(江苏专用)2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Fit for life练习(含解析)牛津译林版选修7.doc

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选修七 Unit 2 Fit for life检测评价A卷.单项填空1(2019镇江模拟)I will go on a diet tomorrow._.Youve said that over a million times.ATake your timeBI dont enjoy myselfCBeg your pardon DI dont buy it解析:选D句意:“我明天开始节食。”“我才不信呢。你已经说了几百万次了。”take your time“慢慢来”;I dont enjoy myself “我玩得不开心”;beg your pardon“请再说一遍”;I dont buy it “我不吃这套”。由over a million times可知选D。2People are _ shoppers in China on November 11th,contributing to more than 1,207 billion yuan online shopping sales.Apotential BenthusiasticCintelligent Dtemporary解析:选B句意:在中国,11月11日人们都是热情的购物者,网上购物达到1 207亿元营业额。由句意可知营业额增加了,人们应该是热衷于购物,所以选B。3As we all know, independence is very _ for youngsters because sooner or later they will leave their families and live alone.Avital BaccurateCflexible Dplex解析:选A句意:我们都知道,青少年独立是非常必要的,因为他们迟早会离开他们的家去独自生活。vital“至关重要的”,符合句意。accurate“精确的”;flexible“灵活的”;plex“复杂的,难懂的”。4In the past several weeks, many cities in Northern China _ from heavy fogs, causing great inconvenience to people.Asuffered Bhave been sufferingCwere suffered Dhad been suffered解析:选B考查动词的时态和语态。句意:在过去的几个星期里,中国北方的许多城市一直受到浓雾天气困扰,给人们带来了极大的不便。由“In the past several weeks”可知,此处应用现在完成进行时,表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在,可能还要继续下去,且many cities与suffer之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故B项正确。5John has put on so much weight recently that his mother has to _ all his trousers to his measure.Alet out Bgive awayCbring in Dmake up解析:选A句意:约翰最近长胖了这么多,以致他母亲不得不按照他的尺寸把他的裤子加肥。let out意为“加宽”,符合句意。6The meeting was related _ reforms and everyone present was concerned _ their own interests.Afor; about Bto; forCwith; with Dto; with解析:选B句意:这个会议与改革有关,与会的每个人都关心自己的利益。be related to .“与有关”; be concerned for/about .“关心”。7_ I believe in you, I dont _ your viewpoint _ she is failing to find a wellpaid job again.AWhen; subscribe to; whichBAs; subscribe for; whereCIf; apply for; /DWhile; subscribe to; that解析:选D句意:尽管我相信你,但是我不同意你的观点,即她不会再找到一份薪水不错的工作。前后两个句子在逻辑上构成转折,有让步含义,故用while“尽管”,引导让步状语从句; subscribe to“同意,赞成”; that在viewpoint后引导同位语从句,不充当语法成分,但也不能省略。8(2019苏锡常镇模拟)You are no longer a child. Its time for you to _ differences with your parents.Aupset BsettleCignore Dsolve解析:选B句意:你已经不再是一个孩子了。到了你和父母解决分歧的时候了。upset“使不安;使心烦”;settle“解决”;ignore“忽略”;solve“解决”。settle与solve都可表示解决,但是solve主要指找出解决问题的办法,常见搭配solve a problem (a puzzle)等;settle指解决争议、争端,使意见统一,常见搭配settle an argument (a dispute)等。9There are some warnings in some countries _ over exploitation of underground water has caused the decline of wetland and increase of desertification.Awhich BwhereCwhat Dthat解析:选D句意:在一些国家有很多警告,过分的开采地下水已经导致湿地的减少和沙漠化的增加。空后是同位语,说明warnings的内容,因为同位语从句的成分和意思都是完整的,用that连接,that不作成分,只起到连接的作用,但是也不能省略,选D项。10To be honest, the first time I saw him, I _ that he was my former friend.Ahavent recognized Bdidnt recognizeChadnt recognized Dcant recognize解析:选B句意:坦诚地说,我第一次见到他的时候,没有认出他是我以前的同学。从saw,was以及语境可知,这里描述的是过去的动作,所以用一般过去时。11One has reason to believe anticorruption of Chinese government over the past few years, _, inspiring progress.Atough as it is Bas tough as it isCso tough it is Das it is tough解析:选A句意:人们有理由相信,尽管过去几年中国政府的反腐很困难,但还是取得了令人振奋的进步。as 表“尽管”,句子形式上要用倒装,把名词、形容词、动词原形或副词提至句首。12(2019南通模拟)After that, he knew he could _ any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.Aget away with Bget on withCget through Dget across解析:选C考查动词短语辨析。句意:在此之后,他知道只要自己尽全力就能成功应对一切紧急事件。get through“度过(艰难等)”,符合句意。get away with“偷走;免受惩罚”;get on with“与相处”;get across“被传达;被理解”。13Nowadays, more and more young ladies, _ figures most are fine enough, are going on a diet.Awho BwhoseCof whose Dof whom解析:选C句意:如今,越来越多的年轻女子,尽管大部分体形足够好,但是却在减肥。whose 指代ladies,修饰figures,也可以是most of whose figures。14(2019扬州模拟) Quite a few graduates cannot find jobs the moment they graduate. The situation will not change much _ the government makes more efforts.Aif BwhenCunless Dsince解析:选C句意:相当一部分毕业生毕业时无法找到工作。这种状况不会有太大改变,除非政府做出更多努力。unless“除非,如果不”,符合句意。15(2019江苏四校联考)Painting from still images leads to a loss of sensibility, which is _ to an artist.Aabsolute BurgentCspecial Dvital解析:选D句意:用静止的形象作画会导致敏感性的丧失,这对一个艺术家来说至关重要。vital“对是极其重要的”,符合句意。absolute“绝对的”;urgent“紧急的”;special“特殊的”。.完形填空Online education may sound pretty good. However, there can be considerable _1_ for some students.Some online programs give you the chance to use an instant messenger or Skype to _2_ in real time with your professors. But these conversations have to be _3_ and are usually _4_ pared to the daily facetoface interactions (交流) youll have in a(n) _5_ classroom. If youre a student who _6_ large lecture courses, then this may not _7_ much to you. But if youre the kind of student who prefers smaller lecture courses and likes to _8_ a lot of questions, then you may find yourself _9_ without these chances.Since youre not studying in a traditional classroom, youll also _10_ having facetoface munication with other students. This can make you _11_ important networking chances for your future career (职业), _12_ basic social interactions. _13_ you hope to make new friends or find future business partners in school, consider taking at least a couple of your _14_ in school.Most online programs keep their technology instructions _15_ on purpose: a word processing program, a PDF reader, a puter and Internet connection, which most students can use. But these basic requirements _16_ the fact that most online education programs _17_ students to deal with plex virtual (虚拟的) learning environments. For skilled puter _18_, this is no problem. _19_, if you often find yourself struggling with the digital age, this can make you feel less _20_ about pleting your coursework.语篇解读:本文是说明文。网络教学听起来相当不错。然而,对于一些学生来说,网络教学也存在一些不足之处。1A.requirementsBdisadvantagesCregulations Dembarrassments解析:选B根据However可知,本句内容与上句之间存在转折关系,所以指的是缺点。2A.research BexerciseCplay Dchat解析:选D根据该空后的“But these conversations”可知,网络教学是学生与授课者通过一些软件进行即时交谈的方式来实现的。3A.scheduled BcontinuedCrecorded Dinterrupted解析:选A根据上一句可知,这些交谈必须是安排好的。4A.formal BrareCeasy Dprivate解析:选B根据该空后内容可知,此处是将网上的课堂交流与传统的课堂交流相比较,故网上的课堂交流会比较少。5A.traditional BpublicCadvanced Dlarge解析:选A根据该空前的“facetoface interactions”可知,此处指的是传统课堂。6A.pletes BadmiresCexperiences Dprefers解析:选D由下文中的“But if youre the kind of student who prefers”可知答案。7A.mean BreferCmatter Doccur解析:选C由语境可知,如果你喜欢规模庞大的授课方式,这(指上文提到的网络教学的定时以及课时少的特点)对你来说没有什么两样。8A.face BanswerCcreate Dask解析:选D但如果你喜欢小型讨论,而且喜欢提问题,那么你就会发现网络教学让你感到很痛苦,因为网络教学没有给你提供这样的机会。9A.struggling BhesitatingCstopping Descaping解析:选A根据该空所在句开头的But可知,该句内容与上句存在转折关系,故此处指的是没有这样的机会,你会感到很痛苦。10A.appreciate BriskCenjoy Dmiss解析:选D既然你不在传统课堂上学习,你就失去了与其他同学互动的机会。 11A.give BloseCignore Drefuse解析:选B不能与其他同学互动,你就会失去你将来的职业生涯所需要的人际网和基本的人际交流。12A.with regard to Bin place ofCas well as Don account of解析:选Cfuture career和basic social interactions之间是并列关系。13A.Although BIfCSince DWhen解析:选B如果你希望结交新朋友或者寻找商业伙伴,要至少在学校里学习几门功课。14A.decisions BexamsCcourses Dchances解析:选C参见上题解析。15A.expensive BfunnyChard Dsimple解析:选D根据冒号后的内容可知,很多网络教学软件操作简单。16A.hide BproveCexplain Drecognize解析:选A但这些基本要求掩盖了一个事实:多数网络教学要求学生应对一些复杂的虚拟学习环境。17A.help BrequireCallow Dremind解析:选B参见上题解析。18A.teachers BmakersCusers Drepairers解析:选C根据上句可知,此处指的是娴熟的计算机使用者。19A.However BOtherwiseCTherefore DMeanwhile解析:选A根据“this is no problem”和“struggling with the digital age”可知,应选However。20A.serious BnervousCconfident Dcareful解析:选C根据“if you often find yourself struggling with the digital age”可知,你会对完成课业没有信心。.任务型阅读(2019通、泰、扬、徐、淮、宿二模) Do People in Public Life Have a Right to Privacy?People, famous or not, have a right to privacy, which is a basic human right.Although some of them have voluntarily made themselves known to the world, they are still entitled to live a life without others following them all the time.However, we have to distinguish between famous people.Basically, there are those who were seeking a public life or at least knew to some extent what they were going into and those who were not.Politicians, athletes, actors, musicians and entertainers belong to the former.The latter are ordinary citizens who bee significant, because of their extraordinary experiences, for example, victims of crimes or tragedies, but also criminals.The number of ordinary citizens who receive their celebrity (名人) status unwillingly is quite big and the privacy of those people needs to be especially respected and maintained.Names, addresses or pictures that could lead to the identification of a person should never be made public.It is not of interest for the readers, and it usually does not make a difference for them, what the name of someone is, but for the one concerned publication of identity could mean embarrassment and harassment(骚扰)Suspected criminals, for instance, could lose their jobs, their families could break up or their whole lives could get destroyed, even when they are innocent.Apart from that, as soon as someone is well known, they are pursued and harassed by journalists demanding interviews.Also in cases where a family just had to experience the loss of a dear person, the press usually shows little respect for that.In the case of politicians or other powerful people, the right to privacy es into conflict with another right, the publics right to know.Therefore, the right to privacy of certain politicians sometimes has to be neglected to ensure a rightful running of the country.But do we need to get informed about everything there is?Actually, the position of politicians in the eye of the public is especially difficult to judge.On the one hand politicians use their happy family and home in campaigns; on the other hand, we know personal behaviors have nothing to do with petence in running a country and private details, even if pletely irrelevant, can still ruin careers.Sometimes only due to the intrusion (侵入) of privacy, corruption or similar crimes can be made public, but at the same time not everything in ones life is connected to ones office.When personal morality and family values are deliberately used by politicians as a reason for them to be elected, they have chosen to make it a public issue rather than a private one.This is a sad fact, but it does not justify intrusion of the personal lives of all politicians.A politician still is, like everyone else, entitled to privacy.Passage outlineSupporting detailsA basic rightPeople, famous or not, have a right to live a life with their privacy (1)_ by others.(2)_between famous peopleSome people such as politicians, athletes and so on seek a public life (3)_Some ordinary people bee famous just due to their special experiences.(4)_ of loss of privacy for ordinary celebrities Life for suspected criminals, even if innocent, might end up in (5)_Constant interviews will disturb the (6)_ of peoples life.The press will make people (7)_ more from the loss of a dear person.Analysis of privacy for politiciansCertain politicians right to privacy has to be neglected to (8)_ the publics right to know.Some politicians take (9)_ of their privacy in campaigns, placing it at risk.The intrusion of privacy helps (10)_ crimes among politicians.ConclusionWe should not invade the personal lives of politicians.答案:1.respected/maintained/protected2Difference(s)/Distinction(s)3voluntarily/actively/willingly/consciously/deliberately/intentionally4Consequences/Results/Harm5destruction/ruin/failure/tragedy/misery6peace/harmony/quietness/quiet7suffer8.ensure/guarantee9.advantage10disclose/uncover/expose/reveal检测评价B卷阅读理解AAbout the Portrait GalleryThe Scottish National Portrait Gallery is one of Edinburghs most extraordinary buildings a great red sandstone neogothic palace which sits proudly on the citys skyline. Following a dramatic threeyear redecoration, pleted in December 2011, the Gallery now offers 17 new displays. Each of these explores different aspects of the story of Scotland and her people.The BuildingThe Scottish National Portrait Gallery was designed by Sir Robert Rowand Anderson as a holy palace for Scotlands heroes and heroines. A detailed Arts and Crafts decorative scheme, both inside and out, with its glittering friezes, evocative murals and extensive sculptural embellishment, makes it a very special visitor experience.The CollectionThe Portrait Gallerys collection is an exceptional national resource of over 30,000 fascinating images containing a rich variety of media and including many internationally outstanding works of art. The portraits depict (刻画) the men and women whose lives and achievements helped shape Scotland and the wider world. The Gallery is also home to the NGSs outstanding collection of photographs which includes around 6,000 works by the early Scottish pioneers of the medium, Robert Adamson and David Octavius Hill as well as new works by leadingedge contemporary photographers.Visitor FacilitiesThe new Portrait Gallery cafe serves a delicious menu of fresh dishes and classic recipes, using the very best local ingredients and seasonal produce. Our new shop offers a fresh twist on designled gifts and souvenirs. The Gallery now has all the facilities which todays visitors expect, including a fantastic new lift, an Education suite and disabled access throughout the building.语篇解读:本文从建筑、藏品、游客设施等方面介绍了位于爱丁堡的苏格兰国家肖像画廊。1What do we learn about the Scottish National Portrait Gallery?AEvery display reflects Scotland.BIt is wellknown for its building.CThere are about 6,000 works in it.DIt has a paratively short history.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知,苏格兰国家肖像画廊是爱丁堡最非凡的建筑物之一。由此可见,苏格兰国家肖像画廊以其建筑而闻名。故选项B正确。2Its visitor facilities can be described as _.Arare and userfriendlyBcharacteristic and attractiveCmodern and allroundDbeneficial and conventional解析:选C推理判断题。根据第四段第三句可知,苏格兰国家肖像画廊拥有当今游客期望的所有设施,其中包括一台崭新的电梯,一个教育套件以及遍及整座建筑的残疾人无障碍设施。显然这些游客设施都是现代的、全面的。故选项C符合题意。B(2019苏锡常镇四市高三二调)Fun is hard to have.Fun is a rare jewel.Somewhere along the line people got the modern idea that fun was there for the asking, that people deserved fun, that if we didnt have a little fun every day, we would turn into puritans (清教徒)“Was it fun?” became the question that overshadowed all other questions. When the pleasure got to be the main thing, the fun fetish (迷恋) was sure to follow. Everything was supposed to be fun. If it wasnt fun, then we were going to make it fun, or else.Think of all the things that got the reputation of being fun. Family outings were supposed to be fun. Education was supposed to be fun. Work was supposed to be fun. Walt Disney, church and staying fit were supposed to be fun.Fun got to be such a big thing that everybody started to look for more and more thrilling ways to supply it. One way was to step up the level of danger so that you could be sure that, no matter what, you would manage to have a little fun.Big occasions were supposed to be fun, such as Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter. But we ended up going through every big event we ever celebrated, waiting for the fun to start. So I should tell you just in case youre worried about your fun capacity while you are sitting around waiting for the fun to start, that not much is. I dont mean to put a damper on things. I just mean we ought to treat_fun_reverently. It is a mystery. It cannot be caught like a virus. It cannot be trapped like an animal. When fun es in on little dancing feet, we probably wont be expecting it. In fact, I bet it es when were doing our duty, our job.I remember one day, long ago, on which I had an especially good time. Pam Davis and I, aged 12, walked into a store that morning to buy some candy. She got her BitOHoney. I got my malted milk balls, chocolate stars. Then we started back to her house. It was a long way to Pams house but every time we got weary, Pam would put her hand over her eyes, scan the horizon like a sailor and say, “We ought to reach home by nightfall,” at which point the two of us would laugh until we thought we couldnt stand it another minute. Then after we got calm, shed say it again. You should have been there. It was the kind of day and friendship and occasion that made me deeply regretful that I had to grow up.It is fun.3What does the author mainly want to talk about in this passage?AThe definition of fun.BThe importance of fun.CThe best way to find fun.DThe mon occasions to find fun.解析:选C主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述发现快乐的方法。故选C。4When the author tells us to “treat fun reverently”, she is encouraging us to _.Alook forward to having funBshow great respect for funChave fun less frequentlyDteach others how to have fun解析:选B推理判断题。根据第七段中的“It cannot be caught like a virus. It cannot be trapped like an animal.”可知,画线句子是指我们要从内心尊重自己可得到的快乐。5Who would benefit most from the article?AThose who have great fun in big occasions.BThose who prefer friendship to having fun.CThose who are worried about not having fun.DThose who regret having grown up.解析:选C推理判断题。根据第七段中的“So I should tell you just in case youre worried about your fun capacity while you are sitting around waiting for the fun to start, that not much is.”可知,文章适合给那些担心找不到快乐的人看。因此选C。CBacterial defenses of fungusfarming (培植真菌的) ants could help in medical battle against superbugs. Scientists have accurately pointed out a promising new source of antibiotics (抗生素): ants. They have found that some species including leafcutter ants from the Amazon use bacteria to defend their nests against invading (入侵的) fungi and microbes.Chemicals discharged by the bacteria in this fight have been shown to have particularly powerful antibiotic effects and researchers are now preparing to test them on animals to determine their potential as medicines for humans.Doctors say new antibiotics are urgently needed as superbugs resistance to standard antimicrobial agents (抗菌剂) spreads. More than 700,000 people globally now die of drugresistant infections each year, which is estimated, and some health officials say this figure could be even higher. The former UN SecretaryGeneral Ban Kimoon said antimicrobial resistance was now a fundamental danger to global health.This was repeated by Professor Cameron Currier, one of the scientists involved in the ant research.“Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem,” he said. “However, discovering new antibiotics by using the standard technique of sampling soil for bacteria is intractable. On average, only one in a million bacteria proves promising. By contrast, we have uncovered a promising type of bacteria for every 15 bacteria we have sampled from an ants nest.”Only a very specific group of ants are proving useful in this work, however. These are species that farm fungi in tropical regions in North and South America. “These ants search for plant material, which they bring back to their nests and feed to a fungus,” said Professor Jon Clardy. “The fungus breaks down the plant material and the ants feed on the fungus. ”The strategy (策略) evolved around 15 million years ago, and has proved highly successful. There are now more than 200 ant species that farm fungi. Most fungusfarming ants simply search for bits of old leaves or grass on the ground, however. A few, like leafcutter ants, cut leaves from trees and bring them back in pieces to their nest. “

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