unit5 There_is_a_big_bed_ALet27s_talkppt课件

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PEP5Unit5 ALet stalk 1 Handsup Listenanddo 2 table sofa bed fridge bedroom livingroom light photo 3 nice sweet orange lovely green pink pretty warm 4 5 photo bag sofa book Thereisaphotointhelivingroom Thereisa an in on under near the chair phone fridge phonetomatopotato 6 in on near Let schant Thecatishereunderthechair Thecatisherenearthephone Thecatishereonthebed under 7 Let scleanthebedroom Tips 小猫把房间弄乱了 四人合作 每人至少整理一个物品 先整理 然后再各自描述自己整理好的物品 A Thereisa an in on under nearthe It s B Thereisa an in on under nearthe It s photo crayon toy 8 9 Let stry 听一听 勾一勾 WhatisintheZhangPeng sroom Thereisa A B 10 Q2 WhatelseareintheZhangPeng sroom Q1 IsZhangPeng sroomnice Yes itis Thereisabigbed Listenandanswer 听一听 回答问题 Thereisanicephoto ZhangPeng的房间里还有什么东西 11 Sarah Yourroomisreallynice ZhangPeng Thanks Mike Thereisabigbed ZhangPeng Yes Ilikemybed Mike Thereisanicephoto too Sarah Wow Youlookcool ZhangPeng Thankyou Hey mycomputerishereonthedesk Let splay Let stalk 12 Let splay 甜蜜水果屋 任务 帮助公主布置房间 13 Lookandsay 读一读说一说 描述网友发的游戏截图 Theroomisreallynice Thereisanapplebedonthefloor It sred Thereisanorangesofaintheroom It sorange Wow hownice 14 WordBoxbignicecoolprettysupercleancolorfulpinkredgreen orangeapplebananapearwatermelonstrawberry inonundernear WordBoxbignicecoolprettysupercleancolorfulpinkredgreen orangeapplebananapearwatermelonstrawberry inonundernear Lookandsay 读一读说一说 描述网友发的游戏截图 Theroomisreally Thereisa an onthefloor It s Thereisa an intheroom It s Wow how 15 Thisroomisreally Thereisa an Thereisa an Wow how WordBoxbignicecoolprettysupercleancolorfulpinkredgreen orangeapplebananapearwatermelonstrawberry inonundernear Ler sdecorate 先装饰房间 然后再进行描述 16 Listenandchoose 听音选择哪个房间是公主最喜爱的房间 A B C D 17 MyFavouriteRoomThisismyfavouriteroom Theroomisreallynice Look Thewallispink Thefloorispink too Thereisastrawberrybedintheroom It sred Thereisawatermelonsofaonthefloor It sgreenandred Wow hownice Let sread 18 19 Let swrite 四人小组合作 MyFavouriteRoomThisismyfavouriteroom Theroomisreally Look Thereisa It s Thereisa It s My ishere Wow how WordBoxbignicecoolprettycleansupercolorfulgreenredpink bedsofadesktablefridgephototoybookflowerfootballyoyo inonundernear Tips 先在脑海中描绘好自己最爱的房间 然后拿自己的房间图写一写 再交换检查书写 最后再请一位同学来介绍 20 Readthetalkaftertheclass Drawyourfavouriteroom 画出自己最喜爱的房间 3 Shareyourfavouriteroomwithyourparents 和你的父母分享你的房间 Homework 21 Lookandsay 读一读说一说 描述网友发的游戏截图 Theroomisreally Thereisa an onthefloor It s Thereisa an intheroom It s Wow how sweet watermelonsofa orange strawberrybed red sweet 22 in on near Let schant Thecatishereunderthechair Thecatisherenearthephone Thecatishereonthebed under The isherein on under nearthe The isherein on under nearthe 23 Listenandtick 听一听 勾一勾 Zhangpeng的房间里还有什么 What sintheZhangPeng sroom Thereisa 24 Let swrite Groupwork Talkaboutyourfavouriteroom 先拿自己的房间图写一写 然后交换检查书写 再请一位同学来介绍 MyFavouriteRoomThisismyfavouriteroom Theroomisreally Look Thereisa It s Thereisa It s My ishere Wow how WordBoxbignicecoolprettycleansupercolorfulgreenredpink bedsofadesktablefridgephotopicturetoybookplantflowerfootballbikeyoyo inonundernear 25 photo crayon toy MissLin整理好的房间 26 Thecatintheroom A B D C 27 Thereisabookonthetable A Tips 两人合作 请划去不正确的选项 B C D 28 Thereisabookonthetable Thereisabagunderthechair Clue 线索 A B C Thereisabookonthetable Thereisabagunderthechair 29 Thereisabookonthetable Thereisabagunderthechair Thereisapictureonthewall A C 30 in on near Let schant Thecatishereunderthechair Thecatisherenearthephone Thecatishereonthebed under 31 32 Really Istherea an Listenandfindthefurniture 听音找出家具 Isthereacomputer No thereisn t Isthereashelf Yes thereis Isthereapicture Yes thereis Wow thankyou 33 Hey youhaveaniceroom now Istherea an Decoratetheroom 请选择五件物品装饰房屋 34 Hey youhaveaniceroom now Istherea an Decoratetheroom 请选择五件物品装饰房屋 35 Let splay 甜蜜水果屋 36 Lookandsay 读一读说一说 描述网友发的游戏截图 Thisroomisreallynice Thereisanapplebedonthefloor It sred Thereisanorangesofaintheroom It sorange Wow hownice 37 Lookandsay 读一读说一说 描述网友发的游戏截图 Thisroomisreally Thereisa an onthefloor It s Thereisa an intheroom It s Wow how sweet orangesofa orange strawberrybed red sweet 38 Chooseandsay 任意选择一幅截图 用以下句型进行描述 可以有所拓展哦 Thisroomisreally Thereisa an Wow how 39 Theroomis Thereare Thereis Wow how Whatkindofroomsdoyoulike Talkinagroupoffour 40 My RoomThisroomisreally Thereisa It s Thereisa It s My ishere Wow how Let swrite Groupwork Talkaboutyourdreamroom 先拿自己的房间图写一写 然后交换检查书写 再请一位同学来介绍 最后一句自由发挥 41 网友发的游戏截图 42 Q2 Whereisthecomputer Q1 IsZhangPeng sroomnice Yes itis It sonthedesk Listenandanswer 听一听 回答问题 43 Listenandtick 听一听 勾一勾 Zhangpeng的房间里还有什么 What sintheZhangPeng sroom Thereisa 44 D C B A 1 2 3 4 Readandmatch 根据短文 把图片和句子连线配对好 45 KikiandMimiaregoodfriends Kikilikesreadingbooks and MimilikeswatchingTV dancingand Theylikepainting abroomand playingtheviolin collectingstamps makingkites riding diving Let swrite 根据选出的图片 在横线上填写短语 注意一线格的书写格式 46 Pairwork Talkandcircle What syourhobby Ilike ing A B 1 圈出自己的爱好 2 询问好友的爱好 根据回答划出相应短语 47 Mimiismyfriend Helikesmakingkites ButIlikecollectingstamps Helikesdiving AndIlikediving too Wearehappy happyfriends by Kiki Happyfriends 48 Nana把动物园拍的照片做成了盲文 送给Momo It abigbody is is has Momo Momo It sabear It fat It brown 49 50 Momo加了一页照片书 你猜写了什么 Lookatthe Itis Ithas Iyou Nana mouse small asmallhead short alongtail 51 52 Let sact Sarah Yourroomisreallynice ZhangPeng Thanks Mike Thereisabigbed ZhangPeng Yes Ilikemybed Mike Thereisanicephoto too Sarah Wow Youlookcool ZhangPeng Thankyou Hey mycomputerishereonthedesk Let splay Let smakeadialogue Mike Thereisa ZhangPeng Yes Ilikemy Mike Thereisa Sarah Wow 53 in on near Let schant Thecatishereunderthechair Thecatisherenearthephone Thecatishereonthebed The isherein on under nearthe The isherein on under nearthe under 54 Thisroomisreallynice Thereisanapplebedonthefloor It sred Thereisanorangesofaintheroom It scute Wow hownice Thisroomisreally Thereisastrawberry onthefloor It s Thereisawatermelon intheroom It s Wow hownice 55 Theroomisreallysweet Thereisagreendeskintheroom Thereisabigcakeonthefloor Wow howsweet 56 Theroomisreally Thereis everywhere Thereis onthebed Wow how cool balls afootball cool 57 Theroomisreally Thereis Thereis Wow how cool nice horseseverywhere nice atoyhorseonthebed 58 Therearemanytoysintheroom 59 Thereisaclockonthewall 60 Therearepicturesonthefloor 61 Theroomis Thereisa Thereisa Wow how Whatkindofroomsdoyoulike Talkinagroupoffour 62 Thereisacomputeronthedesk 63 Thereisabigcakeintheroom 64 playcomputer 65 66 What sinyourroom Therejsa inmy makeabirthdaycard 做生日贺卡 Tips 通过视频选择 在相应圈中打勾 并和同桌校对 一共有6个哦 67 Really Istherea an Listenandfindthefurniture 听音找出家具 Isthereacomputer No thereisn t Isthereashelf Yes thereis Isthereapicture Yes thereis Wow thankyou 68 Hey youhaveaniceroom now Istherea an Decoratetheroom 请选择五件物品装饰房屋 69 Hey youhaveaniceroom now Istherea an Decoratetheroom 请选择五件物品装饰房屋 70 Wherethereislove thereishappiness 有爱的地方 就会有快乐 71 72 Differences 不同点 InpictureB thereis InpictureA thereis Oh No Iseeamousebehindmycomputer WhichisMrJones room Listenandtick 73 74 Whatabighouse Ilikeit 75 Noway Noway Go Go Ha Ha I mtyphoon 台风 I mstrong 76 Oh no please Myroom Letmehelpyou Thisisaroomforyou Thereis Thereare 77 Thankyousomuch You rewelcome 78 Readthedialoguebyyourself 自由读 Recitethedialogue 背诵 3 MakeupanewstoryandactitinFour 4人小组新编故事并表演 Homework 79 1 朗读课文P34 2 尝试运用所学方位介词描述公园的或者教室的一角 并简单的画出来 80 Homework 1 熟读P32对话 2 阅读P37的storytime 附加分作业 3 背P32对话 4 了解家人的生日或名人的生日 81 82 HomeworkReadthepassageafterthetapetwice Makeyourwritingbetter 83 Homework Shareyourdifferenthappinesswithyourfriends 用今天学到的语言和朋友分享你的快乐 Enjoyyourlives 开开心心每一天 84 PEP5Unit5Alet stalk 泗溪镇小林海明 85 Thereis in on under nearthe Tips 如果方位是正确的 就说bingo 如果方位是不正确的就说Ahoh 86 Let sread 看图 读词 bedroom study livingroom kitchen bathroom 87 Let sread 看图 读词 new nice cute super cool old big long new 88 picture photo crayon 89 Listenandchoose 听一听 选一选 Invitationcards 邀请函 We llhaveanEnglishpartynextTuesday 90 Let srepeat 模仿 跟读 注意升降调 Sarah Yourroomisreallynice ZhangPeng Thanks Mike Thereisabigbed ZhangPeng Yes Ilikemybed Mike Thereisanicephoto too Sarah Wow Youlookcool ZhangPeng Thankyou Hey mycomputerishereonthedesk Let splay Choosetherightpicture 他们讲的是哪个房间 91 Listenandchoose 听一听 选择 Thisismy B A C D 92 Sayitaloudifitistrue 93 photo phone bag sofa computer Thereisacatinthebedroom Thereisa in on under near the chair 94 Isay yousay说说同类词 95 fridgephonebedlightsofadeskchair bedroomlivingroomkitchenstudybathroom coolnicewarmprettylovelycleanbig rooms Furniture 家具 Adj 形容词 96 anEnglishclass football thedesk BrainStorm 97 Readandclassify 1 自己试着读一读以下词组2 不会读的可以请教同学或老师3 讨论如何将这些词组进行分类 haveanEnglishclass dohomework listentomusic dothedishes goswimming climbmountains gofishing doanexperiment cookthemeals flykites haveanartclass washtheclothes cleantheroom readbooks sweepthefloor writeareport 98 99 100 101 102 103 A B C Thereisabookonthetable Thereisabagunderthechair 104 105 Readandchoose 读一读选一选 106


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