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Unit4IhaveapenpalPartBReadandwrite 1 2 Task3 Let spractice doeswordpuzzles cooksChinesefood studiesChinese goeshiking 3 Let sread A comeandseemynewpenpal HisnameisJohn too B Really DoesheliveinChina too A No hedoesn t HelivesinAustralia buthestudiesChinese does 动词原形like 动词ing 4 Let scheck A comeand mynewpenpal HisnameisJohn too B Really Doeshe inChina too A No he He inAustrlia buthe Chinese studies see live lives doesn t 5 Helikesreadingstories doingkungfuandswimming Healsolikessinging 6 WhatarePeter s Helikes Helivesona Sosometimeshe stothecows That sinteresting Helikes and Really Metoo Healsolikes Oh youlikesinging too Yes I mgoingtoteachhimtheChinesesong hobbies readingstories farm read doingkungfu swimming singing JasmineFlower Goodidea Readandimitate 7 Peter的爱好是什么 他喜欢读故事 他住在农场 因此有时他读给奶牛 那太有趣了 他喜欢练功夫和游泳 真的吗 我也是 他也喜欢唱歌 哦 你也喜欢唱歌 是的 我打算教给他中文歌 茉莉花 好主意 Let stalk Whatarepeter shobbies Helikesreadingstories Helivesonafarm Sosometimeshereadstothecows That sinteresting Helikesdoingkungfuandswimming Really Me too Healsolikessinging Oh youlikesinging too Yes I mgoingtoteachhimtheChinesesongs JasmineFlower Goodidea 8 PartBlet stalk 9 J 嘿 一凡 你正在做什么 W 我正在给我的在澳大利亚的新笔友写电子邮件 J 他住在悉尼吗 不 他不 他住在堪培拉 他的名字也叫John J 真的吗 他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗 W 是的 他喜欢 J 真神奇 我也喜欢那些 我也能成为他的笔友吗 W 当然可以 为什么不呢 J 酷 Hey Yifan Whatareyoudoing I mwritingane mailtomynewpenpalinAustralia DoesheliveinSydney No hedoesn t HelivesinCanberra HisnameisJohn too Really Doeshelikedoingwordpuzzlesandgoinghiking Yes hedoes Amazing Ilikethosetoo CanIalsobehispenpal Sure Whynot Cool 10 Task1 Talkaboutyourhobbiesandyourpartners hobbies dancing singing playingsports climbingmountains listeningtomusic watchingTV playingthepiano drawingcartoons readingstories playingfootball doingkungfu 用这些短语来完成下列表格 Ilike Mypartnerlikes 11 Ilike Ilike Ilike Ilike XXXlikes XXXlikes XXXlikes XXXlikes 12 Doyouwanttojoinintheclubs WhyorWhynot Yes Ido No Idon t IwanttojointheEnglishclub cartoonclub BecauseIlikeEnglish cartoons Task2 俱乐部 13 club 俱乐部 14 15 16 17 NoticeBoard ad 广告 布告栏 告示牌 information信息 18 Shallwedance ThereisadanceclassonSundayat1p m Ilikedancing andIneedapartner CallAmy 3345567 NOTICEBOARD 19 Name AmyClass classTime Hobby dancingNeed Tel Shallwedance ThereisadanceclassonSundayat1p m Ilikedancing andIneedapartner CallAmy 3345567 dance onSundayat1p m apartner 3345567 20 Goal Goal Goal WhatdoyoudoonSundays Joinourfootballclub Seeyouontheplayground john NOTICEBOARD 21 Name Club footballclubTime Place ontheplaygroundEmail Goal Goal Goal WhatdoyoudoonSundays Joinourfootballclub Seeyouontheplayground john John onSundays john 22 Let sreadtogether Whatisyourhobby Doyoulikereading Ihavegreatbooks Wecanshare CallMike 4435678 NOTICEBOARD 23 Name Hobby Share greatbooksTel Let sreadtogether Whatisyourhobby Doyoulikereading Ihavegreatbooks Wecanshare CallMike 4435678 Mike reading 4435678 24 NOTICEBOARD ScienceClub YOURclub Doyouwanttolearnaboutrobots Cometothescienceroom MeetRobin Heteachesstudentstomakerobots robin 25 Name Club Learnabout robotsHobby ScienceTeachesstudents Place 地点 ScienceClub YOURclub Doyouwanttolearnaboutrobots Cometothescienceroom MeetRobin Heteachesstudentstomakerobots robin Robin ScienceClub tomakerobots scienceroom 26 27 Listen answerandwrite 1 Dothefourpeopleinthetextwantpenpals 2 Listenanddo Amy sphonenumberis a 3345678b 3455567c 3345567 Task4 No theydon t C 28 WhatisJohn sEmailaddress It s Mike sphonenumberis Whoteachesstudentstomakerobots John P 4435678 Robin 29 3 Howmanyhobbiescanyoufindinthetext Writethemdown Amylikes John Mike Robin dancing likesplayingfootball likesreading likesmakingrobots 30 我们跳舞好吗 Shallwedance adanceclass onSunday at1p m likedancing needapartner 一堂舞蹈课 在星期日 在下午1点 喜欢跳舞 需要一位搭档 noticeboard 公告栏布告牌 31 在每个星期天 onSundays Joinourfootballclub Seeyouontheplayground goal 加入我们的足球俱乐部吧 在操场见 射门 32 让我们一起阅读吧 Let sreadtogether yourhobby likereading greatbooks Wecanshare 你的爱好 喜欢阅读 好书 名著 我们共享吧 33 科学俱乐部 ScienceClub wanttolearnaboutrobots Cometothescienceroom meetRobin teachstudenttomakerobots 想了解机器人 到科学室来 与罗宾见面 教学生做机器人 34 talks cooks makes does 35 让我们一起烹饪吧 Let scook wanttocook Joinus differentpeople teachdifferentthings 想烹饪 加入我们吧 不同的人 教不同的事 交流有关巧克力的内容 talkaboutchocolates makesalad dothedishes Don tworry 做沙拉 洗碗碟 不要担心 Inthediningroom 在餐厅 36 助人为乐 Sarah gohiking Dongfangnaturepark at1 00P M ChenJie readstories readingroom alltheafternoononSaturdays Doyoulivein Doyoulike Ifyoudo join Cometothe at Seeyou 37 Conclusion 请同学们齐读课文一遍 38 1 There be adanceclassonSunday 2 Ilike dance 3 Amy need apartner 4 Join we footballclub 5 seeyouontheplayground 否定句 7 Wecan share 8 He teach studentstomakerobots 按所给单词正确形式填空 dancing is needs our has share teaches Don t 当堂训练 39 从以下模板中选出你喜欢的一组 仿照模板 四人一组 完成属于你自己的广告词 看谁写的又快又好 Shallwe Thereisa classon at Ilike andIneedapartner Call Whatdoyoudoon Joinour club Seeyou Let s together Whatisyourhobby Doyoulike Ihave Wecanshare Call 40 Thankyou 41


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