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Unit4Ihaveapenpal PartALet stalk 1 swimmingsinginglisteningtomusicwatchingTVplayingchessplayingfootballplayingthepipaclimbingmountains Teamwork askandansweronebyone 活动1 小组合作 句子接龙 Whatareyourhobbies Ilike and 2 3 TheyareinNewZealandnow Theyliveonafarm Whataretheir 他们的 hobbies 4 Theylikeplayingfootballandgoingboating Whataretheirhobbies 5 Whatarehishobbies Helikessinginganddancing 6 Shelikesswimming WhatareDuoduo shobbies 7 Helikessinging WhatareJoe shobbies 8 CaoGeisgoingtoteachhimtheChinesesong JasmineFlower 茉莉花 教 9 Whatishishobby HelikesreadingstoriestoFeynman readingstoriestothecows That sinteresting 有趣的 10 Whatare shobbies He Shelikes and Feynman Feynman 多多 多多 杨阳洋 杨阳洋 11 like likes 第三人称单数形式 I singinganddancing You swimmingandreadingbooks We playingfootball He She It doingkungfu They runningandshopping like like like like likes 一般现在时 主语是三单 动词用三单形式 主语是非三单 动词用原形 12 TheyhaveagoodtimeinNewZealand 13 Ilikewritingemails Ihaveapenpal hisnameisPeter HeisfromNewZealand too Helivesonafarm 新西兰 居住 笔友 14 LisenandthenwriteTorF 活动2 听录音 判断对错 Peterlikesbasketball Peterisn ttall T F 15 WhatarePeter shobbies Peterlikes Watchthevideo thenfinishthemindmap 活动3 看录像 完成思维导图 16 What sPeter shobbies readingstories swimming singing Peterlikes readstothecows teachhimtheChinesesong JasmineFlower doingkungfu 17 WhatareZhangPeng shobbies WhatisZhangPenggoingtodo Helikessinging HeisgoingtoteachPetertheChinesesong JasmineFlower 18 Oliver WhatarePeter shobbies ZhangPeng Helikesreadingstories Helivesonafarm sosometimeshereadstothecows Oliver That sinteresting ZhangPeng Helikesdoingkungfuandswimming Oliver Really Metoo ZhangPeng Healsolikessinging Oliver Oh youlikesinging too ZhangPeng Yes I mgoingtoteachhimtheChinesesong JasmineFlower Oliver Goodidea Teamwork readingroups活动4 小组合作 用自己喜欢的方式朗读课文 19 Whatare hobbies Helikes Helives so Helikes and Healsolikes I mgoingto Retell 复述 20 Singing singing Peterlikessinging Dancing dancing Peterlikesdancing Swimming swimming Peterlikesswimming Doing doing Peterlikesdoingkungfu Reading reading Peterlikesreadingstories Let schant 21 Talkaboutyourbestfriend shobbies 活动5 两人一组 创编对话 谈论自己的朋友 22 Friendshipisimportant 友谊很重要 Afriendinneedisafriendindeed 患难见真交 Weshouldhelpeachotherandsharewitheachother 我们应该互相帮助和分享彼此 23 MyFamily sHobbies 24 Ihaveahappyfamily Thereare4peopleinmyFamily Look Thisismyfather helikes and That sinteresting Mymotherlikes and Mysisterlikes and Ilike and Ilovemyfamily Tellsomethingaboutthehobbiesinyourfamily 活动6 小组合作 互相介绍家庭成员的爱好 25 一 选择填空 1 Amy playingthepiano A likesB likeC islike 2 They likeplayingchess A tooB alsoC either 3 Ilive afarm A withB inC on 4 I mgoingtoteach theChinesesong A sheB herC his 5 you footballthisafternoon A Do playB Are playingC Are goingtoplay A B C B C Exercises 26 二 结合句子 写出单词 1 Ilike 看 comicbooks 2 跳舞 ismymother shobby 3 Cantheboy 打 kungfunow 三 连词成句John s what hobbies are thecows sometimes also reads to he reading Dancing do WhatareJohn shobbies Sometimeshealsoreadstothecows 27 Homework 1 Listenandreadthedialoguefluently 听录音读通对话 Writesomethingaboutyourbestfriend Lookformorephrasesabouthobbies 选做 28 GOODBYE 29

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