thing available from the nature. and this lasted so long a time. today, people have discovered that the nature around is getting worse and worse. 如今,越来越多的人正专注于自然,这是毫无疑问的自然对于每个人来说都是非常重要的。没有自然,就没有生命。由于自然提供,我们幸福地生活在一起很长一段时间。我们开始从自然界获取每一件可用的事物,而这种持续了很的时间。今天,人们发现,周围的自然物质已经越来越贫乏。 what is threatening the nature? air and water pollution, overharvesting of plant and animal species, overpopulation and so on. overpopulation is the biggest source of pollution. lets take overpopulation as an example. 是什么是威胁的自然?空气和水的污染,植物和动物物种,人口过剩等过度。人口过剩是最大的污染源。就拿一个例子来说说明人口过剩。what does overpopulation feel like? when we move slowly through the city in a tazi. when we enter a crowded slum district. when the temperature is high and when the air is thick with dust and smoke. the streets are crowded with people. the streets seem alive with people. people eating. people washing. people talking. people sleeping. people visiting each other, arguing and screaming. people relieving themselves. people pushing their hands through the taxi windows, begging.环保英语演讲稿:natureoverpopulationpeople leading animals. people, people, people, people. as we drive slowly through the crowd, sounding the taxis horn, the dust, heat, noise and cooking fires made it like a scene from hell! i admit, frightening.人口过剩是什么感觉?当我们的城市中移动缓慢的塔济。当我们进入一个拥挤的贫民区。当温度高时,空气中尘埃和浓烟。街道上挤满了人。街道似乎与人活着。人的饮食。人洗。人们交谈。人睡觉。人们互相访问,争论和尖叫。人们大小便。人们通过的士推窗户的手,乞讨。人民的领导动物。人,人,人,人。当我们驾驶慢慢穿过人群,探空的士的号角,灰尘,热,噪音和煮饭用了像从地狱场景吧!我承认,可怕。to the nature, overpopulation is a big problem. more people, more pollution. and the big population is threatening the nature every second. 对于自然界,人口过多是一个大问题。更多的人,更严重的污染。而人口正每一秒钟都在威胁着自然。 the rapid rise in world population is not creating problems only for the developing countries. the whole world faces the problem that raw materials are being used up at an increasing rate and food production can not keep up with the population increase. people in rich countries make the heaviest demands on the worlds resources, its food, fuel and land, and cause the most pollution. a baby born in the united states will use in his lifetime 30 times more of the worlds resources than a baby born in india. unless all the countries of the world take united action to deal with the population explosion there will be more and more people fighting for a share of less and less land, food and fuel, and the future will bring poverty, misery and war to us all. 在世界人口的迅速崛起也没有创造出不仅对发展中国家的问题。整个世界面临的原料正在使用的速度越来越快和粮食生产的增环保英语演讲稿:natureoverpopulation长跟不上人口增长最多的问题。富裕国家的人民对世界作出的最重的资源需求,它的食物,燃料和土地,并导致大部分污染。在美国出生的一生中使用的30倍,世界的资源多在印度出生的婴儿的小宝宝。除非所有的世界各国采取联合行动,与人口爆炸的交易将有越来越多的人的越来越少的土地,食物和燃料的份额战斗,未来将带来的贫困,苦难和战争给我们的所有。 for most of the developing countries, it is a good idea to control the population growth. for example, china has carried out birth control for years. and this plan has a great effect on the world population. 对于大多数发展中国家,控制人口增长是一个好主意。例如,中国计划生育实行了多年,这个计划对世界人口的很大影响。 if the population continues to increase, if the air and water continue to be polluted, if we dont do something to protect wild-plant and wildlife species will be declining. species and biological munities have difficulty adapting to change. economic opportunities and the quality of life of future generations are also put at risk. by protecting nature, we protect ourselves. 如果人口不断增加,如空气和水继续污染,如果我们不做些事,以保护野生植物和野生动物物种将下降。物种和生物群落难以适应变化。经济机会和后代的生活质量也处于危险之中。通过保护自然,保护我们自己。lets unite together, hand in hand we stand all across the land. 让我们团结起来,携手共进,我们的立场全国土地所有。we can make this world in which to live. hand in hand. control the population growth. take good care of our nature. 我们可以使这个世界中生活。携手。控制人口增长。利用我们的自然,照顾好环保英语演讲稿:natureoverpopulation

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