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3.8妇女节英语演讲稿:扬民族精神展巾帼风采Girlish bold and unrestrained untamed, carrying a female who say not to close the hou qiu jin, in weathered the feudal arranged marriage brings various unhappy and pain after, have been strongly opposed to the habits of the rich male, fighting for equality between men and women struggle and courageously. From rich, can write poetry to write lyrics, horse riding, fencing, make great dance gun, admire hua mu LAN, etc NvJie, aspired to be a heroine. 1896 years (guangxu twenty-two years) in accordance with the order of the parents to marry xiangtan rich gentry WangTingJun sons. 1900 years twice before and after Peking, where corruption and national crisis witnessed marked hard, hence made life and death for the face with dedicated volunteers of saving the country. Her breakthrough family resistance to Japan trip abroad. And the element of Chen Finn established total love will, and LiuDaoYi organizations, such as the ten people will, all with the clear for the purpose. In autumn 1904, qiu jin founded in Tokyo in the vernacular Chinese newspaper, preaching to overthrow the qing government, advocating womens equality. In the spring of 1905 back to Shanghai, in shaoxing guangfu to join. In 1906, in Shanghai organization RuiJin society, the founder of the Chinese women newspaper, propaganda womens liberation, advocate democracy revolution. In early 1907 to replace xuxiLin presided over jpmorgan chase school in shaoxing, zhejiang province contact person and HuiDang members revolution, the organization of the recovery army, zhejiang and anhui and xuxiLin planning uprising. On July 6 xuxiLin in anqing hasty QiShi, arrested were killed, and the Shengxian, zhejiang wuyi, jinhua, Lanxi etc in the recovery army in late, also have failed. Qiu jin was arrested firmness and unyielding, mere porch pavilion mouth went generous ability, was only 32 years old. In 1939, zhou enlai captioned: dont forget Nvxia jianhu laake, at the heritage for the more I honor the daughter.如今,中国民主革命时期杰出的女革命家、中国近代妇女解放运动的先驱秋瑾的汉白玉全身塑像矗立在西泠桥畔的青山碧水间,受到人们的瞻仰和纪念。Today, Chinas democratic revolution period of outstanding woman revolutionary, Chinese modern womens liberation movement of the pioneer of the whole body-qiu jin white marble statue stands of xileng bridge between the Banks of the castle peak green, by the people and the memorial to behold.朋友们,冰冻三尺非一日之寒。去年夏天,传遍华夏大地的任长霞大姐的事迹,我想你们一定记忆犹新。Friends, Rome wasnt built in a day cold. Last summer, throughout all the earth RenChangxia of Chinese the deeds of the elder sister, I think you must remember.XX年4月,任长霞走进了登封,成了登封历史上第一位女公安局局长。任长霞用她的“敬业、爱民、忠诚、奉献”的崇高品德和伟大人格,撑起了登封一片晴朗的天空!In April, XX, RenChangxia into the dengfeng, became the first woman to history dengfeng public security bureau chief. RenChangxia with her devotion, loyalty, dedication, and people, lofty moral character and great personality, hold up the dengfeng experience a stretch of clear sky!由于许多大案要案的久积难破,登封警察的行风历年来在民意调查中一直处于倒数第一。任长霞上任后,一边紧锣密鼓破案,一边“抓警风,严警纪,树形象”。任长霞铁面无私,先后开除了15名违纪警察。15名数字不算大,可这里面包含着多少个斗争多少次较量啊:求情的,送礼的,施压的,威胁恫吓的,软硬兼施的,任长霞没有妥协没有退缩,她心里装着的只有“人民公安”四个大字。为了彻底扭转警察在人民心目中的形象,任长霞经常夜半人静,驱车到各乡镇派出所查岗,盯着表报案,看闻警后派出所的动静。如果在相庆时间里赶不到现场,她就坚决追究所长责任,严重的撤职查办,毫不留情。Because many of the big long product hard to break helps them solve serious, the enhancement of the outside the police in polls over the bottom has been at first. RenChangxia shortly after taking office, while being crimes, side catch JingFeng strictly, JingJi, tree image. RenChangxia impartial, has fired 15 police discipline. 15 digital is not big, but it contains many struggle between how much time! : the pleading, gift giving, pressure, to threaten, a carrot and stick approach, RenChangxia no promise not shrink back, her heart in containing only peoples public security four big word. In order to pletely reverse the police in peoples idea of the image, RenChangxia often be midnight, drove to theZhaGang township police station, staring at the table to, look at the police station after smell police action. If a time in the phase out less than the scene, she shall be investigated for director responsibility firmly, serious removed investigation, and not spare.。第 4 页 共 4 页


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